Pig's head thrown at Philadelphia mosque

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I most certainly wouldn't want anyone arrested for throwing a pigs head at anything. Surely God, by whatever name, can handle it.
The muslim's pervert 'God' can't even handle a muslim speaking his name. He can't handle someone drawing a fucking cartoon of him.
Some pussy God.
Muhammad is a Prophet, like Jesus, who is also a prophet in Islam, and Jews are not allowed to say the name of God. In Arabic, God is always Allah, whether Muslim, Jew, or Christian.
Mohamed is nothing like Jesus. Jesus didn't bed 9 year old girls, take slaves, rob caravans and cut off heads.
Jesus was a pacifist, Muhammad was a warrior. it doesn't change the facts and when Jesus returns, according to the Muslims, he converts and does away with Christianity.
Isa is not Jesus.
You got that right. They kill their enemies, they don't love them. Tell us, which is the better position, love or kill?
Did you give your son a lecture or a pat on the head for being a rotten little asshole?

Also the driver would not have been arrested I bet, and the reason why you did not call the police is because you knew your son did so much more than flip the driver off!

I would have flipped you off and told you and your son what worthless pieces of filth you are seeing he is a byproduct of you and your upbringing!
Then you would have most likely been introduced the the town cop.

Why was he your husband and that is why the little bastard of yours was such a rude piece of filth?

I would love to meet your town cop and have him or her tell me how it is perfectly fine for a ten year old to use a hand gesture at a adult because in my day that kid would have been beaten by the cop along with the driver and not excused like you did with your worthless brat!

Your the type of mother that raises those that would desecrate a Mosque, and be proud of it!
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.
It is disrespectful and stupid. I don't consider it a "hate" crime though. This hate crime bullshit is going too far. It IS rather like punishing people for acting upon "thoughts" or "emotions." Sure, they are being punished for acting upon them, but they add on time or fines based on the "emotion" or the "thought" behind the crime.
Now, why wouldn't rape be considered a type of "hate" crime against women? Not only is a violation of a person but it can be very violent and destroy lives, and women in the community where a rapist is roaming live in fear . . . What about child molestation? Is that not a hate crime against children?

Its kind of like burning a cross on someones lawn

Just a harmless prank....doesn't actually harm anyone does it?

Touche! Although a fire can cause damage and can be dangerous. A pig's head? Not so much. :D What's the pig head going to do? Bite you?
Then you would have most likely been introduced the the town cop.

Why was he your husband and that is why the little bastard of yours was such a rude piece of filth?

I would love to meet your town cop and have him or her tell me how it is perfectly fine for a ten year old to use a hand gesture at a adult because in my day that kid would have been beaten by the cop along with the driver and not excused like you did with your worthless brat!

Your the type of mother that raises those that would desecrate a Mosque, and be proud of it!
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.
That's one name for it. Hate is another.

BTW, a Christmas Card would have been a prank...
Why was he your husband and that is why the little bastard of yours was such a rude piece of filth?

I would love to meet your town cop and have him or her tell me how it is perfectly fine for a ten year old to use a hand gesture at a adult because in my day that kid would have been beaten by the cop along with the driver and not excused like you did with your worthless brat!

Your the type of mother that raises those that would desecrate a Mosque, and be proud of it!
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.
That's one name for it. Hate is another.

BTW, a Christmas Card would have been a prank...
Matter of opinion.
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.
That's one name for it. Hate is another.

BTW, a Christmas Card would have been a prank...
Matter of opinion.
Not really.
Why was he your husband and that is why the little bastard of yours was such a rude piece of filth?

I would love to meet your town cop and have him or her tell me how it is perfectly fine for a ten year old to use a hand gesture at a adult because in my day that kid would have been beaten by the cop along with the driver and not excused like you did with your worthless brat!

Your the type of mother that raises those that would desecrate a Mosque, and be proud of it!
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.
That's one name for it. Hate is another.

BTW, a Christmas Card would have been a prank...

