Phuck “unity” those days are long gone. Embrace the divide.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
No nation in the world can remain united when a political party drops an entire thirdworld nation in the laps of its best citizens and says....”Here you go...we demand you pay these people to ruin your country.”
Sorry...ain’t happening.
It is happening unless Ryan and his Rinos pass a new immigration bill. They have a few weeks after the election to pass it. After that it depends on the new batch of coxuckers to see who doesn't like the cheap labor.
What does a unified nation even mean? A nation of zombies?
We really need to marginalize the wingers before it's too late.

Frankly, I think it's too late.
No nation in the world can remain united when a political party drops an entire thirdworld nation in the laps of its best citizens and says....”Here you go...we demand you pay these people to ruin your country.”
Sorry...ain’t happening.

Projection alert

Exactly...we vote on our own interests...@jillian votes for free shit for lowlifes...I don’t but somehow I’m the lowlife.
That’s how logic works amongst LibTardians.
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So you are one of those righty kooks celebrating bombs being sent to political rivals and minority churches being shot up .?
No nation in the world can remain united when a political party drops an entire thirdworld nation in the laps of its best citizens and says....”Here you go...we demand you pay these people to ruin your country.”
Sorry...ain’t happening.
God you people say the dumbest shit. Republicans have had full control of the government for two years and you toddlers still blame democrats for immigration issues. That’s how it goes I guess. Trump blames this on democrats and you blindly agree because you can’t think for yourselves.
So you are one of those righty kooks celebrating bombs being sent to political rivals and minority churches being shot up .?

That’s quite the fantasy did you arrive at such an opinion?
No nation in the world can remain united when a political party drops an entire thirdworld nation in the laps of its best citizens and says....”Here you go...we demand you pay these people to ruin your country.”
Sorry...ain’t happening.
God you people say the dumbest shit. Republicans have had full control of the government for two years and you toddlers still blame democrats for immigration issues. That’s how it goes I guess. Trump blames this on democrats and you blindly agree because you can’t think for yourselves.

Why do you lie? You know full well Dem's in the senate are blocking shit so stop spewing this BS you hack.
No nation in the world can remain united when a political party drops an entire thirdworld nation in the laps of its best citizens and says....”Here you go...we demand you pay these people to ruin your country.”
Sorry...ain’t happening.
God you people say the dumbest shit. Republicans have had full control of the government for two years and you toddlers still blame democrats for immigration issues. That’s how it goes I guess. Trump blames this on democrats and you blindly agree because you can’t think for yourselves.

You can’t be that stupid.
The illegal alien population increased under the Kenyan big time...He empowered illegals and rolled the red carpet out for the future Democrats. Illegal alien rights were expanded, they have never felt more wanted or encouraged... Nobody sane would / could argue that.
NEVER in this nations history have illegal wetbacks been empowered by American politicians like they we’re from 2008-2016....NEVER have our elected politicians invited them here.... NEVER have our politicians declared entire cities and states as SANCTUARIES for illegal wetbacks.....NEVER have our politicians encouraged illegal wetbacks to vote in local elections...NEVER has a sitting American President told illegal wetbacks to vote in our elections...NEVER have they been more motivated to invade our nation. WTF are you on bud? Get in the game!
What does a unified nation even mean? A nation of zombies?

Nazi America ruled by the left.
United We Dream started as a project of the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), according to records obtained by Judicial Watch. Between 2008 and 2010, NILC received $206,453 in U.S. government grants, the records show. The project funded was for “immigration-related employment discrimination public education.” Headquartered in Los Angeles, NILC was established in 1979 and is dedicated to “defending and advancing the rights of immigrants with low income.” The organization, which also has offices in Washington D.C. and Berkeley, California claims to have played a leadership role in spearheading Barack Obama’s amnesty program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which has shielded hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from deportation. “Ultimately, NILC’s goals are centered on promoting the full integration of all immigrants into U.S. society,” according to its website.
Help! It's a CarPool of Brown women and children coming to take the country away.

Let the hair pulling and teeth gnashing continue.

They so scary.
No nation in the world can remain united when a political party drops an entire thirdworld nation in the laps of its best citizens and says....”Here you go...we demand you pay these people to ruin your country.”
Sorry...ain’t happening.

I kinda wish you had turned out to be Sayoc. You certainly seem to be with him in spirit.
Pushing division is for people who don't have the capacity for doing the heavy lifting of communicating, collaborating and innovating.

It's MUCH easier to beat on something with a stick than to challenge yourself intellectually.
We really need to marginalize the wingers before it's too late. Frankly, I think it's too late.
Bring it, you will be destroyed.
Oh, I don't doubt it. Zealots will do or say anything to win, and there's no way to reason with them. From Regressive Lefties to Trumpists to Jihadists.

Enjoy the disaster you're creating.

Nature has selected your kind for extinction, sorry.

His kind? You mean, humans? So you're suddenly a convert to global warming?

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