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Perry Blew it, Romney leads, new gallop poll.

More Voters Considering Romney Than Obama, Perry

Sixty-two percent would definitely vote for Romney or consider doing so
PRINCETON, NJ -- More registered voters say they would definitely vote for Mitt Romney or might consider doing so (62%) than say the same about his two main rivals in the 2012 presidential election, Democrat Barack Obama (54%) and Republican Rick Perry (53%).

Be pragmatic, vote and support the BEST CONSERVATIVE ( and here is the important part) who can WIN the general election. It's hand's down Mitt Romney.

That's 62% people that's a landslide win over Obama. Think, get your emotions out of it, this is business.

Once again, 18% of Republicans will not vote for a Mormon.

the GOP nominates the Android from Kolob, they're done.

Bullshit. Republicans will vote for the nominee. Period.

I won't. Romney's the nominee, I'm voting third party. And I'm an agnostic who despises Mormons. YOu want to see some real hate, talk to Evangelicals and Baptists.

BUt even if you get beyond Romney's batshit crazy religion, you have all the working folks he's stolen jobs from and sent to China. You have the bizarre statements like "Corporations are people, too, my friend".

Obama is just creaming his jeans hoping he runs against Romney. Why do you think our resident liberal friends spend all day attacking Perry and never have a bad thing to say about Mittens?
I hate when people on my side are bigots. It really hurts. We spend so much time trying to be the best people we can and we stand up straight in spite of those on the left who paint all of us as bigots, and then someone who really is one comes along and screws everything up.

If Republicans are going to be anti-Mormon bigots then we deserve to lose the election.

Obama is utterly beatable. We can stop the economic and constitutional bleeding. Shame on the whacko wing of our party if we can't pull this off.
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It does? That's surprising.

Not when you consider that the population of MA only grew 3% between 2000-2010 and the population of TX grew 20% during the same period.

Try to use your head.

Gee Perry is such a job creator and all; it's positively shocking. Maybe he should try to limit immigration and shut down his liberal policies regarding the subject.

Its funny how you want to have his love child and everything and will do anything to prop up this guy. he he he. Too damn funny.

Well, then my goal of entertaining one of the board cabbages is done.

Thanks for playing.
More Voters Considering Romney Than Obama, Perry

Sixty-two percent would definitely vote for Romney or consider doing so
PRINCETON, NJ -- More registered voters say they would definitely vote for Mitt Romney or might consider doing so (62%) than say the same about his two main rivals in the 2012 presidential election, Democrat Barack Obama (54%) and Republican Rick Perry (53%).

Be pragmatic, vote and support the BEST CONSERVATIVE ( and here is the important part) who can WIN the general election. It's hand's down Mitt Romney.

That's 62% people that's a landslide win over Obama. Think, get your emotions out of it, this is business.

Once again, 18% of Republicans will not vote for a Mormon.

the GOP nominates the Android from Kolob, they're done.

Bullshit. Republicans will vote for the nominee. Period.

If Obama runs on his "record," so will independents.
I hate when people on my side are bigots. It really hurts. We spend so much time trying to be the best people we can and we stand up straight in spite of those on the left who paint all of us as bigots, and then someone who really is one comes along and screws everything up.

If Republicans are going to be anti-Mormon bigots then we deserve to lose the election.

Obama is utterly beatable. We can stop the economic and constitutional bleeding. Shame on the whacko wing of our party if we can't pull this off.

No, shame on us if we let the Latter Day Saints hijack our party.

Pointing out that Mormon beliefs are batshit crazy is not being a bigot. It's making a value judgement on someone's character and judgment.

Mormons believe that-

Hebrews came to ancient America
That Jesus visited them.
That they were 'cursed' with Dark Skin for rejecting him.
(Yeah, that's going to go over really good).
That God lives on a planet called Kolob.
That their underwear protects them from evil.

If Mitt Romney were a Scientologist, and believed in Body-Thetans and Evil Space Lord Xenu, we would not be having this conversation. We'd have rejected these batshit crazy beliefs without a second thought.

But we can't even talk about these things? Why, because Mormons have been around longer and have better PR people?

Frankly, Rick Perry has had to take a lot of shit about evolution, about his Christian beliefs, about guys like Hagee whom he only has a tangental relationship to.

But don't you dare talk about Mormonism and it's history and crazy theology.
I hate when people on my side are bigots. It really hurts. We spend so much time trying to be the best people we can and we stand up straight in spite of those on the left who paint all of us as bigots, and then someone who really is one comes along and screws everything up.

If Republicans are going to be anti-Mormon bigots then we deserve to lose the election.

Obama is utterly beatable. We can stop the economic and constitutional bleeding. Shame on the whacko wing of our party if we can't pull this off.

No, shame on us if we let the Latter Day Saints hijack our party.

Pointing out that Mormon beliefs are batshit crazy is not being a bigot. It's making a value judgement on someone's character and judgment.

Mormons believe that-

Hebrews came to ancient America
That Jesus visited them.
That they were 'cursed' with Dark Skin for rejecting him.
(Yeah, that's going to go over really good).
That God lives on a planet called Kolob.
That their underwear protects them from evil.