Which brings up another interesting theoretical question. Should hate be illegal? The government should be allowed to punish us if we hate? Well what about you? You seem to have a "hatred" for all of man kind? You have even talked about murdering people, which could be perceived as a potential threat. Maybe it's time you turned yourself in? :D
Why was he your husband and that is why the little bastard of yours was such a rude piece of filth?

I would love to meet your town cop and have him or her tell me how it is perfectly fine for a ten year old to use a hand gesture at a adult because in my day that kid would have been beaten by the cop along with the driver and not excused like you did with your worthless brat!

Your the type of mother that raises those that would desecrate a Mosque, and be proud of it!
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.
That's one name for it. Hate is another.

BTW, a Christmas Card would have been a prank...

What kind of punishment should you receive for making threats to the lives of men between the ages of . . . what was it again? 16-50 or something? Oh, if we want women to be safe that is the appropriate measure, right?
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.
That's one name for it. Hate is another.

BTW, a Christmas Card would have been a prank...

Which brings up another interesting theoretical question. Should hate be illegal? The government should be allowed to punish us if we hate? Well what about you? You seem to have a "hatred" for all of man kind? You have even talked about murdering people, which could be perceived as a potential threat. Maybe it's time you turned yourself in? :D
Killing a species isn't the same as shooting up a shopping mall. And hate isn't illegal, unless you perform criminal acts based on it. If the crime is solely based on hatred, well, that's a hate crime eh?
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.
That's one name for it. Hate is another.

BTW, a Christmas Card would have been a prank...

What kind of punishment should you receive for making threats to the lives of men between the ages of . . . what was it again? 16-50 or something? Oh, if we want women to be safe that is the appropriate measure, right?
Threats? I never make threats. If you are referring to how to make women and children safe by getting rid of most men, that's math, not a threat.
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.
That's one name for it. Hate is another.

BTW, a Christmas Card would have been a prank...
Matter of opinion.
Once you get past a certain point you realize some things are just plain ridiculous.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.
That's one name for it. Hate is another.

BTW, a Christmas Card would have been a prank...

What kind of punishment should you receive for making threats to the lives of men between the ages of . . . what was it again? 16-50 or something? Oh, if we want women to be safe that is the appropriate measure, right?
Threats? I never make threats. If you are referring to how to make women and children safe by getting rid of most men, that's math, not a threat.

And neither is a pig's head a threat. It is disrespectful though, and very immature. I will give you that much. That is why I HOPE it was teenagers. It's not "terrorism" that's for sure. And since you can't see emoticons, **eye roll**
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.
That's one name for it. Hate is another.

BTW, a Christmas Card would have been a prank...
Matter of opinion.
Once you get past a certain point you realize some things are just plain ridiculous.
View attachment 56562
Then you would have most likely been introduced the the town cop.

Why was he your husband and that is why the little bastard of yours was such a rude piece of filth?

I would love to meet your town cop and have him or her tell me how it is perfectly fine for a ten year old to use a hand gesture at a adult because in my day that kid would have been beaten by the cop along with the driver and not excused like you did with your worthless brat!

Your the type of mother that raises those that would desecrate a Mosque, and be proud of it!
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.
So you disagree with those here who have already labeling what happened a "hate crime"?
You don't have any of the facts behind what happened of who did it. Neither do I.
I says if it turns out whoever did it is a muslim then I calling it an example of 'passive terrorism'.
If it turns out to be teenagers committing a 'prank' so be it.
The teenager though would have to have understood how the muslims would react. If the teenagers were just driving around with a pig's head in the car they could have thrown it out in front of a dental clinic. Just a 'prank'.
They got the pig's head from somewhere. Where from and why?
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.
That's one name for it. Hate is another.

BTW, a Christmas Card would have been a prank...
Matter of opinion.

It was a prank?

You are retarded as hell!

First off you compare the hate crime as being like when your son flipped of a adult, and how you were more mad at the guy for chasing your son down for what he did, and never even mentioned about punishing your son for his insult that he did against that individual?

So it make me wonder was it your son that desecrated the Mosque?

