Pittsburgh Rabbi told Trump hate speech caused the shooting

I doubt that is the reason, but only about 20% of American Jews support him. I suspect the location of our embassy isn't the only thing they consider.

The historic connection between American Jews and the Democrats is complex and, at times, confusing.

That relationship, like all relationships, is changing with the times.

True. Trump's recent actions and statements aren't doing much to win them over. Obviously they are smart enough to recognize the difference between his pandering, and his other actions.

Let's put this on the table. I've never met a Jew in my life who wasn't definitely in favor of Israel's right to exist. I'm sure they exist. But, I've never met one. Where American Jews and even Israeli Jews differ wildly is on how Israel conducts its affairs domestically and internationally.

If it were antisemitic to question the politics of the Israeli government, then every single Jew on Earth, including those in Israel, would be an anti-Semite.

Arguing politics is by far the most popular pastime in Israel and probably close in other places.

The range of political divide in Israel makes the gap between Republicans and Democrats in America look like a crack in the sidewalk.

As for 'pandering' to American Jews. Both sides of the aisle are equally guilty of doing that. It's become a part of American politics for decades.

President Trump has shown unwavering support for the Jewish State. I commend him for that and I believe he's sincere in his support. However, at the end of the day, Israel isn't dependent on American Support for survival. Israel was under US arms embargo for nearly 20-years since it's founding and it still managed to fend off three major invasion attempts by Arab countries.

All interesting, but bottom line is American Jews, as a group, don't support Trump. I'm sure they are grateful for US support, but that doesn't override their dislike of his childish actions, and certainly doesn't justify his hateful rhetoric. Jews know that if he oppresses others, they could be next.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Hahaha...”hateful rhetoric”.....ALL good, REAL Americans HATE wetbacks. He only “oppresses” dirty wetbacks...as he should. Jews know they have nothing to worry about.

Thank you. Please post often. It's good to see exactly what you represent.
So American Jews dislike Trump because he moved our embassy to Jerusalem?

I doubt that is the reason, but only about 20% of American Jews support him. I suspect the location of our embassy isn't the only thing they consider.

The historic connection between American Jews and the Democrats is complex and, at times, confusing.

That relationship, like all relationships, is changing with the times.

True. Trump's recent actions and statements aren't doing much to win them over. Obviously they are smart enough to recognize the difference between his pandering, and his other actions.

Let's put this on the table. I've never met a Jew in my life who wasn't definitely in favor of Israel's right to exist. I'm sure they exist. But, I've never met one. Where American Jews and even Israeli Jews differ wildly is on how Israel conducts its affairs domestically and internationally.

If it were antisemitic to question the politics of the Israeli government, then every single Jew on Earth, including those in Israel, would be an anti-Semite.

Arguing politics is by far the most popular pastime in Israel and probably close in other places.

The range of political divide in Israel makes the gap between Republicans and Democrats in America look like a crack in the sidewalk.

As for 'pandering' to American Jews. Both sides of the aisle are equally guilty of doing that. It's become a part of American politics for decades.

President Trump has shown unwavering support for the Jewish State. I commend him for that and I believe he's sincere in his support. However, at the end of the day, Israel isn't dependent on American Support for survival. Israel was under US arms embargo for nearly 20-years since it's founding and it still managed to fend off three major invasion attempts by Arab countries.

All interesting, but bottom line is American Jews, as a group, don't support Trump. I'm sure they are grateful for US support, but that doesn't override their dislike of his childish actions, and certainly doesn't justify his hateful rhetoric. Jews know that if he oppresses others, they could be next.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

That is pure bullshit and you know it. What "others" has Trump "oppressed"? Name one single class of American citizens Trump has "oppressed."

Black Americans? Nope. Last I heard, they were attaining a record number of jobs.

Gays? Nope. Trump has never even mentioned them.

Women? Nope again.

Oh wait, I get it. You consider illegal aliens "American citizens", right? The caravan is not even near this country yet you are already considering them to be American citizens? GTFO.
All interesting, but bottom line is American Jews, as a group, don't support Trump.

