Phone calls that are unwanted....


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Why is it that this nation allows it's citizens to be abused by people calling their land line numbers and/or cell phone numbers, and without their permission when doing so per the phone customer or user ? This is the most blatant violation of peoples privacy that there is in this nation, and here we are so far down the road in our technology, and it just keeps right on going and going ?

Don't tell me that it cannot be stopped because it very well can be, but undoubtedly we have government officials with some sort of stake in this game or it would be stopped dead in it's tracks. I don't think that it should be ever allowed for a person to call a persons number, without the person who is calling that number being revealed and/or a call back number being tied to the number of the caller straight back to them. Have you ever got a call on your cell phone, and then when you answer it their is no one there, and then when you look at the number it says RESTRICTED ? How does this happen or who sets this type of system up leagally to abuse with ? People know who does this setting up, but undoubtedly they have a vested interest in this as well, because they won't put a stop to it.

Your cell phone should be your private line that no one can call unless you want them to or give them your number (backed up by the phone carrier), but somehow people are getting these numbers and are calling them in a harassing kind of way, and when people try and look to see who they are or try to call the number back, it says RESTRICTED. The law knows who these people are and how this system is set up I garantee ya, but why don't they stop them, and why don't they suggest to the carrier to change the system where it doesn't allow this RESTRICTED set up to ever be used by the perp against it's customers is amazing really ?

How is it that the citizens of this nation just allow all this abuse to go on against them these days ?? Better yet, how does the law in this nation allow all this abuse to go on in this nation anymore ? Is it because the nation is knee deep in corruption everywhere one looks anymore ?

The people need answers to these questions, and why they aren't getting any during these elections is mind boggeling actually.. This (((information selling))) of peoples private information is a crime (imho) of a great magnitude, and people should be able to sue anyone who sell's their information to another without having the person who is being sold out, their total permission to do so. This internet is so corrupt in so many ways, and people just walk right into it's trap unaware. SAD!

Anyone like the idea of total freedom as we have with this internet, I mean without laws, rules and regulations applying to those whom want to abuse another with it yet ? It's a real eye opener isn't it ?
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there's a no call list; i suggest you avail yourself of it.
If you get an unwanted phonecall, this is how you tale care of it:

[ame=]Funny prank call - YouTube[/ame]
A friend of mine was being non-stop bombarded by telemarketers (this was years ago).
An elderly guy who couldn't say "no" and ended up buying all sorts of useless shit.
I was in his office when the phone rang- telemarketer.
I took the phone from him and really laid into the caller's shit.
"I'm his attorney, tracing the call, taking legal action..." etc.

We had a good laugh.
Why can't you just f*ckin' hang up? :confused:

Because they usually continue to call you until you speak to them.
Oh no! Not the dreaded "continue to call you" tactic! :eek:

In that case you say "Oh yeah he's here, hold on!" Then hang up.

Tried that lol.

Couple weeks ago we had this guy call up four times in a row. We didn't answer the phone, just let it ring out. Guy would hang up and immediately call back again. He just didn't get the message.

Another guy called one time and reckoned my mum was interested in buying something from him. I knew this was bullshit and I told him so. He started insulting me on the phone so I had a bit of fun with him, until he finally hung up.
there's a no call list; i suggest you avail yourself of it.
You miss the point, why should there have to be a no call list ? How did these perps get so powerful in a lawful carefully regulated civilized society over the years ? Sadly it seems they are getting stronger as time goes by, so where are the gate keepers ? Do we need gate keepers or should we get tougher on these sorts of breeches ? I think we should be treating all breeces of privacy as serious crimes, and not just to brush these things off as capitalist just doing their free thing.

Why has it come to me having to protect myself of these things, when this was never the case years ago in this nation ? How have we come here to where we are now in this nation, and worse people thinking that it is somehow just nothing but people excersizing their freedoms in America ?

Like I said freedom is earned and is never just a given.. Once people get back to this, only then can we begin to live free again in this nation, but until then we will be plagued by these freedom exploiters, who use our freedoms gained to abuse with.
I feel like this is something to not be that outraged about in the era of the no-call list for landlines (and automated dialers are prohibited from hitting cell phones).
I feel like this is something to not be that outraged about in the era of the no-call list for landlines (and automated dialers are prohibited from hitting cell phones).
Well the one that I hate is the RESTRICTED showing up on the cell phone, where as you cannot call back the number or see who it is that is calling you, and that sucks bitter grapes.
Why is it that this nation allows it's citizens to be abused by people calling their land line numbers and/or cell phone numbers, and without their permission when doing so per the phone customer or user ? This is the most blatant violation of peoples privacy that there is in this nation, and here we are so far down the road in our technology, and it just keeps right on going and going ?

