Perry's Announcement- no wonder the Obamabots are scared!

Here are some excerpts from Governor Perry's announcement today.

Rick Perry for President | Why I’m Running

"What I learned in my 20’s traveling the globe as an Air Force pilot, our current president has yet to acknowledge in his 50’s – that we are the most exceptional nation on the face of the earth.

"As Americans, we believe freedom is a gift from God, and government’s prime function is to defend it. We don’t see the role of government as a nanny state, and we recognize there is no government money that wasn’t once earned through the sweat and toil of private citizens.

The change we seek will never emanate out of Washington…it must come from the windswept prairies of Middle America…the farms and factories across this great land…the hearts and minds of God-fearing Americans who will not accept a future that is less than our past…who will not be consigned a fate of less freedom in exchange for more government.

It is up to us…to this present generation of Americans…to take a stand for freedom…to send a signal to Washington that we are taking the country back from the grips of central planners who would control our healthcare, spend our treasure and micro-manage our businesses.

My mission as your president will be to get America working again!

With God’s help, and your courage, we will take our country back."

Yup, this is the guy!

Fear fear fear fear , fear fear fear Fear fear fear.


Fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear feear fear fear fear fear.

Is that they ONLY thing the right understands?
Here are some excerpts from Governor Perry's announcement today.

Rick Perry for President | Why I’m Running

"What I learned in my 20’s traveling the globe as an Air Force pilot, our current president has yet to acknowledge in his 50’s – that we are the most exceptional nation on the face of the earth.

"As Americans, we believe freedom is a gift from God, and government’s prime function is to defend it. We don’t see the role of government as a nanny state, and we recognize there is no government money that wasn’t once earned through the sweat and toil of private citizens.

The change we seek will never emanate out of Washington…it must come from the windswept prairies of Middle America…the farms and factories across this great land…the hearts and minds of God-fearing Americans who will not accept a future that is less than our past…who will not be consigned a fate of less freedom in exchange for more government.

It is up to us…to this present generation of Americans…to take a stand for freedom…to send a signal to Washington that we are taking the country back from the grips of central planners who would control our healthcare, spend our treasure and micro-manage our businesses.

My mission as your president will be to get America working again!

With God’s help, and your courage, we will take our country back."

Yup, this is the guy!

Fear fear fear fear , fear fear fear Fear fear fear.


Fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear feear fear fear fear fear.

Is that they ONLY thing the right understands?

[ame=]Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Fear-Mongering on Healthcare - YouTube[/ame]
With God’s help, and your courage, we will take our country back."

Yup, this is the guy!

Fear fear fear fear , fear fear fear Fear fear fear.


Fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear feear fear fear fear fear.

Is that they ONLY thing the right understands?

Only people I see peddling fear is your guys.

You can't claim Obama fixed the economy or even has a viable plan for fixing the economy.

As a matter of fact, the guy hasn't delivered on anything you wanted. We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan (and now Libya, too), his health care plan is just bad plagarism of Romney's Heritage Foundation plan, (Instead of the Canada style system you all wanted), the seas haven't receded yet, unemployment has gone up, the debt has gone way up, and, well, I could go on and on.

So what do you have to go on.

The Republican will be MUCH SCARIER!
With God’s help, and your courage, we will take our country back."

Yup, this is the guy!

Fear fear fear fear , fear fear fear Fear fear fear.


Fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear feear fear fear fear fear.

Is that they ONLY thing the right understands?

Only people I see peddling fear is your guys.

You can't claim Obama fixed the economy or even has a viable plan for fixing the economy.

As a matter of fact, the guy hasn't delivered on anything you wanted. We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan (and now Libya, too), his health care plan is just bad plagarism of Romney's Heritage Foundation plan, (Instead of the Canada style system you all wanted), the seas haven't receded yet, unemployment has gone up, the debt has gone way up, and, well, I could go on and on.

So what do you have to go on.

The Republican will be MUCH SCARIER!

So what's Perry's plan to fix our economy? He won't be able to use stimulus money to balance Washington's budget. I guess he could probably still use some of the same accounting gimmicks that got him a "balanced" budget in Texas. He did learn from GWB who hid the cost of invading two countries for years and years.

