Philippine catastrophe

It is so sad to see the more moron posters insult, lie, add stupid comments and all the other shit they get up to, but in a thread about something that will be harmful to so many and has caused the deaths of a lot of people.
Posters like that are worthless to either a serious discussion or the world in general.
Each should offer apology for their posts.
In the same breath you berate posters for insulting each other AND then proceed to call them "morons" and "worthless". If you're looking for your thinking cap, I can promise you that you didn't leave it on top of your head.

If you want to talk about how Typhoon Haiyan and the ENVIRONMENT relate to each other, feel free. If all you want to do is whine, moan and wring your hands at it all, please move along.
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Using this tragedy to try and advance an agenda (climate change) is pretty low.

Low? Low?!?! WTF is wrong with you people? Was it wrong to institute fire prevention technologies into building codes or was that some sort of abuse of the memories of the victims? Was it wrong to add all those safety requirements to automobiles, or was that just a callous political ploy? Was it immoral for the US government to set up and empower the FDA, the FAA, the NTSB or the OSHA?

If you want to get on someone's case for giving insufficient regard to the tragedy, the loss of life and limb, the billions in property damage - talk to the people who push the denial of any connection between warming and weather (and the dupes who buy into those arguments on primarily political grounds), not because of any flaw in the science, but because it threatens their bottom line: the fossil fuel industries.

AGW Death worshiping cult LIVES for these weather related deaths

So, Frank, do you have any answers to my questions? Is it WRONG to look for ways to prevent death and injury?
Look, if a lot of Philipinos have to die so denialists can guzzle fossil fuels, then that's a price that denialists are willing to have someone else pay.

That is the pattern with denialists. They always want someone else to pay for their own actions. But I figure if I go poking around savagely enough, I might actually awaken a conscience in one of 'em.
Low? Low?!?! WTF is wrong with you people? Was it wrong to institute fire prevention technologies into building codes or was that some sort of abuse of the memories of the victims? Was it wrong to add all those safety requirements to automobiles, or was that just a callous political ploy? Was it immoral for the US government to set up and empower the FDA, the FAA, the NTSB or the OSHA?

If you want to get on someone's case for giving insufficient regard to the tragedy, the loss of life and limb, the billions in property damage - talk to the people who push the denial of any connection between warming and weather (and the dupes who buy into those arguments on primarily political grounds), not because of any flaw in the science, but because it threatens their bottom line: the fossil fuel industries.

AGW Death worshiping cult LIVES for these weather related deaths

So, Frank, do you have any answers to my questions? Is it WRONG to look for ways to prevent death and injury?

It's wrong to delude yourself that you can control the climate of a planet. Maybe in a 1,000,000 years, but now you're a little arrogant shoe-wearing monkey
It's wrong to delude yourself that you can control the climate of a planet. Maybe in a 1,000,000 years, but now you're a little arrogant shoe-wearing monkey

I think the phrase you're looking for is "monkeys with car keys".

So... when we note that the level of CO2 in the atmosphere has grown from 280 ppm to 400 ppm and when isotopic analysis shows that damn near every molecule of that added gas came from the combustion of fossil fuels and when scientists calculate, from first principals how much solar energy will be trapped by that much added CO2... where exactly are they going wrong Frank? Please correct the world's scientists cause I guess all that education they've obtained and all that research they've done has just gotten them all confused. Straighten us out Frank. C'mon....
Look, if a lot of Philipinos have to die so denialists can guzzle fossil fuels, then that's a price that denialists are willing to have someone else pay.

That is the pattern with denialists. They always want someone else to pay for their own actions. But I figure if I go poking around savagely enough, I might actually awaken a conscience in one of 'em.

a moot point sweetie..........speculating on here is gay. Only in the world of the k00ks do costs NOT matter.

But in the real world and at the end of the day, all that matters is.........who is winning? ( see thread on this forum)
The whole climate change argument, imo, is just ludicrous. It's like people needing to believe in God and Heaven in order to behave decently. Why do we need to believe one way or the other in climate change to treat the planet decently? It's our planet, it's our home, we should treat it decently. Why do you need to do it out of fear? Why not do it because it is simply the right thing to do?
Funny how the regional press describes the storm's strength so very differently.

"Packing maximum sustained winds of 215 kilometers per hour and gusts of up to 250 kph, Yolanda made its fifth landfall at 12 noon on Friday, barely two hours after it hit land in Bantayan Island in Cebu at 10:40 a.m.”

