Petitioners in Georgia Are Refiling Lawsuit against Fulton County over Suspected Fraud in 2020 Election

Raffensperger and Kent are lowlife neocons who have positions of power and have accepted money from Dominion. With them on the Democrats side, they'll make it hard to investigate anything. They suck.

You need to provide evidence of fraud to start with. You have provided none.
---More Georgia 2020 Corrupt Election Acts Revealed---

Gateway Pundit are pathetic liars.. Fulton County is quite wealthy and conservative.. They just hate Trump because he is vulgar and stupid.
You need to provide evidence of fraud to start with. You have provided none.
Yo, dude. I have an opinion and plenty of other people are saying we should blow off everything I think. It's just an opinionj
There is no proof of fraud - on any sort of scale and substance sufficient to overturn election results in any jurisdiction you can name.

This is nothing more than another round of beer-belching redneck bull$hit that may cost real taxpayer money and not yield diddly-squat.


If the judge has any brains he-or-she will laugh this one out of court, just like both GOP and Dem judges and justices laughed-out the other sixty lame attempts.

Hell.. audit the heck outta the sampling batch... no problem... so long as the plaintiffs agree to pay up front for the operating costs of the audit.

And so long as the State retains control and possession of the ballots so that the chain-of-custody remains in trustworthy hands.

I mean... after all... the minions of the Orange Piece-of-Krap are not exactly trustworthy custodians of the Republic nor its traditions, at present.
Still afraid
beer-belching redneck bull$hit that may cost real taxpayer money and not yield diddly-squat.


If the judge has any brains he-or-she will laugh this one out of court, just like both GOP and Dem judges and justices laughed-out the other sixty lame attempts.

Hell.. audit the heck outta the sampling batch... no problem... so long as the plaintiffs agree to pay up front for the operating costs of the audit.

And so long as the State retains control and possession of the ballots so that the chain-of-custody remains in trustworthy hands.

I mean... after all... the minions of the Orange Piece-of-Krap are not exactly trustworthy custodians of the Republic nor its traditions, at present.
Anybody voting Democrat ain't worried about taxpayer money
Gatewaypundit loves to keep you guys hopeful that something is actually going to happen.

You lost. That isn't going to change. Deal with it, crybabies.
Still afraid
Not afraid in the slighted.

Merely observing the maxim: "The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance."

Translation: keeping in the forefront the existential threat to American representative democracy posed by your Orange Baboon-God and his minions.
---Georgia: Potential vote fraud case handed to prosecutors---

Not afraid in the slighted.

Merely observing the maxim: "The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance."

Translation: keeping in the forefront the existential threat to American representative democracy posed by your Orange Baboon-God and his minions.
So why do you care?

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