Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: ‘Salvation’ Depends on Being ‘Useful.’

More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

I am sorry to be the one to tell Pete Queerboy but Christianity isn't deeds based.
James 2:14-26.
Oh goody, yet another Bible lesson from a God hater.
I would bet I attend church more than you do.

What's more, I have co-founded two faith-based charities. One of which is named after a bible verse.

And you?

Christianity is not deeds based. james 2:14, says that faith devoid of deeds is dead... and that is true.

Meaning that if you claim to be Christian, and have zero to show for it in how you live, then you likely are not a Christian.

However, that does not mean that deeds equals being Christian.

There are Buddhists and Muslims that do good deeds. Does that mean they can deny the Lord Jesus, and have faith? No they cannot.

Salvation is through faith.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves:
it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.”
Ephesians 2:8-9

That's not up for debate.
That pesky Bible...

"Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery."

New International Trump Version:

And Jesus spake, "Thou mayest committeth adultery many, many times with prostitutes, bigly. You may have as many wedding cakes as you wish for all your multiple marriages. It's Okay When Trump Does It!

"But thou shalt not bake a cake for a homo. Truly, I tell you, that would be a disaster, believe me. "

I'm always confused by left-wingers on this issue.

The new international Trump version? Where is this version? Which Bible based church is teaching this version? Or are you just making up crap, because you don't have anything of value to say?
I keep forgetting you tards don't get satire or parodies. You have to have things spelled out for you in little words.

Sorry about that!

Rather than repeat myself, I will refer you to posts 13 and 14. Let's see if you can figure it out from there.
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

I am sorry to be the one to tell Pete Queerboy but Christianity isn't deeds based.
James 2:14-26.
Oh goody, yet another Bible lesson from a God hater.
I would bet I attend church more than you do.

What's more, I have co-founded two faith-based charities. One of which is named after a bible verse.

And you?

Christianity is not deeds based. james 2:14, says that faith devoid of deeds is dead... and that is true.

Meaning that if you claim to be Christian, and have zero to show for it in how you live, then you likely are not a Christian.

However, that does not mean that deeds equals being Christian.

There are Buddhists and Muslims that do good deeds. Does that mean they can deny the Lord Jesus, and have faith? No they cannot.

Salvation is through faith.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves:
it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.”
Ephesians 2:8-9

That's not up for debate.
If the only path to salvation is through Jesus, then Trump is fucked.
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

I am sorry to be the one to tell Pete Queerboy but Christianity isn't deeds based.
James 2:14-26.

You need to pay attention in church because you are confused. Christians believe that Faith and Grace are the key to salvation, not deeds.

If you believe that deeds will get you to heaven then you should be a Mormon.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its savior. (John 3:14-17)


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--(Ephesians 2:8]

Now if you are a good Christian you will try to do good deeds but like all humans you will fall short and you will be in need of God's Grace.

You can vote for all the filthy Democrats you want that will tax away all your money to give to the Illegals, welfare queens and Obama's Muslim buddies but that won't get you into heaven.

TL;DR and all irrelevant anyway. This thread has a bullshit title. Buttigieg said nothing about "what Christianism believes". He said, and again I quote, "My faith". Once again, "my" is a singular.

How else could he describe his faith? Especially when everyone else in his party are atheists or Jews.
Not all Christians are evangelicals, Southern Baptists, whatever. Get that through your heads. Buttigieg belongs to the Episcopalian denomination of Christianity. There are differences between the various denominations, which is why various denominations exist. Why does this medieval mess continue?

Haha...yeah, that pesky Holy Bible...always trying to keep people decent, moral, law abiding, normal and likeminded...All things the Left and Democrats hate...haha

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible. Jesus wrote none of it. Paul never even met Jesus. Timothy? What the guys decided to include or exclude from it was a product of that group. I personally think that Revelations should not even be in there. Other writings exist that were not included, perhaps not even considered, like the Gnostic Gospels.

Modern politics has nothing to do with it. Your chatter about "the Left" and "Democrats" is meaningless. Moreover, the likes of graham, jeffress, falwell, focus on the family, and other people calling themselves "Christians," have all turned up to support the republicans. What is their excuse?