He can't hide his current deficit though...
With God’s help, and your courage, we will take our country back."

Yup, this is the guy!

Fear fear fear fear , fear fear fear Fear fear fear.


Fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear feear fear fear fear fear.

Is that they ONLY thing the right understands?

Only people I see peddling fear is your guys.

You can't claim Obama fixed the economy or even has a viable plan for fixing the economy.

As a matter of fact, the guy hasn't delivered on anything you wanted. We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan (and now Libya, too), his health care plan is just bad plagarism of Romney's Heritage Foundation plan, (Instead of the Canada style system you all wanted), the seas haven't receded yet, unemployment has gone up, the debt has gone way up, and, well, I could go on and on.

So what do you have to go on.

The Republican will be MUCH SCARIER!

It is the right that keeps claiming each new republican candidate as inspiring fear in the democratic party members.

Your party just seems hooked in the idea of FEAR
Fear fear fear fear , fear fear fear Fear fear fear.


Fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear feear fear fear fear fear.

Is that they ONLY thing the right understands?

Only people I see peddling fear is your guys.

You can't claim Obama fixed the economy or even has a viable plan for fixing the economy.

As a matter of fact, the guy hasn't delivered on anything you wanted. We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan (and now Libya, too), his health care plan is just bad plagarism of Romney's Heritage Foundation plan, (Instead of the Canada style system you all wanted), the seas haven't receded yet, unemployment has gone up, the debt has gone way up, and, well, I could go on and on.

So what do you have to go on.

The Republican will be MUCH SCARIER!

So what's Perry's plan to fix our economy? He won't be able to use stimulus money to balance Washington's budget. I guess he could probably still use some of the same accounting gimmicks that got him a "balanced" budget in Texas. He did learn from GWB who hid the cost of invading two countries for years and years.

He can't hide his current deficit though...

Well, he won't treat the job creators like they are the enemy, to start with. That would be a big help.

He won't limit our energy exploration to make a few treehuggers happy.

He'll put the stake through the heart of ObamaCare, which is keeping a lot of employers from hiring right now.
Only people I see peddling fear is your guys.

You can't claim Obama fixed the economy or even has a viable plan for fixing the economy.

As a matter of fact, the guy hasn't delivered on anything you wanted. We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan (and now Libya, too), his health care plan is just bad plagarism of Romney's Heritage Foundation plan, (Instead of the Canada style system you all wanted), the seas haven't receded yet, unemployment has gone up, the debt has gone way up, and, well, I could go on and on.

So what do you have to go on.

The Republican will be MUCH SCARIER!

So what's Perry's plan to fix our economy? He won't be able to use stimulus money to balance Washington's budget. I guess he could probably still use some of the same accounting gimmicks that got him a "balanced" budget in Texas. He did learn from GWB who hid the cost of invading two countries for years and years.

He can't hide his current deficit though...

Well, he won't treat the job creators like they are the enemy, to start with. That would be a big help.

For example? Last time I checked, the "job creators" are paying the lowest taxes in decades and are recording record profits.

He won't limit our energy exploration to make a few treehuggers happy.

Limit it how? Last time I checked, oil drilling was UP under President Obama.


Or do you mean things like fracking? I wouldn't call people that don't like the water coming from their kitchen faucets "treehuggers" exactly...

[ame=""]My Water's On Fire Tonight (The Fracking Song)[/ame]

He'll put the stake through the heart of ObamaCare, which is keeping a lot of employers from hiring right now.

Can you cite specific examples of that being true and not just you speculating? Repealing the Affordable Care Act would actually add to our deficit. That doesn't seem wise...

I also think any president that wished to repeal the Affordable Care Act would be hard pressed to do so. People are actually starting to feel the effects of it...and they like it.

Aetna Lowering Premiums

The CBO has admited ObamanationCare is a job killer...

