Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way

Liberals have an aversion for facts that expose their lies.

Yeah, all the books I had read on Germany said that universal health care was started by Otto Bismarck in the 1890's and was the forrunner of most of the European health care systems. Now reading this post I realize all those history books were untrue; Hitler started socialized medicine in Germany. Wow, talk about facts and lies, hard to believe that all those history books were wrong. Good thing we have these boards to give us straight factual history.
As you state you are a liberal I can tell you now your choice of authors is the problem....

As to the History Books - Bad news -
Houflin - Mifflin school books were originally scripted by the Iranians. I'm not surprised to learn of it. Once the story came out about false history books they hired a blonde haired swede to replace him. Still the damage had been done. School books in California teach that Islam was the original faith of the founding fathers. Gee! Whats' next! I'm telling ya!

Liberals have an aversion for facts that expose their lies.

Yeah, all the books I had read on Germany said that universal health care was started by Otto Bismarck in the 1890's and was the forrunner of most of the European health care systems. Now reading this post I realize all those history books were untrue; Hitler started socialized medicine in Germany. Wow, talk about facts and lies, hard to believe that all those history books were wrong. Good thing we have these boards to give us straight factual history.
As you state you are a liberal I can tell you now your choice of authors is the problem....

As to the History Books - Bad news -
Houflin - Mifflin school books were originally scripted by the Iranians. I'm not surprised to learn of it. Once the story came out about false history books they hired a blonde haired swede to replace him. Still the damage had been done. School books in California teach that Islam was the original faith of the founding fathers. Gee! Whats' next! I'm telling ya!


I want to see evidence of that claim. Where'd you find this?
So the Holocaust Encyclopedia is not a reliable source to you, Ahmadinejad? :eusa_eh:

Serious question: why do you liberals insist on being this stupid? I'm a die-hard conservative. I believe in small government. I believe in governmentn with limited power. I believe in freedom. How in the hell does that even remotely resemble Ahmadinejad who is a big-government, unlimited power, totalitarian like you liberals?!?!
So the Holocaust Encyclopedia is not a reliable source to you, Ahmadinejad? :eusa_eh:

Serious question: why do you liberals insist on being this stupid? I'm a die-hard conservative. I believe in small government. I believe in governmentn with limited power. I believe in freedom. How in the hell does that even remotely resemble Ahmadinejad who is a big-government, unlimited power, totalitarian like you liberals?!?!

You're neither. You're a bought and sold sheep to the corrupt partisan system that has wrecked this country but you don't care, Crotchrottweiler. You only care about YOUR side winning and the hell with America.
Are you THAT fucking stupid??? Is it my right to be AWARE there is a gun in your vehicle on MY PROPERTY? If you leave your vehicle unattended, is it MY RESPONSIBILITY to guard your vehicle? If someone breaks into your vehicle on MY property and shoots me or my kid, then YOU should be charged too you fucking moron.

No - why would it be your responsibility to guard the vehicle? :cuckoo:

The automobile is PRIVATE property you fuck'n moron. Don't get all angry at me because you looked like a FOOL with your post.

This has been clearly covered by state supreme courts already idiot (most notably in Florida). If my employer can tell me that I can't have a gun in my car, he strips me off my right to conceal carry and protecting myself while traveling to the final destination - which he does NOT have the right to do.

But a thief has the right to break into your vehicle and gain access to deadly force that could be used against me, my family or if it is a parking lot, my attendant?

You right wing SCUM see individual freedom only 3 ways...ME, MYSELF and I. And fuck everyone else's rights...

Yes, you dumb-fuck, hence the word INDIVIDUAL... :lmao:

Individual means, ME, MYSELF, and I. It does NOT mean "the collective"

How fucking dumb are you?
Are you THAT fucking stupid??? Is it my right to be AWARE there is a gun in your vehicle on MY PROPERTY? If you leave your vehicle unattended, is it MY RESPONSIBILITY to guard your vehicle? If someone breaks into your vehicle on MY property and shoots me or my kid, then YOU should be charged too you fucking moron.

No - why would it be your responsibility to guard the vehicle? :cuckoo:

The automobile is PRIVATE property you fuck'n moron. Don't get all angry at me because you looked like a FOOL with your post.

