Phony socialist Bernie Sanders buys $600,000 lake-side SUMMER HOME

That's right. Bernie has been frugal. Very frugal.
So frugal he can now afford a $600K summer beach house.
He is keeping his home and his condo in Washington of course.
Maybe Bernie just 'came into the money'?
Maybe he's a closet gambler.
Maybe a Clinton Foundation donor from Africa got the wrong address and mailed the cash to Bernie by accident.
Anyway. I'm sure Bernie the avowed Socialist/Marxist has a perfectly good explanation.
Maybe some of the money pissed away by his lame ass wife at her defunct college went to the wrong address.
Bernie Sanders Buys $600K Lakefront Summer House in Vermont
Hey retard.

The monthly payment on a $600,000 mortgage is about $2,800. $2,800 x 12 = 33,600.

A US Senator earns $174,000 per annum.

So Sanders's mortgage is 19 percent of his income. That's WELL below the recommended mortgage-to-income ratio.

Dumb fuck.

yeah.......keep protecting him............socialist politicians always live above their serfs.....
Another democrat hypocrite who champions "the little people" while he lives in the lap of luxury. Obozo and the clintons are the same.

Bernie Sanders Just Paid An Unbelievable Amount Of Money For A Summer Vacation Home

aug 9 2016

Bernie Sanders proved capitalism is alive and well when he paid a whopping $600,000 for a lakefront home in Vermont this week.

The former presidential nominee purchased a spacious, four-bedroom home with 500 feet of beachfront on Lake Champlain that his family plans to use seasonally

Only morons believe that socialists, democrats, or "champions of the people" have to live like paupers. That isn't what they preach, that isn't what's expected of them.
What a fucking dipshit....then if you are rich, stop bashing ghee until you live like average people
That's right. Bernie has been frugal. Very frugal.
So frugal he can now afford a $600K summer beach house.
He is keeping his home and his condo in Washington of course.
Maybe Bernie just 'came into the money'?
Maybe he's a closet gambler.
Maybe a Clinton Foundation donor from Africa got the wrong address and mailed the cash to Bernie by accident.
Anyway. I'm sure Bernie the avowed Socialist/Marxist has a perfectly good explanation.
Maybe some of the money pissed away by his lame ass wife at her defunct college went to the wrong address.
Bernie Sanders Buys $600K Lakefront Summer House in Vermont
Hey retard.

The monthly payment on a $600,000 mortgage is about $2,800. $2,800 x 12 = 33,600.

A US Senator earns $174,000 per annum.

So Sanders's mortgage is 19 percent of his income. That's WELL below the recommended mortgage-to-income ratio.

Dumb fuck.

yeah.......keep protecting him............socialist politicians always live above their serfs.....
I'm showing you tards what critical thinking looks like. I don't give a flying fuck about Sanders.

Sorry I ruined your idiotic narrative.
Sanders is making Socialism Great Again!!
Wanna Big Income and Three Expensive Homes? Become a Socialist Politician

Thomas DiLorenzo

It worked for Bernie Sanders. After collecting all those $27 donations from millions of debt-strapped millennials, Bernie and his wife have just made socialism great again (for themselves) by adding a $600,000 lakefront vacation home in Vermont to their portfolio of expensive homes in Burlington, Vermont and Washington, D.C. Of course, this pales in comparison to that other socialist politician, Killary “Tax the Super-Rich Like Me” Clinton.

Socialism always enriches and empowers the ruling elite, whether it is in the Soviet Union, Venezuela, or the U.S. Everyone else lives in equal poverty and misery. This is just one of the big Problems with Socialism. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. It is no surprise that the wealthiest person in Venezuela today, where people are rooting through garbage looking for food and animals in zoos are starving to death, is the 35-year-old daughter of the late Hugo Chavez who is reportedly worth $4.2 billion​
Let's be real, the dude duped a buncha dumb spoiled college kids and the permanent moocher crowd. He promised em more Freebies than they could ever imagine. That's why i say Limousine Liberals are the worst. They're by far the biggest frauds.
Two topics about this so far. The tards are all on the same Tard Facebook feed.

Hey retards.

The monthly payment on a $600,000 mortgage is about $2,800. $2,800 x 12 = $33,600.

A US Senator earns $174,000 per annum.