Politically-speaking, Jews aren't a group. That's the point. There is literally no connection between someone's politics and their Jewish-identity.

I support President Trump. My parents are life-long Republicans. I'm sure there are Jews out there who are Democrats as well. Nobody's perfect.

When you start talking about Jews (or any ethnic-minority) as a political group, something bad is going to happen. As it has just this past week.

It would be nice if each voter could be individually considered, but the reality is that people are considered as groups with like minded goals. You aren't that naive, are you?
All interesting, but bottom line is American Jews, as a group, don't support Trump.

Politically-speaking, Jews aren't a group. That's the point. There is literally no connection between someone's politics and their Jewish-identity.

I support President Trump. My parents are life-long Republicans. I'm sure there are Jews out there who are Democrats as well. Nobody's perfect.

When you start talking about Jews (or any ethnic-minority) as a political group, something bad is going to happen. As it has just this past week.

It would be nice if each voter could be individually considered, but the reality is that people are considered as groups with like minded goals. You aren't that naive, are you?

It's not naiveté to point out that your line of thinking -- "Jews are all ______" --- is not only untrue, it's literally gotten Jews killed by the millions.

It doesn't matter if that line of thinking comes from the right or the left, it's dangerous. Please knock it off.
I doubt that is the reason, but only about 20% of American Jews support him. I suspect the location of our embassy isn't the only thing they consider.

The historic connection between American Jews and the Democrats is complex and, at times, confusing.

That relationship, like all relationships, is changing with the times.

True. Trump's recent actions and statements aren't doing much to win them over. Obviously they are smart enough to recognize the difference between his pandering, and his other actions.

Let's put this on the table. I've never met a Jew in my life who wasn't definitely in favor of Israel's right to exist. I'm sure they exist. But, I've never met one. Where American Jews and even Israeli Jews differ wildly is on how Israel conducts its affairs domestically and internationally.

If it were antisemitic to question the politics of the Israeli government, then every single Jew on Earth, including those in Israel, would be an anti-Semite.

Arguing politics is by far the most popular pastime in Israel and probably close in other places.

The range of political divide in Israel makes the gap between Republicans and Democrats in America look like a crack in the sidewalk.

As for 'pandering' to American Jews. Both sides of the aisle are equally guilty of doing that. It's become a part of American politics for decades.

President Trump has shown unwavering support for the Jewish State. I commend him for that and I believe he's sincere in his support. However, at the end of the day, Israel isn't dependent on American Support for survival. Israel was under US arms embargo for nearly 20-years since it's founding and it still managed to fend off three major invasion attempts by Arab countries.

All interesting, but bottom line is American Jews, as a group, don't support Trump. I'm sure they are grateful for US support, but that doesn't override their dislike of his childish actions, and certainly doesn't justify his hateful rhetoric. Jews know that if he oppresses others, they could be next.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

That is pure bullshit and you know it. What "others" has Trump "oppressed"? Name one single class of American citizens Trump has "oppressed."

Black Americans? Nope. Last I heard, they were attaining a record number of jobs.

Gays? Nope. Trump has never even mentioned them.

Women? Nope again.

Oh wait, I get it. You consider illegal aliens "American citizens", right? The caravan is not even near this country yet you are already considering them to be American citizens? GTFO.

You're funny.
The historic connection between American Jews and the Democrats is complex and, at times, confusing.

That relationship, like all relationships, is changing with the times.

True. Trump's recent actions and statements aren't doing much to win them over. Obviously they are smart enough to recognize the difference between his pandering, and his other actions.

Let's put this on the table. I've never met a Jew in my life who wasn't definitely in favor of Israel's right to exist. I'm sure they exist. But, I've never met one. Where American Jews and even Israeli Jews differ wildly is on how Israel conducts its affairs domestically and internationally.

If it were antisemitic to question the politics of the Israeli government, then every single Jew on Earth, including those in Israel, would be an anti-Semite.

Arguing politics is by far the most popular pastime in Israel and probably close in other places.

The range of political divide in Israel makes the gap between Republicans and Democrats in America look like a crack in the sidewalk.

