Peter Strzok public testimony: 10:00 am ET, Thursday, July 12, 2018

And now they are dismantling the claim that the IG report found no bias. The IG report most certainly DID find evidence that bias affected the investigation. And now, all of a sudden strzok is answering questions that he told the panel he couldn't. He should learn to shut up. He just buried himself.
Stop being disingenuous.

The report found a personal bias, and not one that affected any decisions. Like Strzok said, many layers over and below him. The very idea that one or two men could skew a huge investigation like you conspiracy kooks suggest, is proven false by the shear size of the bureaucratic apparatus involved
Oh, Jeebus. Jeffries sound even more stupid than Sheila.
I'm watching the live feed on youtube and the comments are intense. And overwhelmingly AGAINST strzok, and the dems. It is pretty amazing that youtube is not halting the feed.
Youtube comments? LOL

Some of us watch these things on Cspan, where it can't be rigged by nutjobs

and why would they halt it? Some kind of conspiracy exists in your warped mind? LOL
You are a nutjob.

You literally believe this hack texted late at night to another member of the intelligence department at home about Trump supporters and Trump using a government issued phone, and that this is someone who deserves your respect as a higher up in the FBI who could throw your ass in jail for anything this lunatic could imagine.
And now they are dismantling the claim that the IG report found no bias. The IG report most certainly DID find evidence that bias affected the investigation. And now, all of a sudden strzok is answering questions that he told the panel he couldn't. He should learn to shut up. He just buried himself.

Do you even listen?

It said that his actions could be used to perceive a bias, but there was NO EVIDENCE of bias. If you are as smart as you say you are, you should be able to understand that.

""While the IG report found that Strzok’s politics did not affect his handling of the Clinton email probe, it did not downplay the significance of the text. The message was “not only indicative of a biased state of mind but, even more seriously, implies a willingness to take official action to impact the presidential candidate’s electoral prospects,” the report concluded. Still, the IG “did not find documentary or testimonial evidence” that Strzok acted on that bias, at least with regard to the Clinton email investigation. (The IG did not review the handling of the Russia investigation, which is ongoing.)"

How Trumpworld Is Spinning the FBI Report
Little Peter is hiding behind the tax payer funded FBI outrageous is that?...if you libs want to know why Trump won...its because of BS like this...

A FBI attorney who is protecting the integrity of the investigation. Trump won because the was the least worst of 2 bad choices.
You are a nutjob.

You literally believe this hack texted late at night to another member of the intelligence department at home about Trump supporters and Trump using a government issued phone, and that this is someone who deserves your respect as a higher up in the FBI who could throw your ass in jail for anything this lunatic could imagine.
Freedom. Everyone has a right to personal opinions. They were private ones. There is no evidence they entered into any investigation

All prosecutors, investigators, and everyone else have personal opinions. Most professionals put those aside
And now they are dismantling the claim that the IG report found no bias. The IG report most certainly DID find evidence that bias affected the investigation. And now, all of a sudden strzok is answering questions that he told the panel he couldn't. He should learn to shut up. He just buried himself.
Stop being disingenuous.

The report found a personal bias, and not one that affected any decisions. Like Strzok said, many layers over and below him. The very idea that one or two men could skew a huge investigation like you conspiracy kooks suggest, is proven false by the shear size of the bureaucratic apparatus involved
but a few people with ads on facebook can change an election.
Strzok was in charge of counter-Intelligence
While the FBI was monitoring and listening in on Trump and his associates, strzok was running a counter-Intelligence operation on the Trump campaign. That means he knew the FBI was listening in on the Trump campaign, instruct had individuals working for him and the FBI contact the Trump campaign and tell them they had information on Hillary they wanted to share.

We know this to be true because it was reported that the way the FBI found out that an unpaid Trump volunteer was meeting with an Australian Ambassador in a British pub was from a tip. We later found out that the tip came from the Australian Ambassador who is a big Hillary supporter and donor, the very person the Trump volunteer was to meet and talk to in that British pub. Strzok and a Hillary supporter basically set this entire meeting up as part of the counter Intelligence operation running on Trump.

