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Perry Blew it, Romney leads, new gallop poll.

BTW, this poll doesn't actually tell us who Republicans will vote for in the primaries, nor who people will vote for in the election.

The media is trying to corral us into voting for either Perry or Romney, and I dont like it one bit.

These polls are a joke.

No one has even voted yet and they are deciding it for us. Just like they did with McCain

I don't know if it is ALL the fault of the media. Is it the media's fault that Ron Paul blamed us for 9/11 and got booed like crazy? Nope. Is it the media's fault that every time Michele Whackmann opens her mouth, a bag of stupid and lies falls out? Hell, she just denied having said exactly what she ON CAMERA a week earlier. Is that the media's fault? Nope. Is it the media's fault that Huntsman said Obama's a great guy? Nope.

However I would agree when it comes to Cain. He is my favorite by far and they won't give him the light of day. Also, even though Paul sticks his foot ankle-deep into his mouth sometimes, he's still solidly 3rd and what did he get? 5 minutes air time in the last debate? That's bs.
However I would agree when it comes to Cain. He is my favorite by far and they won't give him the light of day. Also, even though Paul sticks his foot ankle-deep into his mouth sometimes, he's still solidly 3rd and what did he get? 5 minutes air time in the last debate? That's bs.

If Ron Paul was not such a boob in sayinf 9/11 was our fault, and he was not such an idiot on national defense, he would get more play.

Saying 9/11 was our fault is like saying a girl deserves to be raped b/c she likes to wear short dresses and show her tits to everyone at Mardi Gras. Makes no sense to me.

Fiscally he is spot on though.
However I would agree when it comes to Cain. He is my favorite by far and they won't give him the light of day. Also, even though Paul sticks his foot ankle-deep into his mouth sometimes, he's still solidly 3rd and what did he get? 5 minutes air time in the last debate? That's bs.

If Ron Paul was not such a boob in saying 9/11 was our fault, and he was not such an idiot on national defense, he would get more play.

Saying 9/11 was our fault is like saying a girl deserves to be raped b/c she likes to wear short dresses and show her tits to everyone at Mardi Gras. Makes no sense to me.

Fiscally he is spot on though.
Ron Paul is wrong on foreign policy. He shot himself not only in the foot but the brain. He thinks Liberty sould be a sole American provence.
BTW, this poll doesn't actually tell us who Republicans will vote for in the primaries, nor who people will vote for in the election.

The media is trying to corral us into voting for either Perry or Romney, and I dont like it one bit.

These polls are a joke.

No one has even voted yet and they are deciding it for us. Just like they did with McCain

I'm not being corralled. I know who I'm rooting for. I'm watching with interest to see how it all plays out but I know who I want.

If someone like Huntsman or Johnson starts closing in on Romney that could make things interesting.

But Romney is who I am pulling for, with or without media support. I'm not going to turn against him just because some liberals call him the lesser of the evils. Being able to win independent votes is not a strike against him.

For me, Perry is too much like Huckabee, who was too much like a theocrat, without bringing any particular conservative governance skills to the table.

And Bachmann isn't even in the running. She shot her mouth off - and her foot off - too many times for me to take her seriously.

I'm like you I am going to watch this all play out and not jump on any candidates bank wagon--until I am certain that the candidate can beat Barack Obama. And that should be ALL OF OUR end goals. We really cannot afford Obama anymore.

So this race--with Perry on the skids is going to get a lot more interesting. Just be patient.
Is kevinthedog actually TM's new account? Or do we now have the pleasure of two wacko fringe puppets?

Just another troll on the ignore list.....

You're NOT on MY ignore. I really like your posts!!!!!! Unlike you, my brain can handle the idea some folks think differently than I do.:clap2:
To be candid, my ignore list is very short- it actually has nobody on it. :lol: I just skip over posts of people that I feel are trolling. You may or may not be a troll...time will tell. Your contribution to this thread has been less than impressive.

PS- I come here specifically to read other opinions.
BTW, this poll doesn't actually tell us who Republicans will vote for in the primaries, nor who people will vote for in the election.

62% support Romney I don't know how much clearer that could be considering this is a sampling of registered voters, not just republicans or independents but registered voters.

And no one knows what the outcome will be, but if you are a smart conservative and you actually want to WIN the general election it is something to pay attention to, because if you support a Perry, a Ron Paul, Newt, Santorim, Michelle, a Cain or Johnson or Huntsman, it may be likely that they can win the primary but they lose in the general election against Obama. And Obama gets 4 more years to really destroy our country and we are left in the ash heap of history just like Rome was.

