Pizzagate is much bigger than anyone knows and it's about to explode


homosexual child predator | Fellowship of the Minds

Bean is a big-money Democratic donor and liberal political activist with connections inside the Obama White House, having raised more than a half-million dollars for Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. Photos of Bean posted online show him flying on Air Force One with Obama.

A proposed municipal “nondiscrimination ordinance” ordinance in Charlotte, North Carolina, failed by a narrow margin of 6-5 in a city council vote following revelations that one of its chief proponents is a convicted child molester. In an attempt to mandate bathrooms – both publicly and privately owned – to be made open to all persons irrespective of sex or age, the “LGBT nondiscrimination ordinance” was being championed by a homosexual convicted child molester.

Convicted Sexual Predator And ‘LGBT Activist’ Behind Failed Local Measure For Gender-Neutral Bathrooms
Incidentally, all those perverts were vocal in their support of Planned Parenthood.

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