Pig's head thrown at Philadelphia mosque

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No doubt authorities will overreact and call for a public lynching.

Reuters) - U.S authorities are investigating an incident in which a pig's head was thrown at a mosque in Philadelphia early on Monday morning, as worries grew over a rise in Islamophobia after a Muslim couple killed 14 people at a holiday party in California.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is examining the incident, spokeswoman Carrie Adamowski said on Tuesday.

Philadelphia Mayor-elect Jim Kenney decried what he called an act of bigotry. "We cannot allow hate to divide us now, in the face of unprecedented difficulties," he said in a statement.

Surveillance video showed a red truck driving past the Al-Aqsa mosque in North Philadelphia on Sunday night and someone throwing an object from the window, police said. A caretaker discovered the pig's head early on Monday, they said.

American Muslims have expressed concern about an increase in Islamophobia since authorities said a young Muslim couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, stormed a party attended by San Bernardino County employees on December 2, leaving 14 people dead and 21 wounded.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump called on Monday for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, drawing fierce criticism from both the White House and rivals candidates in his own party.

Pig's head thrown at Philadelphia mosque, mayor decries bigotry

Do you feel that throwing a pig head is a correct course of action, and if a Muslim would have done something like that at your Church wouldn't you want them arrested?

No excuse for any stupidity at this moment when the tension between the Christian society of this country and the Muslim society of this country is so high.

Also no one will be lynched over this if someone is found.
I most certainly wouldn't want anyone arrested for throwing a pigs head at anything. Surely God, by whatever name, can handle it.
The muslim's pervert 'God' can't even handle a muslim speaking his name. He can't handle someone drawing a fucking cartoon of him.
Some pussy God.
Muhammad is a Prophet, like Jesus, who is also a prophet in Islam, and Jews are not allowed to say the name of God. In Arabic, God is always Allah, whether Muslim, Jew, or Christian.
Mohamed is nothing like Jesus. Jesus didn't bed 9 year old girls, take slaves, rob caravans and cut off heads.
It is disrespectful and stupid. I don't consider it a "hate" crime though. This hate crime bullshit is going too far. It IS rather like punishing people for acting upon "thoughts" or "emotions." Sure, they are being punished for acting upon them, but they add on time or fines based on the "emotion" or the "thought" behind the crime.
Now, why wouldn't rape be considered a type of "hate" crime against women? Not only is a violation of a person but it can be very violent and destroy lives, and women in the community where a rapist is roaming live in fear . . . What about child molestation? Is that not a hate crime against children?

Its kind of like burning a cross on someones lawn

Just a harmless prank....doesn't actually harm anyone does it?
I think you need a nice cup of chamomile tea, or something.

Sure and being called a dumbass by a bitch that wrote about her son flipping off a drive while claiming throw a pigs head at a mosque is not a hate crime is nothing to react at because hey rightwingers believe the only hate crime in this nation is against their Lily white society and desecrating a Mosque is perfectly fine to them!

I will go piss on a Mary Statue and dry hump a Jesus cross just for you and remember do not get offended!

Have a drink dumbass. Or go dry hump your car.


That from someone that believe the Governor of Texas should put the National Guard at the border of his state while Syrian Refugee's are flown into Dallas for relocation.

Yeah, I am the dumb ass while you're the ignorant fool. Also writing about humping something I bet the last time you were offer a hump was back when Nixon was President and the fool was on Acid!

No State should be forced to take in refugees if they don't want them.

Yeah and your dumb and ignorant enough to think that they should.

LMAO unlike you my humping is my business and I don't hump and tell.

Your clueless and a moron.

That is not what the men bathroom wall says at your local truck stop!

Also you are calling for armed insurrection by the states based on a fear of ISIL coming in when they are already here you stupid twat!

You write I am a dumbass and ignorant but the reality is you're too damn stupid to understand that a State can not stop someone from entering their borders and it is a federal issue!

