Peter Strzok public testimony: 10:00 am ET, Thursday, July 12, 2018

Hmmm, his polygraph was out of scope. I wonder what that means...:eusa_whistle:
howmany private servers does Trump have ?

Trump tower - one ate each country club - no telling is there.

Who cares. What matters is how much GOVERNMENT property is on those servers. The shrilary had SHITLOADS. She CLEARLY was violating the Espionage Act.

She was not committing any espionage. That is so ridiculous.

Try reading THE law. She failed to protect the classified material she had on her server. THAT is the violation.
"How many people have been convicted for collusion, and or conspiracy to commit?"

strzok.."none". Ooops. All of those mueller indictments and pleas aren't relevant.
Is the investigation over? How many people have plead guilty and how many more indicted? If this were any other administration, people like you would be going nuts.

They are all relevant because it shows the investigation is working. You cannot de-legitimize it

No one said "collusion' is a crime one can be indicted for. But some of Trump's people have been indicted or plead guilty for colluding to break laws.

Your "convicted for collusion, and or conspiracy to commit" is stupid. You give your agenda away as you put in "convicted" - why? Mueller has the power to convict?

try dealing with factual things: Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel
Try reading THE law. She failed to protect the classified material she had on her server. THAT is the violation.

Maybe in your unprofessional reading of law. But career, professional, Justice Department Lawyers suggested to Comey that this was not the case

Indeed they did. Which is about as clear a case of bias as you could get. MANY people have gone to prison for violations far less than what she did. That's the point.
Strzok was in charge of counter-Intelligence
While the FBI was monitoring and listening in on Trump and his associates, strzok was running a counter-Intelligence operation on the Trump campaign. That means he knew the FBI was listening in on the Trump campaign, instruct had individuals working for him and the FBI contact the Trump campaign and tell them they had information on Hillary they wanted to share.

We know this to be true because it was reported that the way the FBI found out that an unpaid Trump volunteer was meeting with an Australian Ambassador in a British pub was from a tip. We later found out that the tip came from the Australian Ambassador who is a big Hillary supporter and donor, the very person the Trump volunteer was to meet and talk to in that British pub. Strzok and a Hillary supporter basically set this entire meeting up as part of the counter Intelligence operation running on Trump.

Another example of The Counter Intelligence operation stock had running on Trump was the meeting with the Russian lawyer. Barack Obama himself had to override his immigration department to issue this Russian lawyer a visa to get into the country because his immigration department headband her. She was in the country only because Barack Obama made it possible. This lawyer then contacted the Trump Administration telling them she wanted to share information on Hillary.

She was obviously working with the FBI and with struck because before the meeting was ever set up the location was bugged and Barack Obama's own personal Russian interpreter was there in the room during the meeting.

One thing the liberal media, Democrats, and snowflakes will not tell you is that meeting with the lawyer was not illegal and if she had given them any information, which he did not, it was not illegal.

What was illegal, though, was Hillary Clinton colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for a report unsubstantiated dossier she illegally used in an election. This was an actual election crime, and no FBI investigation was ever held on Hillary for this crime.

All throughout the investigation, however, we can see evidence of Strzok's counter-intelligence operation working in conjunction with the FBI's other investigations. The purpose of Strzok's counterintelligence information was to feed false evidence and confirmation of the other FBI investigations. That's how counterintelligence operations work.
Strzok could have let it out that there was terrible info on Trump and the Russians. He did not.

your conspiracy stuff is crazy
The exposed Trump hating Traitor, who plotted and schemed and declared we will stop him, the fired Trump Mueller investigator and demoted FBI agent who ran a counterintelligence operation against the Republican Party presidential candidate in an effort to prevent him from winning, as proven by evidence, claims he had damaging info that he could have prevented against Trump.....


If he had anything he would have released it.

If after almost 3 years the Democrats, to include Mueller, had anything on Donald Trump they would have released it.

He doesn't have anything.

They don't have anything.

They have never had anything.

Evidence proves this.

Evidence proves the Obama Administration conducted a conspiratorial, criminal campaign against the opposing party's Presidential nominee while they did everything it legally possible to keep their candidate, Hillary Clinton, out of prison and on the ballot, confident she would win in a landslide and none of this would ever be found out.

