PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

You do not believe in the Constitution. The Constitution safeguards people's rights and if it inconveniences law enforcement then it is tough.

I don't believe in Rights, Inalienable or Government granted. Death is the only guarantee in life. Right and Wrong are the only irrefutable concepts in life. Anything thst prevents the implementation of Righteousness and defeat of Wrongness cannot be acceptable, by definition.

Hitler could not have said it better. Jack booted fascists like you will be defeated.
I remember when Ford pardoned Nixon , That itself was the embodiment of chutzpah. Lose your vice president to corruption charges, then hire an unknown replacement to bail you out of the fire. Brilliant. Trump, on the other hand is a shadow and a mere vestige of republican vainglory.
Arpaio got too big for his britches with all the media attention he recieved. He showboated and went to far.

It's weird to "pardon" him though. He's not finished the appeals process nor served any time.
Joe Arpaio's Top Ten Bigoted Statements

“Arpaio's statements over the years should leave no doubt that his views on race and ethnicity are of the pre-Civil Rights Movement variety. And in some cases, pre-Civil War.

But being a bigoted pol in a racist county means never having to say you're sorry for the dumb, prejudiced pabulum you spew. Well, except when it comes to defending yourself in federal court against charges of biased policing.

The ten quotes below lend ever more credence to federal Judge G. Murray Snow's recent ruling in, Melendres v. Arpaio, where the jurist found that Arpaio's agency discriminates against Latinos and enjoined it from doing so further.”

Joe Arpaio's Top Ten Bigoted Statements

And Trump is Arpaio's fellow bigot.

Interesting note in your source:
(Note: According to the U.S. Supreme Court in Arizona v. United States, "As a general rule, it is not a crime for a removable alien to remain present in the United States.")

And yet these people claim the children of illegals, brought here illegally, are criminals. Just for being here.
Thread has been cleaned of some 40 off topic flaming/trolling derailments and off topic attacks. Warnings and infractions have been handed out.

Let's see if we can discuss the topic...

What the heck is PINO? An acronym?


Pompous Incompetent Narcissistic Odor?

lol, If it's about Trump the first three are spot on. However, I hope never to get close enough to evaluate the last.
Thread has been cleaned of some 40 off topic flaming/trolling derailments and off topic attacks. Warnings and infractions have been handed out.

Let's see if we can discuss the topic...

What the heck is PINO? An acronym?


Pompous Incompetent Narcissistic Odor?

lol, If it's about Trump the first three are spot on. However, I hope never to get close enough to evaluate the last.

I wouldn't risk it :lol:
Joe's only "crime" was enforcing the immigration laws of the Federal government, which he was authorized to do. Those dipshits in the illegal alien loving Obama administration couldn't stand anybody protecting this country.

Without the illegal alien voters and the filthy ass welfare queens the Democrats would be hard put to get more than 20% of the vote and that is why they went after Sheriff Joe.

Thank god that asshole Obama isn't President anymore and we have someone in the White House that understands illegal aliens are breaking the law and appreciates someone like Joe who also knows that.

Trump has a lot of work ahead of him fixing all the things that Obama broke.

He was not authorized to violate people's rights. He violated that by pulling people off the street and asking for their papers. This is in-American and a violation of their constitutional rights. Not even the federal government can do that nor can they authorize anyone else to do so.

The only filthy ass' that I see are the Trump supporters. They are jack booted thugs who resemble Vladimir Putin not George Washington. They need to be fought at every turn.
The upside is Trump knows he's running out of time and he's doing everything he can to cause havoc and piss off everyone who made fun of him.

He's a child.
TRUMP is a true Patriot.... America First. Think of it... President Trump volunteered without pay to try and get our country back. Why would a billionaire submit himself to such an enormous task when he could simply enjoy his life and riches ? You did know he donates his pay didn't you? Please educate yourself on facts instead of Fake News.

He is lining his pockets with taxpayer dollars. Even when he goes golfing, taxpayers pay for rental of his golf carts. You need to educate yourself on the facts.
No, the taxpayers only pay the rental for the carts the secret service uses.