If Mitt Romney were a Scientologist, and believed in Body-Thetans and Evil Space Lord Xenu, we would not be having this conversation. We'd have rejected these batshit crazy beliefs without a second thought.

But we can't even talk about these things? Why, because Mormons have been around longer and have better PR people?

Frankly, Rick Perry has had to take a lot of shit about evolution, about his Christian beliefs, about guys like Hagee whom he only has a tangental relationship to.

But don't you dare talk about Mormonism and it's history and crazy theology.

Good for you. Four more years of Obama.
Good for you. Four more years of Obama.

That's what you'll get with Romney. Because I'll probably vote for Obama is Romney is the nominee.

Because at that point, it becomes a religious issue for me, and that's more important than which one of these guys believes more in socialized medicine via big payoff to the insurance companies.

Frankly, either one of these guys would be more of the same. Big government, big liberalism.

I don't hate Obama because he's Obama. I don't like him because of his ineptitude and his policies. Romney would be more of the same, with a cult I hate with their fingers on the controls.

(Yes, Mormonism is a cult. Deal with it.)
Not when you consider that the population of MA only grew 3% between 2000-2010 and the population of TX grew 20% during the same period.

Try to use your head.

Gee Perry is such a job creator and all; it's positively shocking. Maybe he should try to limit immigration and shut down his liberal policies regarding the subject.

Its funny how you want to have his love child and everything and will do anything to prop up this guy. he he he. Too damn funny.

Well, then my goal of entertaining one of the board cabbages is done.

Thanks for playing.

Your ignorance is my bliss. Cabbages....gold baby.
Why do we care if Romney is a Mormon?

Why would I care that a screwed up insane cult started by a child-molesting con man that once made war on the United States and attempted to start a theocracy within her borders might actually control the country?

Oh, wait, I think I just answered my own question.

The difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh?

Original and Extra Crispy.

If Obama wins again, there's only so much damage he can do.

If the Mormons get into power, I don't even want to consider it.
Good for you. Four more years of Obama.

That's what you'll get with Romney. Because I'll probably vote for Obama is Romney is the nominee.

That's my point. Bigots are going to hand Obama the White House for another 4 years.

Either they'll give the nomination to a whacko like Perry and Obama will cruise to reelection.

Or the nomination will go to Romney and then the bigoted whackos Perry was pandering to won't vote for him.

It's still possible at this time that another scenario will play out. Like maybe possibly Johnson will make a surge and save the bigots from outing themselves.

But right now, it looks like you guys are going to give it to Obama. Because you put your religious hatred before the economic health of this nation.

And we will deserve what we get for proving that we are as hateful as the left accuses us of being.
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Good for you. Four more years of Obama.

That's what you'll get with Romney. Because I'll probably vote for Obama is Romney is the nominee.

That's my point. Bigots are going to hand Obama the White House for another 4 more years.

Either they'll give the nomination to a whacko like Perry and Obama will cruise to reelection.

Or the nomination will go to Romney and then the bigoted whackos Perry was pandering to won't vote for him.

It's still possible at this time that another scenario will play out. Like maybe possibly Johnson will make a surge and save the bigots from outing themselves.

But right now, it looks like you guys are going to give it to Obama. Because you put your religious hatred before the economic health of this nation.

And we will deserve what we get for proving that we are as hateful as the left accuses us of being.

well, then I would say that it's your own damned fault for trying to force a crap-bag like Romney down our throats.

Romney was a shit candidate in 2008, when he came in third place despite spending all the money his cult could gather. People saw he was a phony POS with a crazy religion then.

So... um, what changed between now and then?

Again, I'm an atheist. I don't think there are any sky pixies and will be truly happy if all religions go out of business.

But Mormons. Just plain evil. Fake religions started by guys who want to have sex with underage girls just are.

Oh, and before you whine about "bigotry" again, when Romney gets the nomination, the MSM will be doing exposes on the LDS that will make my criticisms look mild. We are gong to hear all about how they call the rest of us "gentiles" and how Brigham Young ordered the murder of 150 pioneers at Mountain Meadows.
Why do we care if Romney is a Mormon?

Why would I care that a screwed up insane cult started by a child-molesting con man that once made war on the United States and attempted to start a theocracy within her borders might actually control the country?

Oh, wait, I think I just answered my own question.

The difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh?

Original and Extra Crispy.

If Obama wins again, there's only so much damage he can do.

If the Mormons get into power, I don't even want to consider it.

So what did Mitt Romney and John Huntsman do as governors in conjunction with their Mormon beliefs that was so terrible? I mean, if we should be worried, surely there must be something both men did as governor that should concern us, right?
That's what you'll get with Romney. Because I'll probably vote for Obama is Romney is the nominee.

That's my point. Bigots are going to hand Obama the White House for another 4 more years.

Either they'll give the nomination to a whacko like Perry and Obama will cruise to reelection.

Or the nomination will go to Romney and then the bigoted whackos Perry was pandering to won't vote for him.

It's still possible at this time that another scenario will play out. Like maybe possibly Johnson will make a surge and save the bigots from outing themselves.