Another example of The Counter Intelligence operation stock had running on Trump was the meeting with the Russian lawyer. Barack Obama himself had to override his immigration department to issue this Russian lawyer a visa to get into the country because his immigration department headband her. She was in the country only because Barack Obama made it possible. This lawyer then contacted the Trump Administration telling them she wanted to share information on Hillary.

She was obviously working with the FBI and with struck because before the meeting was ever set up the location was bugged and Barack Obama's own personal Russian interpreter was there in the room during the meeting.

One thing the liberal media, Democrats, and snowflakes will not tell you is that meeting with the lawyer was not illegal and if she had given them any information, which he did not, it was not illegal.

What was illegal, though, was Hillary Clinton colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for a report unsubstantiated dossier she illegally used in an election. This was an actual election crime, and no FBI investigation was ever held on Hillary for this crime.

All throughout the investigation, however, we can see evidence of Strzok's counter-intelligence operation working in conjunction with the FBI's other investigations. The purpose of Strzok's counterintelligence information was to feed false evidence and confirmation of the other FBI investigations.

That's how counterintelligence operations work. Anyone who has a clue what they're talking about, or how these things work, already know this. Those who do not have a clue, have been easily manipulated to believe whatever they are told, mainly based off of emotion.

Collusion is not a crime...Meeting with someone to talk about and even to receive opposition research is not a crime.... but liberals and the liberal media pump this out as news and spun up ignorant, easily manipulated snowflakes into believing it was a crime and demanding impeachment of a president based on no crime, but more important than that no evidence of any crime.

In the meantime again the only candidate who broke the law for illegal collusion and violation of election law was Hillary Clinton by colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for a document that she illegally used in a u.s. election.

And while snowflakes demanded and still do demand punishment of the newly elected president for having committed no crime they simultaneously refuse to acknowledge and refuse to call for punishment of the only candidate who did break the law, Hillary Clinton.

While all this is going on, it was proven the Russians did try to interfere in the u.s. election by creating chaos and division within the United States. By not accepting the results of the election in continuing with this insane Behavior that is splitting up United States, liberals and snowflakes continue to help Vladimir Putin's plan to succeed far more than he ever hoped it would.

One more lesson for the ignorant liberals:

In Counter Intelligence operations during elections, you do not help the person that you think will win or that you even want to win.

What you do is to support the candidate you think will Lose. Two lies, manipulation, paying groups to do your bidding as the Russians did, and through propaganda you support the loser and create a question of legitimacy regarding the person who won. Even if you only get 20% of the population to believe the election was illegally manipulated or manipulated from the outside and you get them to question or a bell against the authority that was elected, you have just successfully divided the country and made it extremely difficult for the incoming president and administration to lead / govern especially a divided America.

Putin's objective was chaos and Division.

He got snowflakes to organize in March for him. He paid liberal groups to spread racial Division and violence across the United States. And now he has that 20% of Americans hostilely questioning and rebelling against the legitimate 2016 presidential election winner. He has the United States divided like never before.

And he has liberal extremist and snowflakes refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election to thank.

As Hillary Clinton herself said, anyone who does not accept the results of elections are threat to our democracy. The liberal extremist, liberal media, and snowflakes are proving just how right she was.


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"How many people have been convicted for collusion, and or conspiracy to commit?"

strzok.."none". Ooops. All of those mueller indictments and pleas aren't relevant.
He used a Government issued phone, idiot.

That undermines everything he says.

personal opinions on a government phone does not equate being innocent or guilty of any charge. LOL

Every single Congress person questioning Strzok has personal opinions.. are you suggesting only they put that aside, or you admitting like Gowdy has before that it's alla bullshit clown show for consumption by imbecile?

Which is it oh Wizard of Ahhas and Oooohs?

Republican Investigator Trey Gowdy Stops Pretending, Admits ‘This Is Politics’
The government phone is meant for his job, idiot.

