Perry Lost The Debate AND His Presidential Chances Tonight Over Subsidizing Illegals

regarding why Perry defends illegal aliens,well you have to keep in mind that we need the latino vote,right now the republicans have the majority of them,but we do need either end of the ticket that will bring in the latinos.So if Perry wins,he will get the latinos, if Romney wins,he is gonna be begging for Marco Rubio. It's a win/win for the Republicans regardless who wins. Should Perry win,he may as well have Rubio to be VP,,now that will have King Obama shopping for depends.
regarding why Perry defends illegal aliens,well you have to keep in mind that we need the latino vote,right now the republicans have the majority of them,but we do need either end of the ticket that will bring in the latinos.So if Perry wins,he will get the latinos, if Romney wins,he is gonna be begging for Marco Rubio. It's a win/win for the Republicans regardless who wins. Should Perry win,he may as well have Rubio to be VP,,now that will have King Obama shopping for depends.
Oh, I thought I heard him say last night he wanted Cain and Gingrich combined for his Vice-President. :)
Perry Lost The Debate AND His Presidential Chances Tonight Over Subsidizing Illegals

He was loooking a bit frayed around the edges. hmmm.guess that can happen to you when you are no longer being worshipped by just a few who have you as a pigment of their imagination.
Originally Posted by JakeStarkey

the Hard Right may get their wet dream honey in the debate after all. Perry, if he wants to beat Obama, can't if he supports the wall and pisses of 50 mm Hispanics. Their are not enough Tea Party voters to counter the Hispanic vote. The numbers move Perry, not Hard Right dreaming.
Perry is not "hard right." He is an American who, if nominated and then elected, will probably do the best he can for the most Americans, including be a good neighbor to both Mexico and Canada. He will also likely work with a conservative Congress if that's what the American people decide they want. Everything is iffy right now, except for one thing: Perry's dedication to promoting jobs for American. That seems to be his strong suit, whether he wins the nomination or whether somebody else does.

No, Perry is not a loved governor by all of Texas.

He is a governor loved by the 37% of Texas who are social values conservatives, whose collective ass he darn well will kiss every good opportunity he gets.

Why? They form the nucleus that put him in office, they are the ones he appoints to the commissions and other government agencies, they are the ones who dominate much of state government.

And the reason is that he is governor is that Texans would rather have him and his silly-ass social values hanger ons then put in a democrat. No other reason.

He is catching on (he is bright!) that the rest of the country is a small minority of Hard Right, a small minority of Lefties, some liberal democrats and moderate republicans, and a whole HUGE group of moderates.

The second he knows he has the nomination, he will sail right into the Sea of Center Moderation. Watch!

None of us will know that until the Republican Primary is counted, Jake. I don't think you have a handle on Rick Perry's love for all the American people. He thinks you should be kind to poor people, even illegal immigrants. His Texas mama raised him right.
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He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his aweful stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate. Watching the post debate show on Fox News now is revealing that audience members are totally turned off by Perry and have switched to other candidates by his 'you don't have a heart' comment. I agree with them.

It's not only this instance--Perry talking about he only had one lobbyist on his executive decision to order young girls to have this drug. He stated his only lobbyist was a 31 year old woman dying from cervical cancer.

Well it turns out that he did not meet this woman until AFTER he made this executive order. Americans don't like be lied to anymore either.
Rick Perry does not have a love for all the people. His state with all of its jobs as an incredible poverty rate, the highest US school drop out rate (thanks to how he screwed the business tax), and a general neglect of those you claim he loves. The facts are the facts, freedombecki. I will vote for him before Sarah or Michelle or any from weirdoville, but I prefer Romney or Christie.
I will never vote for a invasion loving idiot like Perry for president. The presidents from Reagan, George hw Bush, Clinton and George w Bush all thought that they could fuck over the American people out of there jobs and THERE NATION with the free for all invasion of the third world into ours. They thought they could get slave labor into our nation at the screwing over of the people, NO MORE, NO MORE!!! Hear that Perry, good bye!. I won't vote for anyone that would do less then build a fence and deport. That is the law!

I watched that son of a bitch george w Bush stick his nose up and tell us conservatives to screw off over this issue as he allowed our nation to be flooded. You can expect this from Obama, but NOT a republican. We Republicans must say NO to any one trying to run on our ticket that's pro illegal.
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Originally Posted by JakeStarkey

the Hard Right may get their wet dream honey in the debate after all. Perry, if he wants to beat Obama, can't if he supports the wall and pisses of 50 mm Hispanics. Their are not enough Tea Party voters to counter the Hispanic vote. The numbers move Perry, not Hard Right dreaming.
Perry is not "hard right." He is an American who, if nominated and then elected, will probably do the best he can for the most Americans, including be a good neighbor to both Mexico and Canada. He will also likely work with a conservative Congress if that's what the American people decide they want. Everything is iffy right now, except for one thing: Perry's dedication to promoting jobs for American. That seems to be his strong suit, whether he wins the nomination or whether somebody else does.

No, Perry is not a loved governor by all of Texas.

He is a governor loved by the 37% of Texas who are social values conservatives, whose collective ass he darn well will kiss every good opportunity he gets.

Why? They form the nucleus that put him in office, they are the ones he appoints to the commissions and other government agencies, they are the ones who dominate much of state government.

And the reason is that he is governor is that Texans would rather have him and his silly-ass social values hanger ons then put in a democrat. No other reason.

He is catching on (he is bright!) that the rest of the country is a small minority of Hard Right, a small minority of Lefties, some liberal democrats and moderate republicans, and a whole HUGE group of moderates.

The second he knows he has the nomination, he will sail right into the Sea of Center Moderation. Watch!