This has been clearly covered by state supreme courts already idiot (most notably in Florida). If my employer can tell me that I can't have a gun in my car, he strips me off my right to conceal carry and protecting myself while traveling to the final destination - which he does NOT have the right to do.

But a thief has the right to break into your vehicle and gain access to deadly force that could be used against me, my family or if it is a parking lot, my attendant?

You right wing SCUM see individual freedom only 3 ways...ME, MYSELF and I. And fuck everyone else's rights...

Uh, no dumb-fuck, breaking into anything is ILLEGAL. There is no right to break into a vehicle.

Again, how dumb are you?!?! Where do you come up with such insanity? Please, see your doctor - your meds need to be adjusted.
Yeah, all the books I had read on Germany said that universal health care was started by Otto Bismarck in the 1890's and was the forrunner of most of the European health care systems. Now reading this post I realize all those history books were untrue; Hitler started socialized medicine in Germany. Wow, talk about facts and lies, hard to believe that all those history books were wrong. Good thing we have these boards to give us straight factual history.
As you state you are a liberal I can tell you now your choice of authors is the problem....

As to the History Books - Bad news -
Houflin - Mifflin school books were originally scripted by the Iranians. I'm not surprised to learn of it. Once the story came out about false history books they hired a blonde haired swede to replace him. Still the damage had been done. School books in California teach that Islam was the original faith of the founding fathers. Gee! Whats' next! I'm telling ya!


I want to see evidence of that claim. Where'd you find this?

Google it. The information is all out there. I did the research on Houghflin - Mifflin about 10 years ago was when it was discovered their researcher - man in charge was an iranian with an agenda - they quickly hired a blonde haired Swede to replace him with... Christian parents have protested the History book Through the Ages for years now over its false teachings concerning Islam being the first faith of America, many other false teachings in there as well concerning the history of America. Do you understand how to use Google or shall I explain it to you. - Jeremiah
No - why would it be your responsibility to guard the vehicle? :cuckoo:

The automobile is PRIVATE property you fuck'n moron. Don't get all angry at me because you looked like a FOOL with your post.

This has been clearly covered by state supreme courts already idiot (most notably in Florida). If my employer can tell me that I can't have a gun in my car, he strips me off my right to conceal carry and protecting myself while traveling to the final destination - which he does NOT have the right to do.

But a thief has the right to break into your vehicle and gain access to deadly force that could be used against me, my family or if it is a parking lot, my attendant?

You right wing SCUM see individual freedom only 3 ways...ME, MYSELF and I. And fuck everyone else's rights...

Yes, you dumb-fuck, hence the word INDIVIDUAL... :lmao:

Individual means, ME, MYSELF, and I. It does NOT mean "the collective"

How fucking dumb are you?

Chill out Crotchrottweiler and tell us how you did it all YOURSELF with NO federal government services, assistance, state or local either, you "rugged individualist" you.
As you state you are a liberal I can tell you now your choice of authors is the problem....

As to the History Books - Bad news -
Houflin - Mifflin school books were originally scripted by the Iranians. I'm not surprised to learn of it. Once the story came out about false history books they hired a blonde haired swede to replace him. Still the damage had been done. School books in California teach that Islam was the original faith of the founding fathers. Gee! Whats' next! I'm telling ya!


I want to see evidence of that claim. Where'd you find this?

Google it. The information is all out there. I did the research on Houghflin - Mifflin about 10 years ago was when it was discovered their researcher - man in charge was an iranian with an agenda - they quickly hired a blonde haired Swede to replace him with... Christian parents have protested the History book Through the Ages for years now over its false teachings concerning Islam being the first faith of America, many other false teachings in there as well concerning the history of America. Do you understand how to use Google or shall I explain it to you. - Jeremiah

I did - no hits.
John Walker Lindh was the first Californian to use that text book and later became a terrorist for Al Qaeda. The mandatory school books on Islam were introduced to California after Bill and Hillary Clinton got their library from the Saudis. One hand washed the other but both remain filthy.

- Jeremiah
Are you THAT fucking stupid??? Is it my right to be AWARE there is a gun in your vehicle on MY PROPERTY? If you leave your vehicle unattended, is it MY RESPONSIBILITY to guard your vehicle? If someone breaks into your vehicle on MY property and shoots me or my kid, then YOU should be charged too you fucking moron.

