Phony socialist Bernie Sanders buys $600,000 lake-side SUMMER HOME

Another democrat hypocrite who champions "the little people" while he lives in the lap of luxury. Obozo and the clintons are the same.

Bernie Sanders Just Paid An Unbelievable Amount Of Money For A Summer Vacation Home

aug 9 2016

Bernie Sanders proved capitalism is alive and well when he paid a whopping $600,000 for a lakefront home in Vermont this week.

The former presidential nominee purchased a spacious, four-bedroom home with 500 feet of beachfront on Lake Champlain that his family plans to use seasonally

For a man who has never held a job outside of politics, I makes one wonder where he got the $$$$ to afford his expensive place in DC and a posh place like this.


Again --- pics?
Again, you have any idea what property in that area goes for? I linked a page earlier, so did somebody else. Open book test.
Vermont ain't cheap. You want a slice of paradise, that costs money.
Pretty ironic, all these yahoos wailing hair-on-fire about "socialism" ---- are the same yahoos who want to dictate how much other people can spend on their own houses.

And yet .... if I ask 'em how much should he be spending --- they run away.

Recently, the RWNJ's were bitching because he didn't have enough money. lol

Yup, I remember that.

"Waah! He doesn't have enough money!" suddenly morphed into "waah! he has too much money!"

There isn't a pacifier big enough.

It's been a rough week for them, maybe we should cut them some slack. Lol.
Not trying to attack Sanders, but how did he get so much money? It came out in the Primaries that he hasn't held very many jobs in his life. Is his Senate pay really that good?

Owning three large homes seems like a lot for a guy who hasn't really held many lucrative jobs. Can any Sanders supporters here elaborate on how he's gained so much wealth?
Another democrat hypocrite who champions "the little people" while he lives in the lap of luxury. Obozo and the clintons are the same.

Bernie Sanders Just Paid An Unbelievable Amount Of Money For A Summer Vacation Home

aug 9 2016

Bernie Sanders proved capitalism is alive and well when he paid a whopping $600,000 for a lakefront home in Vermont this week.

The former presidential nominee purchased a spacious, four-bedroom home with 500 feet of beachfront on Lake Champlain that his family plans to use seasonally

Only morons believe that socialists, democrats, or "champions of the people" have to live like paupers. That isn't what they preach, that isn't what's expected of them.

This is bernie's third house now. He's become the person he was raging against on the campaign trail. This new house is on a pretty big lot it seems. Wonder if he will allow a few syrian immigrants to set up camp there.
Since when did you believe what a preacher or a politician told you?
Not trying to attack Sanders, but how did he get so much money? It came out in the Primaries that he hasn't held very many jobs in his life. Is his Senate pay really that good?

Owning three large homes seems like a lot for a guy who hasn't really held many lucrative jobs. Can any Sanders supporters here elaborate on how he's gained so much wealth?

"So much wealth"? :rofl:

How much money does, say, Donald Rump have, having held no jobs at all ever?

Jobs ain't the only way to make money, Sparky. You can for example flip real estate. You can invest what you have. There's also the money your spouse has. And again, this particular dwelling sold for a typical price in that area.

Y'all find us a pic of this house that resembles something like this, and we'll talk turkey.

Doesn't he bitch about rich people and opulence? I love how you people bitch about the rich...but only if they're republican

Not sure he's ever used the word, but where do you get the idea the house is "opulent"?

Y'all have any idea what real estate goes for around there? Zillow
How many middle class Americans own a $600k summer house?

It's there THIRD home. How many middle class Americans own three homes?

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I know of a guy that owns several, like a dozen, yet rents them..

One guy out of how many millions? Thanks!

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Don't know, never took the time to count every one in the USA..
Another democrat hypocrite who champions "the little people" while he lives in the lap of luxury. Obozo and the clintons are the same.

Bernie Sanders Just Paid An Unbelievable Amount Of Money For A Summer Vacation Home

aug 9 2016

Bernie Sanders proved capitalism is alive and well when he paid a whopping $600,000 for a lakefront home in Vermont this week.

The former presidential nominee purchased a spacious, four-bedroom home with 500 feet of beachfront on Lake Champlain that his family plans to use seasonally
This is just a Summer home for vacations.

Another case of "Do as I say, not as I do".
Or, "Rules for thee, not for me".

Maybe he can pull in $400k speaking engagements like the Clintons.

Can you direct us to a speech where Bernie advised "do not buy a $600k retirement home in your own backyard"?

Guess not.

Can you direct us to a.speech where he didn't attack wealthy people?

If you hate the rich don't emulate them
Not trying to attack Sanders, but how did he get so much money? It came out in the Primaries that he hasn't held very many jobs in his life. Is his Senate pay really that good?

Owning three large homes seems like a lot for a guy who hasn't really held many lucrative jobs. Can any Sanders supporters here elaborate on how he's gained so much wealth?

"So much wealth"? :rofl:

How much money does, say, Donald Rump have, having held no jobs at all ever?

