Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney tells President Trump to “put his big boy pants on” and congratulate President Joe Biden

by hook or by crook (mostly by crook), Trump will cheat to win...and he just might succeed!
A lot of Americans would see such a move by President Trump to be harmful to the Resistance and could even be seen as "collaboration".

It has nothing to do with "big boy pants" or whatever.
by hook or by crook (mostly by crook), Trump will cheat to win...and he just might succeed!

That's a pretty ironic projection you have going on there, crybaby. You support a racist segregationist who couldn't even get a college degree without plagiarizing other people. You'll be cheering lyin' Biden if he's declared the winner when the cheating is SO evident. Biden will NEVER be a legitimate President, though he might end up being the corrupt pRESIDENT.
A lot of Americans would see such a move by President Trump to be harmful to the Resistance and could even be seen as "collaboration".

It has nothing to do with "big boy pants" or whatever.
But the Mayor is not exactly the most macho guy either. He was caught eating in a resturaunt without a mask after forcing everyone in the city to do so. He obviously likes to drink. This is not a criticism of him personally. but it is a criticism to Prog politics because he knows elections are stolen.
...they ----- just about everyone--MSM/Dems/BLM/entertainers [ hahah ] /etc----- have been giving him unjustified crap for 4 years--FK them...I say PISS on them.....I don't care if he cheats.....he SHOULD cheat/etc

i'm stunned...the mayor of philly is a white irish catholic?

He might want to be quiet, he already ran his mouth enough to tie him into much of the illegal activity in Philly and when they investigate Biden's corruption he does not want to be in the middle of protecting a traitor with help setting him up to a position to obstruct justice giving China the win.

So, you are trying to use that to pretend that an overwhelming majority of military people support Biden? You're sniffing glue again, aren't you?
let's compare the record

Trump calls vets suckers and losers

Biden's son died after he returned from serving in Iraq, probably from his wounds over there, i'm just guessing here

of course the vets favor Biden!

i'm stunned...the mayor of philly is a white irish catholic?

He might want to be quiet, he already ran his mouth enough to tie him into much of the illegal activity in Philly and when they investigate Biden's corruption he does not want to be in the middle of protecting a traitor with help setting him up to a position to obstruct justice giving China the win.

Wonder if the Democrats have considered what might happen if the Republicans take the House in 2022? Wonder how quickly they can get Articles of Impeachment together over the Biden family "pay for access" scheme that the Media has been ignoring?

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