Peter Strzok public testimony: 10:00 am ET, Thursday, July 12, 2018

Indeed they did. Which is about as clear a case of bias as you could get. MANY people have gone to prison for violations far less than what she did. That's the point.
not true. you are being dumb and disingenuous. The Comey testimony even laid out how what people wanted Clinton charged with had never been used before in any similar circumstances.

Why you lie like you do is interesting,.

No, comey ( the now proven purjeror) is very clear that she broke the law, he then gave her a pass. That's all he did. Our buddy strzok here is the person responsible for altering the hilary investigation result from Gross Negligence to Extremely Careless. Once again, a clear case of bias. Like I said, she did far more illegal activity, and suffered no consequences for it, than any other person who has EVER been under investigation for like activity.

That is a fact. And it is not arguable.
Democrats have spent all day trying to save the disgraced FBI agent from a contempt citation.
The Republicans are asking pertinent questions. The filthy Democrats are making stupid anti Trump speeches.

Just think, Strzok fucked his country for a piece of ass from Luscious Lisa.

Strzok is the biggest fucking liar I have seen before a committee since H.R. Halderman.

Really? What lies? Please be specific and cite "credible" proof. We'll be waiting...
Everything he has said. He used government technology to express his feelings for Trump, and said that “we will stop him” before he interviewed one witness. Bias is obvious and they impact on an investigation is clear. You are a complete fool if you believe the disgraced FBI agent.
One thing the Trump Cult fears more than a Trump Tweet - is a Mueller investigation fully done and wrapped up.
It is done.

It is over.

After 3 years the liberal media, Democrats, liberal extremist, and snowflakes cannot even provide the evidence showing there was a crime ever committed worthy of investigating and of appointing a special counsel.

After 3 years the only evidence of crimes that have been uncovered are enough crimes to send Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Brennan, Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, strzok, Paige, Loretta Lynch, and Eric Holder to prison for a very long time.

Evidence shows Rod Rosenstein and John Mueller should never have been part of this investigation due to the massive conflicts of interest that existed from the very start of this investigation.

Evidence exists now that these two should be purple walked, indicted, imprisoned for criminal obstruction of justice, as they continue to refuse to comply with a congressional subpoena.

The Jig Is Up. The Truth is Out. It has all been exposed. Yet criminal Democrats insist they continue with a farce and treason...
The Republicans are asking pertinent questions. The filthy Democrats are making stupid anti Trump speeches.

Just think, Strzok fucked his country for a piece of ass from Luscious Lisa.

He cheated on his wife with this ugly liberal?
The disgraced FBI agent is a liberal snowflake and probably cried with his whore girlfriend on election night.
Democrats have spent all day trying to save the disgraced FBI agent from a contempt citation.

Disgraced? For what - having personal political opinions that did not affect how he did his job? The IG cleared him.
He's not supposed to express political opinions on the job. He hasn't been cleared because he was fired for his inappropriate behavior.
The disgraced FBI agent hated Trump so bad that he participated in and effort to overturn a constitutional democratic election.
'We will stop him. = 'No Bias'.

'Nuff said.

'Nuff has not been said.

Personal views do not equal bias. How can Congress hold hearings when they are biased. As Strzok said, there are checks and balances built into a FBI investigation so 1 person cannot stop a FBI investigation. That is the same point the IG report made. Strzok did not have the power to alter a FBI investigation. Also the fact that he supported re-opening the investigation into Clinton's e-mails after new ones had been discovered shows the lack of bias.
The number 2 countet-intelligence specialist in the United States, a proven Trump hating liberal, who declared that the FBI did not want Trump to become president, that they could not leave that to risk and needed a back-up plan, and who declared we will stop him, was in charge at some point of both the multiple investigations of The Proven felon Hillary Clinton - where it was proven that he helped make sure she was not indicted and went to prison as she deserve to - but was also in charge of the counter terrorist operation against the GOP candidate and his team...

...and you claim to see no conflict of interest and / or bias.

If that is what you are saying then you have just proven yourself to be a short bus riding, window licking, mouth foaming Ultra partisan leftist extremist idiot...which is why I don't think you really meant to say that.

The number 2 man voted in the Republican primary and did not vote in the general. That is hardly the profile of a anti-Trump liberal. This is about smearing people in a attempt to save your leader. There is NO proof he did anything to help Clinton. Just because you don't like the decision does not make it true. There also was no counter-terrorist plot against Trump. The FBI received information on the Trump campaign and they checked it out. They kept it a secret until after the election.

What you are proving is you are a far right wing looney tune Trump cultist. Having a political view does not equal bias. If this was true then no one could do anything. Republicans have a view and if we go by your standard, they have no business asking questions since they are biased.
Expressing your political bias ON THE JOB(using a work issued phone when your work happens to be the government)is not excusable under any context.

You idiots don't give a fuck about whether Russians did anything to the elections or not, you just want to destroy Trump, and now every single Democrat member of those committees have literally exposed themselves. Half of your hatred of Russia can easily attributed to the now well known hatred of white people that permeates the Democratic party.
Democrats have spent all day trying to save the disgraced FBI agent from a contempt citation.

Disgraced? For what - having personal political opinions that did not affect how he did his job? The IG cleared him.
For letting them interfere with his professional an FBI agent who is part of an ongoing investigation.

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