But right now, it looks like you guys are going to give it to Obama. Because you put your religious hatred before the economic health of this nation.

And we will deserve what we get for proving that we are as hateful as the left accuses us of being.

well, then I would say that it's your own damned fault for trying to force a crap-bag like Romney down our throats.

Romney was a shit candidate in 2008, when he came in third place despite spending all the money his cult could gather. People saw he was a phony POS with a crazy religion then.

So... um, what changed between now and then?

Again, I'm an atheist. I don't think there are any sky pixies and will be truly happy if all religions go out of business.

But Mormons. Just plain evil. Fake religions started by guys who want to have sex with underage girls just are.

Oh, and before you whine about "bigotry" again, when Romney gets the nomination, the MSM will be doing exposes on the LDS that will make my criticisms look mild. We are gong to hear all about how they call the rest of us "gentiles" and how Brigham Young ordered the murder of 150 pioneers at Mountain Meadows.

He wasn't a shit candidate in 2008. He could have beaten Obama. But he was submarined by the bigots who joined forces with McCain when they saw Huckabee couldn't win.

Still Romney could have duked it out with McCain but he bowed out gracefully to avoid a lot of potentially hurtful division.

Romney is probably our only chance to regain a sound economic footing and I just hope that the people who have been pushing forward people like Angle, O'Donnell and Bachmann will decide against dragging America down with them in some crazy mass suicide act.
He wasn't a shit candidate in 2008. He could have beaten Obama. But he was submarined by the bigots who joined forces with McCain when they saw Huckabee couldn't win.

Still Romney could have duked it out with McCain but he bowed out gracefully to avoid a lot of potentially hurtful division.

Romney is probably our only chance to regain a sound economic footing and I just hope that the people who have been pushing forward people like Angle, O'Donnell and Bachmann will decide against dragging America down with them in some crazy mass suicide act.

Actually, calling Romney a "shit" candidate is an insult to a useful fertilizer.

The very fact he lost to McCain (HATED by many Republicans for backstabbing Bush, supporting illegal immigration, campaign finance reform) etc proves it.

The guy has been in four elections. He's won exactly one against a no-name candidate after outspending her 10-1. And even then, he only got 49% of the vote.

In 1994, he lost to Ted Kennedy by 17 points in a year when they were voting out Democrats for the fun of it.

In 2002, he won against a no-name candidate (I refuse to Wiki this woman's name again, she was so forgettable) in the wake of 9/11 when they were giving the GOP the benefit of the doubt and he spent 7 million of his own money. And he STILL only got 49% of the vote.

in 2006, he was trailing Devall Patrick by double digits and decided not to run. I mean, he doesn't want to end up like George Allen.

IN 2008, he lost to first Huckabee running on a shoestring budget, and then McCain.

I have to emphasize this again. He ONLY won 3 primaries in 2008. Michigan, where no one else was playing because Michigan had broken the rules with an early primary. Massachusetts, where he was governor, and Utah, which is full of his fellow LDS cultists. That was it. And he spent 43 million of his own money to do it!

and honestly, if you think the only way to beat a democratic liberal is to run a Republican liberal, what's the point? Seriously.
So what did Mitt Romney and John Huntsman do as governors in conjunction with their Mormon beliefs that was so terrible? I mean, if we should be worried, surely there must be something both men did as governor that should concern us, right?

NOpe. They're Mormons. Shoot on sight for suspicion.

Now if they renounced Mormonism tomorrow, then I might actually give then a second look.
Why do we care if Romney is a Mormon?

Why would I care that a screwed up insane cult started by a child-molesting con man that once made war on the United States and attempted to start a theocracy within her borders might actually control the country?

Oh, wait, I think I just answered my own question.

The difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh?

Original and Extra Crispy.

If Obama wins again, there's only so much damage he can do.

If the Mormons get into power, I don't even want to consider it.

So what did Mitt Romney and John Huntsman do as governors in conjunction with their Mormon beliefs that was so terrible? I mean, if we should be worried, surely there must be something both men did as governor that should concern us, right?

Of course they didn't do anything terrible. The Mormons I've seen in public office have been very good about not letting their religion intrude in their governing - as opposed to bigots/panderers such as Huckabee who talk about amending the constitution to conform to God's law.

I am so glad that Huckabee didn't run this year. So very glad. He was a scary dude.

So far Perry hasn't said or done anything to scare me too badly (not that I've seen) so at this point I could still vote for him.

But if Bachmann won the nomination, I would be in trouble. I don't know what I would do come election day.

Thank goodness, that seems moot. Her star is fading.

And Perry seems to be burning out. So I still have faith in the sanity of most of our party.
Perry's going to have to spend some or all of the $55 million to get back up in the poll's where he was BEFORE he participated in debates. ;)
Pro-Perry super PAC's $55 million budget - Maggie Haberman - POLITICO.com

I really don't think Perry can spend any amount of money to climb back up.

Because it's who he has turned off. His social security stance--his immigration stance--and his inability to articulate--and TALK about solutions to the problems we face will sink him into a lower tier candidate--and someone else will move up into the second spot behind Romney.

Which candidate takes the second spot behind Romney--is anyone's guess at this time.

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