Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: ‘Salvation’ Depends on Being ‘Useful.’

Helping the poor is Paramount to Christianity.
And taking it by force from peoples pockets is anti-Christian.

Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars

Nothing you said, changes anything he said.

No one is advocating violating the law, and refusing to pay our taxes. We all are perfectly fine paying our taxes.

That doesn't mean we can't argue the tax law should be changed.

There the two positions are not mutually exclusive. You can both argue for lower taxes, and at the exact same time completely follow the law, and pay your taxes.

There is nothing anti-Christian, about arguing giving your money to government results in government blowing money on crap like Solydra, and at the same time, fully paying how much you owe in taxes.

The argument is taxes are taking a persons money by force. That is what I replied to and counter to what you are arguing.

The argument is true. Taxes are taking a person's money by force. Are you denying that? Try refusing to pay for awhile.

Taxation is theft of a person's property. That's what it is. You earned some money.... I want it... but I can't just take it from you... so I elect someone into government... who then takes that money from you, and gives it to me. It's just theft, with flowery words to justify it.

That doesn't change the fact that a Christian can both pay their taxes, and disagree with taxation, or disagree on the rates.

Taxes are you paying for the things you use. You may not agree with each and everything but otherwise you are arguing that you want to be a freeloader.
If the unbelievers would support the Church like they're supposed to

Why do Jews not believe in Jesus?

Does it have something to do with

1. their ancestors ACTUALLY OBSERVED HIM, while you and your ancestors did NOT
2. they wrote the New Testament for unChosen MORONS like you to manipulate you to "serve Israel." They wrote the "book" and they DO NOT BELIEVE IT - cough cough
3. Fraud Jesus was given a trial, an OPEN TRIAL, and demonstrated that he was a COMPLETE FRAUD

No, actually the reason is more simple than that, and it was explained very well in the Bible if you had read it.

The Jews were looking for a national savior, rather than a personal one.

They wanted someone who was going to overthrow the Romans, and restore Israel into a nation.

This is why what led up to the trial, was Jesus meeting with Tax collectors, because tax collectors were working with the Romans, and to the Jews, this was like having people become traitors. Supporting the enemies of Israel, by working for their government.

This is why they rejected Jesus. And even to this day, they are still looking for a that national savior, that will restore peace in Israel, which we know will come with the contract with the anti-christ, which is just a fancy way of saying a man, who isn't Christ, but pretends to be. In Revelations, we know that Israel will sign a peace deal, that is guaranteed for 7 years, and the result of that will be war.

This may sound ironic, but all you have to do is look at the Nobel Peace Prize, and see how they toss it at anyone, whether they do anything for peace or not, as long as they talk a good game... and you can see how the anti-christ will be considered a savior, while bringing war.

As far as the people who knew Jesus, not accepting him.... that's actually not true.

The vast majority of those who actually walked, and lived, and followed Jesus, did believe in him. All the early Christians, were Jews. In fact all of them. Before Peter went to the Centurion, every single Christian was a Jew.

The people who rejected Jesus, were the ones that didn't follow Jesus, and hated him because he pointed out their evil. Calling them white washed tombs, and son's of snakes, and that they had turned the temple into a den of thieves.

So that claim, isn't very accurate. It was only the people who didn't know Jesus, that put him on trial, and declared him a fraud.
Helping the poor is Paramount to Christianity.
And taking it by force from peoples pockets is anti-Christian.

Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars

Nothing you said, changes anything he said.

No one is advocating violating the law, and refusing to pay our taxes. We all are perfectly fine paying our taxes.

That doesn't mean we can't argue the tax law should be changed.

There the two positions are not mutually exclusive. You can both argue for lower taxes, and at the exact same time completely follow the law, and pay your taxes.

There is nothing anti-Christian, about arguing giving your money to government results in government blowing money on crap like Solydra, and at the same time, fully paying how much you owe in taxes.

The argument is taxes are taking a persons money by force. That is what I replied to and counter to what you are arguing.
Don’t pay your taxes and let us know when people with guns knock on your door.

They don't.
If the unbelievers would support the Church like they're supposed to

Why do Jews not believe in Jesus?

Does it have something to do with

1. their ancestors ACTUALLY OBSERVED HIM, while you and your ancestors did NOT
2. they wrote the New Testament for unChosen MORONS like you to manipulate you to "serve Israel." They wrote the "book" and they DO NOT BELIEVE IT - cough cough
3. Fraud Jesus was given a trial, an OPEN TRIAL, and demonstrated that he was a COMPLETE FRAUD

No, actually the reason is more simple than that, and it was explained very well in the Bible if you had read it.