The PJ Tatler » CBO: Yes, ObamaCare is a job killer

Cliff Lindholm III, president and CEO of Passaic-based Falstrom Co., which makes precision metal products, said changes to the health care bill are a top priority. He said his health care insurer, hiking the cost of Falstrom’s coverage by 30 percent, recently blamed the increase in part on the health care bill’s requirement that insurers cover dependents until age 26. … [L]indholm added, congressional gridlock ‘could provide certainty about nothing happening. So that would, in essence, be a positive for business, because they don’t see a potential for new rules and regulations coming down from Washington.’” (The Bergen Record, 11/7/10)

Miami Valley small business owners fear they could find themselves buried in additional paperwork stemming from a new tax rule attached to the Health Care Act. … That means local start-ups and mom-and-pop shops with limited bookkeeping resources would have to collect tax ID information and file 1099 forms for every gas station or office supply store they spend $600 with to support their business. ‘There has got to be a better way,’ said Ed Fritz, owner of Centerville Coin & Jewelry Connection. ‘It’s just creating a big headache for small business owners.’” (Dayton Daily News, 10/25/10)

Ron Ruff, president of Winfree, Ruff & Associates … said he walked away with many concerns for his business. ‘It’s a very complex process and it’s going to be, on the surface, looks like, expensive for small businesses,’ he said. ‘As the years click off, there’s a lot of things that are going to start applying to small businesses. Are they going to have resources to keep up with this?’ Ruff said he is concerned about potential penalties that could be assessed to his business for not fully complying with the new [health care] guidelines. ‘My concern is a lot of these regulations aren’t written yet. Weekly, monthly, we hear new things come out. It’s a big unknown in the future,’ he said. ‘There’s a lot of unknowns; that’s the scary part about this.’” (The Lancaster Eagle-Gazette, 11/7/10)

My company is already laying people off because of ObamanationCare. When we get a vacancy, it doesn't get filled. We are using more Temps because we don't have to cover them on HC.

130 Economist Tell White House: Health Care Bill is a Job Killer | FreedomWorks

In addition to all it's other problems, economists also say the health care bill is a job killer, too. They point to all the tax hikes needed to pay for the new $1,000,000,000,000+ entitlement as slowing economic growth and job creation. 130 economists signed the letter below (also here) and sent it to the White House today.

Dear President Obama and Congress:

As early as this week, the House of Representatives will vote on the Senate-passed health care bill as well as a reconciliation package making changes to the bill. While Speaker Pelosi asserts that health care reform will create four million jobs, we disagree. In our view, the health care bill contains a number of provisions that will eliminate jobs, reduce hours and wages, and limit future job creation.

New Taxes. The bill raises taxes by almost $500 billion over ten years. A significant portion of these tax increases will fall on small business owners, reducing capital and limiting economic growth and hiring.

New and Increased Medicare Taxes. An increase in the Medicare payroll tax included in the bill will affect small businesses employing millions of Americans. Over time, higher payroll taxes will decrease wages for these employees. And a new Medicare tax on investment income such as interest, dividends, and capital gains proposed by President Obama and likely included in the bill will threaten jobs and decrease economic growth.

Employer Mandate. The bill will impose a tax of $2,000 per employee on employers with more than 50 employees that do not provide health insurance. The bill will also tax employers that offer health coverage deemed “unaffordable” by the government. These new taxes on employers will reduce employment or be passed on to workers in the form of lower wages or reduced hours.

In addition to constricting economic growth and reducing employment, the health care bill will increase spending on health care and will increase the cost of health coverage. The new and higher taxes on America’s small businesses and workers included in the bill are detrimental to job creation and economic growth, especially now given the fragile state of the economy. The Congress should instead enact a health care bill that will reduce spending on health care, reduce the cost of health coverage for every American, and that does not harm the economy or cost jobs.


(click here to see all 130 names on the letter)
Freedom Works? The Koch brothers front? Come on...don't make me lose respect for you.
Here are some excerpts from Governor Perry's announcement today.

Rick Perry for President | Why I’m Running

"What I learned in my 20’s traveling the globe as an Air Force pilot, our current president has yet to acknowledge in his 50’s – that we are the most exceptional nation on the face of the earth.

"As Americans, we believe freedom is a gift from God, and government’s prime function is to defend it. We don’t see the role of government as a nanny state, and we recognize there is no government money that wasn’t once earned through the sweat and toil of private citizens.

The change we seek will never emanate out of Washington…it must come from the windswept prairies of Middle America…the farms and factories across this great land…the hearts and minds of God-fearing Americans who will not accept a future that is less than our past…who will not be consigned a fate of less freedom in exchange for more government.