215 kph = 133 mph

“Dr. Jeff Masters of the weather website posted that Yolanda was the strongest storm to make landfall and the fourth strongest in the world.” *

* Note – this is not true, as the winds were about 147 mph when the storm hits land.

“Haiyan (Yolanda) had winds of 190 -195 mph at landfall, making it the strongest tropical cyclone on record to make landfall in world history,” he said.”

Monster storm drubs PH - Manila Standard Today

Again, 190 mph is 305 kph. Not one regional report mentions winds that high.

"The typhoon first smashed into the coastal communities of Samar and Leyte, with the center of the year's strongest weather disturbance making its first landfall over Guiuan, Eastern Samar with maximum sustained winds of at least 235 km/h near the center and gusts of up to 275 km/h.”

Typhoon Yolanda weakens as it exits PH

235 kph = 147 mph

“In an interview, Pagasa weather forecaster Joey Figuracion said Yolanda’s wind strength dropped from 235 kph Friday morning to 200 kph in the afternoon; its gustiness also from 275 kph to 230 kph.”

Supertyphoon 'Yolanda' makes landfall over Guiuan, Eastern Samar -

“Weather officials said that Haiyan had sustained winds at 235 kilometers (147 miles) per hour, with gusts of 275 kph (170 mph) when it made landfall at Eastern Samar province's Guiuan township.”

“The local weather bureau makes estimates based on longer periods of time than others, such as the U.S. Navy's Joint Typhoon Warning Center, which said shortly before the typhoon made landfall that its maximum sustained winds were 314 kilometers per hour (195 mph), with gusts up to 379 kilometers per hour (235 mph).”

Local measurements are more accurate than the projections made.

Strongest Typhoon of the Year Slams Philippines - ABC News

The expert quoted in some of the articles is Jeff Masters. I wonder what interest he would have in trying to claim a much stronger storm?

Who is Meteorologist Jeff Masters, the Man Behind the Snowpocalypse, Global Warming "connection?" - Yahoo Voices -

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Super Typhoon Haiyan hit Guiuan, on the Philippine island of Samar, at 4:40 a.m. local time Friday. Three hours before landfall, the Joint Typhoon Warning Center assessed Haiyan's sustained winds at 195 mph, gusting to 235 mph, making it the fourth strongest tropical cyclone in world history.

The warning center uses satellites to estimate the wind speed of typhoons and hurricanes.

Satellite loops show that Haiyan weakened only slightly, if at all, in the two hours after JTWC's advisory, so the super typhoon likely made landfall with winds near 195 mph, reports meteorologist Jeff Masters of the Weather Underground, a private meteorology company. This is equivalent to a strong Category 5 hurricane.
Typhoon Haiyan kills up to 1,200 in Philippines

Nature at it's worst. There are things beyond our control, things we face every day. There is prayer.

And the Red Cross.

Philippine Red Cross
From YOUR article:

Authorities warned more than 12 million people were at risk from Yolanda, which had earlier been classified as a "supertyphoon" and category 5 hurricane in the United States’ National Hurricane Center’s Saffir-Simpson wind scale -- meaning it has a wind speed of 250 kilometers per hour or higher, the strongest storm in the world this year.

and a fuller quote from the AP via your ABC News link:

Weather officials said that Haiyan had sustained winds at 235 kilometers (147 miles) per hour, with gusts of 275 kph (170 mph) when it made landfall at Eastern Samar province's Guiuan township.

The local weather bureau makes estimates based on longer periods of time than others, such as the U.S. Navy's Joint Typhoon Warning Center, which said shortly before the typhoon made landfall that its maximum sustained winds were 314 kilometers per hour (195 mph), with gusts up to 379 kilometers per hour (235 mph).

It should surprise no one that the storm's winds would be down significantly after FIVE landfalls. The Philippines have significant elevations that will diffuse a great deal of a storm's strength. The same is true of Cuba for Caribbean hurricanes.
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It was a big storm, that is a fact. It however was not the the record breaker that some were claiming. I posted the link to another article earlier in the thread that said that the typhoon would be clasified as a category 4 hurricane in the US. The article said that it was just shy of being a category 5 storm.

The reason is that a category 5 is classified as having winds 156 mph and up.

250 kph = 155.343 mph so technically not does not meet the category 5 definition.

Unimportant given the destruction and tragedy created by the typhoon but thought I should explain.
It's wrong to delude yourself that you can control the climate of a planet. Maybe in a 1,000,000 years, but now you're a little arrogant shoe-wearing monkey

I think the phrase you're looking for is "monkeys with car keys".

