Philadelphia mayor candidate: 'I would shut down Kensington,' clear drugs and crime


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
He's a Republican so really no chance to win in a Demorat city, so the zombies will continue to haunt Kensington.

As fentanyl and a tranquilizer ominously called the zombie drug ravage one of Philadelphia's most notorious neighborhoods, mayoral candidate David Oh says the solution is straightforward: "I would shut down Kensington Avenue."

"Starting at one end of the street and arresting everyone who is breaking the law," Oh said. That means everyone selling or buying drugs, walking around in a zombie state, prostituting, defecating or violating any other ordinance.

Philadelphia drug addicts line the sidewalk

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One of Soros' stooges is the District Attorney in Philadelphia, so even if elected, I don't Mr. Oh could actually keep his promise.
The question is, what are you going to do with all the fukkers you arrest? Enough capacity in the jails? Re-open Eastern Pennitentiary?
He's a Republican so really no chance to win in a Demorat city, so the zombies will continue to haunt Kensington.

As fentanyl and a tranquilizer ominously called the zombie drug ravage one of Philadelphia's most notorious neighborhoods, mayoral candidate David Oh says the solution is straightforward: "I would shut down Kensington Avenue."

"Starting at one end of the street and arresting everyone who is breaking the law," Oh said. That means everyone selling or buying drugs, walking around in a zombie state, prostituting, defecating or violating any other ordinance.

Philadelphia drug addicts line the sidewalk

Addicts line a wall in Kensington. One sways and seems to struggle to remain standing.

The Kensington neighborhood has gained international infamy as an open-air drug market. It was among the first places overtaken by the newest terrifying drug, xylazine, a potent veterinary tranquilizer often referred to as tranq or the zombie drug because it rots users’ flesh.

Oh said he's "very concerned" about the emergence of tranq in Kensington.

"This is the evolution of drug use in a place where drug use is rampant and unchecked," he said.


When Oh started his legal career in a district attorney's office in the 1980s, he said he found himself prosecuting a juvenile who was scheduled to have his arm amputated due to heroin use.

"It is a very strange thing as a prosecutor to be arguing for inpatient care for this person while the public defender is arguing to let him out to continue drug use that is slowly killing this person," Oh said. "Tranq is yet another milestone along the way of how badly people are damaged through the idea that you can let people hurt themselves at their own will."


Oh is the only Republican running for mayor in a field of 12 candidates, several of whom previously served alongside him on the Philadelphia City Council. He said the city's tolerance of public drug use isn't helping anyone.

"The message right now is this city does not care about the residents, the children, the young people who are selling and dealing drugs and the drug addicted themselves," Oh said.

Under his plan to crack down on crime in Kensington, Oh said drug addicts who are arrested would be provided with detox or mental health services.

"But when the word goes out that Kensington as people know it does not exist, the people seeking to exploit people will no longer come there," he said, and addicts from other counties would no longer flock to the neighborhood to "live for years on the sidewalk or in an alley, prostituting, stealing, being injured, being harmed, losing their mental capabilities."


Kensington's violent crime rate was about 30% higher than the rest of the city from 2012 through 2016 according to a Drexel University study. The neighborhood also saw a higher rate of complaints about graffiti, illegal dumping, vacant houses and dangerous buildings than the city at large.

Oh said the subway system has become a de facto homeless shelter, and crime deters some residents from using public transportation. Stores are battered by shoplifting and robberies, he added, all problems that could be fixed.

"If you shut down Kensington Avenue, people will be much better off," he said. "The children can come out and play. The stores can open again. They can take some of that security down and start stocking their shelves … and life can return to that neighborhood."

I used to work in Kensington, it's always been bad, you just learn to walk really really fast there *L*
I also helped the then DA Ed Rendell around 1978 a few years before this Mayor candidate worked at the DA.
Rendell was a good mayor, a centrist who had to run as a Dem to survive politics in the city. He eventually became Gov.
Drugs in Kensington were always a problem along with crime, my friend got stabed to death in front of his store Just across the street from where I worked.
It's just this specific drug in conjunction with added covid despair and criminal leniency is a recipe for further intensified criminal behavior than ever before.
The level of Psycho goes up as well, and that section was always seen as a giant open psych ward.
"But when the word goes out that Kensington as people know it does not exist, the people seeking to exploit people will no longer come there," he said, and addicts from other counties would no longer flock to the neighborhood to "live for years on the sidewalk or in an alley, prostituting, stealing, being injured, being harmed, losing their mental capabilities."
So where will they go?
In fact the Dem's darling AOC just publicly said the Biden administration should IGNORE A COURT INJUNCTION holy shit! Even the Dem reporter was stunned. This is who the lawless Dems are!

They're irrational little Hitlers totally controlled by their butt hurt emotions who are playing team politics and have no interest in reality or truth whatsoever.

And a surplus of loonies on this board proves that fact day in and day out.

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