PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

Joe was convicted because he wouldn't obey a judge's order to
NOT enforce the law.

That's why these illegals have stopped coming here now. At least,
not coming in droves.

Border Patrol doesn't follow Obama's directive of detain and release.
They detain or boot them back across. Ain't none of this releasing

He was convicted because he would not obey a judge's order to
not enforce the law

He was convicted because he violated the 4th Amendment. He was NOT enforcing the law.
I don't know what the rationale would be to decide that not all criminal cases get the right to a jury trial, since the sixth amendment seems to pretty clearly indicate all of them have that right.
I chose to have a jury trial when I appeal a traffic ticket.

it has always been the defendants choice, as far as I have known, but to give judges a right to deny such a jury trial would seem to me to be unconstitutional, especially if ANY jail time is involved.

I found this article about petty offenses and how they are exceptions to sixth amendment jury trials. At least according to this, the country has made petty crimes an exception since colonial times, and the practice draws from the English version of the exception, dating back to the 16th century.
I doubt if that asshole Obama gave a shit about Manning's treason. Manning's treason was a direct affront to Obama's escalation of the war in Afghanistan and Obama didn't seem to care about that. . It is obvious his sentence was commuted because he was a transsexual and Obama is famous for kissing the ass of the LGBT community.
Manning showed everyone what a true patriot is.

You remind me of those average Germans who saw the Nazi death camps and said nothing about them.

*Looks around for death camps*

What is it that Flash sees, but says nothing about, which compares to Nazi death camps?
Bull shit. Your whole fairy tale is based in your false belief that the judge in this case was correct. He was not. That's where your entire lie comes apart.
Correctness is a reaction to a judges decision. It doesn't change the fact that a judges decision IS THE LAW! And Arpaio broke it.
Here's what you should know, Don PINO pardoned a racist asshole who deliberately violated a court order under the color of authority and took the law into his own hands.

When are you ignorant, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, conspiracy-pushing, lie-telling, fake-news, violent, seditious antifa going to learn that just because you spew bullshit from your pie holes doesn't make it true?!

You CAN'T keep your plan.
You CAN'T keep you doctor.
It DOESN'T pay for itself.
It DOESN'T lower premium costs.
It WASN'T a case of workplace violence.
It had NOTHING to do with a video.
There was NO collusion.
There was NO obstruction...from Trump.
Antifa are NOT ANTI-Fascists.

Trump is NOT a Racist just because sore-loser, butt-hurt, violent liberal presidential election loser deniers who seek to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights say so...
Do snowflakes mot realize that snowflakes were the ones who forced Japanese Americans into prison camps...?!
When are you ignorant, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, conspiracy-pushing, lie-telling, fake-news, violent, seditious antifa going to learn that just because you spew bullshit from your pie holes doesn't make it true?!

You CAN'T keep your plan.
You CAN'T keep you doctor.
It DOESN'T pay for itself.
It DOESN'T lower premium costs.
It WASN'T a case of workplace violence.
It had NOTHING to do with a video.
There was NO collusion.
There was NO obstruction...from Trump.
Antifa are NOT ANTI-Fascists.

Trump is NOT a Racist just because sore-loser, butt-hurt, violent liberal presidential election loser deniers who seek to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights say so...
What are you doing? Trying to set the record for the most adverbs and adjectives in a single post?
This thread shows just how fucked up this country is. 60 pages of racist, un-American assholes, defending a racist un-American asshole.

Seig Fail!
Had Democrats not been exposed by their own personal e-mails to be racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites normal people might actually have taken them serious....
And there are boat-loads of republican emails filled with hate and racism, so you have no point. Deflect much?

But, listen closely: this thread is about the Orange Racist Maggot, and his choice to pardon another racist maggot. it's no accident that both are racists AND republicans.

Please try to stay on topic.

Really? Loads? Where?
If you would learn to read you wouldn't have to ask.

Two isn't loads. And that's assuming your characterization of the two was accurate. Its not btw

If you learned to write persuasively I wouldn't have to ask you questions you can't answer
No it doesn't, usually a pardon means the president decides that justice has been served. This pardon is the president saying the law is irrelevant. They are distinctly different motives.

How is this particular pardon saying "the law is irrelevant"?
Arpaio got convicted when the judicial branch found his racial profiling practices in violation of the fourth amendment. He got convicted because, even after they said you are violating the constitution he persisted, thereby considering himself above the law. Now Trump by pardoning him even before sentencing, something that is unheard of I believe in the history of pardons. In essence Trump is putting Arpaio above the law, making the law irrelevant.

While I still disagree with the characterization that this "makes the law irrelevant," if this is the first presidential pardon granted before sentencing, that certainly is a valid argument for viewing this differently than other pardons.
Nixon, Marc Rich?

Yep, neither of them was sentenced. On the other hand, neither was actually convicted, either. :dunno:
Just a case of, never say never.
Rep Gallego: Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist
Congressman Ruben Gallego criticized Donald Trump for pardoning Joe Arpaio and laments the damage and disregard Donald Trump has wrought on the rule and laws that are the foundation of American society. Duration: 7:24
Arizona Rep. Gallego: 'Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist': Rep Gallego: Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist
Your actual objection is that Arpaio is a Republican. If he was a Dim, you wouldn't give a shit.
Hardly. No one gave a damn when Slick and Obama pardoned hundreds of convicted felons. Now all of a sudden it's a crime against humanity.
Clinton pardoned an international fugitive for money.
The President of the US just pardoned a sheriff, who would have been murdered by the Mexican Drug Cartel criminals he put away, and snowflakes are pissed someone who ENFORCED the law - instead of break it like Obama - was just pardoned...

...but they have no problem with the fact that Clinton pardoned terrorists who murdered Americans so his wife could be elected Senator.

THAT is all you need to know about this story...

'Nuff said...
If you would learn to read you wouldn't have to ask.
That means "none."
Please. Go away. Your posts are those of a retard.
Awwwwwww! You po witto babieeeeeeeee! Did I make you cry?
Thanks for proving my point.

Thankfully there's a way to get rid of losers like you, forever.....bye, bye...
You had a point?
Yes, his point is that you're a fucking retard. Hell, you're too retarded to even get his point. But in all fairness to him, who doesn't think you're a retard??

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