No - why would it be your responsibility to guard the vehicle? :cuckoo:

The automobile is PRIVATE property you fuck'n moron. Don't get all angry at me because you looked like a FOOL with your post.

This has been clearly covered by state supreme courts already idiot (most notably in Florida). If my employer can tell me that I can't have a gun in my car, he strips me off my right to conceal carry and protecting myself while traveling to the final destination - which he does NOT have the right to do.

But a thief has the right to break into your vehicle and gain access to deadly force that could be used against me, my family or if it is a parking lot, my attendant?

You right wing SCUM see individual freedom only 3 ways...ME, MYSELF and I. And fuck everyone else's rights...

I know you have the common sense of the average mule, but follow me for a second here, would you?

  • First - how would a criminal know that my particular car has a gun in it?

  • Second - if someone intends to use deadly force on you and your family, they are not going to hope they can break into a car (without being caught) and find a firearm (which statistically is not likely to be there). They are going to come armed to begin with, stupid.

  • Third - your incompetence and laziness not to arm yourself to protect you and your family is your problem. It does not become my problem and it does not strip me of my rights to defend myself because you can't take responsibility for your own families safety.

Game. Set. Match, stupid....
But a thief has the right to break into your vehicle and gain access to deadly force that could be used against me, my family or if it is a parking lot, my attendant?

You right wing SCUM see individual freedom only 3 ways...ME, MYSELF and I. And fuck everyone else's rights...

Yes, you dumb-fuck, hence the word INDIVIDUAL... :lmao:

Individual means, ME, MYSELF, and I. It does NOT mean "the collective"

How fucking dumb are you?

Chill out Crotchrottweiler and tell us how you did it all YOURSELF with NO federal government services, assistance, state or local either, you "rugged individualist" you.

As a matter of fact, I did. But I'm no "rugged individualist". My parents cared for me (as parents should) and at no point did we ever receive government assistance.

In fact, what we received was government burdening us time and time again. Income tax. Sales tax. Property tax. Gas tax. They took 50% of what my parents earned (which wasn't much), and still we managed to take care of ourselves (like any normal adult can and should).

Now Knobby slobberer, why do you tell us your sob stories, about how you can't survive without government, about how you need government to feed you and wipe your little chin for you like you're an infant? Why don't you cry about how life is "so hard" and nobody could possibly do anything without government? Come on, shed those tears sweetie...
Phase 5 underway!

Only 999,995 more phases until we are all commits.


Phase 5 of converting the U.S. to full fledged communism is now under way
God these people are fucking stupid! Do they actually believe this crap? Amazing.

You're so fucking stupid, your elected officials tell you they want to ban guns. Tell you they plan to ban guns. And you're response is, "I don't believe you" :cuckoo:
I want to see evidence of that claim. Where'd you find this?

Google it. The information is all out there. I did the research on Houghflin - Mifflin about 10 years ago was when it was discovered their researcher - man in charge was an iranian with an agenda - they quickly hired a blonde haired Swede to replace him with... Christian parents have protested the History book Through the Ages for years now over its false teachings concerning Islam being the first faith of America, many other false teachings in there as well concerning the history of America. Do you understand how to use Google or shall I explain it to you. - Jeremiah

I did - no hits.

You can thank Obama for that. Alot has been removed from the internet and Google since he took office. You'll have to ask around and let someone tell about it. It is hardly a secret. A good contact would be Act! For America! Brigitte Gabrielle's website - they surely have the information - another source you can look up directly - WND - World Net Daily did the actual stories on Houghlin - Mifflin school books and the story on John Walker Lindh - also the story about the Clintons opening door for Muslims on the Islamic teaching school books - also the story about the Iranian replaced by the blonde Swede was ran by World Net Daily and several other sites as well. Do a search on World Net Daily and it will give you the articles. Check the archives.. - Jeremiah
Google it. The information is all out there. I did the research on Houghflin - Mifflin about 10 years ago was when it was discovered their researcher - man in charge was an iranian with an agenda - they quickly hired a blonde haired Swede to replace him with... Christian parents have protested the History book Through the Ages for years now over its false teachings concerning Islam being the first faith of America, many other false teachings in there as well concerning the history of America. Do you understand how to use Google or shall I explain it to you. - Jeremiah

I did - no hits.