Jobs ain't the only way to make money, Sparky. You can for example flip real estate. You can invest what you have. There's also the money your spouse has. And again, this particular dwelling sold for a typical price in that area.

Y'all find us a pic of this house that resembles something like this, and we'll talk turkey.


He's owned his business that's a job...
Hillary has never held a non law or political job ever
Not trying to attack Sanders, but how did he get so much money? It came out in the Primaries that he hasn't held very many jobs in his life. Is his Senate pay really that good?

Owning three large homes seems like a lot for a guy who hasn't really held many lucrative jobs. Can any Sanders supporters here elaborate on how he's gained so much wealth?

"So much wealth"? :rofl:

How much money does, say, Donald Rump have, having held no jobs at all ever?

Jobs ain't the only way to make money, Sparky. You can for example flip real estate. You can invest what you have. There's also the money your spouse has. And again, this particular dwelling sold for a typical price in that area.

Y'all find us a pic of this house that resembles something like this, and we'll talk turkey.


I'm just asking his supporters how they think he acquired so much money. I mean owning three large homes is a pretty big deal.
Not trying to attack Sanders, but how did he get so much money? It came out in the Primaries that he hasn't held very many jobs in his life. Is his Senate pay really that good?

Owning three large homes seems like a lot for a guy who hasn't really held many lucrative jobs. Can any Sanders supporters here elaborate on how he's gained so much wealth?

"So much wealth"? :rofl:

How much money does, say, Donald Rump have, having held no jobs at all ever?

Jobs ain't the only way to make money, Sparky. You can for example flip real estate. You can invest what you have. There's also the money your spouse has. And again, this particular dwelling sold for a typical price in that area.

Y'all find us a pic of this house that resembles something like this, and we'll talk turkey.


Aw look Pogo trying to pretend like CEO of your own company isn't a job. Are you also still trying to pretend that being the talent on a TV show isn't a job?

What an idiot you are.
Another democrat hypocrite who champions "the little people" while he lives in the lap of luxury. Obozo and the clintons are the same.

Bernie Sanders Just Paid An Unbelievable Amount Of Money For A Summer Vacation Home

aug 9 2016

Bernie Sanders proved capitalism is alive and well when he paid a whopping $600,000 for a lakefront home in Vermont this week.

The former presidential nominee purchased a spacious, four-bedroom home with 500 feet of beachfront on Lake Champlain that his family plans to use seasonally
This is just a Summer home for vacations.

Another case of "Do as I say, not as I do".
Or, "Rules for thee, not for me".

Maybe he can pull in $400k speaking engagements like the Clintons.

Can you direct us to a speech where Bernie advised "do not buy a $600k retirement home in your own backyard"?

Guess not.

Can you direct us to a.speech where he didn't attack wealthy people?

If you hate the rich don't emulate them

Can you direct us to a speech where he did?

No? How 'bout one where he's underpaying his workers? Or moving them offshore?
Not trying to attack Sanders, but how did he get so much money? It came out in the Primaries that he hasn't held very many jobs in his life. Is his Senate pay really that good?

Owning three large homes seems like a lot for a guy who hasn't really held many lucrative jobs. Can any Sanders supporters here elaborate on how he's gained so much wealth?

"So much wealth"? :rofl:

How much money does, say, Donald Rump have, having held no jobs at all ever?

Jobs ain't the only way to make money, Sparky. You can for example flip real estate. You can invest what you have. There's also the money your spouse has. And again, this particular dwelling sold for a typical price in that area.

Y'all find us a pic of this house that resembles something like this, and we'll talk turkey.


I'm just asking his supporters how they think he acquired so much money. I mean owning three large homes is a pretty big deal.

He's freaking seventy-five years old. 600k is not a ton of money to acquire in 75 years. As Carla pointed out it was just a few weeks ago that the RWNJs on this forum were whining that he hadn't made ENOUGH money in that time.

As I always say -- having it both ways: Priceless.
I often wonder how people like Sanders and the Clintons acquire so much wealth. I mean they've worked Government Jobs most of their lives. Does Government really pay that well?

I just read where the Clintons reside in the most expensive real estate in New York. I mean we're talkin big big cash. Where does it all come from? I'm seriously asking their supporters if they know how they acquired all that money?
Not trying to attack Sanders, but how did he get so much money? It came out in the Primaries that he hasn't held very many jobs in his life. Is his Senate pay really that good?

Owning three large homes seems like a lot for a guy who hasn't really held many lucrative jobs. Can any Sanders supporters here elaborate on how he's gained so much wealth?

"So much wealth"? :rofl:

How much money does, say, Donald Rump have, having held no jobs at all ever?

Jobs ain't the only way to make money, Sparky. You can for example flip real estate. You can invest what you have. There's also the money your spouse has. And again, this particular dwelling sold for a typical price in that area.

Y'all find us a pic of this house that resembles something like this, and we'll talk turkey.


