Perry files suit to challenge Virginia primary ballot rules.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
OSCEOLA, Iowa – Four days after failing to turn in a sufficient number of signatures to gain access onto the Virginia ballot in March’s primary, Rick Perry’s campaign today filed a federal suit to challenge the ballot requirements of the state.

The suit, which was filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, challenges the constitutionality of Virginia’s ballot requirements for presidential candidates.
“We want to be on the ballot, so we obviously think that there’s some conflict there from the standpoint of being able to get on the ballot, so we’ll get it all worked out,” Perry said today.

Ray Sullivan, communications director for Perry’s campaign, said in a statement, “Gov. Perry greatly respects the citizens and history of the Commonwealth of Virginia and believes Virginia Republicans should have greater access to vote for one of the several candidates for President of the United States.”

“Virginia ballot access rules are among the most onerous and are particularly problematic in a multi-candidate election. We believe that the Virginia provisions unconstitutionally restrict the rights of candidates and voters by severely restricting access to the ballot, and we hope to have those provisions overturned or modified to provide greater ballot access to Virginia voters and the candidates seeking to earn their support,” Sullivan said.

It's noted that both Perry and Gingrich turned in the AMOUNT of signatures required--but still failed to qualify for Virginia's primary ballot requirements.

Basically Virginia disqualified 6 out of 8 GOP candidates--and only two met their primary requirements. The ballot will be Mitt Romney and Ron Paul.
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The Virginia GOP's rules do seem unfortunate. While candidates have been able to meet their requirements in the past, it doesn't make sense for requirements so stringent that serious candidates ever have serious trouble meeting them. Certainly, if I were a Virginia GOP primary voter, I would want the option to vote for the other candidates.

That being said, I'm not sure what legal recourse Perry has. State's have wide latitude to set election rules, and moreover this is an election for a nomination, not for a public office. Probably the ideal resolution from the GOP standpoint would be if the Virginia GOP backed down and voluntarily added the other candidates to the ballot.

Anyway, it's ironic that a Southern Governor who has tangled with the federal government regarding the Voting Rights Act is now asking a federal court to tell a Southern political party how to run its statewide election.
Virginia is as big as S.Carolina in delegates. These rules are bull shit and are working strongly in Mitt Romney's favor.
OSCEOLA, Iowa – Four days after failing to turn in a sufficient number of signatures to gain access onto the Virginia ballot in March’s primary, Rick Perry’s campaign today filed a federal suit to challenge the ballot requirements of the state.

The suit, which was filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, challenges the constitutionality of Virginia’s ballot requirements for presidential candidates.
“We want to be on the ballot, so we obviously think that there’s some conflict there from the standpoint of being able to get on the ballot, so we’ll get it all worked out,” Perry said today.

Ray Sullivan, communications director for Perry’s campaign, said in a statement, “Gov. Perry greatly respects the citizens and history of the Commonwealth of Virginia and believes Virginia Republicans should have greater access to vote for one of the several candidates for President of the United States.”

“Virginia ballot access rules are among the most onerous and are particularly problematic in a multi-candidate election. We believe that the Virginia provisions unconstitutionally restrict the rights of candidates and voters by severely restricting access to the ballot, and we hope to have those provisions overturned or modified to provide greater ballot access to Virginia voters and the candidates seeking to earn their support,” Sullivan said.

It's noted that both Perry and Gingrich turned in the AMOUNT of signatures required--but still failed to qualify for Virginia's primary ballot requirements.

Basically Virginia disqualified 6 out of 8 GOP candidates--and only two met their primary requirements. The ballot will be Mitt Romney and Ron Paul.
Bachmann, Huntsman, Santorum not on Va. primary ballot | Richmond Times-Dispatch

:lol: These two have no shame.
I think they just expected a pass, it's a Republican state, they seem shocked they didn't bend the rules for them.
How this for cow-brain stupid:

"Perry's campaign said it submitted 11,911 signatures for verification.
In the statement announcing the legal challenge, Perry's campaign said only 119,034 Virginians voted in the 2008 Republican primary, making the requirement of 10,000 signatures "unrealistic and onerous."

See that? 119,034.

Except according to 'unofficial' results from the VA Board of ElectorsL


nearly A HALF A MILLION republicans voted in the 2008 election.

How can you fuck up something as easy as that, that bad?

Will we hear the famous Perry: OoooOOOOOOOOOOOOOpps!

OSCEOLA, Iowa – Four days after failing to turn in a sufficient number of signatures to gain access onto the Virginia ballot in March’s primary, Rick Perry’s campaign today filed a federal suit to challenge the ballot requirements of the state.

The suit, which was filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, challenges the constitutionality of Virginia’s ballot requirements for presidential candidates.
“We want to be on the ballot, so we obviously think that there’s some conflict there from the standpoint of being able to get on the ballot, so we’ll get it all worked out,” Perry said today.

Ray Sullivan, communications director for Perry’s campaign, said in a statement, “Gov. Perry greatly respects the citizens and history of the Commonwealth of Virginia and believes Virginia Republicans should have greater access to vote for one of the several candidates for President of the United States.”

“Virginia ballot access rules are among the most onerous and are particularly problematic in a multi-candidate election. We believe that the Virginia provisions unconstitutionally restrict the rights of candidates and voters by severely restricting access to the ballot, and we hope to have those provisions overturned or modified to provide greater ballot access to Virginia voters and the candidates seeking to earn their support,” Sullivan said.

Rick Perry Campaign Challenges Virginia Ballot Requirements in Federal Court - ABC News

It's noted that both Perry and Gingrich turned in the AMOUNT of signatures required--but still failed to qualify for Virginia's primary ballot requirements.

Basically Virginia disqualified 6 out of 8 GOP candidates--and only two met their primary requirements. The ballot will be Mitt Romney and Ron Paul.
Bachmann, Huntsman, Santorum not on Va. primary ballot | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Good for him. I'm starting regain some respect for the guy.
Is a party's primary considered a federal election?

Would like a real answer.

I would say that since it is for a federal office, probably some federal voting rights rules apply.

I think the RPV tried to pull a fast one and it is blowing up in their faces.
As previously mentioned, states have wide latitude when implementing election law. And again, one who is a big states rights guy, should not complain when a state exercises those rights.

With all the election fraud in the news recently, I would imagine that Virginia is not bending the rules so as not to appear crooked.

I applaud the Commonwealth for enforcing the rules. If a candidate cannot plan and organize well enough to just get on the ballot, how would they perform as leader of the free world?
Is a party's primary considered a federal election?

Would like a real answer.

I would say that since it is for a federal office, probably some federal voting rights rules apply.

I think the RPV tried to pull a fast one and it is blowing up in their faces.

But aren't primaries an intra-party thing?

They don't even have to hold them.
Ayup. For most of our history, party bosses chose them.

The ole smoky back room 'n convention halls.

Primaries are relatively new, brought to us by: the progressive era!
I would say that since it is for a federal office, probably some federal voting rights rules apply.

I think the RPV tried to pull a fast one and it is blowing up in their faces.

But aren't primaries an intra-party thing?

They don't even have to hold them.
Ayup. For most of our history, party bosses chose them.

The ole smoky back room 'n convention halls.

Primaries are relatively new, brought to us by: the progressive era!

Democrats still use super delegates. Very progressive.

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