Petition asking Electoral College to install Hillary can be signed here.

This is progress. At least now all the crybabies will be concentrated in one place. One big ass safe space

Poor dear.

Who is crying?

They are asking the electoral college to do what it's supposed to do -- keep an insane authoritarian agent for the soviets from being president.

They won't do it of course. It insane fact-averse rightwingnuts who haven't stopped shrieking and spreading lies for the past 8 years should really be quiet.
Is this booklet evidence that Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya? Not even the site that published it masw that claim, noting in a disclaimer that:

Andrew Breitbart was never a "Birther," and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of "Birtherism." In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.

... [W]e discovered, and now present, the booklet described below — one that includes a marketing pitch for a forthcoming book by a then-young, otherwise unknown former president of the Harvard Law Review.

It is evidence — not of the President's foreign origin, but that Barack Obama's public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

Some advice won't find a conservative on here trusting left wing Snopes
Is this booklet evidence that Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya? Not even the site that published it masw that claim, noting in a disclaimer that:

Andrew Breitbart was never a "Birther," and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of "Birtherism." In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.

... [W]e discovered, and now present, the booklet described below — one that includes a marketing pitch for a forthcoming book by a then-young, otherwise unknown former president of the Harvard Law Review.

It is evidence — not of the President's foreign origin, but that Barack Obama's public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?
LOL see I told ya so!!!!
This is progress. At least now all the crybabies will be concentrated in one place. One big ass safe space

Poor dear.

Who is crying?

They are asking the electoral college to do what it's supposed to do -- keep an insane authoritarian agent for the soviets from being president.

They won't do it of course. It insane fact-averse rightwingnuts who haven't stopped shrieking and spreading lies for the past 8 years should really be quiet.
wow dude you wearing depends these days?
Is this booklet evidence that Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya? Not even the site that published it masw that claim, noting in a disclaimer that:

Andrew Breitbart was never a "Birther," and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of "Birtherism." In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.

... [W]e discovered, and now present, the booklet described below — one that includes a marketing pitch for a forthcoming book by a then-young, otherwise unknown former president of the Harvard Law Review.

It is evidence — not of the President's foreign origin, but that Barack Obama's public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?
Like I said, he lied about being from Kenya. He started the birther movement himself.
Is this booklet evidence that Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya? Not even the site that published it masw that claim, noting in a disclaimer that:

Andrew Breitbart was never a "Birther," and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of "Birtherism." In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.

... [W]e discovered, and now present, the booklet described below — one that includes a marketing pitch for a forthcoming book by a then-young, otherwise unknown former president of the Harvard Law Review.

It is evidence — not of the President's foreign origin, but that Barack Obama's public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?
Like I said, he lied about being from Kenya. He started the birther movement himself.
now there you go, excellent post!!!!!
I've decided on a better petition -- Trump is such a loser, we have to make sure no one like him can ever be elected again!

Therefore, soon, i shall post a petition to end democracy in the United States and install Barack Obama as President for Life! The Constitution must be amended to make sure that abortions are free, so that all the liberals have the ability to terminate their pregnancies if they so wish!

Freedom is so overrated. We should install Castro as vice president for Life! Merkel can be head of the Iimmigration and naturalization service!

Mao Zedong for Secretary of State!

You fucking lost and the American people have rejected your twisted ideology of lies and division.

Get over it. the 306 of the most trusted Republican in the country that make up the electoral college aren't going to Install hillary clinton because of some trumped up conspiracy theory created by the MSM. the same MSM that tried to shove hillary down our throats and failed.
Is this booklet evidence that Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya? Not even the site that published it masw that claim, noting in a disclaimer that:

Andrew Breitbart was never a "Birther," and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of "Birtherism." In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.

... [W]e discovered, and now present, the booklet described below — one that includes a marketing pitch for a forthcoming book by a then-young, otherwise unknown former president of the Harvard Law Review.

It is evidence — not of the President's foreign origin, but that Barack Obama's public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

Some advice won't find a conservative on here trusting left wing Snopes
Breitbart himself said it wasn't true :rofl:
Is this booklet evidence that Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya? Not even the site that published it masw that claim, noting in a disclaimer that:

Andrew Breitbart was never a "Birther," and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of "Birtherism." In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.

... [W]e discovered, and now present, the booklet described below — one that includes a marketing pitch for a forthcoming book by a then-young, otherwise unknown former president of the Harvard Law Review.

It is evidence — not of the President's foreign origin, but that Barack Obama's public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

Some advice won't find a conservative on here trusting left wing Snopes
Breitbart himself said it wasn't true :rofl:

You're full of talk but short on the walk so far, noob. That and you're a little creepy
Is this booklet evidence that Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya? Not even the site that published it masw that claim, noting in a disclaimer that:

Andrew Breitbart was never a "Birther," and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of "Birtherism." In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.

... [W]e discovered, and now present, the booklet described below — one that includes a marketing pitch for a forthcoming book by a then-young, otherwise unknown former president of the Harvard Law Review.

