Philly school's racial tensions lead to fights


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Philly school's racial tensions lead to fights  |

PHILADELPHIA — Tensions between black and Asian students at a public high school erupted in a series of assaults over two days, leading to 10 suspensions and several students seeking medical treatment.

Asian students at South Philadelphia High School say two off-campus fights and a lunchroom attack left them feeling unsafe and helpless, in part because they say school security guards often turn a blind eye.

More than a dozen teens skipped school Friday to share their concerns at a news conference with adult advocates

The school, with some 1,200 students, is 70 percent black and 18 percent Asian. It serves mostly low-income neighborhoods south of downtown and has been labeled "persistently dangerous" by the state, based on the number of safety incidents reported.

Wei Chen, president of the school's Chinese-American Student Association, said the attacks stem from bullying over cultural differences and Asian students' poor English.

Accounts of the incidents differ.

Golden said a fight broke out Wednesday after school "involving a small group of students" about a block off-campus. He said a black teenager suffered minor injuries. Asian students say a Vietnamese teen was attacked by more than a dozen teens.

Amina Velazquez, a 17-year-old senior who is black and Puerto Rican, said the school is being tarnished by a few.

She also said Asian students tend to stay within their own groups, making it hard to get to know them.

"We just need to get them out of their shells more often," she said.

Velazquez, a member of the school's student government, suggested that if Asian students participated in more activities, they would be further integrated into the school community. She noted that for some, language barriers make interaction difficult.

Blacks making fun of Asian students' poor English... :lol:

I'm guessing it is the white man's fault.

Any other thoughts on this issue?

You'd figure they would do more about a school constantly labeled as "persistently dangerous" by the state but I guess not.
the two races don't get along?

That doesn't make much sense. African Americans and Asians get along all the time. But why are the two groups at this specific school not getting along?
Start teaching the asian kids ebonics. problem solved.
I am guessing that most of these Asian students, coming from cultures that value education over sports and entertainment are kicking African American ass in the grade game and there is a lot of resentment generated from that. Losers tend to blame the winner rather than look for reasons why they loose.

Not to worry Asian students, when you are wealthy and calling all the power shots maybe one of your former bullies will be cleaning your house or doing your gardening.

If they are not on welfare or in the NBA that is.
well she said language barriers make their integration difficult, so, I figure teaching ebonics to them would facilitate.

Is that even taught anywhere? :eusa_eh:

Oakland California actually wanted to introduce it at one time, I don't know if they ever did.

They also wanted to make Raiders jerseys school uniforms.

*The first is true, sadly, the second a joke, sadly.
there was talk of implementing it in california a few years back.


So what do you think the solution in this case is then? Seriously for a moment.

The solution is that violence in school is treated like violence on the street; it is a crime, you go to jail for it.

And that education, public or otherwise should primarily be focused on those who want, value, respect it, the rest can get expelled and work in the fast food industry for the rest of their lives.

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