None of us will know that until the Republican Primary is counted, Jake. I don't think you have a handle on Rick Perry's love for all the American people. He thinks you should be kind to poor people, even illegal immigrants. His Texas mama raised him right.

Perry has another SERIOUS problem--and that is lying to the American public in the debate last night.

Perry's meeting with cancer patient 'lobbyist' only came after his executive order | The American Independent

In these times--when everyone is watching and checking--no politician is going to get away with it--including Rick Perry.
He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his aweful stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate. Watching the post debate show on Fox News now is revealing that audience members are totally turned off by Perry and have switched to other candidates by his 'you don't have a heart' comment. I agree with them.

Yes, they switched to Mitt Romney, the one candidate that has a job's plan that takes 4 hours to read, that deals effectively with our trade issues, wanting to go back to a Reagan stance on free but fair trade. The only candidate that has worked and created thousands of jobs in the private sector,, spent all of but 4 years in business, has a dual degree from Harvard in Law and a MBA in Business and completely gets what it is going to take to get this economy and jobs in this country again.

On a match up one to one with Obama, Mitt wins the others lose. Perry is toast with his comments on SSI being a ponzi scheme, which I agree with, but offers zero solutions to solving any of our economic problems, other than to state what he has done in Texas, actually what he INHERITED in 'Texas. Perry still does not supply any details on any of his positions. It appears running for POS was an after thought. He is totally out of his league.

Perry's stance on tuition for illegal immigrants and not wanting to put up the fence was the final nail in his coffin.
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the Hard Right may get their wet dream honey in the debate after all. Perry, if he wants to beat Obama, can't if he supports the wall and pisses of 50 mm Hispanics. Their are not enough Tea Party voters to counter the Hispanic vote. The numbers move Perry, not Hard Right dreaming.

Ignorance is believing people of a certain racial or cultural group would all vote in lockstep.
Tell that to a monolithic South from the 1880s to the 1950s, a monolithic Utah Territory from 1850 to 1867, Puritan voting blocks, Quaker voting blocks, so forth so on. Tell us what the voting % of blacks was for Obama last time.

Ignore history at your peril.
No wonder he got in the race so late. Palin woulda done better in the debate huh USAR? :rolleyes:
He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his aweful stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate. Watching the post debate show on Fox News now is revealing that audience members are totally turned off by Perry and have switched to other candidates by his 'you don't have a heart' comment. I agree with them.

It was irrational--national behavior that shot Rick Perry to the top of the polls--before anyone witnessed him in a debate. Now that he has been on the National stage in 3 debates now--it's apparent he's losing ground--and for good reason. Social security--immigration--and the executive order. He has some great one-liners--but he is no substance--no PLAN to fix anything. Perry looks more like a deer in the headlights on tough questions. He certainly would be no match for our Harvard graduate--community organizer--and constant campaigner President.

Tea Party members will stand ground on immigration--moderates will stand their ground on social security--and none of us like croni-capitalism--the alliance between Perry and Merck--is just a little to hard to take

Perry's meeting with cancer patient 'lobbyist' only came after his executive order | The American Independent
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I will never vote for a invasion loving idiot like Perry for president. The presidents from Reagan, George hw Bush, Clinton and George w Bush all thought that they could fuck over the American people out of there jobs and THERE NATION with the free for all invasion of the third world into ours. They thought they could get slave labor into our nation at the screwing over of the people, NO MORE, NO MORE!!! Hear that Perry, good bye!. I won't vote for anyone that would do less then build a fence and deport. That is the law!

I watched that son of a bitch george w Bush stick his nose up and tell us conservatives to screw off over this issue as he allowed our nation to be flooded. You can expect this from Obama, but NOT a republican. We Republicans must say NO to any one trying to run on our ticket that's pro illegal.
Wow, Matthew. You missed that whole Hollyweird prima donna thing in which the voters voted Democrats in Congress who overspent money and made President Bush their fall guy.
Perry knows that he can't alienate the hispanic vote in the General. Its either alienate them or a few 100k of the base/T-Partiers in the Primary.
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"Building a wall"

I take it none of you have actually been to El Paco or Larado before. The wall is already there, it's over 12 ft tall with barbed wire. And it stops nothing. Building a wall has been done and has been proven ineffective. Build another wall is stupid.

Allowing illegals access to education on the condition that they register for citizenship is also not crazy. But then again, some people read talking points and not what the law really says
the Hard Right may get their wet dream honey in the debate after all. Perry, if he wants to beat Obama, can't if he supports the wall and pisses of 50 mm Hispanics. Their are not enough Tea Party voters to counter the Hispanic vote. The numbers move Perry, not Hard Right dreaming.

Ive seen no evidence that hispanic voters overwhelmingly oppose the wall. Most hispanic voters have come through the process legally and abhor illegal immigration.

You have seen no evidence that Hispanics overwhelmingly support a wall. Hint: they don't.

Freedombecki does not understand that job creation in Texas rests of oil money and defense spending over the last ten years, many of those jobs minimum wage. The malarkey about reduced business taxes is used to disguise that Perry busted the public ed school budget right along with the rest of our GOP in the legislature the last five years.

Perry is a crony capitalist, nothing more.
He totally bombed in the debate and foundered like the Titanic. The reason, a poor performance, looking lost and pausing trying to put a sentence together and finally, his stance on telling people you don't have a heart for not wanting to subsidize illegal aliens in having tuition to go to college. That and not wanting to build a wall to protect the borders just didn't resonate.
So, to be a viable GOP presidential candidate one must be opposed to the rule of law and advocate the building of a wall (idiotic) that will waste taxpayers’ money and not work.


What part of his post implied anything about opposing the rule of law? If anything, giving government benefits to illegal aliens is an example of flouting the rule of law. By definition, illegal aliens are ILLEGAL. Anything short of sending them back where they came from is a violation of the rule of law.

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