#PINO tries to act like he's in charge with Harvey

President Trump is in charge, go ahead step on the White House lawn and see how fast Trump has the secret service slap the cuffs on you and haul you away to the looney bin.
Yeah he's in charge That's what scares most people who aren't insane

What specifically frightens you about Trump and his administration? Not fake news list something he actually did or said and make your case.
First that comes to mind are all those coming and going out of his administration Secondly doesn't anyone check on all the russian connected in his administration? Theres so much more ,,his lying his cheating and making payoffs to those who can hurt him ..........25 million for dump U?
When Louisiana was dealing with a devastating flood, Obama stayed on vacation and Hillary was MIA. Trump was the one who stepped in to help by sending supplies and helping flood victims recover.

The people in Texas are in good hands with this president.

Want to bet the pos didn't pay for any of it?

He also sent $29,000 worth of supplies to areas affected by flooding in NC.

Mark Serrano, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, explained that “Donald Trump donated $29,000 worth of supplies,” according to Fay Observer. As part of the “Trump Women’s Tour,” he had his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, deliver the supplies to those in need instead of continuing their scheduled campaign speeches.
Trump’s Bus Spotted In NC For Unexpected Reason, Puts Hillary In Her Place
LOL I gotta laugh at you and others taken in by this grifter In his life he gave with one hand {OPM{ and took with 2
Thoughts and prayers go out to people on the Gulf Coast of TX. God help them with no real President in charge of FEMA.

Officials more annoyed with PINO's calls and unhelpful interruptions. Imagine you're a Mayor or Police Chief trying to deal with a hurricane hitting your city and you've got stop what you're donig to take a call from PINO.

Just tell the Orange PINO you're busy and hang up.

They'd be better off with W.


You folks are nothing but a bunch of whiny little bitches, you'd bitch if the president wasn't involved and you bitch when he is. Try just shutting the fuck up.

Thoughts and prayers go out to people on the Gulf Coast of TX. God help them with no real President in charge of FEMA.

Officials more annoyed with PINO's calls and unhelpful interruptions. Imagine you're a Mayor or Police Chief trying to deal with a hurricane hitting your city and you've got stop what you're donig to take a call from PINO.

Just tell the Orange PINO you're busy and hang up.

They'd be better off with W.


You folks are nothing but a bunch of whiny little bitches, you'd bitch if the president wasn't involved and you bitch when he is. Try just shutting the fuck up.

Sounds like you need someone to punch your tough shit ticket Trump is scum and those who can't see it are close to the same
Thoughts and prayers go out to people on the Gulf Coast of TX. God help them with no real President in charge of FEMA.

Officials more annoyed with PINO's calls and unhelpful interruptions. Imagine you're a Mayor or Police Chief trying to deal with a hurricane hitting your city and you've got stop what you're donig to take a call from PINO.

Just tell the Orange PINO you're busy and hang up.

They'd be better off with W.


You folks are nothing but a bunch of whiny little bitches, you'd bitch if the president wasn't involved and you bitch when he is. Try just shutting the fuck up.

Sounds like you need someone to punch your tough shit ticket Trump is scum and those who can't see it are close to the same

Here's an article you might like....
7 Practical Strategies to Overcome Emotional Pain
Thoughts and prayers go out to people on the Gulf Coast of TX. God help them with no real President in charge of FEMA.

Officials more annoyed with PINO's calls and unhelpful interruptions. Imagine you're a Mayor or Police Chief trying to deal with a hurricane hitting your city and you've got stop what you're donig to take a call from PINO.

Just tell the Orange PINO you're busy and hang up.

They'd be better off with W.


You folks are nothing but a bunch of whiny little bitches, you'd bitch if the president wasn't involved and you bitch when he is. Try just shutting the fuck up.

Sounds like you need someone to punch your tough shit ticket Trump is scum and those who can't see it are close to the same

Yeah freak, I can say the same about you. I'm in this storm with tornadoes popping up all over, how about you?

Thoughts and prayers go out to people on the Gulf Coast of TX. God help them with no real President in charge of FEMA.

Officials more annoyed with PINO's calls and unhelpful interruptions. Imagine you're a Mayor or Police Chief trying to deal with a hurricane hitting your city and you've got stop what you're donig to take a call from PINO.

Just tell the Orange PINO you're busy and hang up.

They'd be better off with W.