Do you have any fucking idea what would happen to someone who used a work phone to text their lover from an adulterous relationship and talk shit about millions of people in the private sector? The FBI HAS to have a higher standards than a private sector job.
but a few people with ads on facebook can change an election.
I don't believe anyone ever claimed that. "Changed?" Contributed, helped seed disinfo and more. and a Few people? please

All of our own intelligence agencies (under Trump) say the Russian campaign (of which the FB stuff was one piece) influenced our election
Him cheating on his wife has NOTHING to do with an investigation into Russian collusion or Hillary's emails. Saying otherwise is just nonsensical.

I agree. Him LYING to his wife, on the other hand, most certainly does.

No it doesn't. The head of law enforcement for the United States of America has cheated on multiple wives, but you want to give him a free pass. Give it the fuck up.
It's amazing how the left suddenly cares about morality when it comes to their political opponents, but ignore it when it comes to their own.

yup, and the Right never does that.


Yeah kind of like how so many Trump followers on here call all Democrats pedophiles of that they support pedophilia, yet it is a Republican former Speaker of the House that went to prison for paying off a student who sexual abused as a child.

Dennis Hastert, Ex-House Speaker Who Admitted Sex Abuse, Leaves Prison

It's sad to see both parties to accuse the other of the same fucking things their own side does as well.

Exactly. Everyone is more interested in keeping their seats than they are in doing the right thing. Both Clinton and Trump are sexual predators yet we are supposed to condemn Bill Clinton and ignore what Donald Trump did.
Strzok was in charge of counter-Intelligence
While the FBI was monitoring and listening in on Trump and his associates, strzok was running a counter-Intelligence operation on the Trump campaign. That means he knew the FBI was listening in on the Trump campaign, instruct had individuals working for him and the FBI contact the Trump campaign and tell them they had information on Hillary they wanted to share.

We know this to be true because it was reported that the way the FBI found out that an unpaid Trump volunteer was meeting with an Australian Ambassador in a British pub was from a tip. We later found out that the tip came from the Australian Ambassador who is a big Hillary supporter and donor, the very person the Trump volunteer was to meet and talk to in that British pub. Strzok and a Hillary supporter basically set this entire meeting up as part of the counter Intelligence operation running on Trump.

Another example of The Counter Intelligence operation stock had running on Trump was the meeting with the Russian lawyer. Barack Obama himself had to override his immigration department to issue this Russian lawyer a visa to get into the country because his immigration department headband her. She was in the country only because Barack Obama made it possible. This lawyer then contacted the Trump Administration telling them she wanted to share information on Hillary.

She was obviously working with the FBI and with struck because before the meeting was ever set up the location was bugged and Barack Obama's own personal Russian interpreter was there in the room during the meeting.

One thing the liberal media, Democrats, and snowflakes will not tell you is that meeting with the lawyer was not illegal and if she had given them any information, which he did not, it was not illegal.

What was illegal, though, was Hillary Clinton colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for a report unsubstantiated dossier she illegally used in an election. This was an actual election crime, and no FBI investigation was ever held on Hillary for this crime.

All throughout the investigation, however, we can see evidence of Strzok's counter-intelligence operation working in conjunction with the FBI's other investigations. The purpose of Strzok's counterintelligence information was to feed false evidence and confirmation of the other FBI investigations. That's how counterintelligence operations work.
Strzok could have let it out that there was terrible info on Trump and the Russians. He did not.

your conspiracy stuff is crazy
FINALLY, they ask him about obummers bullshit!
Republican Investigator Trey Gowdy Stops Pretending, Admits ‘This Is Politics’

Bullshit politics. We have it from the mouth of on e of the Chairmen

“Congressional investigations unfortunately are usually overtly political investigations, where it is to one side’s advantage to drag things out,” says Gowdy. “The notion that one side is playing the part of defense attorney and that the other side is just these white-hat defenders of the truth is laughable … This is politics.”
Like the bullshit "Russian collusion" that was shot down by the fact that Obama didn't care about Russia during the 2012 campaign and attacked Romney for daring to suggest Russia was still a threat, and the fact that he was friendly with Russia all the way until the end of 2016.

Corrupt bitches like Maddow have NO answer to this.

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