Philadelphia 76'ers stop Anthem singer from disrespecting our Anthem and country

And you base that on what? come on, you've got 78K posts to work with, I'm sure you can find one where I said something like that.

verb: imply; 3rd person present: implies; past tense: implied; past participle: implied; gerund or present participle: implying
strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated).
"the salesmen who uses jargon to imply his superior knowledge"
synonyms: insinuate, suggest, hint (at), intimate, say indirectly, indicate, give someone to understand, convey the impression, signal
"are you implying he is mad?"[/QUOTE]
Why even have the national anthem at sporting events, especially since it has devolved to some kind of dim witted display?
Tell you what. You use that argument when you are asked to eulogize a friend. Be sure to mention all the things you thought were bad about him at that time. See if those in the crowd think it proper.

Sporting events aren't funerals, buddy. (Unless you count what the Cubs are going to do to the Indians!!!)

So besides a weak analogy, what else do you got?
Right they are events that people go to, to get away from bullshit like this.
Let her take her protest out to the public sidewalk, she can wear what she likes, hold up signs, and scream and shout.
Inside the building, she's working for a private organization that decided they didn't want the grief they would get if this woman was allowed to make her public political statement during our National Antem.
They had every right to expect her to be respectful during her performance.

Joe the extremist apparently doesn't understand that a private business has the right to decide how they are represented.
Let her take her protest out to the public sidewalk, she can wear what she likes, hold up signs, and scream and shout.
Inside the building, she's working for a private organization that decided they didn't want the grief they would get if this woman was allowed to make her public political statement during our National Antem.
They had every right to expect her to be respectful during her performance.

Joe the extremist apparently doesn't understand that a private business has the right to decide how they are represented.
And the NBA can nip it in the bud.
If you don't like what you are hearing, get up and leave and don't come back until its done.

God bless you always!!!


This is not just a matter of promoting your particular divisive cause in the most inappropriate way, imo, but it also disrespects the feelings of many people grateful for what their nation has done for them and grateful for the many lives sacrifices for our freedoms. They see your protest as spitting in the face of many honorable and brave policemen and soldiers. You were given a major pulpit to honor our nation. If you want to disparage it, do it on your own time in your own pulpit.

I thought our country stood for being able to express your opinions and protest the actions of your government. At least, that's what I thought I was defending when I was in the service.

How dare these black athletes and entertainers complain about black people being shot by police without due process.
The country DID express its opinion. You see, most people think its super douchy to fuck with the anthem, so when you hire a girl to sing the anthem and you see shes wearing a stupid political shirt and trying to make it all about HER, you can exercise your right to kick that dumb bitch to the curb. We arent interested in the politics of ignorant people.

This is not just a matter of promoting your particular divisive cause in the most inappropriate way, imo, but it also disrespects the feelings of many people grateful for what their nation has done for them and grateful for the many lives sacrifices for our freedoms. They see your protest as spitting in the face of many honorable and brave policemen and soldiers. You were given a major pulpit to honor our nation. If you want to disparage it, do it on your own time in your own pulpit.

I thought our country stood for being able to express your opinions and protest the actions of your government. At least, that's what I thought I was defending when I was in the service.

How dare these black athletes and entertainers complain about black people being shot by police without due process.

This singer was asked to sing, not protest. The team (as the employer) can call the shots on this and the singer is free to protest out on the street on her free time. She has not lost any rights.
This is getting ridiculous already. These singers are so disingenuous anyway. If this country is god damn repressive then why even agree to sing the national anthem in the first place? I'll tell you why - it's to draw attention to themselves.
Maybe this woman would rather go sing the national anthem of Zimbabwe. I'm sure millions of us wouldn't lose any sleep if she moved there.

76ers stop singer from performing national anthem for 'We Matter' jersey

Sevyn Streeter at a Billboard event in February. (Associated Press)

The NBA’s much-anticipated continuation of the NFL’s national anthem protests have so far been pretty tame. Players and teams have opted to stand with arms locked in vague displays of unity, preferring instead to “focus on solutions” instead of gestures. The shape of discourse has frankly been a little disappointing — there seems to be no sense that protest can be form of action, and many of the proposed solutions to police killings of unarmed minorities rely on false equivalencies and changing the subject. In fact, the most powerful demonstrations so far have come not from the players on the court, but two national anthem singers while performing at preseason games in October.

Philadelphia 76ers officials apparently wanted to avoid even the mild controversy drummed up by those incidents at their season opener against the Oklahoma City Thunder on Wednesday night. Recording artist Sevyn Streeter was set to perform the national anthem, but she never made it out onto the court once the powers that be saw her “We Matter” t-shirt. She and her makeup artist Tatiana Ward explained what happened in several posts to social media (via PBT and Billy Penn):

This was outstanding! Hats off to the 76ers for stopping this and throwing her out. Enough is enough.

It's one thing to disrespect the anthem, the flag, the military, and the nation as a player, but when you are the SINGER - that's too much! If you have no respect for them, if you want to protest in such a manner, you have no business singing the anthem in the 1st place. You want to kneel down on the sidelines - go for it. You want to HIJACK the anthem and IMPOSE your protest on everyone else? Aw Hellll NO!

Again, props to the 76ers!
The country DID express its opinion. You see, most people think its super douchy to fuck with the anthem, so when you hire a girl to sing the anthem and you see shes wearing a stupid political shirt and trying to make it all about HER, you can exercise your right to kick that dumb bitch to the curb. We arent interested in the politics of ignorant people.

I'm not sure who most people are. Imean the wingnuts are all upset that black people aren't playing along with their fake patriotism.

I personally wonder why you need to sing that song before a game.
This is getting ridiculous already. These singers are so disingenuous anyway. If this country is god damn repressive then why even agree to sing the national anthem in the first place? I'll tell you why - it's to draw attention to themselves.

I'll do one better. If this country is repressive then why live here?
I'll do one better. If this country is repressive then why live here?

You mean other than to fix it.

Hey, if someone you care about is overweight, do you leave them or do you help them lose weight and improve their diet. What about if they smoke? Or spend too much time on the internet...

Everyone has that one thing about this country they would love to change. It doesn't mean they love their country any less.
I'll do one better. If this country is repressive then why live here?

You mean other than to fix it.

Hey, if someone you care about is overweight, do you leave them or do you help them lose weight and improve their diet. What about if they smoke? Or spend too much time on the internet...

Everyone has that one thing about this country they would love to change. It doesn't mean they love their country any less.

Those are the dumbest analogies in the history of USMB. You use them because there really is no rebuttal. The truth is if America really was as bad as they say it is they would leave, but it's not, everybody has it good here.
Those are the dumbest analogies in the history of USMB. You use them because there really is no rebuttal. The truth is if America really was as bad as they say it is they would leave, but it's not, everybody has it good here.

I thought it was a pretty good point.

America is a great place to live, except we have police officers who are too quick to use lethal force, espcially against people of color.

Over 1000 police shootings a year, compared to 54 in the United Kingdom in the last QUARTER CENTURY!

Now, if we want to talk about the underlying problems- guns, drugs, poverty - I'm good with that. But pretending we don't have a problem is like the overweight friend who wolfs down a big mac and sounds like he's going to have a coronary claiming he doesn't have a problem.

You don't enable problems by denying them.

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