Really, Hazlnut? Your complaint is that Donald Trump is so concerned with what's happening in Texas that he's constantly in contact with Mayors from there?

You Trump haters are so far around the bend it's become farce...

Trump plays at being President. He overcompensates by doing things that are easy, making phone calls. The truly changing things like reading and understanding policy, he avoids.

PINO is no more concerned with Texas than he is with the "forgotten man"... the only thing PINO cares about is "how do I look?"

He is desperate to LOOK Presidential. The sooner his base sees that, the faster America will heal and move on.

Make America Great Again is the most ironic slogan since Fair and Balanced.

And you play at being an adult. Proof? Read your own posts.
Thoughts and prayers go out to people on the Gulf Coast of TX. God help them with no real President in charge of FEMA.

Officials more annoyed with PINO's calls and unhelpful interruptions. Imagine you're a Mayor or Police Chief trying to deal with a hurricane hitting your city and you've got stop what you're donig to take a call from PINO.

Just tell the Orange PINO you're busy and hang up.

They'd be better off with W.


You folks are nothing but a bunch of whiny little bitches, you'd bitch if the president wasn't involved and you bitch when he is. Try just shutting the fuck up.

Sounds like you need someone to punch your tough shit ticket Trump is scum and those who can't see it are close to the same

Whom might that someone be ass wipe...you?
Is it a valid debate because Hillary lost, Winger? I'm guessing you wouldn't have a problem with it if Clinton was in the White House like you thought she'd be?
Old I've got you down as a pretty smart person and as such I find it hard to believe you favor trump over hillary no matter how you think badly of her

My dad always told me that when it came to politicians...the only thing that mattered was what they have done...not what they PROMISED they'd do, Eddie! What Hillary Clinton has done over a lifetime in politics is enrich herself. Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton have become multi millionaires exchanging political favors for cash. Quite frankly...I find them both to be scum of the highest order. They pretend to be liberals and they're not even that...they are for sale to the highest bidder! THAT is why I "think badly" of Hillary Clinton and why I would never vote for her!
Trump has a history of stealing your eyeteeth if given the chance You speak of dishonesty by Clintons? Trump imho is far worse....A previous poster said he thought they were both disgusting At least he included the grabber of meow
Sadly, for you anyway, there is no proof of anything you claim. All you can produce are links to a website with various nebulous claims that seem to all disappear to never be heard from again. And then we have a "previous poster who thought they were disgusting"? This could be the one folks!
Proof?? There's tons of it out there if you'd ever care to educate yourself,,,But then to some nitwits it's all fake news
If there's so much "proof" why is he still in office?
Thoughts and prayers go out to people on the Gulf Coast of TX. God help them with no real President in charge of FEMA.

Officials more annoyed with PINO's calls and unhelpful interruptions. Imagine you're a Mayor or Police Chief trying to deal with a hurricane hitting your city and you've got stop what you're donig to take a call from PINO.

Just tell the Orange PINO you're busy and hang up.

They'd be better off with W.


You folks are nothing but a bunch of whiny little bitches, you'd bitch if the president wasn't involved and you bitch when he is. Try just shutting the fuck up.

Sounds like you need someone to punch your tough shit ticket Trump is scum and those who can't see it are close to the same

Yeah freak, I can say the same about you. I'm in this storm with tornadoes popping up all over, how about you?

All I can say is I wish for your safety and those of your loved ones Fight about politics another day
Old I've got you down as a pretty smart person and as such I find it hard to believe you favor trump over hillary no matter how you think badly of her

My dad always told me that when it came to politicians...the only thing that mattered was what they have done...not what they PROMISED they'd do, Eddie! What Hillary Clinton has done over a lifetime in politics is enrich herself. Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton have become multi millionaires exchanging political favors for cash. Quite frankly...I find them both to be scum of the highest order. They pretend to be liberals and they're not even that...they are for sale to the highest bidder! THAT is why I "think badly" of Hillary Clinton and why I would never vote for her!
Trump has a history of stealing your eyeteeth if given the chance You speak of dishonesty by Clintons? Trump imho is far worse....A previous poster said he thought they were both disgusting At least he included the grabber of meow
Sadly, for you anyway, there is no proof of anything you claim. All you can produce are links to a website with various nebulous claims that seem to all disappear to never be heard from again. And then we have a "previous poster who thought they were disgusting"? This could be the one folks!
Proof?? There's tons of it out there if you'd ever care to educate yourself,,,But then to some nitwits it's all fake news
If there's so much "proof" why is he still in office?
It's not easy getting one to leave Took nixon a while too
The weather is beautiful in NJ today

Will Trump be playing golf?

