Perth electrical engineer’s discovery will change climate change debate

Damn those electrical engineers with their Linear Control systems modeling expertise !!! How dare one of those math weirdos actually analyze the precious ad hoc climate models.

Engineers' Arrogance Syndrome is funny. That is, whatever the engineer specializes in, he'll declare that obviously it perfectly explains the entire universe.

I see no denier has any problem with Evans using his botched math. But then, fantasy math fits in with the fantasy universe they've created. If you've rewritten the laws of physics, may as well rewrite mathematics as well.

Naturally, Evans will not submit anything to peer review. And the deniers will find some creative excuses as to why that proves he's correct. The conspiracy cult has spoken, and the cultists believe.
ahhh, the little math guy pissed off old tooth. Now we get to see the whiny little it rant oh great.
Damn those electrical engineers with their Linear Control systems modeling expertise !!! How dare one of those math weirdos actually analyze the precious ad hoc climate models.

Engineers' Arrogance Syndrome is funny. That is, whatever the engineer specializes in, he'll declare that obviously it perfectly explains the entire universe.

I see no denier has any problem with Evans using his botched math. But then, fantasy math fits in with the fantasy universe they've created. If you've rewritten the laws of physics, may as well rewrite mathematics as well.

Naturally, Evans will not submit anything to peer review. And the deniers will find some creative excuses as to why that proves he's correct. The conspiracy cult has spoken, and the cultists believe.

Math is math, it's unbiased, has no decline to hide and is unaware of Mann's Nature Trick. That you think the math is a DENIER! is funny
Frankie Boy, you have never taken any math, period. How the hell would you know what math can and cannot tell you? Because math, as applied to natural phenomena is just modeling. And until Evans can show his modeling predicts the future better than that of the present climate scientists, he is just another one of those fruitloops that are constantly claiming to show how Einstein had it all wrong.
math making the libs all hot and bothered. I love it. boo hooo, someone's getting ready to pull the plug.
Oh SHIT...There goes 201,094 government grants to study GLOBAL WARMING!!!! ^
A MATHEMATICAL discovery by Perth-based electrical engineer Dr David Evans may change everything about the climate debate, on the eve of the UN climate change conference in Paris next month. A former climate modeller for the Government’s Australian Greenhouse Office, with six degrees in applied mathematics, Dr Evans has unpacked the architecture of the basic climate model which underpins all climate science.He found that, while the underlying physics of the model is correct, it had been applied incorrectly.He fixed two errors and the new corrected model finds the climate’s sensitivity to carbon dioxide (CO2) is much lower than was thought.It...



I am outraged that you would use one of my peers (EE) to score some cheap debating points. You need to make your argument, sans my compadre's.
Oh SHIT...There goes 201,094 government grants to study GLOBAL WARMING!!!! ^
A MATHEMATICAL discovery by Perth-based electrical engineer Dr David Evans may change everything about the climate debate, on the eve of the UN climate change conference in Paris next month. A former climate modeller for the Government’s Australian Greenhouse Office, with six degrees in applied mathematics, Dr Evans has unpacked the architecture of the basic climate model which underpins all climate science.He found that, while the underlying physics of the model is correct, it had been applied incorrectly.He fixed two errors and the new corrected model finds the climate’s sensitivity to carbon dioxide (CO2) is much lower than was thought.It...


Scientists have so little integrity. Why trust anything they design? Like that computer you use? You should turn that off and toss it.

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