The Jews were looking for a national savior, rather than a personal one.

They wanted someone who was going to overthrow the Romans, and restore Israel into a nation.

This is why what led up to the trial, was Jesus meeting with Tax collectors, because tax collectors were working with the Romans, and to the Jews, this was like having people become traitors. Supporting the enemies of Israel, by working for their government.

This is why they rejected Jesus. And even to this day, they are still looking for a that national savior, that will restore peace in Israel, which we know will come with the contract with the anti-christ, which is just a fancy way of saying a man, who isn't Christ, but pretends to be. In Revelations, we know that Israel will sign a peace deal, that is guaranteed for 7 years, and the result of that will be war.

This may sound ironic, but all you have to do is look at the Nobel Peace Prize, and see how they toss it at anyone, whether they do anything for peace or not, as long as they talk a good game... and you can see how the anti-christ will be considered a savior, while bringing war.

As far as the people who knew Jesus, not accepting him.... that's actually not true.

The vast majority of those who actually walked, and lived, and followed Jesus, did believe in him. All the early Christians, were Jews. In fact all of them. Before Peter went to the Centurion, every single Christian was a Jew.

The people who rejected Jesus, were the ones that didn't follow Jesus, and hated him because he pointed out their evil. Calling them white washed tombs, and son's of snakes, and that they had turned the temple into a den of thieves.

So that claim, isn't very accurate. It was only the people who didn't know Jesus, that put him on trial, and declared him a fraud.

Dang, that almost sounds like any/all the democrat candidates story.
And taking it by force from peoples pockets is anti-Christian.

Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars

Nothing you said, changes anything he said.

No one is advocating violating the law, and refusing to pay our taxes. We all are perfectly fine paying our taxes.

That doesn't mean we can't argue the tax law should be changed.

There the two positions are not mutually exclusive. You can both argue for lower taxes, and at the exact same time completely follow the law, and pay your taxes.

There is nothing anti-Christian, about arguing giving your money to government results in government blowing money on crap like Solydra, and at the same time, fully paying how much you owe in taxes.

The argument is taxes are taking a persons money by force. That is what I replied to and counter to what you are arguing.
Don’t pay your taxes and let us know when people with guns knock on your door.

They don't.
Yeah, the government just ignores everyone who skips paying their taxes.
Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars

Nothing you said, changes anything he said.

No one is advocating violating the law, and refusing to pay our taxes. We all are perfectly fine paying our taxes.

That doesn't mean we can't argue the tax law should be changed.

There the two positions are not mutually exclusive. You can both argue for lower taxes, and at the exact same time completely follow the law, and pay your taxes.

There is nothing anti-Christian, about arguing giving your money to government results in government blowing money on crap like Solydra, and at the same time, fully paying how much you owe in taxes.

The argument is taxes are taking a persons money by force. That is what I replied to and counter to what you are arguing.
Don’t pay your taxes and let us know when people with guns knock on your door.

They don't.
Yeah, the government just ignores everyone who skips paying their taxes.

No they don't but they don't come after you with guns. Shouldn't you pay for the things you use?
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

He didn't say anything about "Christianity", shitforbrains. He said "my faith".

Go ahead, check me. Watch your own link.

What a fucking dumbass. If I ran a headline saying "Bridge For Sale" would you pull your wallet out?
Or would you ass-ume it's about "Christianity"?

The only thing Pete has faith in is his boyfriend's penis.
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

He didn't say anything about "Christianity", shitforbrains. He said "my faith".

Go ahead, check me. Watch your own link.

What a fucking dumbass. If I ran a headline saying "Bridge For Sale" would you pull your wallet out?
Or would you ass-ume it's about "Christianity"?

The only thing Pete has faith in is his boyfriend's penis.

Fucking weird how y'all are all hung up on sex, in a commentary that made no mention of it. Doncha think?

Obsess much?
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

He didn't say anything about "Christianity", shitforbrains. He said "my faith".

Go ahead, check me. Watch your own link.

What a fucking dumbass. If I ran a headline saying "Bridge For Sale" would you pull your wallet out?
Or would you ass-ume it's about "Christianity"?

The only thing Pete has faith in is his boyfriend's penis.
well as long as he has faith in something.
And taking it by force from peoples pockets is anti-Christian.

Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars

Nothing you said, changes anything he said.

No one is advocating violating the law, and refusing to pay our taxes. We all are perfectly fine paying our taxes.

That doesn't mean we can't argue the tax law should be changed.

There the two positions are not mutually exclusive. You can both argue for lower taxes, and at the exact same time completely follow the law, and pay your taxes.

There is nothing anti-Christian, about arguing giving your money to government results in government blowing money on crap like Solydra, and at the same time, fully paying how much you owe in taxes.

The argument is taxes are taking a persons money by force. That is what I replied to and counter to what you are arguing.
Don’t pay your taxes and let us know when people with guns knock on your door.

They don't.

But they do... or they put a lien on your house, or they garnish your wages. There are many ways the IRS can take what you have by force. It's true that they do not TYPICALLY put people in prison, but they most certainly do put people in prison.

Of course the primary reason they don't, is because they would rather have you as a slave, than as a prisoner. Prisoners do not generally make a good enough income to pay their masters.... slaves do. Go work your job, and enjoy paying your master.
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

He didn't say anything about "Christianity", shitforbrains. He said "my faith".

Go ahead, check me. Watch your own link.

What a fucking dumbass. If I ran a headline saying "Bridge For Sale" would you pull your wallet out?
Or would you ass-ume it's about "Christianity"?

The only thing Pete has faith in is his boyfriend's penis.

Fucking weird how y'all are all hung up on sex, in a commentary that made no mention of it. Doncha think?

Obsess much?

Well when you claim to be a Christian, then by definition, means you follow the teachings of the Christian Bible.

Pete is a homo. That's what he is, and he's open about it.

These are mutually exclusive. You can't both follow the teaching of the Bible, and be a homo. So yes, we're talking about sex, because it matters and is relevant to this topic.

If I claimed to be a Vegan, and campaigned as a Vegan, and someone brought up pictures of me eating a steak at Texas Roadhouse (which I'm going to this weekend)..... would you laugh if other right-wingers were complaining "You left-wingers are obsessed with meat!" when you complained I wasn't really a Vegan?

Yeah you would, because me eating a steak would be central to the discussion, so yeah, the left-wingers would be obsessed with the fact I'm eating a steak, and claiming to be a Vegan.

Well sparky.... he's ain't a Christian.... or he needs to stop being a rump ranger. It's one or the other. Can't do both.
Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars

Nothing you said, changes anything he said.

No one is advocating violating the law, and refusing to pay our taxes. We all are perfectly fine paying our taxes.

That doesn't mean we can't argue the tax law should be changed.

There the two positions are not mutually exclusive. You can both argue for lower taxes, and at the exact same time completely follow the law, and pay your taxes.

There is nothing anti-Christian, about arguing giving your money to government results in government blowing money on crap like Solydra, and at the same time, fully paying how much you owe in taxes.

The argument is taxes are taking a persons money by force. That is what I replied to and counter to what you are arguing.
Don’t pay your taxes and let us know when people with guns knock on your door.

They don't.

But they do... or they put a lien on your house, or they garnish your wages. There are many ways the IRS can take what you have by force. It's true that they do not TYPICALLY put people in prison, but they most certainly do put people in prison.

Of course the primary reason they don't, is because they would rather have you as a slave, than as a prisoner. Prisoners do not generally make a good enough income to pay their masters.... slaves do. Go work your job, and enjoy paying your master.

Paying for the things that you use does not make you a slave.
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

He didn't say anything about "Christianity", shitforbrains. He said "my faith".

Go ahead, check me. Watch your own link.

What a fucking dumbass. If I ran a headline saying "Bridge For Sale" would you pull your wallet out?
Or would you ass-ume it's about "Christianity"?

The only thing Pete has faith in is his boyfriend's penis.

Fucking weird how y'all are all hung up on sex, in a commentary that made no mention of it. Doncha think?

Obsess much?

Well when you claim to be a Christian, then by definition, means you follow the teachings of the Christian Bible.

Pete is a homo. That's what he is, and he's open about it.

These are mutually exclusive. You can't both follow the teaching of the Bible, and be a homo. So yes, we're talking about sex, because it matters and is relevant to this topic.

If I claimed to be a Vegan, and campaigned as a Vegan, and someone brought up pictures of me eating a steak at Texas Roadhouse (which I'm going to this weekend)..... would you laugh if other right-wingers were complaining "You left-wingers are obsessed with meat!" when you complained I wasn't really a Vegan?

