Pfizer releases list of over 1000 side effects of the COVID-19 VACCINE

Isnt it scary how many dumb fucks just lined up and took a government forced experimental gene therapy?


It IS scary indeed.

And the same sheeple (sadly many on the Right are sheeple too :mad:) are lining up today for the present calamity!

First is COVID, next is Ukraine, who knows what will be after that!

They all eat up all the rubbish fake news puts up as the truth!

It IS scary indeed.

And the same sheeple (sadly many on the Right are sheeple too :mad:) are lining up today for the present calamity!

First is COVID, next is Ukraine, who knows what will be after that!

They all eat up all the rubbish fake news puts up as the truth!

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You lefties lost your way.

Condolences on the DERP.

Bruce Springsteen said it best:

“Blind faith in your leaders, or in anything, will get you killed.”

You idiots bought into an irreversible gene therapy shot because your leaders told you to.

They told you to because they get paid by PFIZER…JUST LIKE THE MEDIA.



All because Orange Man Bad!


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Just because something is listed as a side effect, doesn’t mean it was necessarily due to the drug or vaccine. Researchers are required to record ALL adverse reports, regardless of presumed cause. Therefore, if you reported the sniffles during the trial, that would be recorded as a side effect.

Or you know, there's the Australian Health Officer telling everyone to get their hearts checked because two notable Aussies in their 50s dropped dead in the last two weeks.

I'm sure that's just a coincidence though, and Big Daddy Govco can keep it all covered up forever. Right?

They likely get paid to drive traffic to the YouTube channel.... It is rather sad to consider the alternatives...

A). They are so dumb to not see the obvious statistics that nearly all of the covid deaths are among the unvaccinated.

B). They get some sort of pleasure in spreading mis/dis-information about a deadly disease

C). They don't care about the people that may actually heed the mis/dis-information.

Its either a sick game or they are genuinely stupid.... or they are getting paid to simply put out the videos or drive clicks to these silly websites.

Wrong on lockdowns
Wrong on school closures
Wrong on masks

Vaccines next
Forgets what happens to your ass years down the road........Which is why new experimental vaccines take a long time for approval normally.

Ok..........Side effects.......How about the guy at work Aunt taking the jab.............Arm swells up...........the family says go to the hospital............She says if it's still bad in the morning she will go...........NEVER WAKES UP.

She is DEAD after the jab from the jab............Nothing you can say to me will change that for me...........You can kick and scream at me........I don''t give a damn.


Neighbor's arm swole up but he didn't die............Was out of work for a few days from it........sore for a week.

It is honestly going to happen here like it's happening in Russia with the Ukrainian war. What I mean by that is: the media and Big Daddy Govco think they have a lock on all this information--or they hope they do. But you can only hide a Big Truth for so long. Soon enough, everyone will know someone who had a heart attack/blood clot/odd cancer dx and people in the healthcare industry won't be able to keep their mouths shut.

Not to mention the coming "war" between the health insurance/life insurance/pharma cos. We can play Moral Panic all we want but there's real $$$ on the line now. And when that's on the line, people will find the answers.
It is disgusting how many people pushed others to get the shot with no thought of side effects.

Now it all went away. :auiqs.jpg:

4 days before Biden’s State of the Union, we were all going to die.

3 days before Biden’s State of the Union…..POOOF! NO MORE COIVD!

Here is the orginal document that Pfizer sat on for a year.

There was a potus who advocated researching the possibility of injecting disinfectant, tried to win votes with overmectin, and I can't think of that other snake oil he advocated yet now you are worried about side effects.
You've left your run a bit late.
I know RIGHT. I have metal objects always sticking to me. Some days I can't even get away from my truck!!!

No magnets, no microchips.

Just heart issues, blood clots, neurological problems, and soft tissue cancer.
There was a potus who advocated researching the possibility of injecting disinfectant, tried to win votes with overmectin, and I can't think of that other snake oil he advocated yet now you are worried about side effects.
You've left your run a bit late.
The Clown that said is was the Lying Media guy in the back for HIS MOMENT OF FAME. And Clowns like you have said drink Bleach ever since.

Just more BS from leftist PRAVDA ARTIST............


Ivermectin................WORKS..........used all over the world.......along with other early treatment options...........More lies...........These LIES KILLED AMERICANS.

We have the worst stats on planet earth............Because of LOSERS LIKE YOU.

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