Aw look Pogo trying to pretend like CEO of your own company isn't a job. Are you also still trying to pretend that being the talent on a TV show isn't a job?

What an idiot you are.

Nope. Sure isn't. Both of those are being figureheads, and that's entirely on the basis of having everything just handed to you for absolutely nothing you've ever done.

That's why I put out the challenge here months ago for anyone to show me where Rump has ever held a job, or in the even broader sense taken any responsibility for anything at all in his life. That means going to apply to somebody knowing that they may not hire you, and if they do, you have to meet THEIR expectations, or risk being fired.

You know ---- exactly what all the rest of us all have had to do. WORK.

I never got an answer to that challenge. Because there isn't one.

What a great choice to toss into the most responsible job in the world -- an elitist asshole who's never held one in his life.
Jeepers Wally, I can't see anything going awry with that plan, can you?
Another democrat hypocrite who champions "the little people" while he lives in the lap of luxury. Obozo and the clintons are the same.

Bernie Sanders Just Paid An Unbelievable Amount Of Money For A Summer Vacation Home

aug 9 2016

Bernie Sanders proved capitalism is alive and well when he paid a whopping $600,000 for a lakefront home in Vermont this week.

The former presidential nominee purchased a spacious, four-bedroom home with 500 feet of beachfront on Lake Champlain that his family plans to use seasonally

Only morons believe that socialists, democrats, or "champions of the people" have to live like paupers. That isn't what they preach, that isn't what's expected of them.

This is bernie's third house now. He's become the person he was raging against on the campaign trail. This new house is on a pretty big lot it seems. Wonder if he will allow a few syrian immigrants to set up camp there.

A $600.000 dollar beach front house is not extravagant and it damages neither him nor his message.

This is just LOSERS whining again.

It's his third house. How many can you live in at one time? Looks like there's a imbalance of wealth problem in favor of sanders. You know, the very wealth inequality that he complained about as a candidate.
Pretty ironic, all these yahoos wailing hair-on-fire about "socialism" ---- are the same yahoos who want to dictate how much other people can spend on their own houses.

And yet .... if I ask 'em how much should he be spending --- they run away.

Recently, the RWNJ's were bitching because he didn't have enough money. lol
Another democrat hypocrite who champions "the little people" while he lives in the lap of luxury. Obozo and the clintons are the same.

Bernie Sanders Just Paid An Unbelievable Amount Of Money For A Summer Vacation Home

aug 9 2016

Bernie Sanders proved capitalism is alive and well when he paid a whopping $600,000 for a lakefront home in Vermont this week.

The former presidential nominee purchased a spacious, four-bedroom home with 500 feet of beachfront on Lake Champlain that his family plans to use seasonally
This is just a Summer home for vacations.

Another case of "Do as I say, not as I do".
Or, "Rules for thee, not for me".

Maybe he can pull in $400k speaking engagements like the Clintons.

When did he tell anyone not to buy a summer home? I must have missed that.

Bernie Sanders reveals he earned $1,867.42 in speaking fees. He gave it all to charity
I don't think he ever said it, but he makes a very comfortable living trying to raise taxes on the rich.....of which he is one of.
Another democrat hypocrite who champions "the little people" while he lives in the lap of luxury. Obozo and the clintons are the same.

Bernie Sanders Just Paid An Unbelievable Amount Of Money For A Summer Vacation Home

aug 9 2016

Bernie Sanders proved capitalism is alive and well when he paid a whopping $600,000 for a lakefront home in Vermont this week.

The former presidential nominee purchased a spacious, four-bedroom home with 500 feet of beachfront on Lake Champlain that his family plans to use seasonally

Only morons believe that socialists, democrats, or "champions of the people" have to live like paupers. That isn't what they preach, that isn't what's expected of them.
Like trump and his shit made in china? Goddamn retard
Another democrat hypocrite who champions "the little people" while he lives in the lap of luxury. Obozo and the clintons are the same.

Bernie Sanders Just Paid An Unbelievable Amount Of Money For A Summer Vacation Home

aug 9 2016

Bernie Sanders proved capitalism is alive and well when he paid a whopping $600,000 for a lakefront home in Vermont this week.

The former presidential nominee purchased a spacious, four-bedroom home with 500 feet of beachfront on Lake Champlain that his family plans to use seasonally
This is just a Summer home for vacations.

Another case of "Do as I say, not as I do".
Or, "Rules for thee, not for me".

Maybe he can pull in $400k speaking engagements like the Clintons.

Can you direct us to a speech where Bernie advised "do not buy a $600k retirement home in your own backyard"?

Guess not.

Can you direct us to a.speech where he didn't attack wealthy people?

If you hate the rich don't emulate them

Can you direct us to a speech where he did?

No? How 'bout one where he's underpaying his workers? Or moving them offshore?

A speech where he attacked rich people? Have you heard Bernie? Holy shit.....

He's never had a fucking job or owned a business outside of what workers????? Next time you spewed that shit make sure it's someone who is clueless.

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