It's important to be realistic and pragmatic, you will find something that you disagree with on any and all of these candidates. No one person can be in full agreeement with another 100% of the time, not even our spouses or our children, we can not expect that from our politicians or candidates, it won't happen. It is important to choose the BEST CONSERVATIVE who CAN WIN the GENERAL ELECTION and that is why it is important to look at all polls not just the GOP one because this poll tells you where the country is at and who they favor.

It's not just about us conservatives it's about those conservative fiscal independents who CONTROL the vote and the OUTCOME of elections in this country.
The 2012 Republican Candidate has yet to enter

They better hurry up and do it, because there is a deadline and I think it is Oct 11th of this year. I could be wrong but I don't think so, they have a filing and registration period and if they miss it they are out in the cold.
The 2012 Republican Candidate has yet to enter

They better hurry up and do it, because there is a deadline and I think it is Oct 11th of this year. I could be wrong but I don't think so, they have a filing and registration period and if they miss it they are out in the cold.

Plus, to me, if they have not done it by now, they are not serious contenders as they have missed 6 debates already. To me, it's an after thought and one they got pressured into making. Just like Perry, unprepared, no job's plan, no plan to reform entitlements, really nothing but a bunch of talking points and a web site. It's like the boxer who has not trained jumping in the ring with the heavy weight champion and taking it on the chin for a knock out punch in the first round. It took 3 rounds for Perry, but he is done now after defending the in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. But then again, he was talked into running and he certainly was unprepared and un-trained for the run.
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A fair question. I think the difference is that Texas is a pro-business state with a strong GOP majority in every major category and government agency. Massachusetts is the opposite:

Texas has a GOP House, GOP Senate, and no State income tax. Right to work, Low regulation.

Mass has a DEM house, DEM Senate, Highest state income tax in the country. Non "right to work, high regulation.

As much as "government" can "create" jobs (a dubious claim, to say the least) , I believe any Governor could have created/encouraged more jobs in Texas over the past decade. All they need to do is simply get the hell out of the way! Thousands of businesses fled to "low tax", "low regulation" , "right to work" Texas from other "high tax", "high regulation", "non right to work" states over the past 10 years. It's not that complicated.

PS- Perry is a horrible debater- if he continues to perform like he has in the first two- he won't be a factor anyway....his star is fading faster than the Dallas Cowboys in the fourth quarter......:lol:

I don't think it is productive to attack the other Republican Candidates. I'd take any of them over the dilettante that is stinking up the West Wing now.....

And yet Massachusetts currently has a lower unemployment rate than Texas. 7.4 to 8.5%...
More Voters Considering Romney Than Obama, Perry

Sixty-two percent would definitely vote for Romney or consider doing so
PRINCETON, NJ -- More registered voters say they would definitely vote for Mitt Romney or might consider doing so (62%) than say the same about his two main rivals in the 2012 presidential election, Democrat Barack Obama (54%) and Republican Rick Perry (53%).

Be pragmatic, vote and support the BEST CONSERVATIVE ( and here is the important part) who can WIN the general election. It's hand's down Mitt Romney.

The honeymoon is over for Rick Perry, just as it is for Obama.

Romney has a detailed job's plan that takes 4 hours just to scan, he supports Ryan's cut, cap and balance plan. He will repeal Obama care on day one if we win enough seats in the senate or he will issue a mandate for all states to stop implementation of Obama care on day one. He will repeal the Dodd/ Frank bill that has tied the hands of our lenders, stifling growth.

He has spent most of his life in the private sector and he HAS CREATED thousands of jobs.

He supports Reagan's stance on trade, he is a free trader but it has to be fair. Keep in mind that Reagan created 20 million new jobs and Romney is following his lead on this.

He has a dual degree from Harvard in Law and an MBA in BUSINESS.

And most importantly --- he is the candidate who will make Obama a one term President.

If electing a liberal is what this comes down too. Third party. Again.

Note that the guy with the little cartoon guns all over his identity is vowing third party.

You guys have a BIG problem if you go Romeny.

If you go Parry you also have a big problem.

If you go Paul you have a big problem.

If you go Bachman you have abig problem.

Face it your ideas are NOT liked well enough by the American people to get any one of your people elected.

Your Romeny types will have a third party challenger and things they said to try and win the tea party voters thrown in their faces.

You tea party people will flat have their own ideas thrown in their faces.

You are a party that couldnt get Bin Laden and ruined the emerging economy wth political gamesmanship on the debt ceiling.

spend spend spend away.

You cant cheat enough to win this one.

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