Except it has been found out, and it's coming out in buckets....
One thing the Trump Cult fears more than a Trump Tweet - is a Mueller investigation fully done and wrapped up. When that day comes, they all hope to have discredited everyone in sight - but Trump himself. Trump, a proven serial liar and con man
Indeed they did. Which is about as clear a case of bias as you could get. MANY people have gone to prison for violations far less than what she did. That's the point.
not true. you are being dumb and disingenuous. The Comey testimony even laid out how what people wanted Clinton charged with had never been used before in any similar circumstances.

Why you lie like you do is interesting,.

WASHINGTON — FBI agent Peter Strzok, whose disparaging text messages about President Donald Trump prompted his removal from the ongoing inquiry into Russia's interference in the 2016 election, is to give public testimony Thursday at a joint meeting of House committees.

The public hearing comes in the wake of an 11-hour, closed session last week with members of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees.

Angered by lawmakers' selective leaks of that meeting, Strzok's lawyer has called for the full transcript of that testimony to be released before Thursday's session. Strzok was subpoenaed earlier this week to testify publicly.

Peter Strzok, FBI agent who wrote anti-Trump texts, to testify publicly before lawmakers

Controversial FBI agent Peter Strzok’s upcoming hearing, explained

This sounds like must-see TV. Rachel Maddow did an extraordinary segment on Strzok a few minutes ago. I'll be watching. Will you...?
Democrats have made fools of themselves all day circling the wagons and acting as Strzok defense team. Obstructionist.
but a few people with ads on facebook can change an election.
I don't believe anyone ever claimed that. "Changed?" Contributed, helped seed disinfo and more. and a Few people? please

All of our own intelligence agencies (under Trump) say the Russian campaign (of which the FB stuff was one piece) influenced our election
have you seen the facebook ads in question? read them and did an analysis of what their goals seem to be based off those ads?

wouldn't seem so.
Strzok was in charge of counter-Intelligence
While the FBI was monitoring and listening in on Trump and his associates, strzok was running a counter-Intelligence operation on the Trump campaign. That means he knew the FBI was listening in on the Trump campaign, instruct had individuals working for him and the FBI contact the Trump campaign and tell them they had information on Hillary they wanted to share.

We know this to be true because it was reported that the way the FBI found out that an unpaid Trump volunteer was meeting with an Australian Ambassador in a British pub was from a tip. We later found out that the tip came from the Australian Ambassador who is a big Hillary supporter and donor, the very person the Trump volunteer was to meet and talk to in that British pub. Strzok and a Hillary supporter basically set this entire meeting up as part of the counter Intelligence operation running on Trump.

Another example of The Counter Intelligence operation stock had running on Trump was the meeting with the Russian lawyer. Barack Obama himself had to override his immigration department to issue this Russian lawyer a visa to get into the country because his immigration department headband her. She was in the country only because Barack Obama made it possible. This lawyer then contacted the Trump Administration telling them she wanted to share information on Hillary.

She was obviously working with the FBI and with struck because before the meeting was ever set up the location was bugged and Barack Obama's own personal Russian interpreter was there in the room during the meeting.

One thing the liberal media, Democrats, and snowflakes will not tell you is that meeting with the lawyer was not illegal and if she had given them any information, which he did not, it was not illegal.

What was illegal, though, was Hillary Clinton colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for a report unsubstantiated dossier she illegally used in an election. This was an actual election crime, and no FBI investigation was ever held on Hillary for this crime.

All throughout the investigation, however, we can see evidence of Strzok's counter-intelligence operation working in conjunction with the FBI's other investigations. The purpose of Strzok's counterintelligence information was to feed false evidence and confirmation of the other FBI investigations. That's how counterintelligence operations work.
Strzok could have let it out that there was terrible info on Trump and the Russians. He did not.

your conspiracy stuff is crazy
The exposed Trump hating Traitor, who plotted and schemed and declared we will stop him, the fired Trump Mueller investigator and demoted FBI agent who ran a counterintelligence operation against the Republican Party presidential candidate in an effort to prevent him from winning, as proven by evidence, claims he had damaging info that he could have prevented against Trump.....


If he had anything he would have released it.

If after almost 3 years the Democrats, to include Mueller, had anything on Donald Trump they would have released it.

He doesn't have anything.

They don't have anything.

They have never had anything.

Evidence proves this.

Evidence proves the Obama Administration conducted a conspiratorial, criminal campaign against the opposing party's Presidential nominee while they did everything it legally possible to keep their candidate, Hillary Clinton, out of prison and on the ballot, confident she would win in a landslide and none of this would ever be found out.

