Philippine envoy thanks Israeli government, as aid and assistance continues

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Hilarious since this article was written on Nov 13 and the STATE OF ISRAEL HAS ALREADY BUGGED OUT of the philippines...heheh.



WORLD (90% coming from Europe and the US) - $2,352,000,000!


Don't ever try separating the chosen people from the profits of their donkey slaves! (see below)

Since the article was written on December 2nd that the medical team is staying, can you tell us what is so hilarious except to anyone with a simple mind? Is anyone stopping you, Alfalfa, from starting up some relief help for the Philippines in your own city instead of showing us that you were such a loser donkey during your working years. Meanwhile, Alfalfa, any one of these organizations will appreciate any help you can give them.

You seem to have a problem separating the State of Israel with a private, NGO charity. It's like saying the Red Cross is on the ground in the philippines and crediting those efforts to the US Gubmint.

And you seem to have a problem with anything that is written about Israelis, whether from government agencies or private charities, who help others. Meanwhile, if the truth were known, you probably don't care at all what is happening to the Filipinos people except to bash the help which Israelis are giving them. The bottom line is that the Filipinos are grateful for the help any country gives them during this trying time. May you never have to go through what they are going through.
For 2 weeks. Then all the PR photo op hasbara value had been drained from it.

Time to pack up and go home. The disaster is over.

Poor Alfalfa, he still can't comprehend that a medical team will still be operating there. What are you doing for Philippine relief, Alfalfa? Have you sent in any money to help these unfortunate people.

There is no State of Israel medical teams left in the philippines.
"state of Israel medical teams"? You speak as if you even know what that means. Ha ha ha.
God Bless the people of Israel and the IDF, they are always among the first to offer help and assistance to those in need.

Philippine Ambassador Thanks Israeli Government, As Aid And Assistance Continues :clap:

IDF, Foreign Ministry and Israeli, Jewish humanitarian organizations are all sending aid workers to the Philippines. :clap:

Philippine Ambassador to Israel Generoso D.G. Calonge expressed appreciation on Tuesday for the assistance Israel has offered to his storm-ravaged country, saying it made him “so happy.” “I can’t describe the feeling right now... that my host country cares about our stricken people,” he told The Jerusalem Post. “I hope the people of Israel will maintain their attitude of people who are stricken with this crisis and who are on the losing end of natural disasters.” :clap:

In a statement, Prosor said the IDF was sending two Boeing 747’s with 234 Israeli doctors, nurses and paramedics, as well as equipment to set up a state-of-the-art mobile hospital, to the Philippines on Wednesday. Heading the mission will be Col. Ramtin Sabati, who commands the National Rescue Unit, and will also include deputy Medical Corps chief Col. Dudu Dagan, who will act as commander of the field hospital. :clap:


Israel is the most generous country in the region.:eusa_angel:

Generous to who?
God Bless the people of Israel and the IDF, they are always among the first to offer help and assistance to those in need.

Philippine Ambassador Thanks Israeli Government, As Aid And Assistance Continues :clap:

IDF, Foreign Ministry and Israeli, Jewish humanitarian organizations are all sending aid workers to the Philippines. :clap:

Philippine Ambassador to Israel Generoso D.G. Calonge expressed appreciation on Tuesday for the assistance Israel has offered to his storm-ravaged country, saying it made him “so happy.” “I can’t describe the feeling right now... that my host country cares about our stricken people,” he told The Jerusalem Post. “I hope the people of Israel will maintain their attitude of people who are stricken with this crisis and who are on the losing end of natural disasters.” :clap:

In a statement, Prosor said the IDF was sending two Boeing 747’s with 234 Israeli doctors, nurses and paramedics, as well as equipment to set up a state-of-the-art mobile hospital, to the Philippines on Wednesday. Heading the mission will be Col. Ramtin Sabati, who commands the National Rescue Unit, and will also include deputy Medical Corps chief Col. Dudu Dagan, who will act as commander of the field hospital. :clap:


Israel is the most generous country in the region.:eusa_angel:

Generous to who?

Countries in need of help.:eusa_angel:
God Bless the people of Israel and the IDF, they are always among the first to offer help and assistance to those in need.

Philippine Ambassador Thanks Israeli Government, As Aid And Assistance Continues :clap:

IDF, Foreign Ministry and Israeli, Jewish humanitarian organizations are all sending aid workers to the Philippines. :clap:

Philippine Ambassador to Israel Generoso D.G. Calonge expressed appreciation on Tuesday for the assistance Israel has offered to his storm-ravaged country, saying it made him “so happy.” “I can’t describe the feeling right now... that my host country cares about our stricken people,” he told The Jerusalem Post. “I hope the people of Israel will maintain their attitude of people who are stricken with this crisis and who are on the losing end of natural disasters.” :clap:

In a statement, Prosor said the IDF was sending two Boeing 747’s with 234 Israeli doctors, nurses and paramedics, as well as equipment to set up a state-of-the-art mobile hospital, to the Philippines on Wednesday. Heading the mission will be Col. Ramtin Sabati, who commands the National Rescue Unit, and will also include deputy Medical Corps chief Col. Dudu Dagan, who will act as commander of the field hospital. :clap:


Israel is the most generous country in the region.:eusa_angel:

Generous to who?