So... when we note that the level of CO2 in the atmosphere has grown from 280 ppm to 400 ppm and when isotopic analysis shows that damn near every molecule of that added gas came from the combustion of fossil fuels and when scientists calculate, from first principals how much solar energy will be trapped by that much added CO2... where exactly are they going wrong Frank? Please correct the world's scientists cause I guess all that education they've obtained and all that research they've done has just gotten them all confused. Straighten us out Frank. C'mon....

CO2 is your God, not mine.

The worlds climate scammers like Mann are all in it for the money.

For all your "research" you don't have a single experiment that shows a temperature increase from raising your God's presence in the atmosphere up to 400ppm
The whole climate change argument, imo, is just ludicrous. It's like people needing to believe in God and Heaven in order to behave decently. Why do we need to believe one way or the other in climate change to treat the planet decently? It's our planet, it's our home, we should treat it decently. Why do you need to do it out of fear? Why not do it because it is simply the right thing to do?

CO2 is a colorless, odorless gas. It's production lights our lights, heats and cools our homes and carries us and all our goods up and down the world's roadways. It is very easy to tell ones self that it is harmless, that humans couldn't possibly produce enough to affect the whole world.

I do not find the argument that we need to reduce GHG emissions to minimize global warming "ludicrous". Neither do I believe you've adequately justified yourself. Please explain why you think ephemeral aesthetics OUGHT to be enough and why you think it ludicrous to not be satisfied with what the world has done so far in this regard.
From YOUR article: Supertyphoon 'Yolanda' makes landfall over Guiuan, Eastern Samar -

Authorities warned more than 12 million people were at risk from Yolanda, which had earlier been classified as a "supertyphoon" and category 5 hurricane in the United States’ National Hurricane Center’s Saffir-Simpson wind scale -- meaning it has a wind speed of 250 kilometers per hour or higher, the strongest storm in the world this year.

and a fuller quote from the AP via your ABC News link:

Weather officials said that Haiyan had sustained winds at 235 kilometers (147 miles) per hour, with gusts of 275 kph (170 mph) when it made landfall at Eastern Samar province's Guiuan township.

The local weather bureau makes estimates based on longer periods of time than others, such as the U.S. Navy's Joint Typhoon Warning Center, which said shortly before the typhoon made landfall that its maximum sustained winds were 314 kilometers per hour (195 mph), with gusts up to 379 kilometers per hour (235 mph).

It should surprise no one that the storm's winds would be down significantly after FIVE landfalls. The Philippines have significant elevations that will diffuse a great deal of a storm's strength. The same is true of Cuba for Caribbean hurricanes.

The typhoon first hit Eastern Samar in the Philipines.

“Weather officials said that Haiyan had sustained winds at 235 kilometers (147 miles) per hour, with gusts of 275 kph (170 mph) when it made landfall at Eastern Samar province's Guiuan township.”

Can you explain your claim of five landfalls?
Increasing the temperature of our climate will increase the intensity of our weather.

Quite the opposite actually. What is the climate like at the equator where temps are always high? Go ahead, look it up, I dare you....

Let's see... hurricanes, typhoons, monsoon rains...

Was that supposed to be humorous or did you really think that little about it?

Oh, I see you didn't do the proper research. Try again little troll. Try again. It's not hard. Most anyone can do it...Remember along the EQUATOR...
The whole climate change argument, imo, is just ludicrous. It's like people needing to believe in God and Heaven in order to behave decently. Why do we need to believe one way or the other in climate change to treat the planet decently? It's our planet, it's our home, we should treat it decently. Why do you need to do it out of fear? Why not do it because it is simply the right thing to do?

CO2 is a colorless, odorless gas. It's production lights our lights, heats and cools our homes and carries us and all our goods up and down the world's roadways. It is very easy to tell ones self that it is harmless, that humans couldn't possibly produce enough to affect the whole world.

I do not find the argument that we need to reduce GHG emissions to minimize global warming "ludicrous". Neither do I believe you've adequately justified yourself. Please explain why you think ephemeral aesthetics OUGHT to be enough and why you think it ludicrous to not be satisfied with what the world has done so far in this regard.

I never said it was ludicrous to minimize global warming. Where the fuck did you get that? You are reading with a single minded tunel vision. In fact, you are so absorbed in your political stance, you cannot see the forest for the trees. I am saying we should treat the planet well, which means caring about the environment, in all ways. We should do it because it is our home, not because we are afraid of global warming. Jesus. You are a perfect example of people who forget about the obvious, the natural view of life, because you are so embroiled in a political position. :banghead:

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