So Sanders's mortgage is 19 percent of his gross income. That's WELL below the recommended 33 percent mortgage-to-income ratio.

Dumb fucks.
Last edited:
Sounds like Bernie plans on retiring and doing paid speeches.
Yup. Now that the Clinton's dare not set foot anywhere near Goldman Sachs.............(until after the election) Goldman has some vacancies in the (cough) 'motivation speech' department.
I'm sure Bernie can come up with some extra smelly hypocritical bullshit for 250K for 30 minutes just like Hillary did.
nOw now. They will have him and Elizabeth Warren doing point---counterpoint discussions......:eusa_naughty:.....sorry I can't keep a straight face right now, but it totally isn't a seizure....You can trust me. I'm Honest Hillary.:eusa_shifty:
Sanders is making Socialism Great Again!!
Wanna Big Income and Three Expensive Homes? Become a Socialist Politician
Thomas DiLorenzo

It worked for Bernie Sanders. After collecting all those $27 donations from millions of debt-strapped millennials, Bernie and his wife have just made socialism great again (for themselves) by adding a $600,000 lakefront vacation home in Vermont to their portfolio of expensive homes in Burlington, Vermont and Washington, D.C. Of course, this pales in comparison to that other socialist politician, Killary “Tax the Super-Rich Like Me” Clinton.

Socialism always enriches and empowers the ruling elite, whether it is in the Soviet Union, Venezuela, or the U.S. Everyone else lives in equal poverty and misery. This is just one of the big Problems with Socialism. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. It is no surprise that the wealthiest person in Venezuela today, where people are rooting through garbage looking for food and animals in zoos are starving to death, is the 35-year-old daughter of the late Hugo Chavez who is reportedly worth $4.2 billion​
Hey dumb fuck. See post 6.
Ha, Limousine Liberals are such douchebags. The dumb spoiled college kids and permanent moocher crowd really did buy into his scam, huh? Buncha Suckas. :laugh:
Only morons believe that socialists, democrats, or "champions of the people" have to live like paupers. That isn't what they preach, that isn't what's expected of them.

HAHAHA. Nobody said bernie should be a pauper, you fool. But he should not live like one of the elite either. How many mansions does he own?

:0) Given that you aren't a Sanders supporter, you whining about how he lives doesn't mean shit.

... pretty simple.
You can count on the low information left wing true believers to eat up liberal hypocrisy like pablum and not even burp. Anti-2nd Amendment advocates on the left use hired guns for personal protection and socialists enjoy extravagant lifestyles. Greenies want to put farmers in jail for building a pond while they ignore the fact that wind turbines kill endangered migratory birds. Hillary takes 350k from Wall Street banks for twenty minute (secret) speeches and condemns Wall Street banks in lame predictable speeches aimed at the low information idiots who support her.
Let's be real, the dude duped a buncha dumb spoiled college kids and the permanent moocher crowd. He promised em more Freebies than they could ever imagine. That's why i say Limousine Liberals are the worst. They're by far the biggest frauds.

DUPED ???? coming from a right-winger????

Yup, the douche is up to 3 luxurious spreads now. Poor suckas really did buy into his scam. Limousine Liberals are shameful frauds. When are folks gonna catch on?
Two topics about this so far. The tards are all on the same Tard Facebook feed.

Hey retards.

The monthly payment on a $600,000 mortgage is about $2,800. $2,800 x 12 = $33,600.

A US Senator earns $174,000 per annum.

So Sanders's mortgage is 19 percent of his gross income. That's WELL below the recommended 33 percent mortgage-to-income ratio.

Dumb fucks.

Penny ante nitpicking on Sanders while Trump goes down in flames. More evidence the Trumpbots have all but given up.
Let's be real, the dude duped a buncha dumb spoiled college kids and the permanent moocher crowd. He promised em more Freebies than they could ever imagine. That's why i say Limousine Liberals are the worst. They're by far the biggest frauds.

DUPED ???? coming from a right-winger????


Just stating the reality. Dumb spoiled 'Safe Space' kids and the permanent moocher crowd really did go all-in for the fraud. Buncha Suckas. :lmao:
Congressmen have to have a place to live in DC. Duh.

They also have to have a place to live in their district/state. Duh.

Thus endeth another lesson in the "Things a Tard Should Know But Doesn't" life skills course.

You're welcome.

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