It is up to us…to this present generation of Americans…to take a stand for freedom…to send a signal to Washington that we are taking the country back from the grips of central planners who would control our healthcare, spend our treasure and micro-manage our businesses.

My mission as your president will be to get America working again!

With God’s help, and your courage, we will take our country back."

Yup, this is the guy!

Fear fear fear fear , fear fear fear Fear fear fear.


Fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear feear fear fear fear fear.

Is that they ONLY thing the right understands?



And, what does this fucked Political Charlatan is offering us ?????


And, BTW.....did I ever state that you are one of the most certified Obamarrhoidal Idiots extant ? Well, you are, without a doubt, a congenital idiot as well.
Last edited:

The CBO has admited ObamanationCare is a job killer...

The PJ Tatler » CBO: Yes, ObamaCare is a job killer

Cliff Lindholm III, president and CEO of Passaic-based Falstrom Co., which makes precision metal products, said changes to the health care bill are a top priority. He said his health care insurer, hiking the cost of Falstrom’s coverage by 30 percent, recently blamed the increase in part on the health care bill’s requirement that insurers cover dependents until age 26. … [L]indholm added, congressional gridlock ‘could provide certainty about nothing happening. So that would, in essence, be a positive for business, because they don’t see a potential for new rules and regulations coming down from Washington.’” (The Bergen Record, 11/7/10)

Miami Valley small business owners fear they could find themselves buried in additional paperwork stemming from a new tax rule attached to the Health Care Act. … That means local start-ups and mom-and-pop shops with limited bookkeeping resources would have to collect tax ID information and file 1099 forms for every gas station or office supply store they spend $600 with to support their business. ‘There has got to be a better way,’ said Ed Fritz, owner of Centerville Coin & Jewelry Connection. ‘It’s just creating a big headache for small business owners.’” (Dayton Daily News, 10/25/10)

Ron Ruff, president of Winfree, Ruff & Associates … said he walked away with many concerns for his business. ‘It’s a very complex process and it’s going to be, on the surface, looks like, expensive for small businesses,’ he said. ‘As the years click off, there’s a lot of things that are going to start applying to small businesses. Are they going to have resources to keep up with this?’ Ruff said he is concerned about potential penalties that could be assessed to his business for not fully complying with the new [health care] guidelines. ‘My concern is a lot of these regulations aren’t written yet. Weekly, monthly, we hear new things come out. It’s a big unknown in the future,’ he said. ‘There’s a lot of unknowns; that’s the scary part about this.’” (The Lancaster Eagle-Gazette, 11/7/10)

Your source is Pajamas Media?:dev3:

I guess you were too scared to quote the actual CBO, and preferred someone to spin it for ya hunh?:eusa_whistle:
Here are some excerpts from Governor Perry's announcement today.

Rick Perry for President | Why I’m Running

"What I learned in my 20’s traveling the globe as an Air Force pilot, our current president has yet to acknowledge in his 50’s – that we are the most exceptional nation on the face of the earth.

"As Americans, we believe freedom is a gift from God, and government’s prime function is to defend it. We don’t see the role of government as a nanny state, and we recognize there is no government money that wasn’t once earned through the sweat and toil of private citizens.

The change we seek will never emanate out of Washington…it must come from the windswept prairies of Middle America…the farms and factories across this great land…the hearts and minds of God-fearing Americans who will not accept a future that is less than our past…who will not be consigned a fate of less freedom in exchange for more government.

It is up to us…to this present generation of Americans…to take a stand for freedom…to send a signal to Washington that we are taking the country back from the grips of central planners who would control our healthcare, spend our treasure and micro-manage our businesses.

My mission as your president will be to get America working again!

With God’s help, and your courage, we will take our country back."

Yup, this is the guy!

Fear fear fear fear , fear fear fear Fear fear fear.


Fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear feear fear fear fear fear.

Is that they ONLY thing the right understands?



And, what does this fucked Political Charlatan is offering us ?????


And, BTW.....did I ever state that you are one of the most certified Obamarrhoidal Idiots extant ? Well, you are, without a doubt, a congenital idiot as well.

Jus got back from your KKK/GOP meeting did ya Gay Trauma?

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