Philippine catastrophe

Increasing the temperature of our climate will increase the intensity of our weather.

Quite the opposite actually. What is the climate like at the equator where temps are always high? Go ahead, look it up, I dare you....

Let's see... hurricanes, typhoons, monsoon rains...

Was that supposed to be humorous or did you really think that little about it?
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Maybe take a moment to think about the victims of this storm?
I have been but I doubt they'll see much benefit from it. I'm sure there are prayer groups all over the world talking to their respective ceilings in attempts to get supernatural assistance to those folks. I doubt they'll see any benefit from that either.

Perhaps thinking about how we might reduce the odds of such storms becoming the norm for the next millenia would be a more productive use of our time.
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And now we know something about your values and lack of character. Thanks for clearing that up.
And now we know the uselessness of yours. If you're looking for a prayer group, you're in the wrong forum.
Sad that a category 4 hurricane (typhoon) was so destructive. That region of the world has had seen so many typhoons of similar strength over the years.

"An average of 20 major storms or typhoons, many of them deadly, batter the Philippines each year."

"Weather officials said Haiyan had sustained winds of 235 kph with gusts of 275 kph when it made landfall. By those measurements, Haiyan would be comparable to a strong Category 4 hurricane in the U.S., nearly in the top category, a 5."

Massive Philippine typhoon leaves over 100 dead | The Japan Times

Haiyan was the name given to this typhoon. Also know that 235 kph is kilometers per hour, not miles per hour. 235 kph = 146 mph, so we're clear 146 miles per hour.

Using this tragedy to try and advance an agenda (climate change) is pretty low.
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Sad that a category 4 hurricane (typhoon) was so destructive. That region of the world has had seen so many typhoons of similar strength over the years.

"An average of 20 major storms or typhoons, many of them deadly, batter the Philippines each year."

"Weather officials said Haiyan had sustained winds of 235 kph with gusts of 275 kph when it made landfall. By those measurements, Haiyan would be comparable to a strong Category 4 hurricane in the U.S., nearly in the top category, a 5."

Massive Philippine typhoon leaves over 100 dead | The Japan Times

Haiyan was the name given to this typhoon. Also know that 235 kph is kilometers per hour, not miles per hour. 235 kph = 146 mph, so we're clear 146 miles per hour.

Using this tragedy to try and advance an agenda (climate change) is pretty low.

From CNN:

"It first landed near Dulag and Tacloban, flooding coastal communities with a surge of water and delivering 195 mph winds with gusts reaching as high as 235 mph.

"With sustained winds of 315 kph (195 mph) and gusts as strong as 380 kph (235 mph), Haiyan was probably the strongest tropical cyclone to hit land anywhere in the world in recorded history. "

That's Category FIVE.
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Is this because the Pacific ocean is magically absorbing the warming that's not showing up anywhere else?
Using this tragedy to try and advance an agenda (climate change) is pretty low.

Low? Low?!?! WTF is wrong with you people? Was it wrong to institute fire prevention technologies into building codes or was that some sort of abuse of the memories of the victims? Was it wrong to add all those safety requirements to automobiles, or was that just a callous political ploy? Was it immoral for the US government to set up and empower the FDA, the FAA, the NTSB or the OSHA?

If you want to get on someone's case for giving insufficient regard to the tragedy, the loss of life and limb, the billions in property damage - talk to the people who push the denial of any connection between warming and weather (and the dupes who buy into those arguments on primarily political grounds), not because of any flaw in the science, but because it threatens their bottom line: the fossil fuel industries.
"An average of 20 major storms or typhoons, many of them deadly, batter the Philippines each year."

This is not quite correct.

Around 19 tropical cyclones or storms [anything with winds >40 knots] enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility in a typical year and of these usually 6 to 9 make landfall.[1][2]

1) ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Appendix B: Characteristics of Tropical Cyclones Affecting the Philippine Islands (Shoemaker 1991). Retrieved on 2008-04-20.
2) ^ Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA). (January 2009). Member Report to the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee, 41st Session. Retrieved 2009-12-17.

Per a weather report I saw on television last night, this is the sixth typhoon to strike land in the Philippines this season.
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"An average of 20 major storms or typhoons, many of them deadly, batter the Philippines each year."