It is like the fact idiots like you masturbate at the thought of desecrating a Mosque with a pig's head and calling it a welcoming basket instead of a hate crime!
How beautifully ironic.
Muslims and their supporters CLAIM 99.99% of all muslims are "peace-loving". They just want to go to their mosques and worship the pervert who must never be actually 'named'. Fine.
When the imams in their mosques are calling for the murder of innocent 'non-believers' and for treating females like animals and there are 'KNOWN!!!!!!' radicalised Islamofascists among them WHO do you think is 'desecrating' their 'peace-loving' mosques?
What a load of stinking bullshit these fucking sand monkeys are attempting to use to eventually dominate the world!
Question for all you parents of young girls: Would you want your daughter to marry a muslim? Thought not.
murders did occur in San Bernardine, CA, 14 by radical islamics. I love how the libturds fail to mention that fact. Facts in evidence, yours, all talk and show. you got libturdness.

They also happened at Planned Parenthood...Except that wasnt terrorism because a Muslim wasnt holding the gun.
yeah, by another libturd.

Doesnt matter...How are you guys so non chalant about mass shootings until it involves a Muslim?

We've had a bunch of them and everytime its "thoughts and prayers" "price of freedom" etc...But ONE Muslim shoots up the place and suddenly mass shootings must be stopped?
so in the first place, you have no evidence to back up that statement. in the second place, you have no evidence to back up that statement. funny how libturds play make up bull shit daily in here.

You're right...I dont have evidence that you guys freak over Muslim shootings except this entire board and its threads. Deny Deny deny
so you posted something you have no evidence to support. that makes you a liar and a major liar, because you admit it. liar liar pants on fire. failed libturds, all over this board. you almost never back your statements with fact. I come to enjoy pointing that out to you all daily.
It is disrespectful and stupid. I don't consider it a "hate" crime though. This hate crime bullshit is going too far. It IS rather like punishing people for acting upon "thoughts" or "emotions." Sure, they are being punished for acting upon them, but they add on time or fines based on the "emotion" or the "thought" behind the crime.
Now, why wouldn't rape be considered a type of "hate" crime against women? Not only is a violation of a person but it can be very violent and destroy lives, and women in the community where a rapist is roaming live in fear . . . What about child molestation? Is that not a hate crime against children?

Its kind of like burning a cross on someones lawn

Just a harmless prank....doesn't actually harm anyone does it?
why do you do it then?
Freedom of choice and consequences. No I did not call the police for a dumb ass nineteen year old would have a record. I gave him a lecture that obviously sunk in as he quit being a dumb ass with his car. As a matter of fact the young man was always very respectful after that. You can think whatever you want, dumb ass!

Did you give your son a lecture or a pat on the head for being a rotten little asshole?

Also the driver would not have been arrested I bet, and the reason why you did not call the police is because you knew your son did so much more than flip the driver off!

I would have flipped you off and told you and your son what worthless pieces of filth you are seeing he is a byproduct of you and your upbringing!
Bruce, you are embarrassing yourself. Go get that cuppa, and do some deep breathing. God bless.

Go fuck yourself!

Writing that I am embarrassing myself while you defend the actions of thugs is pathetic!
Well, you do seem to be getting a little over excited, imho.
In my view, too many people are way too easily offended, and now, not only do said people want others criminalised for it, they give it a silly name too. Having ones feelings hurt should not be a crime. Offending anyone's beliefs in whatever sky fairy they've opted for SHOULD NOT BE CLASSIFIED A CRIME, in my ever so humble opinion. Sticks and stones may hurt my bones and all that. Seeing adults behaving so childishly is deeply offensive to me, who can I have prosecuted for that. Lol :)

Bull fucking shit!

Desecrating a religious site is a crime and what was used ( Pig's head ) was a hate crime.

Funny part is those like you have no problem with it until someone does it to something you care about, and then poof you want justice!

Maybe if society did not teach their ten year old bastards that flipping an adult off was perfectly fine we would not have these problems, but alas the fact is society enjoys flipping someone off and pretending it is not a big deal when it was insult to cause rage!
How many ten year old radicalised muslim boys are fighting with ISIS? Hardly the same as a ten year old giving someone the finger.
However, had I seen any ten year old kid in my family give an adult the finger I would have kicked the brats ass into the next county. And I DO mean that!
BTW, the true profilers in here are the libturds. Making statements about us without any evidence to support them, and admitting they don't. Seems truly funny the profiling aspect of the whiners against cops profiling. Again, causes me to laugh out loud!!!!! thanks.
Did you give your son a lecture or a pat on the head for being a rotten little asshole?

