PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

Yea for the good Sheriff.... It's nice to win.
You didn't win. You lost.

You just don't know it yet. How could you win by following an asshole like trump.

Typical lefty stupidity:

up is down, black is white, male is female, right is wrong, winning is losing....God it must suck to be such a loser.
Let's be honest. You know ALL about sucking....AND about being a loser. Isn't that right, loser.

Repeat after me PARDON.

Repeat after me: RACIST trump, pardons RACIST Arpaio. Makes all republicans look like RACISTS.
Had Democrats not been exposed by their own personal e-mails to be racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites normal people might actually have taken them serious....
‘"Regarding the Arpaio pardon, I would have preferred that the President honor the judicial process and let it take its course," Flake tweeted Friday night, in an acknowledgment of the political fallout of Trump's pardoning of Arpaio.

Arizona's senior senator, Republican John McCain, said in a statement on the pardon that "no one is above the law and the individuals entrusted with the privilege of being sworn law officers should always seek to be beyond reproach in their commitment to fairly enforcing the laws they swore to uphold."

"Mr. Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt for continuing to illegally profile Latinos living in Arizona based on their perceived immigration status in violation of a judge's orders," McCain said. "The President has the authority to make this pardon, but doing so at this time undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions."’

Trump makes a mess for Arizona GOP with Arpaio pardon - CNNPolitics

At least two Republicans get it.
You aren't helping your case by citing the two biggest Republican weasels in the Senate.
Just saw that.

You love criminals. No doubt about that..

Hmm, so what of your desire to "pardon" illegal immigrants?

Path to citizenship and all that? Really? And you're saying Tip there "loves criminals"?

Give me a fucking break. These people committed crimes by coming here illegally.

Oh but wait, I forgot, you leftists apply the law differently than the rest of us do.
Had Democrats not been exposed by their own personal e-mails to be racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites normal people might actually have taken them serious....
And there are boat-loads of republican emails filled with hate and racism, so you have no point. Deflect much?

But, listen closely: this thread is about the Orange Racist Maggot, and his choice to pardon another racist maggot. it's no accident that both are racists AND republicans.

Please try to stay on topic.
"I'm the Law and Order president"

....except, you know...

Same with you.

You can't espouse to be a champion of law and order when you're sitting there wanting to essentially reward illegal immigrants for breaching our sovereignty

...except, you know, with a path to citizenship.

Hey, Earth to you! We already have one, it's called naturalization! Why is it such kryptonite to you to encourage these people to follow the legal process instead of the illegal one?

Ha. Don't be such a hypocrite.
Scumbag sheriff never served time.

Scumbag sheriff never showed remorse.

Dumbass PINO never got recommendation from Pardon attorney or DOJ.

This is a PINO pardon of a lawless man who wore a badge.

Fuck this country and it's goddamn PINO.

We suck.

He was enforcing the laws passed.
This was a 22 year political witch hunt by the Dems.
That's not racism.
Rep Gallego: Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist
Congressman Ruben Gallego criticized Donald Trump for pardoning Joe Arpaio and laments the damage and disregard Donald Trump has wrought on the rule and laws that are the foundation of American society. Duration: 7:24
Arizona Rep. Gallego: 'Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist': Rep Gallego: Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist

When progressives lose control of the argument, accuse others of racism or being stupid. Very predictable
A GOP progressive
Rep Gallego: Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist
Congressman Ruben Gallego criticized Donald Trump for pardoning Joe Arpaio and laments the damage and disregard Donald Trump has wrought on the rule and laws that are the foundation of American society. Duration: 7:24
Arizona Rep. Gallego: 'Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist': Rep Gallego: Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist
Your actual objection is that Arpaio is a Republican. If he was a Dim, you wouldn't give a shit.
Arpaio was found in "contempt of court" for refusing to stop arresting illegal aliens.

The stupid order was given by a filthy ass Obama appointed judge. Obama, the worst President this country ever had. A worthless piece of shit that wanted the illegals to flood in so they would vote Democrat. He call the assholes "Dreamers". He should have called them "The Nighmares".

Obama who had an open door policy to all the trespassing Beaners and who refused to carry out the laws established by Congress.

The villain here is Obama and that stupid judge who violated justice, the laws of Congress and the Constitution.
Yea for the good Sheriff.... It's nice to win.
You didn't win. You lost.