There you go...discourage people, talk them out of their faith...we all know a nation of Protestant Christians would mean a nation of good, decent, moral, prideful, productive, patriotic, law abiding, accountable, likeminded, normal folks...and you can’t have that, there would be no Democrat Party, no filth and that would completely suck for you.

What you are saying is just sick. Sick. You are an adherent of this group that you define as "Protestant Christians" who apparently are the only people in the universe, according to you, who could be "good, decent, moral, prideful, productive, patriotic, law abiding, accountable, likeminded, normal folks." You are not unique and you are not superior. The same description could be applied to millions of others.

I don't know why you are vilifying people who support the Democratic Party (which you cannot even spell properly).

Why are you trying to destroy the Christian faith? You are, you know. Christianity, and religion in general, is not a competition. You might try looking up the word "humility." Also, "hubris." BTW: "prideful" isn't in the mix.
I am sorry to be the one to tell Pete Queerboy but Christianity isn't deeds based.
James 2:14-26.
Oh goody, yet another Bible lesson from a God hater.
I would bet I attend church more than you do.

What's more, I have co-founded two faith-based charities. One of which is named after a bible verse.

And you?

Christianity is not deeds based. james 2:14, says that faith devoid of deeds is dead... and that is true.

Meaning that if you claim to be Christian, and have zero to show for it in how you live, then you likely are not a Christian.

However, that does not mean that deeds equals being Christian.

There are Buddhists and Muslims that do good deeds. Does that mean they can deny the Lord Jesus, and have faith? No they cannot.

Salvation is through faith.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves:
it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.”
Ephesians 2:8-9

That's not up for debate.
If the only path to salvation is through Jesus, then Trump is fucked.

If Trump does not surrender his life, and repent of his sins, before Jesus Christ.... yeah just like the rest of us. There is no alternate path to forgiveness of sins. Not for Trump, or anyone else in this world.

Trump has no effect on Christianity, or the moral teachings of the Bible.

You seem to be implying that Trumps existence in the world, somehow modifies the truths and morals of the Bible. No it doesn't. The standard has never changed. It didn't change with Obama, nor Bush, or Clinton, nor Bush Sr, nor Reagan, nor Carter, or all the way back to Washington.

The president is a just a man, not a moral leader, not a religious leader, not a savior, not a deity, or anything. He is a man. Just... a man. Like any other man.

The Bible does not change for a nobody internet poster named g5000, or someone as important as the "leader of the free world". The Bible is above all men. No man can change what is stands for, or the morals it promotes.

Doesn't matter what someone as irrelevant as you, or as important as Trump, says or does.

The Bible will continue to be the same standard that has existed for thousands of year, and will remain until the end of the ages when the Book of Revelations plays out, and the judgement of G-d falls on men.
More theology lessons from a God hater.

Every time you ask the Left to demonstrate their usefulness to others, it's under the banner of some government redistribution program, transparently used to buy votes from the most needy.

Leftists are only incredibly charitable with other people's money.

Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: 'Salvation' Depends on Being 'Useful'

I am sorry to be the one to tell Pete Queerboy but Christianity isn't deeds based.
James 2:14-26.

You need to pay attention in church because you are confused. Christians believe that Faith and Grace are the key to salvation, not deeds.

If you believe that deeds will get you to heaven then you should be a Mormon.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its savior. (John 3:14-17)


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--(Ephesians 2:8]

Now if you are a good Christian you will try to do good deeds but like all humans you will fall short and you will be in need of God's Grace.

You can vote for all the filthy Democrats you want that will tax away all your money to give to the Illegals, welfare queens and Obama's Muslim buddies but that won't get you into heaven.

TL;DR and all irrelevant anyway. This thread has a bullshit title. Buttigieg said nothing about "what Christianism believes". He said, and again I quote, "My faith". Once again, "my" is a singular.

How else could he describe his faith? Especially when everyone else in his party are atheists or Jews.

Exactly the way he did --- "MY faith".
I don't think you know the faiths of "everyone else in his party", nor is it relevant to anything anyway. We ain't running a god damned fucking theocracy.
I am sorry to be the one to tell Pete Queerboy but Christianity isn't deeds based.
James 2:14-26.

You need to pay attention in church because you are confused. Christians believe that Faith and Grace are the key to salvation, not deeds.

