Petition asking Electoral College to install Hillary can be signed here.

People did live with the results. Many were highly disappointed to get a liberal in the White House but there wasn't a single call to harass electors, recount ballots or sign petitions. There were no protests. There was no rioting and violence in the streets. There were no demands for safe spaces or schools allowing students to delay tests. There were no therapy groups.

Each side will always criticize the other because the left and right have different ideologies. Disagreeing is expected. This goes far beyond that as people refuse to accept the results and are trying to overturn it.

The actions of some since the election is plain sick. Even some fake news people are claiming it's a national emergency. Maybe some do need therapy. Not because Trump won but because many are just unable to deal with reality.
After Obama was sworn into office as President, people led by Radio Talk Show hosts immediately starting calling out to 'take our country back'

Obama won in 2008 and in 2012 with over 50% of the vote, and beat his opponents handily in the electoral college.

There is tons of evidence out there of people whining, ringing their hands, demanding the GOP do everything to make Obama a one-termer

People demanded the President prove he was a citizen and accused him of being a secret Muslim.

We could go on, but I suspect you're as close minded as you are ignorant of facts
Did the the thought ever occur to you that the reason the Republicans wanted Obama to be a one termer was because we didn't want his socialist Marxist values?

Not so sure why it was so hard for democrats to comprehend that.

Obama lost in 2010 ...2012 was just a popularity contest..Obamas policy's got smoked in 2014 and 2016...
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated

"Petition asking Electoral College to install Hillary can be signed here."

LOL...How many times do you get to vote? Now you want to elect her without any competition? bet she still doesn't get the job!...America just doesn't want her under any circumstances.
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated
Here's my sig............GFY.
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.
Fuck off... first the CIA needs to launch a full scale investigation
into what info Hillary sold to our enemies in the Middle East!
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated

Not just no...but HELL NO!
Did the the thought ever occur to you that the reason the Republicans wanted Obama to be a one termer was because we didn't want his socialist Marxist values?

Not so sure why it was so hard for democrats to comprehend that.

Obama lost in 2010 ...2012 was just a popularity contest..Obamas policy's got smoked in 2014 and 2016...
A Presidential Election is nothing more than a popularity contest? Hmm
Obama seems to have lost his top spot amongst gun salesmen. Lots of folks arming up in anticipation of the civil war this raid on The U.S. Constitution will start.

I'd say it would make for good TV but the network studios might present a most tempting initial set of targets.
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated

Let's see, the election didn't work, then the recount by proxy blew up in her face, now what happens when she loses while running unopposed where she is the only choice? Ya know what she should do, visit the white house after Trump is sworn in and ask him to play musical chairs, then jump in his chair before the music stops and refuse to get up...ever!
The left has this troubling history now of not accepting election results.
They did it in 2000, 2004, and now in 2016. Apparently they want to see anarchy in the streets of America.
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated

"Petition asking Electoral College to install Hillary can be signed here."

LOL...How many times do you get to vote? Now you want to elect her without any competition? bet she still doesn't get the job!...America just doesn't want her under any circumstances.

Libs cry about voters being disenfranchised but they only respect voters who agree with them.

It's also funny how they claim no illegals voted despite Obama coming right out and telling them to do so. We know they are and it's no coincidence that Hillary got millions of votes in the areas in California that have a majority illegal population. I would be curious to see how an investigation would go if registered voters had their citizenship status checked. After seeing votes counted more than once in Detroit (some counted six times), you know there would be some interesting shit in the land of illegal aliens. Sanctuary cities give citizenship rights to anyone crossing the border and I bet that includes the right to vote.
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated

There is no evidence that hackers, from Russia or elsewhere, tampered with the vote tallies.

FBI investigated trump and found no clear link to Russia.
It's claimed that the FBI wasn't privy to the same level of intelligence as the CIA, thus they couldn't corroborate the CIA findings which seems reasonable. The CIA and FBI have different missions, resources and priorities. The CIA's scope is primarily international and the FBI is primarily domestic although there are of course overlaps.
If Obama doesn't release it, Trump may try to bury it. Congress may or not give it a decent hearing.