Trump owns the carts so part of the money goes into his pocket. Taxpayers pay for rents at Trump properties when he goes on vacation. In addition, he apparently is funneling RNC money into his pockets by holding events at Trump properties.
RNC money isn't government money, so there's no issue there. If they want to patronize Trump's businesses, they are free to do so.

Apparently you believe Trump should fund all of the SS's expenses. Since when has any president ever done that? The SS is paying the going rate for a product or service. Trump is not violating the law by doing business as he normally does, no matter who the customer is.

He is a billionaire. Why can he not allow the SS what they need at no cost. The fact is that no President has charged the SS for rent. Name one that did. Trump is not altruistic as you make it sound. He is making more money than he is losing from donating his salary.

You really believe that the RNC is voluntarily patronizing his establishment. His stooges control the RNC and are using it to skim money right off the top.
Barry 'pardoned' and released the 'Taliban 5', 5 of the biggest terrorists in the world responsible for the deaths of thousands.

Barry lied by claiming they were part of the deal for the return of traitor/deserter Bo Bergdahl, which they were NOT. Obama just released them.

The very next week one of the 5's terrorist groups raided a village...they killed every single man, woman, and child as per the command of the Taliban Commander.

Arpaio was found in Contempt of Court - as was Bill Clinon AND Barak Obama, neither of whom ever received prison time for their crimes as Arpaio did.

Uh no. They weren't pardoned.

Try again.
The Taliban 5 were not 'pardoned'?

What do you call it when the traiterous President has 5 of THE worst terrorists in the world in US custody and instead of ensuring they are punished for their heinous crimes the President just. ... RELEASES them? Lets them go?

Still playing that BS Clinton 'definition of tje word 'IS' game', I see.


Which is it, snowflake?
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He picked people of certain ethnic origins off the street and demanded they prove their immigration status. As Rep Justin Amash pointed out, this violates their 4th Amendment rights.

Oh Boo Hoo. It is called profiling.

The Israelis do it. That is how they stay alive. They are very effective and this saves them the madness WE have at our airports where we profile EVERYBODY, including little children, the handicapped in wheelchairs, old grannies and cancer patients.

New York did it, they merely stopped suspicious people and asked for ID. It cut way down on crime and got a lot of bad people OFF THE STREETS.

The State Police do it when they have a police stop just to check cars. It deters a lot of crime.

The border Patrol do it. They target various cars to deter illegals and stop a lot of bad guys.

If you are just an average Joe, then you have nothing to worry over. The cops are out there trying to keep you safe. They just need a moment of your time and I would be glad to comply. If you are an illegal, then you have everything to worry about and no rights were violated because as an illegal alien, YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS. Even after the wall gets built, the only really effective way to combat illegal immigration is to make the risk of coming here WORSE than the reward.

Since the President is the highest Law Enforcement Officer in the nation, if he says Arpaio is innocent of all charges, he is innocent. Case closed.

The old "if you haven't done anything wrong, you don't have to worry about a loss of freedom or worry about government intrusion" argument.

A pardon does not make the person innocent. It grants forgiveness.

It assumes that there is some remorse for what a person did. Arpaio has done none of this.
Barry 'pardoned' and released the 'Taliban 5', 5 of the biggest terrorists in the world responsible for the deaths of thousands.

Barry lied by claiming they were part of the deal for the return of traitor/deserter Bo Bergdahl, which they were NOT. Obama just released them.

The very next week one of the 5's terrorist groups raided a village...they killed every single man, woman, and child as per the command of the Taliban Commander.

Arpaio was found in Contempt of Court - as was Bill Clinon AND Barak Obama, neither of whom ever received prison time for their crimes as Arpaio did.

Uh no. They weren't pardoned.

Try again.
The Taliban 5 were not 'pardoned'?

What do you call it when the traiterous President has 5 of THE worst terrorists in the world in US custody and instead of ensuring they are punished for their heinous crimes the President just. ... RELEASES them? Lets them go?

