Pew Poll: Americans aren't worried about the deadline on the debt


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Well this is interesting. Just picked this up at the Washington Post about the Pew Poll.

I'll get the exact poll so I can link to the PDF.

Here's the link right to Pew. It's interesting because the polls you'll be linked to show almost a blandness. Hardly changing despite all the crazy talk fand end of the world hype from the media.

As Debt Limit Deadline Nears, Concern Ticks Up But Skepticism Persists
Despite Image Problems, GOP Holds Ground on Key Issues

But here's what was at the WP. It would seem no one is really buying into "the sky is falling" the Dems are shovelling.

Despite the Obama administration’s warnings that breaching the debt ceiling Thursday could trigger a default and cause drastic economic consequences, a new Pew Research Center poll shows that a majority of Republicans and many independents don’t feel the same urgency.

The poll shows 52 percent of Republicans, 38 percent of independents and 36 percent of Americans overall say the country can break the deadline without major economic problems.

House to vote tonight on plan to reopen government - The Washington Post
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36 percent of Americans overall say the country can break the deadline without major economic problems.

64 percent of Americans obviously disagree.
36 percent of Americans overall say the country can break the deadline without major economic problems.

64 percent of Americans obviously disagree.


It is amusing tinydancer is wetting herself in excitement over a small minority thinking we can safely default. :lol:
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36% is a significant not a small minority, but almost 2/3ds are very worried.
Well this is interesting. Just picked this up at the Washington Post about the Pew Poll.

I'll get the exact poll so I can link to the PDF.

But here's what was at the WP. It would seem no one is really buying into "the sky is falling" the Dems are shovelling.

Despite the Obama administration’s warnings that breaching the debt ceiling Thursday could trigger a default and cause drastic economic consequences, a new Pew Research Center poll shows that a majority of Republicans and many independents don’t feel the same urgency.

The poll shows 52 percent of Republicans, 38 percent of independents and 36 percent of Americans overall say the country can break the deadline without major economic problems.

House to vote tonight on plan to reopen government - The Washington Post

and when everything goes down the toilet crash all over the world ... where a huge recession hits the country and the world I expect no shit from you about how the dems fuck everything up ... we will know who fuck what up and that would be the republican party in case you forget
It baffles me what relevance these sorts of polls have to anything, other than ridiculous appeals to popularity.

Who cares what the general public sees in their crystal balls? The average American has no understanding of what the debt ceiling is, let alone what the possible consequences are of no raising it. Popular opinion is worse than worthless in situations like this.
I suspect the reason some are so concerned about raising the debt ceiling is if they don't and there is no major calamity it will take away the major excuse for continuing to do these little patchwork deals and force everyone to finally deal with problem instead of just pushing it down the road again.
If it all crashes the survivors will have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to learn to take care of themselves. Yeah, tearing the government teat out of your yawphole may be painful but, hey, no pain - no gain.
36 percent of Americans overall say the country can break the deadline without major economic problems.

64 percent of Americans obviously disagree.

I know. And they were getting ready to celebrate till you pointed out the math. OOps.
Well this is interesting. Just picked this up at the Washington Post about the Pew Poll.

I'll get the exact poll so I can link to the PDF.

But here's what was at the WP. It would seem no one is really buying into "the sky is falling" the Dems are shovelling.

Despite the Obama administration’s warnings that breaching the debt ceiling Thursday could trigger a default and cause drastic economic consequences, a new Pew Research Center poll shows that a majority of Republicans and many independents don’t feel the same urgency.

The poll shows 52 percent of Republicans, 38 percent of independents and 36 percent of Americans overall say the country can break the deadline without major economic problems.

House to vote tonight on plan to reopen government - The Washington Post

and when everything goes down the toilet crash all over the world ... where a huge recession hits the country and the world I expect no shit from you about how the dems fuck everything up ... we will know who fuck what up and that would be the republican party in case you forget

Actually the ball was passed to Reid and rather then create that fictitious clean bill you claim you want he is demanding the sequester cuts be removed before passing anything.
It baffles me what relevance these sorts of polls have to anything, other than ridiculous appeals to popularity.

Who cares what the general public sees in their crystal balls? The average American has no understanding of what the debt ceiling is, let alone what the possible consequences are of no raising it. Popular opinion is worse than worthless in situations like this.

I agree that most Americans have no clue how our economy works or what the implications of allowing the deadline to pass are.

But there are two things that do matter when it comes to this topic about a poll. One is amusing, the other is not.

The amusing part is how someone started a topic about a poll which clearly indicates the majority of Americans feel allowing the deadline to pass is a bad thing and decided to claim that "Americans aren't worried" in the topic title based on a minority view!

It does not get much more retarded than that. :lol:

The second part is that perception is reality. Polls indicate how voters will vote. If they think your party is a bag of dildos, that does not bode well for your party in the next election.
What I find interesting is how politicians and the press just assume a default on the debt if the debt limit isn't raised. It is a false assumption.

I got paid last Friday and guess what, the federal government withheld taxes from my paycheck. They also withheld taxes from almost everybody else that got paid last Friday. The federal government takes in about $300 billion dollars a month in income taxes from individuals and businesses.

Now, the interest on the debt is about $30 billion a month. That means, they can still service the debt with the $300 billion in monthly income. It just means they are not allowed to go further into debt. Which means, they would have to cut spending some place else. Interest on the debt doesn't necessarily have to be the first expense they stop paying. It would be a choice. In all likelihood, President Obama would make the choice on where to stop spending. If the federal government doesn't raise the debt limit, and it defaults on its debt, Mr Obama owns that one.

Based upon the poll, I'd say about 36% of the people know these facts and the other 64% are believing the lies the politicians are telling them and the journalistic malpractice coming from the media.
So 51% are concerned and 36% aren't but the title of the thread is that Americans aren't worried when in actuality a majority are. There's that Republican math again.

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