Petitioners in Georgia Are Refiling Lawsuit against Fulton County over Suspected Fraud in 2020 Election

And a man who sh!ts his pants got more votes than any other president, ever.
Wow, more proof of fraud. Will it ever end?

---Petitioners in Georgia are (re)filing the lawsuit against Fulton County. The alleged “big name” petitioners are demanding that 140,000 mail-in ballots in Fulton County be unsealed, investigated, and audited from the 2020 election.---

I live in Fulton County.. never heard about any petition.. Gateway Pundit never gets anything right.
Yeah, I know…I don’t live there. I’m about 90 miles north….

you people are still Communist trash.

Blue Ridge is very nice.. Fulton County is strictly Capitalists. I always like Bent Tree.
Indeed. Imagine... just what a piece-of-$hit the "other guy" must have been, to result in such an outcome !!!
Well with all the shady crap that went on during the last election, who knows what the real vote totals were.
---Video proof of Democrats cheating in Georgia---

As we keep on recounting hoping for a different outcome many of you prove Einstein correct that you suffer from insanity…

Still, enjoy being told no and losing at every turn… I mean how is that Arizona Audit coming or is it Wisconsin, Michigan or Texas?
Well with all the shady crap that went on during the last election, who knows what the real vote totals were.
What 'shady crap' was that? Proof? Did "you" show it to the courts? Were there Republican judges and justices involved? What did THEY say?
---More Georgia 2020 Corrupt Election Acts Revealed---

You serve-up an article from a right-wing highly-partisan source which complains about Trump's attorney getting spanked for lying her a$$ off.

The article has nothing whatsoever to do with articulating nor substantiating evidence of large-scale fraud of an extent sufficient to overturn election results.

You failed here when challenged.

The challenge is to present solid evidence of widespread fraud of an extent sufficient to overturn election results in favor of Trump.

If you-and-yours cannot substantiate your claim in a court of law then it never happened.

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