As for 'pandering' to American Jews. Both sides of the aisle are equally guilty of doing that. It's become a part of American politics for decades.

President Trump has shown unwavering support for the Jewish State. I commend him for that and I believe he's sincere in his support. However, at the end of the day, Israel isn't dependent on American Support for survival. Israel was under US arms embargo for nearly 20-years since it's founding and it still managed to fend off three major invasion attempts by Arab countries.

All interesting, but bottom line is American Jews, as a group, don't support Trump. I'm sure they are grateful for US support, but that doesn't override their dislike of his childish actions, and certainly doesn't justify his hateful rhetoric. Jews know that if he oppresses others, they could be next.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

That is pure bullshit and you know it. What "others" has Trump "oppressed"? Name one single class of American citizens Trump has "oppressed."

Black Americans? Nope. Last I heard, they were attaining a record number of jobs.

Gays? Nope. Trump has never even mentioned them.

Women? Nope again.

Oh wait, I get it. You consider illegal aliens "American citizens", right? The caravan is not even near this country yet you are already considering them to be American citizens? GTFO.

You're funny.

You know I'm right. You're just too proud and stubborn to admit it.
Pittsburgh rabbi told Trump that hate speech led to synagogue massacre - CNN

You think that will change the Liar in Chief? Are you kidding? He probably came away from the meeting with the Rabbi proud that he was being listened to....even by nut jobs like the assassin...


The rabbi was spot on.

Mr. Bowers' insane hatred for Mr. Trump led him to commit his vile crime, and that hatred was engendered in him by the Fake News media.

CNN and MSLSD really need to lower their hatred of their president.
All interesting, but bottom line is American Jews, as a group, don't support Trump.

Politically-speaking, Jews aren't a group. That's the point. There is literally no connection between someone's politics and their Jewish-identity.

I support President Trump. My parents are life-long Republicans. I'm sure there are Jews out there who are Democrats as well. Nobody's perfect.

When you start talking about Jews (or any ethnic-minority) as a political group, something bad is going to happen. As it has just this past week.

It would be nice if each voter could be individually considered, but the reality is that people are considered as groups with like minded goals. You aren't that naive, are you?

It's not naiveté to point out that your line of thinking -- "Jews are all ______" --- is not only untrue, it's literally gotten Jews killed by the millions.

It doesn't matter if that line of thinking comes from the right or the left, it's dangerous. Please knock it off.

I never said Jews are all anything. Taken as a group they are not net supporters of Trump or his goals. You understand that, even if you are pretending that you don't.
True. Trump's recent actions and statements aren't doing much to win them over. Obviously they are smart enough to recognize the difference between his pandering, and his other actions.

Let's put this on the table. I've never met a Jew in my life who wasn't definitely in favor of Israel's right to exist. I'm sure they exist. But, I've never met one. Where American Jews and even Israeli Jews differ wildly is on how Israel conducts its affairs domestically and internationally.

If it were antisemitic to question the politics of the Israeli government, then every single Jew on Earth, including those in Israel, would be an anti-Semite.

Arguing politics is by far the most popular pastime in Israel and probably close in other places.

The range of political divide in Israel makes the gap between Republicans and Democrats in America look like a crack in the sidewalk.

As for 'pandering' to American Jews. Both sides of the aisle are equally guilty of doing that. It's become a part of American politics for decades.

President Trump has shown unwavering support for the Jewish State. I commend him for that and I believe he's sincere in his support. However, at the end of the day, Israel isn't dependent on American Support for survival. Israel was under US arms embargo for nearly 20-years since it's founding and it still managed to fend off three major invasion attempts by Arab countries.

All interesting, but bottom line is American Jews, as a group, don't support Trump. I'm sure they are grateful for US support, but that doesn't override their dislike of his childish actions, and certainly doesn't justify his hateful rhetoric. Jews know that if he oppresses others, they could be next.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

That is pure bullshit and you know it. What "others" has Trump "oppressed"? Name one single class of American citizens Trump has "oppressed."

Black Americans? Nope. Last I heard, they were attaining a record number of jobs.

