Perry may skip debates


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
(CNN) - Arguing the election cycle has too many presidential debates, Rick Perry's top spokesman said the Texas governor could use more time with voters instead of taking the stage with Republican opponents.

"We're about 60 days away from votes being cast," communications director Ray Sullivan said on CNN's "John King, USA" Wednesday. "The candidates need to spend time in Iowa doing those town halls and spending a lot more time with the voters, who oftentimes have the best questions and press the candidates the hardest."

Citing the dozen-plus debates in the works, Sullivan added: "There's no way that the candidates can do all those debates."

Perry, whose poll numbers have slid after a series of uneven debate performances, made headlines Tuesday when he described taking part as a "mistake."

"These debates are set up for nothing more than to tear down the candidates," Perry said on Fox News. "It's pretty hard to be able to sit and lay out your ideas and your concepts with a one-minute response."

Perry may pass on debates – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Me too.

He isn't the brightest bulb on the tree.

Well for those of you that cant speak politition he isnt thinking about skipping debates, he is thinking about quitting.

His texas sized ego just cant handle not being the brightest star in the room.
Why do you liberal pukes even care? Why not wait and see who the Republicans choose before you attack?

Any one of the Republican candidates would be a hell of a lot better President than the clown in office now.
Why do you liberal pukes even care? Why not wait and see who the Republicans choose before you attack?

Any one of the Republican candidates would be a hell of a lot better President than the clown in office now.

George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, got rid of don't ask don't tell, created 19 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama has done a good job and deserves to be re-elected.
If I were Perry I'd skip them too. He doesn't do well in that environment so there is more to lose than gain by participating.
I'd be spending my time traveling, making speeches, appearing on talk radio etc. He does well there.

I love when people talk about how stupid he is. Because the man is very very smart.
Why do you liberal pukes even care? Why not wait and see who the Republicans choose before you attack?

Any one of the Republican candidates would be a hell of a lot better President than the clown in office now.

I disagree. I would rather have Obama then Perry. Perry will likely drag us into a war with Iran, continue to do nothing about immigration, strip us of civil liberties through national tort reform, expand the police state, increase the debt, national id card, etc.

Atleast with Obama you know what your going to get. Government just wont do anything.
If I were Perry I'd skip them too. He doesn't do well in that environment so there is more to lose than gain by participating.
I'd be spending my time traveling, making speeches, appearing on talk radio etc. He does well there.

I love when people talk about how stupid he is. Because the man is very very smart.

Well I dont know about everyone else, but I am sure convinced.

Why do you liberal pukes even care? Why not wait and see who the Republicans choose before you attack?

Any one of the Republican candidates would be a hell of a lot better President than the clown in office now.

George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, got rid of don't ask don't tell, created 19 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama has done a good job and deserves to be re-elected.

Bush inherited a recession and an active terrorist program against the US. He presided over an economy with an average UE rate of less than 6%. He took out many enemies and made the US respected in the Arab world.
Obama inherited a recovery and turned it into the worst recession since 1930. He has made America the laughing stock of the Arab world. He has taken over the financial industry, the health care industry, and the auto industry. He has caused the first downgrade ever of US debt. He has made this country the most divided in its history since the Civil War. Every promise made has been broken.
Obama, the downgraded president.
If I were Perry I'd skip them too. He doesn't do well in that environment so there is more to lose than gain by participating.
I'd be spending my time traveling, making speeches, appearing on talk radio etc. He does well there.

I love when people talk about how stupid he is. Because the man is very very smart.

Well I dont know about everyone else, but I am sure convinced.


A picture of Perry taking the oath of office might convince you. Maybe.
If I were Perry I'd skip them too. He doesn't do well in that environment so there is more to lose than gain by participating.
I'd be spending my time traveling, making speeches, appearing on talk radio etc. He does well there.

I love when people talk about how stupid he is. Because the man is very very smart.

Perry was a C student in college and graduated with a degree in animal science.

He can't even handle a simple debate.

Perry is as dumb as a box of rocks.
(CNN) - Arguing the election cycle has too many presidential debates, Rick Perry's top spokesman said the Texas governor could use more time with voters instead of taking the stage with Republican opponents.

"We're about 60 days away from votes being cast," communications director Ray Sullivan said on CNN's "John King, USA" Wednesday. "The candidates need to spend time in Iowa doing those town halls and spending a lot more time with the voters, who oftentimes have the best questions and press the candidates the hardest."

Citing the dozen-plus debates in the works, Sullivan added: "There's no way that the candidates can do all those debates."

Perry, whose poll numbers have slid after a series of uneven debate performances, made headlines Tuesday when he described taking part as a "mistake."

"These debates are set up for nothing more than to tear down the candidates," Perry said on Fox News. "It's pretty hard to be able to sit and lay out your ideas and your concepts with a one-minute response."

Perry may pass on debates – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

What is your opinion on the story Chris?

To me its just another example of why I'm not a Perry supporter.....that being said i'd definately vote perry over obama in the general election.
If I were Perry I'd skip them too. He doesn't do well in that environment so there is more to lose than gain by participating.
I'd be spending my time traveling, making speeches, appearing on talk radio etc. He does well there.

I love when people talk about how stupid he is. Because the man is very very smart.

Aside from your conclusion. I actually agree with you. Perry is a very weak debater. He's not quick and reacts slowly or not at all to changing topics and attacks.

He'd be better off skipping a few, sharpening his skills, doing a media tour and lots of meet and greets with the local folks.

He also needs better handlers. The ones he got now, suck.
The reason President Obama has not released his transcripts is because they would come as no surprise. A man who made editor of the Harvard Law Review doesn't get Cs and Ds. The reason Perry's dismal grades are "news" is because it is amazing that someone with grades as horrible as his got to be governor of Texas.

I mean, really, at least Bush got bad grades at Yale. :lol:
The reason President Obama has not released his transcripts is because they would come as no surprise. A man who made editor of the Harvard Law Review doesn't get Cs and Ds. The reason Perry's dismal grades are "news" is because it is amazing that someone with grades as horrible as his got to be governor of Texas.

I mean, really, at least Bush got bad grades at Yale. :lol:

Ummm bush had a higher GPA than John Kerry and probably Obama too.

Del.icio.usFacebookStumbleuponNewsvineYahoo bookmarksMixxDiggRedditGoogle BookmarksTwitterLinkedIn(AP) Sen. John F. Kerry's grade average at Yale University was virtually identical to President Bush's record there, despite repeated portrayals of Kerry as the more intellectual candidate during the 2004 presidential campaign.

Kerry had a cumulative average of 76 and got four Ds his freshman year - in geology, two history courses and political science, The Boston Globe reported Tuesday.

His grades improved with time, and he averaged an 81 his senior year and earned an 89 - his highest grade - in political science as a senior.

"I always told my dad that D stood for distinction," Kerry said in a written response to reporters' questions. He said he has previously acknowledged focusing more on learning to fly than studying.

Under Yale's grading system in effect at the time, grades between 90 and 100 equaled an A, 80-89 a B, 70-79 a C, 60 to 69 a D, and anything below that was a failing grade.

In 1999, The New Yorker magazine published a transcript showing Bush had a cumulative grade average of 77 his first three years at Yale, and a similar average under a non-numerical rating system his senior year.

Bush's highest grade at Yale was an 88 in anthropology, history and philosophy. He received one D in his four years, a 69 in astronomy, and improved his grades after his freshman year, the transcript showed.

Kerry, a Democrat, previously declined to release the transcript, which was included in his Navy records. He gave the Navy permission to release the documents last month, the Globe reported.

Kerry graduated from Yale in 1966, Bush in 1968.
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