You can thank Obama for that. Alot has been removed from the internet and Google since he took office. You'll have to ask around and let someone tell about it. It is hardly a secret. A good contact would be Act! For America! Brigitte Gabrielle's website - they surely have the information - another source you can look up directly - WND - World Net Daily did the actual stories on Houghlin - Mifflin school books and the story on John Walker Lindh - also the story about the Clintons opening door for Muslims on the Islamic teaching school books - also the story about the Iranian replaced by the blonde Swede was ran by World Net Daily and several other sites as well. Do a search on World Net Daily and it will give you the articles. Check the archives.. - Jeremiah

LMAO Unbelievable. It must be spooky as hell to live inside your brain. You are a perfect example of why the average citizen should not have access to weapons, as is Rottweiler. Crazy, fucking nutjobs.
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Anecdotes from one person with an agenda, but which are contradicted by history does not equal documentation.

The most obvious bullshit meter moment of the story was the part about equality of women. The complete opposite was Nazi policy, as is widely documented, and not just by some speaker at a teabagger rally.

"Today women's battalions were being formed in Marxist countries, and to that one could only reply, "That will never happen here! There are things a man does, and he alone is responsible for them. I would be ashamed to be a German man if ever, in the event of war, but a single woman were made to go to the front." The woman had her own battlefield. With every child to which she gave birth for the nation, she was waging her battle for the nation. The man stands up for the Volk just as woman stands up for the family. A woman's equal rights lie in the fact that she is treated with the high regard she
deserves in those areas of life assigned to her by nature."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to NS Frauenschaft (September 13, 1935)

"Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women's movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist Women's movement has in reality but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creation which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to the National Socialist Women’s League (Sept. 8, 1934)

Hey Agit8r, I know the only way one becomes a liberal is by being uneducated, by might I suggest you break with tradition just this once and read a book about the Holocaust. It's called: "How Do You Kill 11 Million People?" by Andy Andrews.

Well, since the left is not particularly literate, how about some quick audio? I urge everyone to listen to this. The answer to the question "How Do You Kill 11 Million People?" is astounding.

[ame=]"How Do You Kill 11 Million People?" by Andy Andrews - YouTube[/ame]
I disagree Rottweiler; I know it's possible to be an educated liberal because I had a couple professors in college who were radical leftist.

The only real requirements are they must abandon all common sense and become proficient at ignoring reality.(of this I am 100% serious)

BTW, great video and very relevant because of the overwhelming trust so many Americans are putting in government in the 21st Century.
Google it. The information is all out there. I did the research on Houghflin - Mifflin about 10 years ago was when it was discovered their researcher - man in charge was an iranian with an agenda - they quickly hired a blonde haired Swede to replace him with... Christian parents have protested the History book Through the Ages for years now over its false teachings concerning Islam being the first faith of America, many other false teachings in there as well concerning the history of America. Do you understand how to use Google or shall I explain it to you. - Jeremiah

I did - no hits.

You can thank Obama for that. Alot has been removed from the internet and Google since he took office. You'll have to ask around and let someone tell about it. It is hardly a secret. A good contact would be Act! For America! Brigitte Gabrielle's website - they surely have the information - another source you can look up directly - WND - World Net Daily did the actual stories on Houghlin - Mifflin school books and the story on John Walker Lindh - also the story about the Clintons opening door for Muslims on the Islamic teaching school books - also the story about the Iranian replaced by the blonde Swede was ran by World Net Daily and several other sites as well. Do a search on World Net Daily and it will give you the articles. Check the archives.. - Jeremiah

You’ve got to be kidding…

This is one of many reasons why you and most on the right are rarely, if ever, taken seriously.
So the Holocaust Encyclopedia is not a reliable source to you, Ahmadinejad? :eusa_eh:

Serious question: why do you liberals insist on being this stupid? I'm a die-hard conservative. I believe in small government. I believe in governmentn with limited power. I believe in freedom. How in the hell does that even remotely resemble Ahmadinejad who is a big-government, unlimited power, totalitarian like you liberals?!?!

You're neither. You're a bought and sold sheep to the corrupt partisan system that has wrecked this country but you don't care, Crotchrottweiler. You only care about YOUR side winning and the hell with America.

Says the dolt whose side is collapsing America with socialism/marxism/communism.

Keep surrendering your freedoms and rights to Obama or some other "dear leader" in exchange for government table scraps, you government-dependent little infant.....

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