Also the driver would not have been arrested I bet, and the reason why you did not call the police is because you knew your son did so much more than flip the driver off!

I would have flipped you off and told you and your son what worthless pieces of filth you are seeing he is a byproduct of you and your upbringing!
Bruce, you are embarrassing yourself. Go get that cuppa, and do some deep breathing. God bless.

Go fuck yourself!

Writing that I am embarrassing myself while you defend the actions of thugs is pathetic!
Well, you do seem to be getting a little over excited, imho.
In my view, too many people are way too easily offended, and now, not only do said people want others criminalised for it, they give it a silly name too. Having ones feelings hurt should not be a crime. Offending anyone's beliefs in whatever sky fairy they've opted for SHOULD NOT BE CLASSIFIED A CRIME, in my ever so humble opinion. Sticks and stones may hurt my bones and all that. Seeing adults behaving so childishly is deeply offensive to me, who can I have prosecuted for that. Lol :)

Bull fucking shit!

Desecrating a religious site is a crime and what was used ( Pig's head ) was a hate crime.

Funny part is those like you have no problem with it until someone does it to something you care about, and then poof you want justice!

Maybe if society did not teach their ten year old bastards that flipping an adult off was perfectly fine we would not have these problems, but alas the fact is society enjoys flipping someone off and pretending it is not a big deal when it was insult to cause rage!
How many ten year old radicalised muslim boys are fighting with ISIS? Hardly the same as a ten year old giving someone the finger.
However, had I seen any ten year old kid in my family give an adult the finger I would have kicked the brats ass into the next county. And I DO mean that!
Not necessarily if you saw why the ten year old was giving the finger to a nineteen year old and his eighteen and seventeen year old buds in his car. All circumstances always play a part in a parent's decision making process.
They also happened at Planned Parenthood...Except that wasnt terrorism because a Muslim wasnt holding the gun.
yeah, by another libturd.

Doesnt matter...How are you guys so non chalant about mass shootings until it involves a Muslim?

We've had a bunch of them and everytime its "thoughts and prayers" "price of freedom" etc...But ONE Muslim shoots up the place and suddenly mass shootings must be stopped?
so in the first place, you have no evidence to back up that statement. in the second place, you have no evidence to back up that statement. funny how libturds play make up bull shit daily in here.

You're right...I dont have evidence that you guys freak over Muslim shootings except this entire board and its threads. Deny Deny deny
so you posted something you have no evidence to support. that makes you a liar and a major liar, because you admit it. liar liar pants on fire. failed libturds, all over this board. you almost never back your statements with fact. I come to enjoy pointing that out to you all daily.

Ook, lets pretend you're not on the same message board I am on. And the floor is lava...Weeee
You are the fucking dumbass here!

Your son was taught by a ignorant ass like you that there is no consequences in his action when he does something like flipping off someone, and should be let go for his actions.

Also did you call the police at the time?

Of course not because the cops would have kicked your punk son ass for doing what he did, and then kicked the driver ass afterwards.

Also what church do you go to so I can toss a pigs head at it, and you at the same time, and remember you should not get upset nor call it a hate crime because according to you there is nothing wrong with desecrating a religious property according to you!

Maybe I can piss on your Jesus cross at the same time?

I mean you have no problem with it, right?
Freedom of choice and consequences. No I did not call the police for a dumb ass nineteen year old would have a record. I gave him a lecture that obviously sunk in as he quit being a dumb ass with his car. As a matter of fact the young man was always very respectful after that. You can think whatever you want, dumb ass!

Did you give your son a lecture or a pat on the head for being a rotten little asshole?

Also the driver would not have been arrested I bet, and the reason why you did not call the police is because you knew your son did so much more than flip the driver off!

I would have flipped you off and told you and your son what worthless pieces of filth you are seeing he is a byproduct of you and your upbringing!
Then you would have most likely been introduced the the town cop.