Still playing that BS Clinton 'definition of tje word 'IS' game', I see.


Which is it, snowflake?

Oh please. Snowflake. You children need to move on to some new words. It was a prisoner exchange for one of our own. An American.
He was not authorized to violate people's rights.
...yet Obama did, just the same, by illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC ... by becoming only the 2nd US President in US history to illegally use the IRS as a political weapon against Americans ... by illegally sharing and leaking protected personal classified information ... by illegally unmasking Americans.

Obama should be the one asking Trump for a 'pardon' right now.
Does the merit or propriety of Trump pardoning Arpaio have ANYTHING to do with how some poster viewed some other pardon?

How a poster viewed the pardons of previous presidents can be evidence of whether the outrage about this particular pardon might be based more on opposition to Trump than belief that the pardon is a particularly bad thing.

Arpaio was convicted of a minor offense. Presidents since Washington have been granting pardons, often to people convicted of far more severe crimes. If someone has never before cared about presidential pardons, it brings up the question of why it is such a big deal now.

So if a poster comes along who says that Trump was wrong to pardon Arpaio, AND that poster also says that Obama was wrong to pardon so and so, AND Clinton was wrong to pardon so and so,

that proves that Trump was in fact wrong to pardon Arpaio?

It shows consistency, why would it be okay to pardon a Marc Rich a Scooter Libby and not Arpaio who's crime was much less?

Because he was a law enforcement official who violated the constitutional rights of American citizens. He believed he was above the Constitution and above the law.

BS, so Clinton pardoning a FBI's top ten most wanted list is okay but a sheriff that was in contempt of court is worse. It was okay for the leader of the country to lie under oath however a sheriff in contempt of court should serve time.

Your politics is showing.

Your politics is showing. This has nothing to do with Clinton. Your defense is Clinton did this and Obama did that. Just because they did it does not mean it is okay for Trump to do it.
How a poster viewed the pardons of previous presidents can be evidence of whether the outrage about this particular pardon might be based more on opposition to Trump than belief that the pardon is a particularly bad thing.

Arpaio was convicted of a minor offense. Presidents since Washington have been granting pardons, often to people convicted of far more severe crimes. If someone has never before cared about presidential pardons, it brings up the question of why it is such a big deal now.

So if a poster comes along who says that Trump was wrong to pardon Arpaio, AND that poster also says that Obama was wrong to pardon so and so, AND Clinton was wrong to pardon so and so,

that proves that Trump was in fact wrong to pardon Arpaio?

It shows consistency, why would it be okay to pardon a Marc Rich a Scooter Libby and not Arpaio who's crime was much less?

Because he was a law enforcement official who violated the constitutional rights of American citizens. He believed he was above the Constitution and above the law.

BS, so Clinton pardoning a FBI's top ten most wanted list is okay but a sheriff that was in contempt of court is worse. It was okay for the leader of the country to lie under oath however a sheriff in contempt of court should serve time.

Your politics is showing.

Your politics is showing. This has nothing to do with Clinton. Your defense is Clinton did this and Obama did that. Just because they did it does not mean it is okay for Trump to do it.

Then work to change the law.
Oh please. Snowflake. You children need to move on to some new words. It was a prisoner exchange for one of our own. An American.
You are a f*ing liar ... or an idiot. The group that Bergdahl did not like the Taliban, kidnapped people for RANSOM, demanded money for Bergdahl, and Barry - like he did with Iran, paid the terrorists the ransom.

The Taliban 5 were never part of the deal.
The Taliban 5 were never delivered to the group that held Bergdahl - only the money was exchanged for Bergdahl.
The Taliban 5 NEVER went anywhere near the group after being released.

Obama was emptying out Gitmo...but the 5 were too huge just to set free. So Obama, the f*ing traitor - in order to try to keep his promise about closing Gitmo, lied about the 5 being part of the deal so he could free the 5, securing the way for him to more freely empty Gitmo.
How a poster viewed the pardons of previous presidents can be evidence of whether the outrage about this particular pardon might be based more on opposition to Trump than belief that the pardon is a particularly bad thing.