If you believe that deeds will get you to heaven then you should be a Mormon.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its savior. (John 3:14-17)


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--(Ephesians 2:8]

Now if you are a good Christian you will try to do good deeds but like all humans you will fall short and you will be in need of God's Grace.

You can vote for all the filthy Democrats you want that will tax away all your money to give to the Illegals, welfare queens and Obama's Muslim buddies but that won't get you into heaven.

TL;DR and all irrelevant anyway. This thread has a bullshit title. Buttigieg said nothing about "what Christianism believes". He said, and again I quote, "My faith". Once again, "my" is a singular.

How else could he describe his faith? Especially when everyone else in his party are atheists or Jews.

Exactly the way he did --- "MY faith".
I don't think you know the faiths of "everyone else in his party", nor is it relevant to anything anyway. We ain't running a god damned fucking theocracy.

Hey, Pogo! You'll never look like this 'cause you're too impatient.

I can call it my faith AND be a Christian.
lord you are a dumbass.

Sure you can. But you can't be said to have invoked "Christianity" when what you actually said was "my faith".

This ain't rocket surgery here. "Christianity" and "my faith" do not equal each other. The first is a broad concept; the second is personal and singular.

Faith and Christianity may not equal each other...his faith and Christianity do equal each other.


Anyone anywhere can consult Christianity for guidance.

Only ***I*** can consult MY FAITH.

You can't do it. It's not what we call "yours".

Anyone anywhere can drive a Studebaker.

Only ***I*** can drive MY Studebaker.

The fact remains --- **NOWHERE** did Buttigieg -- or anyone else -- make any reference to "Christianity" at all. ZIPPO.

Prove me wrong.

What faith is Buttigieg ?

Christian, Episcopalian division.

Great, perhaps you could fill in the blanks between POGO's ears.
Sure you can. But you can't be said to have invoked "Christianity" when what you actually said was "my faith".

This ain't rocket surgery here. "Christianity" and "my faith" do not equal each other. The first is a broad concept; the second is personal and singular.

Faith and Christianity may not equal each other...his faith and Christianity do equal each other.


Anyone anywhere can consult Christianity for guidance.

Only ***I*** can consult MY FAITH.

You can't do it. It's not what we call "yours".

Anyone anywhere can drive a Studebaker.

Only ***I*** can drive MY Studebaker.

The fact remains --- **NOWHERE** did Buttigieg -- or anyone else -- make any reference to "Christianity" at all. ZIPPO.

Prove me wrong.

What faith is Buttigieg ?

Christian, Episcopalian division.

Great, perhaps you could fill in the blanks between POGO's ears.

Perhaps you can find the word "Christianity" anywhere in last night's debate at all, by anybody.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps you're mouthing the words as you read this.
I am sorry to be the one to tell Pete Queerboy but Christianity isn't deeds based.
James 2:14-26.

You need to pay attention in church because you are confused. Christians believe that Faith and Grace are the key to salvation, not deeds.

If you believe that deeds will get you to heaven then you should be a Mormon.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its savior. (John 3:14-17)


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--(Ephesians 2:8]

Now if you are a good Christian you will try to do good deeds but like all humans you will fall short and you will be in need of God's Grace.

You can vote for all the filthy Democrats you want that will tax away all your money to give to the Illegals, welfare queens and Obama's Muslim buddies but that won't get you into heaven.

TL;DR and all irrelevant anyway. This thread has a bullshit title. Buttigieg said nothing about "what Christianism believes". He said, and again I quote, "My faith". Once again, "my" is a singular.

How else could he describe his faith? Especially when everyone else in his party are atheists or Jews.

Exactly the way he did --- "MY faith".
I don't think you know the faiths of "everyone else in his party", nor is it relevant to anything anyway. We ain't running a god damned fucking theocracy.

Good Lord, put the crack pipe down. No one is disputing his faith and beliefs are different than most others. That’s actually the point of the OP, his faith is a twisted version of Christianity. He is the son of a Jesuit, and is in a looney Christian denomination that promotes queers.
Not all Christians are evangelicals, Southern Baptists, whatever. Get that through your heads. Buttigieg belongs to the Episcopalian denomination of Christianity. There are differences between the various denominations, which is why various denominations exist. Why does this medieval mess continue?