Why was he your husband and that is why the little bastard of yours was such a rude piece of filth?

I would love to meet your town cop and have him or her tell me how it is perfectly fine for a ten year old to use a hand gesture at a adult because in my day that kid would have been beaten by the cop along with the driver and not excused like you did with your worthless brat!

Your the type of mother that raises those that would desecrate a Mosque, and be proud of it!
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
free speech?

free pigs head. maybe they can make soup from it. I knew an old Alaskan native who made soup from the Moose snoot. yuk

Why does the idea of Stephanie eating Moose Snoot not surprise me in the least?
Not sure about the snout but Moose steak is delicious.
I have half a cut wrapped and frozen in my chest freezer right now. Shot it a month ago. Also two deer and about twenty 'Northern' species of Canada geese. The big ones!
A bunch or teal and some grouse.
Half a lamb.
Eighteen King salmon cut into steaks. About eighty pounds of halibut fillets and the same amount of lingcod fillets.
Two large chest freezers full!
We haven't bought any meat at a store since the late seventies.
No doubt authorities will overreact and call for a public lynching.

Pig's head thrown at Philadelphia mosque, mayor decries bigotry

Do you feel that throwing a pig head is a correct course of action, and if a Muslim would have done something like that at your Church wouldn't you want them arrested?

No excuse for any stupidity at this moment when the tension between the Christian society of this country and the Muslim society of this country is so high.

Also no one will be lynched over this if someone is found.
I most certainly wouldn't want anyone arrested for throwing a pigs head at anything. Surely God, by whatever name, can handle it.
The muslim's pervert 'God' can't even handle a muslim speaking his name. He can't handle someone drawing a fucking cartoon of him.
Some pussy God.
Muhammad is a Prophet, like Jesus, who is also a prophet in Islam, and Jews are not allowed to say the name of God. In Arabic, God is always Allah, whether Muslim, Jew, or Christian.
Mohamed is nothing like Jesus. Jesus didn't bed 9 year old girls, take slaves, rob caravans and cut off heads.
Jesus was a pacifist, Muhammad was a warrior. it doesn't change the facts and when Jesus returns, according to the Muslims, he converts and does away with Christianity.
Freedom of choice and consequences. No I did not call the police for a dumb ass nineteen year old would have a record. I gave him a lecture that obviously sunk in as he quit being a dumb ass with his car. As a matter of fact the young man was always very respectful after that. You can think whatever you want, dumb ass!

Did you give your son a lecture or a pat on the head for being a rotten little asshole?

Also the driver would not have been arrested I bet, and the reason why you did not call the police is because you knew your son did so much more than flip the driver off!

I would have flipped you off and told you and your son what worthless pieces of filth you are seeing he is a byproduct of you and your upbringing!
Then you would have most likely been introduced the the town cop.

Why was he your husband and that is why the little bastard of yours was such a rude piece of filth?

I would love to meet your town cop and have him or her tell me how it is perfectly fine for a ten year old to use a hand gesture at a adult because in my day that kid would have been beaten by the cop along with the driver and not excused like you did with your worthless brat!

Your the type of mother that raises those that would desecrate a Mosque, and be proud of it!
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
If it turns out a muslim did it then yes it is 'passive terrorism'. We'll wait and see.
Do you feel that throwing a pig head is a correct course of action, and if a Muslim would have done something like that at your Church wouldn't you want them arrested?

No excuse for any stupidity at this moment when the tension between the Christian society of this country and the Muslim society of this country is so high.

Also no one will be lynched over this if someone is found.
I most certainly wouldn't want anyone arrested for throwing a pigs head at anything. Surely God, by whatever name, can handle it.
The muslim's pervert 'God' can't even handle a muslim speaking his name. He can't handle someone drawing a fucking cartoon of him.
Some pussy God.
Muhammad is a Prophet, like Jesus, who is also a prophet in Islam, and Jews are not allowed to say the name of God. In Arabic, God is always Allah, whether Muslim, Jew, or Christian.
Mohamed is nothing like Jesus. Jesus didn't bed 9 year old girls, take slaves, rob caravans and cut off heads.
Jesus was a pacifist, Muhammad was a warrior. it doesn't change the facts and when Jesus returns, according to the Muslims, he converts and does away with Christianity.
Isa is not Jesus.
Do you feel that throwing a pig head is a correct course of action, and if a Muslim would have done something like that at your Church wouldn't you want them arrested?