The CIA is one of the most apolitical agencies in the goverment. I serious doubt that the agency would misrepresent their finding as being highly creditable considering they're going to be working for Trump next month.

I agree! President Obama should release as much as possible to the public!
Senators are asking for portions of the report now. Obama has asked the CIA for the complete report before he leaves office. I think he will release it to keep Trump from burying it.
So we are supposed to overturn the election because anonymous sources in the CIA are claiming that the Russians tried to influence our election based on Intel they had before the election.

And your solution is to give Hillary the election because wikileaks, allegedly with help from the Russians, exposed DNC emails showing corruption that the DNC is confirming happened by their line of arguing.

So Hillary is corrupt but we should ignore the will of the electorate and make her president because the Russians allegedly exposed some of her corruption.

You're seriously arguing this and wonder why she lost.
So we are supposed to overturn the election because anonymous sources in the CIA are claiming that the Russians tried to influence our election based on Intel they had before the election.

And your solution is to give Hillary the election because wikileaks, allegedly with help from the Russians, exposed DNC emails showing corruption that the DNC is confirming happened by their line of arguing.

So Hillary is corrupt but we should ignore the will of the electorate and make her president because the Russians allegedly exposed some of her corruption.

You're seriously arguing this and wonder why she lost.
So we are supposed to overturn the election because anonymous sources in the CIA are claiming that the Russians tried to influence our election based on Intel they had before the election.

And your solution is to give Hillary the election because wikileaks, allegedly with help from the Russians, exposed DNC emails showing corruption that the DNC is confirming happened by their line of arguing.

So Hillary is corrupt but we should ignore the will of the electorate and make her president because the Russians allegedly exposed some of her corruption.

You're seriously arguing this and wonder why she lost.
No and we absolutely should not release the report a week before the electoral college meets. If it does show as reported that Russia hacked us and had a part in in electing Trump, it would create a constitutional crisis and further divide the country but it would change nothing because there is no legal precedent for overturning a national election. The Electoral college would still meet and elect Trump.

If the report is really true, Democrats would be better served by releasing the report after Trump is elected because it would cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election. It would make the congressional investigation center stage. Since most republicans in congress just wanted any republican in the White House other than Trump, dumping him would certainly be possible if the Congress and the country felt the election was unfair.
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated

I signed it. Thanks, Bud!
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated

There is no evidence that hackers, from Russia or elsewhere, tampered with the vote tallies.

FBI investigated trump and found no clear link to Russia.

The CIA has more credibility in these matters than the FBI. The CIA is an intel agency that analyzes the activities of nation states. The FBI is a law enforcement agency and this is outside their realm.
This is progress. At least now all the crybabies will be concentrated in one place. One big ass safe space

Poor dear.

Who is crying?

They are asking the electoral college to do what it's supposed to do -- keep an insane authoritarian agent for the soviets from being president.

They won't do it of course. It insane fact-averse rightwingnuts who haven't stopped shrieking and spreading lies for the past 8 years should really be quiet.
You, my dear, can kiss my white Republican ass. January 20th works for me if it's open for you?
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated

There is no evidence that hackers, from Russia or elsewhere, tampered with the vote tallies.

FBI investigated trump and found no clear link to Russia.

And if I recall correctly they did this before the election even started.

Seems the lefty loons can't believe Hillary, that piss poor candidate, lost and Trump won.

They also can't believe the American People have rejected the lefty road we have been traveling for the last eight years.

Hope they enjoy the butthurt till 2018. LOL
This is progress. At least now all the crybabies will be concentrated in one place. One big ass safe space

Poor dear.

Who is crying?

They are asking the electoral college to do what it's supposed to do -- keep an insane authoritarian agent for the soviets from being president.

They won't do it of course. It insane fact-averse rightwingnuts who haven't stopped shrieking and spreading lies for the past 8 years should really be quiet.
You, my dear, can kiss my white Republican ass. January 20th works for me if it's open for you?

LMAO she can kiss every republican ass out there. Should keep her busy for a while. LOL

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