Person of the Year

If you want to go back far enough she shares the distinction with such notables as Hitler, Kruschev, Stalin and the Ayatollah. In other words Time is nothing but bull shit.



So, nothing being banned, the worst in those is no longer buying processed meat.
If you want to go back far enough she shares the distinction with such notables as Hitler, Kruschev, Stalin and the Ayatollah. In other words Time is nothing but bull shit.
You do realize that Time explicitly says it chooses its person of the year based on them doing the most to influence the events of that year “for better or worse

They obviously weren’t endorsing Hitler etc. and their actions.

But, yes, naming Taylor Swift is indeed bullshit. Pure pandering.
Me too. They were the best we had in the area and I suffered through their crap for ten years. When I called to cancel, I got the biggest BS runaround I've ever been subjected to. I wouldn't refer them to my worst enemy.

Their crap seemed to break down about every two years. Several times they came out and either replaced the receiver or fixed my dish, then in 2016 when things stopped working, they tried to bill me $95 to come out and fix their gear which I was renting off them! Then they tried to continue billing me for the package I was no longer receiving. Then when I cancelled my service, they tried to get me to box up their crap and ship it back to them! Then when I refused to do that and they wouldn't come pick it up, they tried billing me $700 for the non-functioning receiver. It is still here and they never collected a dime.
Thanks. So, nothing being banned

And I won't even mention their efforts to put gun manufacturers out of business.
The abject jealously on this thread is so much fun to see.
Jealous of Taylor Swift?

Time can name whoever they want, but this is just a case of naming someone currently popular in hopes to boost sales

She’s changed the world because, what, she sold a lot of concert tickets?
Funny. Leftists are constantly scorning billionaires but picked a billionaire to be person of the year.
speaks volumes about what is important to the world population. The MSM promotes one person and suddenly that person is person of the year. I can think of many that have had a bigger effect on the world.
I grew up listening to, singing with, dancing to the music of my time, and the stars did draw us in and we adored them. But that was long before they took the melody out of music and replaced lyrics with repetitive words/phrases.
Capitalism. Imagine that.
As I said, they can name who they want

And I’ve never considered Time to be particularly hard hitting or biting journalism. It’s always been broad and bland to appeal to the masses.

But their person of the year bit always had at least a modicum of dignity and thought put into it. Until this year.

Look up the list of past recipients. Unless Swift has done some truly astounding things I’ve somehow never heard of, she does not belong on this list
SO you like EV's?
Keep talking moron. You're about 20 years behind the times. Musk didn't found Tesla and those EVs have been around since 2003. Now Space X and Starlink are notable contributions that definitely put him miles ahead of Taylor Swift's effect on the world. SMFH, what an idiot.
As I said, they can name who they want

And I’ve never considered Time to be particularly hard hitting or biting journalism. It’s always been broad and bland to appeal to the masses.

But their person of the year bit always had at least a modicum of dignity and thought put into it. Until this year.

Look up the list of past recipients. Unless Swift has done some truly astounding things I’ve somehow never heard of, she does not belong on this list

I think she is far, far, far more deserving than Ben Bernanke.

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