I have to laugh when someone who is probably one of the biggest cheapskates around and can't pull a buck out of his own pocket for some homeless person is so busy castigating Israel when Israel has helped many around the world. Remember, Alfalfa, should you ever need it, please turn down any medical inventions thought of by an Israeli and even other Jews. God forbid you should use something thought up in the mind of a Jew. Additionally, turn down all the technological advances coming out of Israel. Why should you enjoy using your computer more if a Jew had made this enjoyment available to you.
The Nazi retard Alfalfa smoker cannot understand that US, Israeli, and European Union TROOPS have left, while their doctors and other relief operations remain. :cuckoo:

Like I said, post anything positive about Israel, and they'll come out squealing like pigs. Ha ha ha.

Another hasbara lie. While most other countries continue with their relief efforts and will for some time, ONLY THE STATE OF ISRAEL has bugged out after 2 weeks.

Let me ask you a question, if the israeli team was doing such good work, why did they leave?
Nope, US has removed it's troops, and so will the rest of the nations by next week. The reason they sent troops was to keep law and order and prevent looting and civil unrest. The doctors and aid continue.

Such a hard concept for an illiterate Nazi moron to understand. Can I borrow your brain? I'm trying to build an idiot.

U.S. leave storm-damaged Philippine region after rebuilding runway -

MANILA, Dec. 3 (UPI) -- U.S. and Israeli forces have pulled out of the central Philippines after helping with relief operations in the region, a Philippine official said Tuesday.
The main U.S. role was in restoring a runway at the Tacloban City airport and installing radar so planes could land at night, he said.

Some 150 Israeli troops also have left and British forces are expected to pull out next week, Mariano said.

Other nations that have provided assistance include Japan, Canada, Australia and Brunei. He expected those troops to leave the country by mid-December.



Weird, I could have sworn you just posted this...

The Nazi retard Alfalfa smoker cannot understand that US, Israeli, and European Union TROOPS have left,

So now you are trying to muddy the difference between military troops, who were sent to maintain law and order, and relief teams composed mainly of medical personnel.

I have no doubt that TROOPS are and will be leaving soon, there job is over. But we're not talking about troops, we're talking about relief, disaster and medical teams of which the state of israel has none in the philippines.
Thread cleaned... any folks here have a personal battle to fight do it in The Flame Zone.

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Yes hilarious, cause all you need to do is post anything positive about Israel, and the Nazi pigs come squealing out of the woodwork. While of course forgetting the TITLE of the thread:

Philippine envoy thanks Israeli government, as aid and assistance continues



I have no problem with seeing something positive and saying so.

As long as it's not done by Israel.

If it's Israel, it must be propganda:eusa_whistle:

Not to worry Lipush. There are those of us who appreciate Israel for being our only friend in the region.
I have no problem with seeing something positive and saying so.

As long as it's not done by Israel.

If it's Israel, it must be propganda:eusa_whistle:

Not to worry Lipush. There are those of us who appreciate Israel for being our only friend in the region.
Just look at what they Israelis have done. Even the liberal anti Israel NBC news was impressed!

IDF Treats Hundreds in Philippines; NBC Correspondent in 'Awe'

IDF delegation in Philippines has treated over 300 wounded; NBC reporter impressed, publishes report praising IDF humanitarianism.

The IDF unit has treated over 370 wounded - 150 of them children - in a hospital in the city of Bogo.
IDF doctors at Bogo's hospital have performed operations, used advanced medical equipment, and overseen 5 births - including one Cesarean section and one birth where the mother went into labor en route to the hospital.

In addition, large meetings were conducted Saturday afternoon with Cebu officials to determine the local population's needs in the wake of the typhoon. The IDF worked with officials to determine the most efficient ways to aid Cebu residents so they can return to a normal life as fast as possible.
The move has left NBC reporter Nancy Snyderman in 'awe' of Israel's humanitarian work.

In a special report, Snyderman noted her previous positive experiences with IDF teams, when she reported on the aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquakes. She remarked that Bogo is "the place we least expected", as the city had not received as much media attention as other Philippine areas affected by the typhoon.

Snyderman also praises the IDF's medical technology, which documents each patient by preserving digital copies of their medical files to prevent problems with filing mix-ups, language barriers, and a barrage of information flowing during a time of crisis. Also noting the IDF's emphasis on security, she sums up her impressions of the IDF as being "Smart. Sophisticated. Secure."

This time, says Snyderman, she was blown away by an additional factor: the IDF's choice of Bogo. More than just remote, Bogo was poverty-stricken before the typhoon; the IDF delegation is not only attempting to help in the aftermath of the crisis, but also to enact long-term change in one of the Philippine's poorest urban centers.

"As I left, I walked away in awe of this group of doctors: physician humanitarians, and medicine at its very best," she concludes. :clap:
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