PIERS MORGAN: "Biden doesn’t stand a chance in 2024..."

Good luck to Biden attempting to "fire" a black woman and replace her with someone else! First of all, Kamala won't go for it. She thinks she's next in line to be President of the United States and for a power hungry creature like Harris that's impossible to surrender.
That's the problem with an "Affirmative Action" hire...once that person is in place...you aren't EVER getting rid of them no matter how bad they suck at their job!

Wow... tell us again how not racist you are, DogStyle, that shit never gets old.

It's very rare for a President to replace his running mate. the last time it was done was 1976, and in that case, Nelson Rockefeller was only a placeholder to start with. Before that it was 1944, when party elders felt that Henry Wallace was too radical to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency.

So if Biden runs again, Harris is running, too.

If he doesn't.... Harris will have to face the primary process. While sitting or recent vice presidents often have an advantage in this process - Nixon, Humphrey, Bush, Gore, Biden, Mondale it's not always a slam dunk, as Dan Quayle can attest.

(Ah, remember Dan Quayle, his missteps actually seem quaint compared to the hate that rolls out of Trump's mouth every day and Republicans are fine with.)
...."and neither does the epically unpopular and useless Kamala so unless Joe finds a new VP to succeed him soon the Dems can kiss goodbye to the White House"

PIERS MORGAN: Biden and Kamala don't stand a chance in 2024

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Ouch. That's really gotta sting.

Thing is, it's not just Biden that's the problem here. He is a part, but he is a small part.

Let's say you get rid of Biden. You still have all of people he has placed in different parts of government, his policies, the general attitude of the democratic party, even down to his buddy governors and mayor's throughout the country.

Biden and his entire administration are the problem, not just Biden himself.

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