'Phrases' we'll hear 81 year old Joe say tonight.............

I'll give him that. Same with the tea party or libertarians. They were successful in implementing some of their good ideas.

America first. I believe Hitler promoted Germany first.

And for the record, unions promoted America first but somehow Republicans got Clinton to sign NAFTA. And then Bush took out the worker and environmental protections and I believe 750,000 good paying manufacturing jobs went bye bye.
Trump never promoted Germany first. We don't care what Hitler did, he is long dead.
I'll give him that. Same with the tea party or libertarians. They were successful in implementing some of their good ideas.

America first. I believe Hitler promoted Germany first.

And for the record, unions promoted America first but somehow Republicans got Clinton to sign NAFTA. And then Bush took out the worker and environmental protections and I believe 750,000 good paying manufacturing jobs went bye bye.
Hitler was a socialist.
He told people what they wanted to hear and then did whatever he wanted to them.
Murdered 6 million Jews.
Bet your Hamas friends appreciated that.
Inflation should never have gone skyhigh, period. Presidents do not hire workers in our economy. Biden wants you to think he forgave student loans yet the true numbers show he forgave very few. Which on his part was not legal. Dictators can do what he did and he operates like a dictator. Yes Biden flew over 300,000 illegals to cities around America. That was not lawful.
The largest employer in America is the government dummy.
Inflation going down, solid job numbers, decent GDP, student loan forgiveness, all the unions who won big last year, record stock market

The only thing Republicans can complain about is the border. And we had a deal but Trump put a cabosh on that. Isn't that illegal?

I would definitely explain the 4 cases against Trump and what Trump is hoping for. To delay them and pardon himself.

It's not supposed to be a campaign speech.


Hitler was a socialist.
He told people what they wanted to hear and then did whatever he wanted to them.
Murdered 6 million Jews.
Bet your Hamas friends appreciated that.
Why in the hell is Biden feeding Hamas? They won't vote for him.
Inflation going down, solid job numbers, decent GDP, student loan forgiveness, all the unions who won big last year, record stock market

The only thing Republicans can complain about is the border. And we had a deal but Trump put a cabosh on that. Isn't that illegal?

I would definitely explain the 4 cases against Trump and what Trump is hoping for. To delay them and pardon himself.
Inflation isn't going "down" it simply isn't going UP as much as it was before...which was through the roof! Anyone who's buying groceries, gas or paying rent or trying to take out a mortgage knows how bad it is under Biden! Don't even try running that bullshit up the flag pole!

Student loan forgiveness? That's Biden desperately trying to hold onto some of his young voter's by excusing their debt. First of all doing so is totally unfair to the millions of Americans who REPAID their debts and to the millions of Americans who never went to college but are now going to be footing the bill for doctors, lawyers and other highly paid professionals who did! And that's not even talking about how inflationary a policy like this is!

Solid jobs numbers? The vast majority of Biden's jobs that he's claiming to have "created" were simply people going back to work at jobs that had been shut down because of Covid! Another laughable claim by this administration!

When you say that unions won big? Which union's rank and file came out ahead after striking for higher pay when inflation grew at a higher rate than wages? You think minimum wage fast food workers in California are better off because the unions pushed for a higher wage for them? The chains simply replaced humans with self serve kiosks. So tell me...is no job making you more money than having a job at a reasonable pay rate? The REAL minimum wage is zero! But that's reality and you on the left struggle when you deal with that!
You completely missed, or intentionally, missed her point

If I addressed it, I would say it's not Joe's fault. Let's ask two Republicans

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

If I addressed it, I would say it's not Joe's fault. Let's ask two Republicans

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

I's credit card debt at record levels? That's the point. Why is it? You and I both know so stop

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