#PINO has played more golf in 6 month than Obama did in 8 years.

PINO's vacations and secret service for his extended family has already tapped out the agency's annual budget. That means Secret Service will have to cut other investigations and protection. Good news for counterfeiters.
Tell your "comrades" to stop staging protests outside of everywhere Trump visits and the Secret Service won't have to spend as much time and money protecting the President, Hazlnut! You poor losers seem to think that surrounding Trump Tower and yelling at Mrs. Trump and Barron every time they come outside is going to make Hillary the winner last November. Duh?


The extra is for his weekly vacation trip, his spawn taking endless vacation trips and trump business trips. He has made millions off the working class taxpayers by putting up hundreds of Sec Svce in his resorts.

Why should we have to pay for his adult spawn, especially since they're doing his globalist business? Or the first slut to get away from the pino cheeto?

You people will make excuses for damn near anything this bunch does.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
The weather is beautiful in NJ today

Will Trump be playing golf?

#PINO has played more golf in 6 month than Obama did in 8 years.

PINO's vacations and secret service for his extended family has already tapped out the agency's annual budget. That means Secret Service will have to cut other investigations and protection. Good news for counterfeiters.
Tell your "comrades" to stop staging protests outside of everywhere Trump visits and the Secret Service won't have to spend as much time and money protecting the President, Hazlnut! You poor losers seem to think that surrounding Trump Tower and yelling at Mrs. Trump and Barron every time they come outside is going to make Hillary the winner last November. Duh?


The extra is for his weekly vacation trip, his spawn taking endless vacation trips and trump business trips. He has made millions off the working class taxpayers by putting up hundreds of Sec Svce in his resorts.

Why should we have to pay for his adult spawn, especially since they're doing his globalist business? Or the first slut to get away from the pino cheeto?

You people will make excuses for damn near anything this bunch does.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Trump could shit in a hat and republicans would gladly wear it
My dad always told me that when it came to politicians...the only thing that mattered was what they have done...not what they PROMISED they'd do, Eddie! What Hillary Clinton has done over a lifetime in politics is enrich herself. Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton have become multi millionaires exchanging political favors for cash. Quite frankly...I find them both to be scum of the highest order. They pretend to be liberals and they're not even that...they are for sale to the highest bidder! THAT is why I "think badly" of Hillary Clinton and why I would never vote for her!
Trump has a history of stealing your eyeteeth if given the chance You speak of dishonesty by Clintons? Trump imho is far worse....A previous poster said he thought they were both disgusting At least he included the grabber of meow
Sadly, for you anyway, there is no proof of anything you claim. All you can produce are links to a website with various nebulous claims that seem to all disappear to never be heard from again. And then we have a "previous poster who thought they were disgusting"? This could be the one folks!
Proof?? There's tons of it out there if you'd ever care to educate yourself,,,But then to some nitwits it's all fake news
If there's so much "proof" why is he still in office?
It's not easy getting one to leave Took nixon a while too

Trump will be going nowhere, if for no other reason than to just piss you folks off.

The weather is beautiful in NJ today

Will Trump be playing golf?

#PINO has played more golf in 6 month than Obama did in 8 years.

PINO's vacations and secret service for his extended family has already tapped out the agency's annual budget. That means Secret Service will have to cut other investigations and protection. Good news for counterfeiters.
Tell your "comrades" to stop staging protests outside of everywhere Trump visits and the Secret Service won't have to spend as much time and money protecting the President, Hazlnut! You poor losers seem to think that surrounding Trump Tower and yelling at Mrs. Trump and Barron every time they come outside is going to make Hillary the winner last November. Duh?


The extra is for his weekly vacation trip, his spawn taking endless vacation trips and trump business trips. He has made millions off the working class taxpayers by putting up hundreds of Sec Svce in his resorts.

Why should we have to pay for his adult spawn, especially since they're doing his globalist business? Or the first slut to get away from the pino cheeto?

You people will make excuses for damn near anything this bunch does.

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Prove any secret service stay at his resorts when they aren't on duty.


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