Seeing parents like you are the problem with society and cause for laws to be passed because you consider what your kid did was a harmless prank, and should have been ignored like what was done to the Mosque.

The fact that a pig's head was thrown at a Mosque and knowing that swine is a insult in Islam and Judaism make it a hate crime, annd to say it is just a prank tell me you're a bigot that hate anyone that is not Lily white WASP like you.

It is those like you that believe Gays should not have rights, or interracial marriages is a sin, and the mark of Cain is the African American community, and if anyone does anything against them it should be consider a prank and nothing more.

Going back to your son and you supporting his insult against the adult he should have been slapped and the guy should have called the Police on your son, and had your son flip the cop off to see how funny it would have been then!

You did not call the police because you damn well know your kid was as much of the problem as the adult, but excused your son nonsense because he is your son. Had someone else son had flipped you off you would have went to the parent and demanded punishment and apology, and yet you did not even offer up a apology to the guy for what your kid did, and how sad is that?

You were a worthless parent and I bet your son became a bully after that, and you excused his abusive nature and most likely still do, and pass it off as pranks.

So again those like you are what is wrong with society because it was not a prank, and it was insulting for what those that threw the pig's head at the Mosque, and yes it is a hate crime even if you believe that it should be a prank.

I swear you would call a lynching a prank if it is against a Muslim!
Then you would have most likely been introduced the the town cop.

Why was he your husband and that is why the little bastard of yours was such a rude piece of filth?

I would love to meet your town cop and have him or her tell me how it is perfectly fine for a ten year old to use a hand gesture at a adult because in my day that kid would have been beaten by the cop along with the driver and not excused like you did with your worthless brat!

Your the type of mother that raises those that would desecrate a Mosque, and be proud of it!
I have reported you to the mods. Family members are off limits asshole!
A muslim threw the pig's head at the mosque. They are engaging on 'passive terrorism'.
Pranks are 'passive terrorism' now. Be realistic please.
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.

So when someone took the baby jesus doll from a nativity outside a church why were the cross grovelers howling Baby Jesus Figurine Stolen From Valencia Nativity Display
So you are not on the side of those calling the incident a "hate crime" then? You're calling it a "prank"?
You've done a nice job of painting yourself in a corner.
Dumping off a pig's head in a sack in front of a Mosque, yeah I would call that a prank.
That's one name for it. Hate is another.

BTW, a Christmas Card would have been a prank...

What kind of punishment should you receive for making threats to the lives of men between the ages of . . . what was it again? 16-50 or something? Oh, if we want women to be safe that is the appropriate measure, right?
Threats? I never make threats. If you are referring to how to make women and children safe by getting rid of most men, that's math, not a threat.

And neither is a pig's head a threat. It is disrespectful though, and very immature. I will give you that much. That is why I HOPE it was teenagers. It's not "terrorism" that's for sure. And since you can't see emoticons, **eye roll**
Let's just say that the FBI isn't a big fan of this kind of thing. It might be leading up to something more serious.
Theft of baby Jesus figure may be hate crime, authorities say

(CNN)The FBI has joined the investigation into who stole a baby Jesus from a Haverhill, Massachusetts, nativity scene and replaced it with a real pig's head.

Video from CNN affiliate WHDH showed the pig's head wrapped in plastic in the center of the manger, surrounded by Mary, Joseph and lamb figurines.

Theft of baby Jesus figure may be hate crime - CNN.com
Didn't your mothers ever tell you not to play with your food, people? Stop porking the pork, or at the very least do that in private...
Theft of baby Jesus figure may be hate crime, authorities say

(CNN)The FBI has joined the investigation into who stole a baby Jesus from a Haverhill, Massachusetts, nativity scene and replaced it with a real pig's head.

Video from CNN affiliate WHDH showed the pig's head wrapped in plastic in the center of the manger, surrounded by Mary, Joseph and lamb figurines.

Theft of baby Jesus figure may be hate crime - CNN.com
Stolen baby Jesus replaced with pig's head in Haverhill

Anything done against Christianity is a hate crime and anything done against any other religion is a Prank.

Now those like you know!
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