Philippine envoy thanks Israeli government, as aid and assistance continues

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What a boring thread.

Serves no purpose except to invite the Zionists and anti-Zionists to have a pissing match.
Why is Israel the only first world country in a region of third world shit holes? :dunno:

You really are a jerk. Israel is a land stolen by Europeans and financed with western world money while, at the same time, that same western world was exploiting a lot of these "third world shit holes" for their wealth and natural resources and setting up or supporting puppet governments.

Does that answer your question.

I am beginning to see the charity of Jews and their supporters in this thread. It truly started out so well. I guess I will have to go all Irish Catholic on y'all and quote St. Augustine..."Charity is no substitute for justice withheld."

You really are a jerk. Israel is a land stolen by Europeans and financed with western world money while, at the same time, that same western world was exploiting a lot of these "third world shit holes" for their wealth and natural resources and setting up or supporting puppet governments.

Does that answer your question.

I am beginning to see the charity of Jews and their supporters in this thread. It truly started out so well. I guess I will have to go all Irish Catholic on y'all and quote St. Francis..."Charity is no substitute for justice withheld."
Wow, spouting Muslim Neo Nazi propaganda like a parrot.

Trying to change the topic to the bullshit and lies about "injustice towards the Palestinians"?

The plight of the Palestinians is pretty well known. They are Arab invaders who decided to join their Arab brethren in the destruction of Israel, for a piece of the action should the Arabs emerge victorious from their aggression. It didn't turn out that way, nazi boy. Boohoo. Now get lost and stop trying to change the topic.

Another asshole upset over something positive being said about Israel. Sheesh, they can't control themselves.

He asked a question. I answered it. It really is that simple.

No you didn't faggot.:eusa_liar:
Israel went to Haiti too? wow is there any limit to their kindness and generosity? the Phillpines and Haiti are two countries so far away from Israel and they really didn't have to do anything, but they did. Thats heroic. :clap2:
Because of their experience in this field, Israelis are always the first on the ground to help those in need. This comes from responding to terror events or battlefield injuries, knowing that time can be the difference between life and death.

Israel is such a selfless caring country and there are plenty of examples of their generosity, so why all the hate?:confused:

Jealousy? Part of a religion who despite getting aid from here there and everywhere, only has hate on its mind and a vow to wipe out the only country in the region who spread the light of human kindness worldwide.


IDF Without Borders ? IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces
But not to the Palestinian people

Really? Tell us more, on the relevant thread. Don't derail this one.

If Joey wants to tell us about the Palestinian people, maybe he should also tell us about this.

Welcome to Beyond Images - Perspectives on the Arab-Israeli Conflict

The is the person in question, on a video explanation.

[ame=]Girl Suicide Bomber Caught at Israeli Checkpoint - YouTube[/ame]
But not to the Palestinian people
Has "Palestine" relocated to the Philippines? I think that's the OP.

Last time I checked the Philippines were in Asia, and this is the Middle East - General forum

Since this the Middle East forum, Joey, would it be possible for you to ever give us any news which is happening in Muslim Middle East countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, etc.? I don't believe anyone has seen anything from you except for your constant bashing of the Jews and Israel.
Wow, spouting Muslim Neo Nazi propaganda like a parrot.

Trying to change the topic to the bullshit and lies about "injustice towards the Palestinians"?

The plight of the Palestinians is pretty well known. They are Arab invaders who decided to join their Arab brethren in the destruction of Israel, for a piece of the action should the Arabs emerge victorious from their aggression. It didn't turn out that way, nazi boy. Boohoo. Now get lost and stop trying to change the topic.

Another asshole upset over something positive being said about Israel. Sheesh, they can't control themselves.

He asked a question. I answered it. It really is that simple.

No you didn't faggot.:eusa_liar:

I don't think a black man who supports a Jewish state and may be part Jewish himself should issue bigoted and pejorative remarks of this nature. I am not a "faggot" and you lack imagination and humor if that is the best you can come up with. However, if it somehow brightens your day to call me that, feel free. I will just regard you as someone expressing doubts about their own sexuality or sexual functionality, as most homophobes are.

