person of color but not colored????!!

Oh I get it. So it wouldn't have been Racist if the water fountain said "People of Color Only". Wow I finally understand Racism! Thanks RW!

Negro and Colored were vestiges of segregation.
Those subjected to them find it offensive

Why would you insist on using it?

1) Because there are no bad words. Only words incorrectly used.

2) Because as a free American, I will say what I will in all matters. You have no right to not be offended.
Some people find power in being "offended" That is one reason that some Blacks love to use variations of the N word with each other, but get "offended" if someone not black says it.

And before someone accuses me of it, I have no desire to use the N-Word. I simply believe that people that use the N-Word themselves are hypocrites if they are offended by its use by others.
exactly what's happening today !!

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