Pew Poll: Americans aren't worried about the deadline on the debt


It is amusing tinydancer is wetting herself in excitement over a small minority thinking we can safely default. :lol:


I just find it interesting that the sense of urgency and drama that the media has been playing on isn't resonating this time.

Except that it is. The same poll a week prior showed an 8 point gap between those that want the issue resolved and those that aren't concerned. Flash forward to now and that gap has jumped to 15 points.

It will be like that until the actual line passes and there is no booming crash. Not stating that it would be a good thing but I don’t think Americans are capable of noticing anything short of explosions in the street. Sad reality in politics and the average American.
I heard Greenspan on the evening news. He said if it comes down to it, the Chinese will get paid their interest before Social Security is paid. Now that is scary....but wait

It is just old people, right? The GOP doesn't really care. You don't care either I assume.
I heard Greenspan on the evening news. He said if it comes down to it, the Chinese will get paid their interest before Social Security is paid. Now that is scary....but wait

It is just old people, right? The GOP doesn't really care. You don't care either I assume.

Obama I guess has the choice. Let's see what he does. Word is he's holding food stamps next month. Let's see what other goodies he's arranged for his dear Americans.
What I find interesting is how politicians and the press just assume a default on the debt if the debt limit isn't raised. It is a false assumption.

I got paid last Friday and guess what, the federal government withheld taxes from my paycheck. They also withheld taxes from almost everybody else that got paid last Friday. The federal government takes in about $300 billion dollars a month in income taxes from individuals and businesses.

Now, the interest on the debt is about $30 billion a month. That means, they can still service the debt with the $300 billion in monthly income. It just means they are not allowed to go further into debt. Which means, they would have to cut spending some place else. Interest on the debt doesn't necessarily have to be the first expense they stop paying. It would be a choice. In all likelihood, President Obama would make the choice on where to stop spending. If the federal government doesn't raise the debt limit, and it defaults on its debt, Mr Obama owns that one.

Based upon the poll, I'd say about 36% of the people know these facts and the other 64% are believing the lies the politicians are telling them and the journalistic malpractice coming from the media.

I want you to remember you were rationalizing going past the deadline. I want you to remember it was the Republican Party pushing this shit. Okay? Don't pretend later it was somehow the Democrats fault that our military didn't get paid, or Social Security checks didn't go out, or defense contractors weren't paid.

Don't suffer from the selective amnesia so many of you maniacs are burdened with. Remember you and the GOP were perfectly okay with going past the deadline.

There is no fucking way that the piece of shit republicans will not try and pass any and all blame to the Dems if we seriously hurt ourselves.

We're getting crazy. Threatening to do real harm to ourselves that would be self inflicted.
Does that sound like a country other countries would look to for leadership? LMAO.

It is amusing tinydancer is wetting herself in excitement over a small minority thinking we can safely default. :lol:


I just find it interesting that the sense of urgency and drama that the media has been playing on isn't resonating this time.

Except that it is. The same poll a week prior showed an 8 point gap between those that want the issue resolved and those that aren't concerned. Flash forward to now and that gap has jumped to 15 points.

Go argue with Pew sparky.

Public concern over breaching the debt limit deadline has risen only slightly from a week ago, when 47% said a rise in the debt limit was essential and 39% said it was not.

As Debt Limit Deadline Nears, Concern Ticks Up But Skepticism Persists | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
Well I guess your average American knows best about how the U.S. economic system works not only within our boundaries but outside in the international circles, too.

However, Alan Greenspan said this tonight on CBS News:
"Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan tells Anthony Mason that hitting the debt ceiling would represent a 'debilitating" shock to the system' and noted that we were "playing with fire". "A political system that will not hold together."

Alan Greenspan: Political system "is not working" - CBS News Video

I just find it interesting that the sense of urgency and drama that the media has been playing on isn't resonating this time.

Except that it is. The same poll a week prior showed an 8 point gap between those that want the issue resolved and those that aren't concerned. Flash forward to now and that gap has jumped to 15 points.

Go argue with Pew sparky.

It's not about Pew's numbers, it's about the perception of your uninformed American, who has not a clue about internal and external economic factors, which in the case of a default are unknown since we've never done it before.
I think we should default, just maybe then we can get rid of the federal reserve, and get back to sound money, so people can control the quality and quantity of US currency.
Just giving this a little thought. If we didn't increase the debt to astronomical levels in the last 5 years, perhaps this comment wouldn't be necessary...

"Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan tells Anthony Mason that hitting the debt ceiling would represent a 'debilitating" shock to the system' and noted that we were "playing with fire".

As for Greenspan's comment, "A political system that will not hold together."
Since the time of our Founding Fathers created this political system, no one has ever questioned it. After 5 years of Obama they do. See the relevance?

I just find it interesting that the sense of urgency and drama that the media has been playing on isn't resonating this time.

Except that it is. The same poll a week prior showed an 8 point gap between those that want the issue resolved and those that aren't concerned. Flash forward to now and that gap has jumped to 15 points.

Go argue with Pew sparky.

Public concern over breaching the debt limit deadline has risen only slightly from a week ago, when 47% said a rise in the debt limit was essential and 39% said it was not.

As Debt Limit Deadline Nears, Concern Ticks Up But Skepticism Persists | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

You just proved my point, ding dong. There is nothing to argue with Pew as their poll showed an 8 point gap a week ago and a 15 point gap this week, showing people have become more concerned with this issue. You Republicans really have a difficult time understanding polls.
I heard Greenspan on the evening news. He said if it comes down to it, the Chinese will get paid their interest before Social Security is paid. Now that is scary....but wait

It is just old people, right? The GOP doesn't really care. You don't care either I assume.

Oddly enough, social security was also withheld from my paycheck last Friday, just as it was withheld from everybody else that got a paycheck last week.
Tell me, how is SS not to be paid when every single person that earns a paycheck has SS withheld AND their employer matches that withholding. The only thing that would prevent SS from being paid would be a decision by President Obama to not pay it.
Do you earn a paycheck, Jim? If you do, look at your pay stub, SS was withheld.
The sky isn't falling.
The decision would be to pay China its interest instead of SS if that were the case.

And the Pres tells the old folks "talk to your congress critters."

The old folks would force the House to expel the TPM critters, and the Senate would be forced to expel Cruz and Lee.

Do you really want that?
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