Don't tell me that it cannot be stopped because it very well can be, but undoubtedly we have government officials with some sort of stake in this game or it would be stopped dead in it's tracks. I don't think that it should be ever allowed for a person to call a persons number, without the person who is calling that number being revealed and/or a call back number being tied to the number of the caller straight back to them. Have you ever got a call on your cell phone, and then when you answer it their is no one there, and then when you look at the number it says RESTRICTED ? How does this happen or who sets this type of system up leagally to abuse with ? People know who does this setting up, but undoubtedly they have a vested interest in this as well, because they won't put a stop to it.

Your cell phone should be your private line that no one can call unless you want them to or give them your number (backed up by the phone carrier), but somehow people are getting these numbers and are calling them in a harassing kind of way, and when people try and look to see who they are or try to call the number back, it says RESTRICTED. The law knows who these people are and how this system is set up I garantee ya, but why don't they stop them, and why don't they suggest to the carrier to change the system where it doesn't allow this RESTRICTED set up to ever be used by the perp against it's customers is amazing really ?

How is it that the citizens of this nation just allow all this abuse to go on against them these days ?? Better yet, how does the law in this nation allow all this abuse to go on in this nation anymore ? Is it because the nation is knee deep in corruption everywhere one looks anymore ?

The people need answers to these questions, and why they aren't getting any during these elections is mind boggeling actually.. This (((information selling))) of peoples private information is a crime (imho) of a great magnitude, and people should be able to sue anyone who sell's their information to another without having the person who is being sold out, their total permission to do so. This internet is so corrupt in so many ways, and people just walk right into it's trap unaware. SAD!

Anyone like the idea of total freedom as we have with this internet, I mean without laws, rules and regulations applying to those whom want to abuse another with it yet ? It's a real eye opener isn't it ?
Just as the perpetrators use "call identity restricted" , you can use "caller block" and stop their calls from coming to your phone.
The technology works both ways. No need for government involvement.
Why is it that this nation allows it's citizens to be abused by people calling their land line numbers and/or cell phone numbers, and without their permission when doing so per the phone customer or user ? This is the most blatant violation of peoples privacy that there is in this nation, and here we are so far down the road in our technology, and it just keeps right on going and going ?

Don't tell me that it cannot be stopped because it very well can be, but undoubtedly we have government officials with some sort of stake in this game or it would be stopped dead in it's tracks. I don't think that it should be ever allowed for a person to call a persons number, without the person who is calling that number being revealed and/or a call back number being tied to the number of the caller straight back to them. Have you ever got a call on your cell phone, and then when you answer it their is no one there, and then when you look at the number it says RESTRICTED ? How does this happen or who sets this type of system up leagally to abuse with ? People know who does this setting up, but undoubtedly they have a vested interest in this as well, because they won't put a stop to it.

Your cell phone should be your private line that no one can call unless you want them to or give them your number (backed up by the phone carrier), but somehow people are getting these numbers and are calling them in a harassing kind of way, and when people try and look to see who they are or try to call the number back, it says RESTRICTED. The law knows who these people are and how this system is set up I garantee ya, but why don't they stop them, and why don't they suggest to the carrier to change the system where it doesn't allow this RESTRICTED set up to ever be used by the perp against it's customers is amazing really ?

How is it that the citizens of this nation just allow all this abuse to go on against them these days ?? Better yet, how does the law in this nation allow all this abuse to go on in this nation anymore ? Is it because the nation is knee deep in corruption everywhere one looks anymore ?

The people need answers to these questions, and why they aren't getting any during these elections is mind boggeling actually.. This (((information selling))) of peoples private information is a crime (imho) of a great magnitude, and people should be able to sue anyone who sell's their information to another without having the person who is being sold out, their total permission to do so. This internet is so corrupt in so many ways, and people just walk right into it's trap unaware. SAD!

Anyone like the idea of total freedom as we have with this internet, I mean without laws, rules and regulations applying to those whom want to abuse another with it yet ? It's a real eye opener isn't it ?
Just as the perpetrators use "call identity restricted" , you can use "caller block" and stop their calls from coming to your phone.
The technology works both ways. No need for government involvement.
Hmmm, I checked out the options, and it only allows me to place unwanted numbers in these slots, then it only holds those numbers for I think 30 days. There are around four slots for numbers to be placed in. I tried to type in RESTRICTED, into one of the slots, but it only takes numbers to be recognized, so how do you do the RESTRICTED option, I mean where my phone won't get those calls that say RESTRICTED on the display screen again ?
Why is it that this nation allows it's citizens to be abused by people calling their land line numbers and/or cell phone numbers, and without their permission when doing so per the phone customer or user ? This is the most blatant violation of peoples privacy that there is in this nation, and here we are so far down the road in our technology, and it just keeps right on going and going ?