Arpaio was convicted of a minor offense. Presidents since Washington have been granting pardons, often to people convicted of far more severe crimes. If someone has never before cared about presidential pardons, it brings up the question of why it is such a big deal now.

So if a poster comes along who says that Trump was wrong to pardon Arpaio, AND that poster also says that Obama was wrong to pardon so and so, AND Clinton was wrong to pardon so and so,

that proves that Trump was in fact wrong to pardon Arpaio?

It shows consistency, why would it be okay to pardon a Marc Rich a Scooter Libby and not Arpaio who's crime was much less?

Because he was a law enforcement official who violated the constitutional rights of American citizens. He believed he was above the Constitution and above the law.

BS, so Clinton pardoning a FBI's top ten most wanted list is okay but a sheriff that was in contempt of court is worse. It was okay for the leader of the country to lie under oath however a sheriff in contempt of court should serve time.

Your politics is showing.

Your politics is showing. This has nothing to do with Clinton. Your defense is Clinton did this and Obama did that. Just because they did it does not mean it is okay for Trump to do it.

So it is okay to be outraged over Trump, but not Clinton, because, lol!
Joe's only "crime" was enforcing the immigration laws of the Federal government, which he was authorized to do. Those dipshits in the illegal alien loving Obama administration couldn't stand anybody protecting this country.

Without the illegal alien voters and the filthy ass welfare queens the Democrats would be hard put to get more than 20% of the vote and that is why they went after Sheriff Joe.

Thank god that asshole Obama isn't President anymore and we have someone in the White House that understands illegal aliens are breaking the law and appreciates someone like Joe who also knows that.

Trump has a lot of work ahead of him fixing all the things that Obama broke.

He was not authorized to violate people's rights. He violated that by pulling people off the street and asking for their papers. This is in-American and a violation of their constitutional rights. Not even the federal government can do that nor can they authorize anyone else to do so.

The only filthy ass' that I see are the Trump supporters. They are jack booted thugs who resemble Vladimir Putin not George Washington. They need to be fought at every turn.

Again the government officials are allowed to ask you to identify yourself. If they don't have reasonable suspicion you can tell them to go to hell
So if a poster comes along who says that Trump was wrong to pardon Arpaio, AND that poster also says that Obama was wrong to pardon so and so, AND Clinton was wrong to pardon so and so,

that proves that Trump was in fact wrong to pardon Arpaio?

It shows consistency, why would it be okay to pardon a Marc Rich a Scooter Libby and not Arpaio who's crime was much less?

Because he was a law enforcement official who violated the constitutional rights of American citizens. He believed he was above the Constitution and above the law.

BS, so Clinton pardoning a FBI's top ten most wanted list is okay but a sheriff that was in contempt of court is worse. It was okay for the leader of the country to lie under oath however a sheriff in contempt of court should serve time.

Your politics is showing.

Your politics is showing. This has nothing to do with Clinton. Your defense is Clinton did this and Obama did that. Just because they did it does not mean it is okay for Trump to do it.

Then work to change the law.

I tell them all that but they don't want the law changed because they want to do it when they are in power.
So a sheriff in Arizona tries to uphold federal laws and the left has a cow. Nothing new, pardon the guy and move on.
The left believes enforcing the laws approved by a majority vote is a crime against humanity.

Those of us who are constitutional conservatives know that a majority cannot deprive people of their constitutional rights. Sheriffs are not above the law and should be held accountable when they violate people's constitutional rights.
Your politics is showing. This has nothing to do with Clinton. Your defense is Clinton did this and Obama did that. Just because they did it does not mean it is okay for Trump to do it.

Clinton and Obama pardoned terrorists who killed Americans.

Trump pardoned an iver-zealous officer of the law.

Clinton and Obama were both held in Contempt and were never sentenced to time in jail as Arpaio was...though they should have been

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