One of the finest and toughest man I ever knew was, as you term it, a "faggot". I am proud to be his friend. He had umparalled integrity. He would laugh in your face, and then forgive you for your bigotry.

And yes, I did answer the question you asked.
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As long as it's not done by Israel.

If it's Israel, it must be propganda:eusa_whistle:

Not to worry Lipush. There are those of us who appreciate Israel for being our only friend in the region.
Just look at what they Israelis have done. Even the liberal anti Israel NBC news was impressed!

IDF Treats Hundreds in Philippines; NBC Correspondent in 'Awe'

IDF delegation in Philippines has treated over 300 wounded; NBC reporter impressed, publishes report praising IDF humanitarianism.

The IDF unit has treated over 370 wounded - 150 of them children - in a hospital in the city of Bogo.
IDF doctors at Bogo's hospital have performed operations, used advanced medical equipment, and overseen 5 births - including one Cesarean section and one birth where the mother went into labor en route to the hospital.

In addition, large meetings were conducted Saturday afternoon with Cebu officials to determine the local population's needs in the wake of the typhoon. The IDF worked with officials to determine the most efficient ways to aid Cebu residents so they can return to a normal life as fast as possible.
The move has left NBC reporter Nancy Snyderman in 'awe' of Israel's humanitarian work.

In a special report, Snyderman noted her previous positive experiences with IDF teams, when she reported on the aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquakes. She remarked that Bogo is "the place we least expected", as the city had not received as much media attention as other Philippine areas affected by the typhoon.

Snyderman also praises the IDF's medical technology, which documents each patient by preserving digital copies of their medical files to prevent problems with filing mix-ups, language barriers, and a barrage of information flowing during a time of crisis. Also noting the IDF's emphasis on security, she sums up her impressions of the IDF as being "Smart. Sophisticated. Secure."

This time, says Snyderman, she was blown away by an additional factor: the IDF's choice of Bogo. More than just remote, Bogo was poverty-stricken before the typhoon; the IDF delegation is not only attempting to help in the aftermath of the crisis, but also to enact long-term change in one of the Philippine's poorest urban centers.

"As I left, I walked away in awe of this group of doctors: physician humanitarians, and medicine at its very best," she concludes. :clap:

I'm shocked that Nancy Snyderman is in awe of israel...
Israel went to Haiti too? wow is there any limit to their kindness and generosity? the Phillpines and Haiti are two countries so far away from Israel and they really didn't have to do anything, but they did. Thats heroic. :clap2:
Because of their experience in this field, Israelis are always the first on the ground to help those in need. This comes from responding to terror events or battlefield injuries, knowing that time can be the difference between life and death.

The israeli team didn't arrive until a week after the storm hit.
Alfalfa smoker, are you that upset about Israel helping the Philippine victims that you are having problems staying on topic? Tsk tsk....
This Israeli dichotomy is one of the more startling dichotomies that exist today.

They help in the Philippines and they further a campaign of ethnic cleansing in West Bank.

That's probably the only thing that makes this thread of any interest, as many countries are helping in the Philippines, yet aren't called out as being exceptional for that.

If you want to discuss Israeli foreign relief, then you can't limit the discussion to a brief interlude in the Philippines during a decades long campaign of theft of the birthright of the citizens of Palestine.
Alfalfa smoker, are you that upset about Israel helping the Philippine victims that you are having problems staying on topic? Tsk tsk....
This Israeli dichotomy is one of the more startling dichotomies that exist today.

They help in the Philippines and they further a campaign of ethnic cleansing in West Bank.

That's probably the only thing that makes this thread of any interest, as many countries are helping in the Philippines, yet aren't called out as being exceptional for that.

If you want to discuss Israeli foreign relief, then you can't limit the discussion to a brief interlude in the Philippines during a decades long campaign of theft of the birthright of the citizens of Palestine.

All israeli efforts are "brief interludes"...just long enough to get the right pics and videos for the PR campaign.
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