Gays? Nope. Trump has never even mentioned them.

Women? Nope again.

Oh wait, I get it. You consider illegal aliens "American citizens", right? The caravan is not even near this country yet you are already considering them to be American citizens? GTFO.

You're funny.

You know I'm right. You're just too proud and stubborn to admit it.

I'm not sure if you have ever been right about anything. Odds are that you must have been at some point, but this isn't that point.
Pittsburgh rabbi told Trump that hate speech led to synagogue massacre - CNN

You think that will change the Liar in Chief? Are you kidding? He probably came away from the meeting with the Rabbi proud that he was being listened to....even by nut jobs like the assassin...

Netanyahu is the smartest Jew. He backs Trump....bigly!

Mr. Netanyahu is our Prime Minister. DNA tests have verified I am 0.2% Jewish, so I take what happened in Pittsburgh personally as well.
Pittsburgh rabbi told Trump that hate speech led to synagogue massacre - CNN

You think that will change the Liar in Chief? Are you kidding? He probably came away from the meeting with the Rabbi proud that he was being listened to....even by nut jobs like the assassin...

Netanyahu is the smartest Jew. He backs Trump....bigly!

Since his party got only 29 of the 120 Knesset seats, I'd say lots of Jews disagree with you about who is the smartest Jew.
Pittsburgh rabbi told Trump that hate speech led to synagogue massacre - CNN

You think that will change the Liar in Chief? Are you kidding? He probably came away from the meeting with the Rabbi proud that he was being listened to....even by nut jobs like the assassin...

Netanyahu is the smartest Jew. He backs Trump....bigly!

Mr. Netanyahu is our Prime Minister. DNA tests have verified I am 0.2% Jewish, so I take what happened in Pittsburgh personally as well.

You’re more Jewish than that cvnt Warren is Native American.
Trump is not at fault for the synagogue or the mail bomber.

Bernie Sanders is not at fault for the Steve Scalise shooter.

You morons need to pull your heads out fo your asses.
Pittsburgh rabbi told Trump that hate speech led to synagogue massacre - CNN

You think that will change the Liar in Chief? Are you kidding? He probably came away from the meeting with the Rabbi proud that he was being listened to....even by nut jobs like the assassin...

Netanyahu is the smartest Jew. He backs Trump....bigly!

Mr. Netanyahu is our Prime Minister. DNA tests have verified I am 0.2% Jewish, so I take what happened in Pittsburgh personally as well.

You’re more Jewish than that cvnt Warren is Native American.

It doesn't actually work that way.
Pittsburgh rabbi told Trump that hate speech led to synagogue massacre - CNN

You think that will change the Liar in Chief? Are you kidding? He probably came away from the meeting with the Rabbi proud that he was being listened to....even by nut jobs like the assassin...

Netanyahu is the smartest Jew. He backs Trump....bigly!

Mr. Netanyahu is our Prime Minister. DNA tests have verified I am 0.2% Jewish, so I take what happened in Pittsburgh personally as well.

You’re more Jewish than that cvnt Warren is Native American.

It doesn't actually work that way.


I am half Latvian. My Great Grandfather was sent to a Gulag by Stalin.

That makes me a victim, even though my skin is white.

I demand victim status!! Woe is me.
Trump's daughter is Jewish, he put her Jewish Husband Kushner into his political cabinet, and he moved the U.S.A embassy of Israel to Jerusalem.
he signed a law making Poland pay Jews compensations.
He signed the biggest aid package to Israel.

in general he's been a Jew's dream come true.
He probably should have backed off on the hate speech then huh.

Quote the hate speech, provide a link. Now!
Whoa there kiddo! Too much coffee today or what?

Just play any tRump rally.

So you can’t provide any evidence of antisemitism from Trump, yet we all know how BO felt about Jews.
You should try reading more than just the article headline this is from the article.
Wearing a rainbow-colored prayer shawl and a Pittsburgh-themed yarmulke, the rabbi made his distaste for Washington clear but also said he does not "foist blame" on the President or "any one person" for the attack.

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