Petition asking Electoral College to install Hillary can be signed here.

The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated
Are these incredible leftist whiners STILL wailing and gnashing, trying to find ways to keep Trump from winning an election he already won?

The election was more than a month ago, fruitcakes.
This is progress. At least now all the crybabies will be concentrated in one place. One big ass safe space
and their names become public record.
We have a good starting list of those that would wish to take this country down. Traitors must be dealt with appropriately
I think they'd be more surprised that so many people don't know what a Republic or a Democracy is. Case in point; You calling this Nation a Democracy.
Do you have cataracts? I called the USA a democracy?

though in all fairness we are a democratic republic
and we use a form of representative democracy, do we not?
I even highlighted where you said it.

Maybe you'll be able to spot it this time. I even drew a box and some arrows for you. I'd have drawn more, but I ran out of room.
I imagine people wouldn't have demanded he prove he was born in the US if he hadn't been telling everyone he was from Kenya. That's on him.
Funny thing is, he didn't.
I believe he said it to get into college. Someone help me here correct?

He had a "Foreign Student". ID while in college.
From living in Indonesia with his mom and step dad? even that sounds nuts, as he went to college after moving back to Hawaii with his lily white Christian grandparents
Should you elect to sign the petition please add your home address legibly. It will save so much time and those coming to "assist" you will be in a much better mood if they don't have to expend too much effort in acquisition mode.
I think they'd be more surprised that so many people don't know what a Republic or a Democracy is. Case in point; You calling this Nation a Democracy.
Do you have cataracts? I called the USA a democracy?

though in all fairness we are a democratic republic
and we use a form of representative democracy, do we not?
I even highlighted where you said it.

Maybe you'll be able to spot it this time. I even drew a box and some arrows for you. I'd have drawn more, but I ran out of room.
thats nice but some of us are hard of sight due to age.
Maybe in the future you could place a few more red arrows pointing at the comment you are trying to bring attention to?
I, as I know others that suffer from A.G.E, thank you in advance.
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated
You people have moved beyond funny. The Left needs to be thoroughly destroyed.

I hope President Trump recognizes who his enemies are.
Should you elect to sign the petition please add your home address legibly. It will save so much time and those coming to "assist" you will be in a much better mood if they don't have to expend too much effort in acquisition mode.
I agree,
Im thinking that if the criminal hillary is falsely put in to office to pacify the traitors of this once great country, Us Americans that are left will be justified in an all out violent movement against them. This would be the final straw in the desecration of this country. Trump winning clearly states that the Americans want to return to a moral based way of life, the few areas that are saturated with traitors and illegals and pansies that voted for hillary need to be punished with weapons of mass destruction. We need to rid the country of that cancer in order to move forward.
Its time to utilize the 2nd in the way that it was intended when written.
I imagine people wouldn't have demanded he prove he was born in the US if he hadn't been telling everyone he was from Kenya. That's on him.
Funny thing is, he didn't.

Well there was that little mess in the book thingy.....

come on now, don't you know that was cut and pasted to make it look that way? LOL. you know that's what's coming right?

I expect nothing less from an Obama buttlicker
Is this booklet evidence that Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya? Not even the site that published it masw that claim, noting in a disclaimer that:

Andrew Breitbart was never a "Birther," and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of "Birtherism." In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.

... [W]e discovered, and now present, the booklet described below — one that includes a marketing pitch for a forthcoming book by a then-young, otherwise unknown former president of the Harvard Law Review.

It is evidence — not of the President's foreign origin, but that Barack Obama's public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

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