Haha...yeah, that pesky Holy Bible...always trying to keep people decent, moral, law abiding, normal and likeminded...All things the Left and Democrats hate...haha

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible. Jesus wrote none of it. Paul never even met Jesus. Timothy? What the guys decided to include or exclude from it was a product of that group. I personally think that Revelations should not even be in there. Other writings exist that were not included, perhaps not even considered, like the Gnostic Gospels.

Modern politics has nothing to do with it. Your chatter about "the Left" and "Democrats" is meaningless. Moreover, the likes of graham, jeffress, falwell, focus on the family, and other people calling themselves "Christians," have all turned up to support the republicans. What is their excuse?

There you go...discourage people, talk them out of their faith...we all know a nation of Protestant Christians would mean a nation of good, decent, moral, prideful, productive, patriotic, law abiding, accountable, likeminded, normal folks...and you can’t have that, there would be no Democrat Party, no filth and that would completely suck for you.

What you are saying is just sick. Sick. You are an adherent of this group that you define as "Protestant Christians" who apparently are the only people in the universe, according to you, who could be "good, decent, moral, prideful, productive, patriotic, law abiding, accountable, likeminded, normal folks." You are not unique and you are not superior. The same description could be applied to millions of others.

I don't know why you are vilifying people who support the Democratic Party (which you cannot even spell properly).

Why are you trying to destroy the Christian faith? You are, you know. Christianity, and religion in general, is not a competition. You might try looking up the word "humility." Also, "hubris." BTW: "prideful" isn't in the mix.

When I look around at America today, and compare it to the past... it doesn't seem better off.

And the Democrats, are by almost any measure, the party of evil. It's hard to see any other way to look at the Democrat party. What exactly do they stand for? Stealing wealth? Taken property that isn't theirs? Murdering babies? Releasing criminals, and giving murderers the ability to vote? Completely open borders with no controls at all, on who comes into the country? Dictating every aspect of our lives? Getting people with opposing views kicked off the air? Protesting a tiny woman, and a 5 foot Jewish guy? Threatening to murder people who work at a mom&pop pizza shop? Boycotting the Salvation Army, a charity that has helped the poor and needy, and helped in disaster zones, literally 10s of millions of people around the world?

What good thing have the left-wing democrats ever stood for? I can't think of a single thing.

Even this Metoo# crap.... Democrats step all over themselves. There is no standard.... so then why are you complaining Directors give rolls to women who offer themselves? Isn't that their right to do whatever they want? No no, that's wrong and evil.

So there is a moral standard around sex? No, you are slut shaming and being all puritanical.

So there is no standard, and you are just angry that others are doing using sex to get movie roles?

You guys can't even figure out your own positions. You can't even figure out what a "boy" and a "girl" is.
Some guy, with breast implants, just manhandled women in the an MMA fight, and you applaud women being beaten by a man.

What is one thing you left-wing democrats believe in that is actually good? One thing. I'd love to hear it.

Nearly everything that is evil, and disgusting, and ridiculous, and anti-science... is the core base of the entire Democrat party.
Faith and Christianity may not equal each other...his faith and Christianity do equal each other.


Anyone anywhere can consult Christianity for guidance.

Only ***I*** can consult MY FAITH.

You can't do it. It's not what we call "yours".

Anyone anywhere can drive a Studebaker.

Only ***I*** can drive MY Studebaker.

The fact remains --- **NOWHERE** did Buttigieg -- or anyone else -- make any reference to "Christianity" at all. ZIPPO.

Prove me wrong.

What faith is Buttigieg ?

Christian, Episcopalian division.

Great, perhaps you could fill in the blanks between POGO's ears.

Perhaps you can find the word "Christianity" anywhere in last night's debate at all, by anybody.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps you're mouthing the words as you read this.

LOL, you think any Dem would dare say the word “Christianity” at a Dem debate in this day and age? They know it’s a “triggering” word and have been instructed to use non-triggering terminology, like “my faith”.
James 2:14-26.

You need to pay attention in church because you are confused. Christians believe that Faith and Grace are the key to salvation, not deeds.