Yeah you would, because me eating a steak would be central to the discussion, so yeah, the left-wingers would be obsessed with the fact I'm eating a steak, and claiming to be a Vegan.

Well sparky.... he's ain't a Christian.... or he needs to stop being a rump ranger. It's one or the other. Can't do both.

The cool thing is, you don't get to determine who is a Christian and who isn't and what sins you will excuse and what one's you will not.
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

He didn't say anything about "Christianity", shitforbrains. He said "my faith".

Go ahead, check me. Watch your own link.

What a fucking dumbass. If I ran a headline saying "Bridge For Sale" would you pull your wallet out?
Or would you ass-ume it's about "Christianity"?

The only thing Pete has faith in is his boyfriend's penis.

Fucking weird how y'all are all hung up on sex, in a commentary that made no mention of it. Doncha think?

Obsess much?

Well when you claim to be a Christian, then by definition, means you follow the teachings of the Christian Bible.

Pete is a homo. That's what he is, and he's open about it.

These are mutually exclusive. You can't both follow the teaching of the Bible, and be a homo. So yes, we're talking about sex, because it matters and is relevant to this topic.

If I claimed to be a Vegan, and campaigned as a Vegan, and someone brought up pictures of me eating a steak at Texas Roadhouse (which I'm going to this weekend)..... would you laugh if other right-wingers were complaining "You left-wingers are obsessed with meat!" when you complained I wasn't really a Vegan?

Yeah you would, because me eating a steak would be central to the discussion, so yeah, the left-wingers would be obsessed with the fact I'm eating a steak, and claiming to be a Vegan.

Well sparky.... he's ain't a Christian.... or he needs to stop being a rump ranger. It's one or the other. Can't do both.

Once AGAIN ---*** NOTHING *** --- NO THING ,ZERO --- in the entire passage is about sex in any way, shape or form.

This ain't rocket surgery. The poster plugged in something that was not there.

The rest of your self-satisfied holier-than-thou bullshit is summarily dismissed for the sociopathic self-righteous pap it is. :eusa_hand:
Nothing you said, changes anything he said.

No one is advocating violating the law, and refusing to pay our taxes. We all are perfectly fine paying our taxes.

That doesn't mean we can't argue the tax law should be changed.

There the two positions are not mutually exclusive. You can both argue for lower taxes, and at the exact same time completely follow the law, and pay your taxes.

There is nothing anti-Christian, about arguing giving your money to government results in government blowing money on crap like Solydra, and at the same time, fully paying how much you owe in taxes.

The argument is taxes are taking a persons money by force. That is what I replied to and counter to what you are arguing.
Don’t pay your taxes and let us know when people with guns knock on your door.

They don't.

But they do... or they put a lien on your house, or they garnish your wages. There are many ways the IRS can take what you have by force. It's true that they do not TYPICALLY put people in prison, but they most certainly do put people in prison.

Of course the primary reason they don't, is because they would rather have you as a slave, than as a prisoner. Prisoners do not generally make a good enough income to pay their masters.... slaves do. Go work your job, and enjoy paying your master.

Paying for the things that you use does not make you a slave.

I have not used, welfare, food stamps, obama phones, section 8 housing, unemployment compensation, a wind mill, ethanol, a city bus, Amtrak, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, cash for clunkers, government funded Union pensions, and I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on.................

“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” -Thomas Jefferson.

I would expand that to include, propagation of social programs one does not believe in, is far worse than merely the ideas one disbelieves.
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

He didn't say anything about "Christianity", shitforbrains. He said "my faith".

Go ahead, check me. Watch your own link.

What a fucking dumbass. If I ran a headline saying "Bridge For Sale" would you pull your wallet out?
Or would you ass-ume it's about "Christianity"?

The only thing Pete has faith in is his boyfriend's penis.

Fucking weird how y'all are all hung up on sex, in a commentary that made no mention of it. Doncha think?

Obsess much?

Well when you claim to be a Christian, then by definition, means you follow the teachings of the Christian Bible.

Pete is a homo. That's what he is, and he's open about it.

These are mutually exclusive. You can't both follow the teaching of the Bible, and be a homo. So yes, we're talking about sex, because it matters and is relevant to this topic.

If I claimed to be a Vegan, and campaigned as a Vegan, and someone brought up pictures of me eating a steak at Texas Roadhouse (which I'm going to this weekend)..... would you laugh if other right-wingers were complaining "You left-wingers are obsessed with meat!" when you complained I wasn't really a Vegan?