It is evidence — not of the President's foreign origin, but that Barack Obama's public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

Some advice won't find a conservative on here trusting left wing Snopes
Breitbart himself said it wasn't true :rofl:
Actually, he said that he wasn't saying Obama was born in Kenya, and that he didn't believe Obama was born in Kenya. Which means that the theory is that Obama was lying about being born in Kenya, which was my assertion from the start. An assertion you're ignoring so that you can keep misrepresenting the facts.
This is progress. At least now all the crybabies will be concentrated in one place. One big ass safe space

Poor dear.

Who is crying?

They are asking the electoral college to do what it's supposed to do -- keep an insane authoritarian agent for the soviets from being president.

They won't do it of course. It insane fact-averse rightwingnuts who haven't stopped shrieking and spreading lies for the past 8 years should really be quiet.

Ya think it's going to work, Faux Lawyer? You're hoping against hope ain't ya? LOL

Fact: On January 20th, 2017 Donald Trump will be sworn in as President of the United States....all this Russian BS, petitions, EC changing it? Pipe dreams
This is progress. At least now all the crybabies will be concentrated in one place. One big ass safe space

Poor dear.

Who is crying?

They are asking the electoral college to do what it's supposed to do -- keep an insane authoritarian agent for the soviets from being president.

They won't do it of course. It insane fact-averse rightwingnuts who haven't stopped shrieking and spreading lies for the past 8 years should really be quiet.

Ya think it's going to work, Faux Lawyer? You're hoping against hope ain't ya? LOL

Fact: On January 20th, 2017 Donald Trump will be sworn in as President of the United States....all this Russian BS, petitions, EC changing it? Pipe dreams
The concern is what the assholes will do after that happens, I can see this country going into another civil war as the Americans have to put the traitors back in their place. Its not going to end with Trump being rightfully placed in office, The liberals have succeeded in tearing this country into two halves. Those that want to make something of themselves, and those that think that they deserve everything in life for free just because their mother plopped them and the 20 siblings out.
I bought Unilever stock the morning after the election. Its gone up, of course. They make Vaseline and Butt-Hurt Liberals are snatching it off the shelves.
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated

There is no evidence that hackers, from Russia or elsewhere, tampered with the vote tallies.

FBI investigated trump and found no clear link to Russia.
It's claimed that the FBI wasn't privy to the same level of intelligence as the CIA, thus they couldn't corroborate the CIA findings which seems reasonable. The CIA and FBI have different missions, resources and priorities. The CIA's scope is primarily international and the FBI is primarily domestic although there are of course overlaps.
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated

There is no evidence that hackers, from Russia or elsewhere, tampered with the vote tallies.

FBI investigated trump and found no clear link to Russia.
It's claimed that the FBI wasn't privy to the same level of intelligence as the CIA, thus they couldn't corroborate the CIA findings which seems reasonable. The CIA and FBI have different missions, resources and priorities. The CIA's scope is primarily international and the FBI is primarily domestic although there are of course overlaps.
Hopefully both the FBI and the CIA will soon release whatever evidence they have that points to Russia as the culprit. Until then, I'm not inclined to believe anything they say.
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated

There is no evidence that hackers, from Russia or elsewhere, tampered with the vote tallies.

FBI investigated trump and found no clear link to Russia.
It's claimed that the FBI wasn't privy to the same level of intelligence as the CIA, thus they couldn't corroborate the CIA findings which seems reasonable. The CIA and FBI have different missions, resources and priorities. The CIA's scope is primarily international and the FBI is primarily domestic although there are of course overlaps.
If Obama doesn't release it, Trump may try to bury it. Congress may or not give it a decent hearing.

The CIA is one of the most apolitical agencies in the goverment. I serious doubt that the agency would misrepresent their finding as being highly creditable considering they're going to be working for Trump next month.
The CIA has "high confidence" the Russian government hacked our 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump. Any knowledge or cooperation from Trump would be an impeachable offense, resulting in a Constitutional crisis. Our Electoral College must not certify him until a full investigation is completed and made public.

Sign the petition: Ask Electoral College to Not Vote Until Russian Hacks of 2016 Election to Help Donald Trump Are Fully Investigated

There is no evidence that hackers, from Russia or elsewhere, tampered with the vote tallies.

FBI investigated trump and found no clear link to Russia.
It's claimed that the FBI wasn't privy to the same level of intelligence as the CIA, thus they couldn't corroborate the CIA findings which seems reasonable. The CIA and FBI have different missions, resources and priorities. The CIA's scope is primarily international and the FBI is primarily domestic although there are of course overlaps.
If Obama doesn't release it, Trump may try to bury it. Congress may or not give it a decent hearing.

The CIA is one of the most apolitical agencies in the goverment. I serious doubt that the agency would misrepresent their finding as being highly creditable considering they're going to be working for Trump next month.

I agree! President Obama should release as much as possible to the public!

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