Petition Congress to raise taxes and close loops holes in Debt Ceiling debate


Jul 11, 2011
Please sign the petition below and email your local representatives/senators!

The American middle and lower class refuse to bare the entire burden of balancing the United States' massive debt. The people of the United States have grown fearful with the threat of a credit default looming because of a stagnant debate in our Congress about raising the debt ceiling. In recent negotiations, President Obama has put forth a deal that would cut parts of social security and medicare while raising tax revenues. We the people disagree with the notion that our welfare programs must be sacrificed in order to balance the federal government's budget. Republicans have refused to consider raising taxes and therefore I ask that everyone call or email their senators and state representatives demanding that they leave our welfare programs alone and return taxes for the upper class back to pre-Bush-era rates while also closing loop holes for big oil and agriculture.
Please sign the petition below and email your local representatives/senators!

The American middle and lower class refuse to bare the entire burden of balancing the United States' massive debt. The people of the United States have grown fearful with the threat of a credit default looming because of a stagnant debate in our Congress about raising the debt ceiling. In recent negotiations, President Obama has put forth a deal that would cut parts of social security and medicare while raising tax revenues. We the people disagree with the notion that our welfare programs must be sacrificed in order to balance the federal government's budget. Republicans have refused to consider raising taxes and therefore I ask that everyone call or email their senators and state representatives demanding that they leave our welfare programs alone and return taxes for the upper class back to pre-Bush-era rates while also closing loop holes for big oil and agriculture.

Sounds like a good idea, but the Republicans would rather send us into a depression so they can win the 2012 election.

I think that is what is going to happen.
it all comes down to the ability to deep throat your way to rep suckcess
Actually, collecting rep just involves not being an @$$ to your fellow board members and saying intelligent things from time to time.

As for your petition, I already have to work until April to pay off the government. I don't need them taking more of my money. I am confident that otehrs feel the same. So why not try spending less tax money?

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