Don't tell me that it cannot be stopped because it very well can be, but undoubtedly we have government officials with some sort of stake in this game or it would be stopped dead in it's tracks. I don't think that it should be ever allowed for a person to call a persons number, without the person who is calling that number being revealed and/or a call back number being tied to the number of the caller straight back to them. Have you ever got a call on your cell phone, and then when you answer it their is no one there, and then when you look at the number it says RESTRICTED ? How does this happen or who sets this type of system up leagally to abuse with ? People know who does this setting up, but undoubtedly they have a vested interest in this as well, because they won't put a stop to it.

Your cell phone should be your private line that no one can call unless you want them to or give them your number (backed up by the phone carrier), but somehow people are getting these numbers and are calling them in a harassing kind of way, and when people try and look to see who they are or try to call the number back, it says RESTRICTED. The law knows who these people are and how this system is set up I garantee ya, but why don't they stop them, and why don't they suggest to the carrier to change the system where it doesn't allow this RESTRICTED set up to ever be used by the perp against it's customers is amazing really ?

How is it that the citizens of this nation just allow all this abuse to go on against them these days ?? Better yet, how does the law in this nation allow all this abuse to go on in this nation anymore ? Is it because the nation is knee deep in corruption everywhere one looks anymore ?

The people need answers to these questions, and why they aren't getting any during these elections is mind boggeling actually.. This (((information selling))) of peoples private information is a crime (imho) of a great magnitude, and people should be able to sue anyone who sell's their information to another without having the person who is being sold out, their total permission to do so. This internet is so corrupt in so many ways, and people just walk right into it's trap unaware. SAD!

Anyone like the idea of total freedom as we have with this internet, I mean without laws, rules and regulations applying to those whom want to abuse another with it yet ? It's a real eye opener isn't it ?
Just as the perpetrators use "call identity restricted" , you can use "caller block" and stop their calls from coming to your phone.
The technology works both ways. No need for government involvement.
Hmmm, I checked out the options, and it only allows me to place unwanted numbers in these slots, then it only holds those numbers for I think 30 days. There are around four slots for numbers to be placed in. I tried to type in RESTRICTED, into one of the slots, but it only takes numbers to be recognized, so how do you do the RESTRICTED option, I mean where my phone won't get those calls that say RESTRICTED on the display screen again ?

The only phone I have is a cell phone. If I get a sales call, I place that call (thus the number) on blocked and never hear from it again. I'm not sure how to pre-block an unknown number.
Just as the perpetrators use "call identity restricted" , you can use "caller block" and stop their calls from coming to your phone.
The technology works both ways. No need for government involvement.
Hmmm, I checked out the options, and it only allows me to place unwanted numbers in these slots, then it only holds those numbers for I think 30 days. There are around four slots for numbers to be placed in. I tried to type in RESTRICTED, into one of the slots, but it only takes numbers to be recognized, so how do you do the RESTRICTED option, I mean where my phone won't get those calls that say RESTRICTED on the display screen again ?

The only phone I have is a cell phone. If I get a sales call, I place that call (thus the number) on blocked and never hear from it again. I'm not sure how to pre-block an unknown number.
Yes me neither.. I guess I will call the cell phone company, and ask them if they have a way to do it for me..
If you hit *69 it gives you the most recent number that called you. Don't know if it gives you the number if that number is restricted or not, worth a shot though.

For the caller ID list ... we were on it but over the past few years it seemed like we were starting to get more and more robo calls. So I just looked it up online and re-registered. Put both our landline and cell phone numbers on it. We still seem to get this one robo call about 'your credit card' (generic cc, nothing specific) like it's some emergency or something. I just hang up.
Hmmm, I checked out the options, and it only allows me to place unwanted numbers in these slots, then it only holds those numbers for I think 30 days. There are around four slots for numbers to be placed in. I tried to type in RESTRICTED, into one of the slots, but it only takes numbers to be recognized, so how do you do the RESTRICTED option, I mean where my phone won't get those calls that say RESTRICTED on the display screen again ?

The only phone I have is a cell phone. If I get a sales call, I place that call (thus the number) on blocked and never hear from it again. I'm not sure how to pre-block an unknown number.
Yes me neither.. I guess I will call the cell phone company, and ask them if they have a way to do it for me..

Don't do that.
You will look like a total fool when you tell them you want them to predict which numbers to block. They are not prescient.
"Restricted" means they paid their telephone company to block their number from appearing on caller id. Anyone can do it. My parents have it.

Alternatively, you can block caller id for a single call by dialing *67 before. It usually costs about 75 cents.

How would you expect to enforce a "no calls but the ones I want" law?

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