Yeah you would, because me eating a steak would be central to the discussion, so yeah, the left-wingers would be obsessed with the fact I'm eating a steak, and claiming to be a Vegan.

Well sparky.... he's ain't a Christian.... or he needs to stop being a rump ranger. It's one or the other. Can't do both.

Once AGAIN ---*** NOTHING *** --- NO THING ,ZERO --- in the entire passage is about sex in any way, shape or form.

This ain't rocket surgery. The poster plugged in something that was not there.

The rest of your self-satisfied holier-than-thou bullshit is summarily dismissed for the sociopathic self-righteous pap it is. :eusa_hand:

Do you just want me to repeat what I already said?

Well when you claim to be a Christian, then by definition, means you follow the teachings of the Christian Bible.

Pete is a homo. That's what he is, and he's open about it.

These are mutually exclusive. You can't both follow the teaching of the Bible, and be a homo. So yes, we're talking about sex, because it matters and is relevant to this topic.

If I claimed to be a Vegan, and campaigned as a Vegan, and someone brought up pictures of me eating a steak at Texas Roadhouse (which I'm going to this weekend)..... would you laugh if other right-wingers were complaining "You left-wingers are obsessed with meat!" when you complained I wasn't really a Vegan?

Yeah you would, because me eating a steak would be central to the discussion, so yeah, the left-wingers would be obsessed with the fact I'm eating a steak, and claiming to be a Vegan.

Well sparky.... he's ain't a Christian.... or he needs to stop being a rump ranger. It's one or the other. Can't do both.

We can keep repeating to each other as long as you like.
The argument is taxes are taking a persons money by force. That is what I replied to and counter to what you are arguing.
Don’t pay your taxes and let us know when people with guns knock on your door.

They don't.

But they do... or they put a lien on your house, or they garnish your wages. There are many ways the IRS can take what you have by force. It's true that they do not TYPICALLY put people in prison, but they most certainly do put people in prison.

Of course the primary reason they don't, is because they would rather have you as a slave, than as a prisoner. Prisoners do not generally make a good enough income to pay their masters.... slaves do. Go work your job, and enjoy paying your master.

Paying for the things that you use does not make you a slave.

I have not used, welfare, food stamps, obama phones, section 8 housing, unemployment compensation, a wind mill, ethanol, a city bus, Amtrak, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, cash for clunkers, government funded Union pensions, and I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on.................

“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” -Thomas Jefferson.

I would expand that to include, propagation of social programs one does not believe in, is far worse than merely the ideas one disbelieves.

Make up your mind. Either taxation is theft OR you do not approve of where all taxation is spent.
He didn't say anything about "Christianity", shitforbrains. He said "my faith".

Go ahead, check me. Watch your own link.

What a fucking dumbass. If I ran a headline saying "Bridge For Sale" would you pull your wallet out?
Or would you ass-ume it's about "Christianity"?

The only thing Pete has faith in is his boyfriend's penis.

Fucking weird how y'all are all hung up on sex, in a commentary that made no mention of it. Doncha think?

Obsess much?

Well when you claim to be a Christian, then by definition, means you follow the teachings of the Christian Bible.

Pete is a homo. That's what he is, and he's open about it.

These are mutually exclusive. You can't both follow the teaching of the Bible, and be a homo. So yes, we're talking about sex, because it matters and is relevant to this topic.

If I claimed to be a Vegan, and campaigned as a Vegan, and someone brought up pictures of me eating a steak at Texas Roadhouse (which I'm going to this weekend)..... would you laugh if other right-wingers were complaining "You left-wingers are obsessed with meat!" when you complained I wasn't really a Vegan?

Yeah you would, because me eating a steak would be central to the discussion, so yeah, the left-wingers would be obsessed with the fact I'm eating a steak, and claiming to be a Vegan.

Well sparky.... he's ain't a Christian.... or he needs to stop being a rump ranger. It's one or the other. Can't do both.

Once AGAIN ---*** NOTHING *** --- NO THING ,ZERO --- in the entire passage is about sex in any way, shape or form.

This ain't rocket surgery. The poster plugged in something that was not there.

The rest of your self-satisfied holier-than-thou bullshit is summarily dismissed for the sociopathic self-righteous pap it is. :eusa_hand:

Do you just want me to repeat what I already said?