Per a weather report I saw on television last night, this is the sixth typhoon to strike land in the Philippines this season.

Im laughing..........:lol::lol::lol:

The climate crusading nuts would like to try and dupe the readers into thinking that these Typhoons are getting more frequent and more catastrophic. Of course, they never and I mean NEVER can answer the question ( nor do they want to) "As compared to what?". But when their shit is put into context, they ALWAYS look like jackasses.

In 1952 for example, look how many Typhoons hit the Phillipines >>>>

1952 storm names


1950?59 Pacific typhoon seasons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take your pick on the year.........1879.......1926........1949.........1961.........1982.............lots and lots of typhoons and in almost every year, you can see "Super-Typhoon" too, which decimates the arguments conveyed by the climate k00ks.
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The climate k00ks contingent must lie and deceive to advance their agenda ( sound familiar Barry?:lol:)!!! The extreme weather crap is one of the latest ruse scheme's they've invented.

But they don't stand up to the "as compared to what?" other words, they never pass the smell test.

Exceedingly catastrophic and deadly storms have swept the world for centuries and centuries and can clearly be seen HERE >>> Chronology of Extreme Weather

In other words, the only people who would buy their crap are the hopelessly duped or otherwise uneducated and uninformed = the only chance their agenda ever has. Dupe the public!!! And the climate crusading bigs have been caught on public record in their deception efforts >>>>

"The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself."

- Club of Rome,
premier environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations

"We've got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy."

- Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation

"No matter if the science of global warming is all phony...
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world."

- Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment

“The data doesn't matter. We're not basing our recommendations
on the data. We're basing them on the climate models.”

- Prof. Chris Folland,
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research

"It doesn't matter what is true,
it only matters what people believe is true."

- Paul Watson,
co-founder of Greenpeace
Using this tragedy to try and advance an agenda (climate change) is pretty low.

Low? Low?!?! WTF is wrong with you people? Was it wrong to institute fire prevention technologies into building codes or was that some sort of abuse of the memories of the victims? Was it wrong to add all those safety requirements to automobiles, or was that just a callous political ploy? Was it immoral for the US government to set up and empower the FDA, the FAA, the NTSB or the OSHA?

If you want to get on someone's case for giving insufficient regard to the tragedy, the loss of life and limb, the billions in property damage - talk to the people who push the denial of any connection between warming and weather (and the dupes who buy into those arguments on primarily political grounds), not because of any flaw in the science, but because it threatens their bottom line: the fossil fuel industries.

AGW Death worshiping cult LIVES for these weather related deaths
And now we know the uselessness of yours. If you're looking for a prayer group, you're in the wrong forum.

Maybe if you wish real hard, some day you'll become an actual human being.

....but I wouldn't bet on it...
Death toll likely exceeds 1,000 after typhoon slams Philippines -

Tacloban, Philippines (CNN) -- A day after Super Typhoon Haiyan roared into the Philippines, a Red Cross official said the death toll could reach 1,200.

"We estimate 1,000 people were killed in Tacloban and 200 in Samar province," Gwendolyn Pang, secretary general of the Philippine Red Cross, said of two coastal areas where Haiyan hit first as it began its march Friday across the archipelago.

The Red Cross said it would have more precise numbers Sunday. But experts predicted that it will take days to get the full scope of the damage wrought by a typhoon described as one of the strongest to make landfall in recorded history.

And with it headed for Vietnam, hopefully those people will have had time to seek safety.
Super Typhoon Haiyan hit Guiuan, on the Philippine island of Samar, at 4:40 a.m. local time Friday. Three hours before landfall, the Joint Typhoon Warning Center assessed Haiyan's sustained winds at 195 mph, gusting to 235 mph, making it the fourth strongest tropical cyclone in world history.

The warning center uses satellites to estimate the wind speed of typhoons and hurricanes.

Satellite loops show that Haiyan weakened only slightly, if at all, in the two hours after JTWC's advisory, so the super typhoon likely made landfall with winds near 195 mph, reports meteorologist Jeff Masters of the Weather Underground, a private meteorology company. This is equivalent to a strong Category 5 hurricane.
Typhoon Haiyan kills up to 1,200 in Philippines

Nature at it's worst. There are things beyond our control, things we face every day. There is prayer.

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