You just don't know it yet. How could you win by following an asshole like trump.

Typical lefty stupidity:

up is down, black is white, male is female, right is wrong, winning is losing....God it must suck to be such a loser.
Let's be honest. You know ALL about sucking....AND about being a loser. Isn't that right, loser.

Repeat after me PARDON.

Repeat after me: RACIST trump, pardons RACIST Arpaio. Makes all republicans look like RACISTS.

You know a leftist doesn't have anything when they play the race card
Yea for the good Sheriff.... It's nice to win.
You didn't win. You lost.

You just don't know it yet. How could you win by following an asshole like trump.

Typical lefty stupidity:

up is down, black is white, male is female, right is wrong, winning is losing....God it must suck to be such a loser.
Let's be honest. You know ALL about sucking....AND about being a loser. Isn't that right, loser.

Stop projecting. It's creeping me out.
The anger and hate in your posts make it seem like your avatar truly represents what you are, inside. Sad, indeed.

Have a nice day.

Sure you don't mean your posts?
How is this particular pardon saying "the law is irrelevant"?
Arpaio got convicted when the judicial branch found his racial profiling practices in violation of the fourth amendment. He got convicted because, even after they said you are violating the constitution he persisted, thereby considering himself above the law. Now Trump by pardoning him even before sentencing, something that is unheard of I believe in the history of pardons. In essence Trump is putting Arpaio above the law, making the law irrelevant.

Bull shit. Your whole fairy tale is based in your false belief that the judge in this case was correct. He was not. That's where your entire lie comes apart.
My belief in the right and wrong of the judge is irrelevant. The only thing that's relevant is that Arpaio doesn't have the right to make that judgement. You are making a case for the police having unbridled powers. It's been tried before. Those police forces go by names as Cheka, KGB, Stasi and Gestapo.

1. No, it's not irrelevant to the post you made.
2. Arpaio is a L.E.O., enforcing the law is his job and his right.
3. I am not making a case for unbridled police powers, that's just some stupid thing you made up.
4. Now your last statement, THAT'S irrelevant.
1. Yes it's irrelevant, every single post I've made has been about the roles different branches of the government have. These are not interpretations but facts as taught in any civics class.
2. In that class you learn that a law enforcement officer enforces the law, he doesn't interpret it. They don't decide if the judge is right our wrong. If they decide to ignore what the courts say they go way past their right.
3. If you claim that Arpaio has the right to interpret the law you are in fact giving him permission to do anything. Since the whole reason he got slapped down was because he was detaining people on the way they looked.
4. You are making my statement highly relevant because to you the police can detain anybody without the courts being allowed to intervene. This is a power all those agencies I just summed up all had too.
How ironic coming from a douche bag who supported Obama for 8 years. He was the chief law enforcement official in the country, and according to you "a law enforcement officer enforces the law, he doesn't interpret it. They don't decide if the judge is right our wrong. If they decide to ignore what the courts say they go way past their right."

Isn't that exactly what Obama did in the case of immigration law?
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How about the Constitution? He pardoned a prick who took the law into his own hands and deliberately violated a court order. This pardon is advocating lawlessness. That it doesn't matter what the courts say, it's okay to break the law, if your heart is in the right place.

If this pardon advocates lawlessness, doesn't every pardon advocate lawlessness? After all, the very nature of a pardon is to forgive someone for a crime they commit.
No it doesn't, usually a pardon means the president decides that justice has been served. This pardon is the president saying the law is irrelevant. They are distinctly different motives.

How is this particular pardon saying "the law is irrelevant"?
Arpaio got convicted when the judicial branch found his racial profiling practices in violation of the fourth amendment. He got convicted because, even after they said you are violating the constitution he persisted, thereby considering himself above the law. Now Trump by pardoning him even before sentencing, something that is unheard of I believe in the history of pardons. In essence Trump is putting Arpaio above the law, making the law irrelevant.

While I still disagree with the characterization that this "makes the law irrelevant," if this is the first presidential pardon granted before sentencing, that certainly is a valid argument for viewing this differently than other pardons.
Nixon, Marc Rich?
Joe Arpaio was the head of the Arizona DEA during the eight years of the Clinton administration. Maybe the crazy angry incoherent left thinks that the DEA is/was part of the KKK.

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