Well when you claim to be a Christian, then by definition, means you follow the teachings of the Christian Bible.

Pete is a homo. That's what he is, and he's open about it.

These are mutually exclusive. You can't both follow the teaching of the Bible, and be a homo. So yes, we're talking about sex, because it matters and is relevant to this topic.

If I claimed to be a Vegan, and campaigned as a Vegan, and someone brought up pictures of me eating a steak at Texas Roadhouse (which I'm going to this weekend)..... would you laugh if other right-wingers were complaining "You left-wingers are obsessed with meat!" when you complained I wasn't really a Vegan?

Yeah you would, because me eating a steak would be central to the discussion, so yeah, the left-wingers would be obsessed with the fact I'm eating a steak, and claiming to be a Vegan.

Well sparky.... he's ain't a Christian.... or he needs to stop being a rump ranger. It's one or the other. Can't do both.

We can keep repeating to each other as long as you like.

You most certainly can be a Christian and not be perfect. One of the greatest preachers in the country was a man named A.A. Allen. He led thousands to Christ. His revivals would be packed. He died from alcoholism. He simply could not beat it.

Go to most church services and before or later you will hear someone gossip about someone. I'm not even going to argue with you whether it's a sin or not. Even if it was, that is between him and God.
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'
“Works” for salvation? What a fucking moron... lol

It's in the Bible: By their deeds, you will know them.
Don’t pay your taxes and let us know when people with guns knock on your door.

They don't.

But they do... or they put a lien on your house, or they garnish your wages. There are many ways the IRS can take what you have by force. It's true that they do not TYPICALLY put people in prison, but they most certainly do put people in prison.

Of course the primary reason they don't, is because they would rather have you as a slave, than as a prisoner. Prisoners do not generally make a good enough income to pay their masters.... slaves do. Go work your job, and enjoy paying your master.

Paying for the things that you use does not make you a slave.

I have not used, welfare, food stamps, obama phones, section 8 housing, unemployment compensation, a wind mill, ethanol, a city bus, Amtrak, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, cash for clunkers, government funded Union pensions, and I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on.................

“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” -Thomas Jefferson.

I would expand that to include, propagation of social programs one does not believe in, is far worse than merely the ideas one disbelieves.

Make up your mind. Either taxation is theft OR you do not approve of where all taxation is spent.

They are not mutually exclusive.

It is theft. Period, end of story, game over.

However, I am not oblivious to the fact that at some level taxation is required. The question is what level.

For example, the original constitution did not allow for an income tax. You can have tariffs, and I do not oppose tariffs in general. I am against protectionist tariffs, because the goal is not to fund the government, but rather to prevent imported goods.

I am all in favor of low level tariffs on all important goods, that produces income for the government.

Additionally, while I want to keep corporate taxes low and competitive to other countries, I don't have a problem with corporate taxes either.

I do have a problem with a national income tax, because the government does not need that money, and should remain frugal and effective specifically on the duties of the Federal government.... which is national defense, security, and that is literally it. All rights, reserved to the states.

Now, on the opposite side of the argument, I have no problem with states deciding how they operate.

If you in your state, with your people vote to have an income tax, while I would oppose that in my state, it still would be constitutional.... all rights reserved for the states.

That's the way it was intended. And if your state wants to bankrupt itself with free health care, that's up to you and your state. All rights reserved for the states.

The reason I vehemently oppose this on the Federal level, is that you can avoid consequences on the Federal level.... you can borrow money to avoid the costs of your badly run, badly managed, federal system.... until it bankrupts the entire country. Which technically our government is utterly bankruptcy right now.

One of the good things about the state-based systems, is that you end up with only good policies moving forward. Bad policies are dropped. Because a state can't borrow until it bankrupts the country. When Hawaii tried to have free health care for children, the system in months went bankrupt, the policy was repealed.

But what would happen if this was a national policy by the Federal Government? The system would continue, built on borrowed money, until the country country imploded like Greece.

This why when you look at local budgets, they are generally much better, than the Federal Budget.

My local city budget, nearly every single dollar is productively used for the good of all people, not winners and losers... not one group paying for the benefits of another group.

It goes to police, that benefit everyone. Roads, that benefit everyone. Sewers, that benefit everyone. And on and on and on.

The very opposite of the Federal Budget, where the majority have their money stolen to pay for things they disagree with, that benefits a minority, largely for the benefit of the politicians themselves who gain support and votes from special interest groups.

That is evil... and it should be eliminated.

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