If you believe that deeds will get you to heaven then you should be a Mormon.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its savior. (John 3:14-17)


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--(Ephesians 2:8]

Now if you are a good Christian you will try to do good deeds but like all humans you will fall short and you will be in need of God's Grace.

You can vote for all the filthy Democrats you want that will tax away all your money to give to the Illegals, welfare queens and Obama's Muslim buddies but that won't get you into heaven.

TL;DR and all irrelevant anyway. This thread has a bullshit title. Buttigieg said nothing about "what Christianism believes". He said, and again I quote, "My faith". Once again, "my" is a singular.

How else could he describe his faith? Especially when everyone else in his party are atheists or Jews.

Exactly the way he did --- "MY faith".
I don't think you know the faiths of "everyone else in his party", nor is it relevant to anything anyway. We ain't running a god damned fucking theocracy.

Good Lord, put the crack pipe down. No one is disputing his faith and beliefs are different than most others. That’s actually the point of the OP, his faith is a twisted version of Christianity. He is the son of a Jesuit, and is in a looney Christian denomination that promotes queers.

Nothing anywhere in his statement has anything to do with "queers".
Just as nothing anywhere in his statement has anything to do with "Christianity".
Not all Christians are evangelicals, Southern Baptists, whatever. Get that through your heads. Buttigieg belongs to the Episcopalian denomination of Christianity. There are differences between the various denominations, which is why various denominations exist. Why does this medieval mess continue?

Haha...yeah, that pesky Holy Bible...always trying to keep people decent, moral, law abiding, normal and likeminded...All things the Left and Democrats hate...haha

The bible is neither inerrant nor infallible. Jesus wrote none of it. Paul never even met Jesus. Timothy? What the guys decided to include or exclude from it was a product of that group. I personally think that Revelations should not even be in there. Other writings exist that were not included, perhaps not even considered, like the Gnostic Gospels.

Modern politics has nothing to do with it. Your chatter about "the Left" and "Democrats" is meaningless. Moreover, the likes of graham, jeffress, falwell, focus on the family, and other people calling themselves "Christians," have all turned up to support the republicans. What is their excuse?

There you go...discourage people, talk them out of their faith...we all know a nation of Protestant Christians would mean a nation of good, decent, moral, prideful, productive, patriotic, law abiding, accountable, likeminded, normal folks...and you can’t have that, there would be no Democrat Party, no filth and that would completely suck for you.

What you are saying is just sick. Sick. You are an adherent of this group that you define as "Protestant Christians" who apparently are the only people in the universe, according to you, who could be "good, decent, moral, prideful, productive, patriotic, law abiding, accountable, likeminded, normal folks." You are not unique and you are not superior. The same description could be applied to millions of others.

I don't know why you are vilifying people who support the Democratic Party (which you cannot even spell properly).

Why are you trying to destroy the Christian faith? You are, you know. Christianity, and religion in general, is not a competition. You might try looking up the word "humility." Also, "hubris." BTW: "prideful" isn't in the mix.

When I look around at America today, and compare it to the past... it doesn't seem better off.

And the Democrats, are by almost any measure, the party of evil. It's hard to see any other way to look at the Democrat party. What exactly do they stand for? Stealing wealth? Taken property that isn't theirs? Murdering babies? Releasing criminals, and giving murderers the ability to vote? Completely open borders with no controls at all, on who comes into the country? Dictating every aspect of our lives? Getting people with opposing views kicked off the air? Protesting a tiny woman, and a 5 foot Jewish guy? Threatening to murder people who work at a mom&pop pizza shop? Boycotting the Salvation Army, a charity that has helped the poor and needy, and helped in disaster zones, literally 10s of millions of people around the world?

What good thing have the left-wing democrats ever stood for? I can't think of a single thing.

Even this Metoo# crap.... Democrats step all over themselves. There is no standard.... so then why are you complaining Directors give rolls to women who offer themselves? Isn't that their right to do whatever they want? No no, that's wrong and evil.

So there is a moral standard around sex? No, you are slut shaming and being all puritanical.

So there is no standard, and you are just angry that others are doing using sex to get movie roles?

You guys can't even figure out your own positions. You can't even figure out what a "boy" and a "girl" is.
Some guy, with breast implants, just manhandled women in the an MMA fight, and you applaud women being beaten by a man.