No excuse for any stupidity at this moment when the tension between the Christian society of this country and the Muslim society of this country is so high.

Also no one will be lynched over this if someone is found.
I most certainly wouldn't want anyone arrested for throwing a pigs head at anything. Surely God, by whatever name, can handle it.
The muslim's pervert 'God' can't even handle a muslim speaking his name. He can't handle someone drawing a fucking cartoon of him.
Some pussy God.
Muhammad is a Prophet, like Jesus, who is also a prophet in Islam, and Jews are not allowed to say the name of God. In Arabic, God is always Allah, whether Muslim, Jew, or Christian.
Mohamed is nothing like Jesus. Jesus didn't bed 9 year old girls, take slaves, rob caravans and cut off heads.
Jesus was a pacifist, Muhammad was a warrior. it doesn't change the facts and when Jesus returns, according to the Muslims, he converts and does away with Christianity.
So was Jesus being a pacifist when he whipped the money changers and chased them out of the Temple?
Sure and being called a dumbass by a bitch that wrote about her son flipping off a drive while claiming throw a pigs head at a mosque is not a hate crime is nothing to react at because hey rightwingers believe the only hate crime in this nation is against their Lily white society and desecrating a Mosque is perfectly fine to them!

I will go piss on a Mary Statue and dry hump a Jesus cross just for you and remember do not get offended!

Have a drink dumbass. Or go dry hump your car.


That from someone that believe the Governor of Texas should put the National Guard at the border of his state while Syrian Refugee's are flown into Dallas for relocation.

Yeah, I am the dumb ass while you're the ignorant fool. Also writing about humping something I bet the last time you were offer a hump was back when Nixon was President and the fool was on Acid!

No State should be forced to take in refugees if they don't want them.

Yeah and your dumb and ignorant enough to think that they should.

LMAO unlike you my humping is my business and I don't hump and tell.

Your clueless and a moron.

That is not what the men bathroom wall says at your local truck stop!

Also you are calling for armed insurrection by the states based on a fear of ISIL coming in when they are already here you stupid twat!

You write I am a dumbass and ignorant but the reality is you're too damn stupid to understand that a State can not stop someone from entering their borders and it is a federal issue!

It is like the fact idiots like you masturbate at the thought of desecrating a Mosque with a pig's head and calling it a welcoming basket instead of a hate crime!
How beautifully ironic.
Muslims and their supporters CLAIM 99.99% of all muslims are "peace-loving". They just want to go to their mosques and worship the pervert who must never be actually 'named'. Fine.
When the imams in their mosques are calling for the murder of innocent 'non-believers' and for treating females like animals and there are 'KNOWN!!!!!!' radicalised Islamofascists among them WHO do you think is 'desecrating' their 'peace-loving' mosques?
What a load of stinking bullshit these fucking sand monkeys are attempting to use to eventually dominate the world!
Question for all you parents of young girls: Would you want your daughter to marry a muslim? Thought not.