Except it has been found out, and it's coming out in buckets....
I doubt anyone that matters takes rants like yours seriously.
but a few people with ads on facebook can change an election.
I don't believe anyone ever claimed that. "Changed?" Contributed, helped seed disinfo and more. and a Few people? please

All of our own intelligence agencies (under Trump) say the Russian campaign (of which the FB stuff was one piece) influenced our election
have you seen the facebook ads in question? read them and did an analysis of what their goals seem to be based off those ads?

wouldn't seem so.
I remember seeing people I personally know sharing suspect click bait and other crap
'We will stop him. = 'No Bias'.

'Nuff said.

'Nuff has not been said.

Personal views do not equal bias. How can Congress hold hearings when they are biased. As Strzok said, there are checks and balances built into a FBI investigation so 1 person cannot stop a FBI investigation. That is the same point the IG report made. Strzok did not have the power to alter a FBI investigation. Also the fact that he supported re-opening the investigation into Clinton's e-mails after new ones had been discovered shows the lack of bias.
The number 2 countet-intelligence specialist in the United States, a proven Trump hating liberal, who declared that the FBI did not want Trump to become president, that they could not leave that to risk and needed a back-up plan, and who declared we will stop him, was in charge at some point of both the multiple investigations of The Proven felon Hillary Clinton - where it was proven that he helped make sure she was not indicted and went to prison as she deserve to - but was also in charge of the counter terrorist operation against the GOP candidate and his team...

...and you claim to see no conflict of interest and / or bias.

If that is what you are saying then you have just proven yourself to be a short bus riding, window licking, mouth foaming Ultra partisan leftist extremist idiot...which is why I don't think you really meant to say that.

The number 2 man voted in the Republican primary and did not vote in the general. That is hardly the profile of a anti-Trump liberal. This is about smearing people in a attempt to save your leader. There is NO proof he did anything to help Clinton. Just because you don't like the decision does not make it true. There also was no counter-terrorist plot against Trump. The FBI received information on the Trump campaign and they checked it out. They kept it a secret until after the election.

What you are proving is you are a far right wing looney tune Trump cultist. Having a political view does not equal bias. If this was true then no one could do anything. Republicans have a view and if we go by your standard, they have no business asking questions since they are biased.
but a few people with ads on facebook can change an election.
I don't believe anyone ever claimed that. "Changed?" Contributed, helped seed disinfo and more. and a Few people? please

All of our own intelligence agencies (under Trump) say the Russian campaign (of which the FB stuff was one piece) influenced our election
have you seen the facebook ads in question? read them and did an analysis of what their goals seem to be based off those ads?

wouldn't seem so.
I remember seeing people I personally know sharing suspect click bait and other crap
Like Huffpo and Salon.
Strzok is the biggest fucking liar I have seen before a committee since H.R. Halderman.
'We will stop him. = 'No Bias'.

'Nuff said.

'Nuff has not been said.

Personal views do not equal bias. How can Congress hold hearings when they are biased. As Strzok said, there are checks and balances built into a FBI investigation so 1 person cannot stop a FBI investigation. That is the same point the IG report made. Strzok did not have the power to alter a FBI investigation. Also the fact that he supported re-opening the investigation into Clinton's e-mails after new ones had been discovered shows the lack of bias.
The number 2 countet-intelligence specialist in the United States, a proven Trump hating liberal, who declared that the FBI did not want Trump to become president, that they could not leave that to risk and needed a back-up plan, and who declared we will stop him, was in charge at some point of both the multiple investigations of The Proven felon Hillary Clinton - where it was proven that he helped make sure she was not indicted and went to prison as she deserve to - but was also in charge of the counter terrorist operation against the GOP candidate and his team...

...and you claim to see no conflict of interest and / or bias.

If that is what you are saying then you have just proven yourself to be a short bus riding, window licking, mouth foaming Ultra partisan leftist extremist idiot...which is why I don't think you really meant to say that.

The number 2 man voted in the Republican primary and did not vote in the general. That is hardly the profile of a anti-Trump liberal. This is about smearing people in a attempt to save your leader. There is NO proof he did anything to help Clinton. Just because you don't like the decision does not make it true. There also was no counter-terrorist plot against Trump. The FBI received information on the Trump campaign and they checked it out. They kept it a secret until after the election.

What you are proving is you are a far right wing looney tune Trump cultist. Having a political view does not equal bias. If this was true then no one could do anything. Republicans have a view and if we go by your standard, they have no business asking questions since they are biased.
Save Trump...from what?

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