What is one thing you left-wing democrats believe in that is actually good? One thing. I'd love to hear it.

Nearly everything that is evil, and disgusting, and ridiculous, and anti-science... is the core base of the entire Democrat party.

This is what Trump should announce


Anyone anywhere can consult Christianity for guidance.

Only ***I*** can consult MY FAITH.

You can't do it. It's not what we call "yours".

Anyone anywhere can drive a Studebaker.

Only ***I*** can drive MY Studebaker.

The fact remains --- **NOWHERE** did Buttigieg -- or anyone else -- make any reference to "Christianity" at all. ZIPPO.

Prove me wrong.

What faith is Buttigieg ?

Christian, Episcopalian division.

Great, perhaps you could fill in the blanks between POGO's ears.

Perhaps you can find the word "Christianity" anywhere in last night's debate at all, by anybody.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps you're mouthing the words as you read this.

LOL, you think any Dem would dare say the word “Christianity” at a Dem debate in this day and age? They know it’s a “triggering” word and have been instructed to use non-triggering terminology, like “my faith”.

Thought I just said this but we do not live in a god damned fucking theocracy. Thus there is no reason to bring up "Christianity", "Zoroastrianism", "Taoism" or any other personal spiritual guide.

Prove there is.
Faith and Christianity may not equal each other...his faith and Christianity do equal each other.


Anyone anywhere can consult Christianity for guidance.

Only ***I*** can consult MY FAITH.

You can't do it. It's not what we call "yours".

Anyone anywhere can drive a Studebaker.

Only ***I*** can drive MY Studebaker.

The fact remains --- **NOWHERE** did Buttigieg -- or anyone else -- make any reference to "Christianity" at all. ZIPPO.

Prove me wrong.

What faith is Buttigieg ?

Christian, Episcopalian division.

Great, perhaps you could fill in the blanks between POGO's ears.

Perhaps you can find the word "Christianity" anywhere in last night's debate at all, by anybody.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps you're mouthing the words as you read this.

Because he didn't say the word Christianity he's not Christian? Dumbass.
What faith is Buttigieg ?

Christian, Episcopalian division.

Great, perhaps you could fill in the blanks between POGO's ears.

Perhaps you can find the word "Christianity" anywhere in last night's debate at all, by anybody.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps you're mouthing the words as you read this.

LOL, you think any Dem would dare say the word “Christianity” at a Dem debate in this day and age? They know it’s a “triggering” word and have been instructed to use non-triggering terminology, like “my faith”.

Thought I just said this but we do not live in a god damned fucking theocracy. Thus there is no reason to bring up "Christianity", "Zoroastrianism", "Taoism" or any other personal spiritual guide.

Prove there is.

James 2:14-26.

You need to pay attention in church because you are confused. Christians believe that Faith and Grace are the key to salvation, not deeds.

If you believe that deeds will get you to heaven then you should be a Mormon.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its savior. (John 3:14-17)


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--(Ephesians 2:8]

Now if you are a good Christian you will try to do good deeds but like all humans you will fall short and you will be in need of God's Grace.

You can vote for all the filthy Democrats you want that will tax away all your money to give to the Illegals, welfare queens and Obama's Muslim buddies but that won't get you into heaven.

TL;DR and all irrelevant anyway. This thread has a bullshit title. Buttigieg said nothing about "what Christianism believes". He said, and again I quote, "My faith". Once again, "my" is a singular.

How else could he describe his faith? Especially when everyone else in his party are atheists or Jews.

Exactly the way he did --- "MY faith".
I don't think you know the faiths of "everyone else in his party", nor is it relevant to anything anyway. We ain't running a god damned fucking theocracy.

Good Lord, put the crack pipe down. No one is disputing his faith and beliefs are different than most others. That’s actually the point of the OP, his faith is a twisted version of Christianity. He is the son of a Jesuit, and is in a looney Christian denomination that promotes queers.

Why do you think that you have any right to define what Christianity is and judge another Christian? graham, jeffress, southern baptists, are all pretty twisted themselves.

Go pray your way. Let other people pray their way. There is no reason for you to interfere with the spiritual lives of others.

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