There are 20 million US Muslims

If they were intent on jihad, you would see many, many more than the 10,000 murders we see each year
I most certainly wouldn't want anyone arrested for throwing a pigs head at anything. Surely God, by whatever name, can handle it.
The muslim's pervert 'God' can't even handle a muslim speaking his name. He can't handle someone drawing a fucking cartoon of him.
Some pussy God.
Muhammad is a Prophet, like Jesus, who is also a prophet in Islam, and Jews are not allowed to say the name of God. In Arabic, God is always Allah, whether Muslim, Jew, or Christian.
Mohamed is nothing like Jesus. Jesus didn't bed 9 year old girls, take slaves, rob caravans and cut off heads.
Jesus was a pacifist, Muhammad was a warrior. it doesn't change the facts and when Jesus returns, according to the Muslims, he converts and does away with Christianity.
So was Jesus being a pacifist when he whipped the money changers and chased them out of the Temple?
No, he was being an asshole, but he wasn't fighting Rome now was he? One of the big reasons why the Jews are still waiting for the Messiah, who wasn't Jesus.
The muslim's pervert 'God' can't even handle a muslim speaking his name. He can't handle someone drawing a fucking cartoon of him.
Some pussy God.
Muhammad is a Prophet, like Jesus, who is also a prophet in Islam, and Jews are not allowed to say the name of God. In Arabic, God is always Allah, whether Muslim, Jew, or Christian.
Mohamed is nothing like Jesus. Jesus didn't bed 9 year old girls, take slaves, rob caravans and cut off heads.
Jesus was a pacifist, Muhammad was a warrior. it doesn't change the facts and when Jesus returns, according to the Muslims, he converts and does away with Christianity.
So was Jesus being a pacifist when he whipped the money changers and chased them out of the Temple?
No, he was being an asshole, but he wasn't fighting Rome now was he? One of the big reasons why the Jews are still waiting for the Messiah, who wasn't Jesus.
I should have added in that spiritually speaking we could call the current Islamist the scourged being used to whip those money changers out of the temples.
Have a drink dumbass. Or go dry hump your car.


That from someone that believe the Governor of Texas should put the National Guard at the border of his state while Syrian Refugee's are flown into Dallas for relocation.

Yeah, I am the dumb ass while you're the ignorant fool. Also writing about humping something I bet the last time you were offer a hump was back when Nixon was President and the fool was on Acid!

No State should be forced to take in refugees if they don't want them.

Yeah and your dumb and ignorant enough to think that they should.

LMAO unlike you my humping is my business and I don't hump and tell.

Your clueless and a moron.

That is not what the men bathroom wall says at your local truck stop!

Also you are calling for armed insurrection by the states based on a fear of ISIL coming in when they are already here you stupid twat!

You write I am a dumbass and ignorant but the reality is you're too damn stupid to understand that a State can not stop someone from entering their borders and it is a federal issue!

It is like the fact idiots like you masturbate at the thought of desecrating a Mosque with a pig's head and calling it a welcoming basket instead of a hate crime!
How beautifully ironic.
Muslims and their supporters CLAIM 99.99% of all muslims are "peace-loving". They just want to go to their mosques and worship the pervert who must never be actually 'named'. Fine.
When the imams in their mosques are calling for the murder of innocent 'non-believers' and for treating females like animals and there are 'KNOWN!!!!!!' radicalised Islamofascists among them WHO do you think is 'desecrating' their 'peace-loving' mosques?
What a load of stinking bullshit these fucking sand monkeys are attempting to use to eventually dominate the world!
Question for all you parents of young girls: Would you want your daughter to marry a muslim? Thought not.

There are 20 million US Muslims

If they were intent on jihad, you would see many, many more than the 10,000 murders we see each year
"There are 2.75 million Muslims living in the United States, a majority of whom, 63 percent, are first-generation immigrants. — Pew Research Center."
America and Muslims: By the Numbers
Freedom of choice and consequences. No I did not call the police for a dumb ass nineteen year old would have a record. I gave him a lecture that obviously sunk in as he quit being a dumb ass with his car. As a matter of fact the young man was always very respectful after that. You can think whatever you want, dumb ass!

Did you give your son a lecture or a pat on the head for being a rotten little asshole?

Also the driver would not have been arrested I bet, and the reason why you did not call the police is because you knew your son did so much more than flip the driver off!

I would have flipped you off and told you and your son what worthless pieces of filth you are seeing he is a byproduct of you and your upbringing!
Then you would have most likely been introduced the the town cop.

Why was he your husband and that is why the little bastard of yours was such a rude piece of filth?

I would love to meet your town cop and have him or her tell me how it is perfectly fine for a ten year old to use a hand gesture at a adult because in my day that kid would have been beaten by the cop along with the driver and not excused like you did with your worthless brat!

Your the type of mother that raises those that would desecrate a Mosque, and be proud of it!
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
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