Place your bets

So you have the unmitigated gall to say this to me:

if you can't tell me why it's ok for hillary and the dems to get help from the brits to doctor up a dosier against trump then i don't give a flying horse shit trump jr talked to a russian lawyer.
we either care about the same core values or we don't. putting names and spins on either side is pointless and you keep thinking i'm defending trump.
nope. again - i want the same values placed on all. that's it.

use it as an indignant, righteous argument to justify your position and now you're telling me you got NOTHING to back up what you claim Hillary did?

Man, this is beyond disappointing.
yea, kinda like being told i'm using a moral equiv. and when i use it in return i get yelled at for that one also. which is it? safe to use when it fits your discussion but i can't use it in return in talking to you?

i agree it's a mess. i agree the burden is on me to provide some of the details of what i'm talking about. however, i'm at work and don't have the luxury of putting aside time to do dig right now and do all that and was going to when i got home tonight.

gonna take a pass on that now and take my unmitigated gall with me for now.
It's the same tired tactics over and and over. Demand a link or an explanation and when provided, spin and lie like crazy! It never differs.
Oh, no, you don't. I asked for the link and he didn't know enough about it to even give me bare bones facts without looking it up. He says he's busy. I'll wait.
But I didn't spin or lie about anything because he didn't give me one.
This guy tries to act all reasonable and puts on the poor little me act, but he's not being as honest as he pretends.

what did i just say in the post above this? did i or did i NOT say this was on me for not following through? seemed pretty honest to me, even in understanding your jumping my ass with the "unmitigated gall" crap. i have never lied to you nor dogged on you and up until this point had a lot of respect for you.

guess i can stop doing that now. at this point i'm done. have a great day.
Go suck an egg, little Matilda. Don't give me all that self righteous indignation when you play harder than that and just don't want anyone talking back.
If you ask me, this is a very convenient way to weasel out of your "word" to give me information on the Hillary / dossier connection. Actually, I looked it up and the dossier was compiled for one of the Republicans running against Trump, who dropped out. The company then offered it for sale to Hillary's campaign. But it seems they never got it--they never used it anyway. It ended up in the hands of the FBI and then got leaked to several major news outlets, who sat on it because they couldn't confirm anything. At least as far as I can make out, she neither hired nor paid for the dossier. But tomorrow if you can clarify that, fine.
Like I said, it's still not about Trump's culpability/ethical standing. But I guess we should know by now what Trump's ethical standing is like.
you can call it what you want, and i'm sure you will. i told you and took ownership of yes, i didn't follow through as i should have and said so the very next response.

why ignore that one? Hmmmm???

Place your bets

you bypass that and accuse me of all kinds of shit. if you read back up you will plainly see me DEFEND YOU in your response to me and take ownership of my bad communication simply cause i'm slammed at work and didn't have a lot of time to dive into it. MY BAD - I SAID IT ALREADY yet you dogpile on.

in a world where 1/2 of what you read is speculation i was wanting to dive in and understand more to give you a better response as well as educate myself more on this. that's it. you want to call it weaseling out so fine.

now you want to stand there and call me names and get all insulting and fine. have a day.

my apathy has kicked in.

Last edited:
The time has come," the Walrus said,

"To talk of many things:

Of shoes--and ships--and sealing wax--

Of cabbages--and kings--

And why the sea is boiling hot--

And whether pigs have wings."

(Apologies to Lewis Carroll)

The Trump clan has now admitted that they did, in fact, collude with the Russians to influence the election. What's next?

The time has come to state how many days will pass before Mr. Trump no longer resides in the White House. Place your bets.

It's still not an easy guess because there is clearly a lot more information to be discovered, either by Gowdy's drips, or Mueller's investigations. And Trump is not going to leave easily.

So, my initial guess is 365 days, but I reserve the right to change it!! ;)

LOL, you're a dumbass. Nothing has been admitted to. You like looking stupid?
Give it up. Prepare yourself for seven and a half more years of great leadership in the form of President Donald Trump.

Do you want us to believe the Clinton cabal did NOT hire firms to do opposition research?

Do you happen to recall when Craig Livingstone "improperly" ordered 900 FBI files delivered to the White House where they were for all of 1993 and 1994?
How many times did investigative bodies investigate Hillary over 6,7 years?? Nine?? 10?? What did they get her on???? NOTHING ..Now it's dumps turn in the barrel
and in a year of RUSSIA - how much has been found to be true vs. made up hysterics from the left?

the point is all this bashing needs to stop but we seem to have smelled blood in the water and can't live or move on with our lives w/o some jacked up form of payback.
do we know 5 or 6 trump people conveniently forgot they spoke with Russians ??If you can't smell the smoke get a check up These scum in our WH don't even trust themselves
People in Washington routinely talk to Russians. Fail.
And then forget it??
well they get selectively mad about it. :)

we just need a clear rulebook of "when is it ok to talk to russia" or something. i see points on both sides but i also see people dismiss one side cause of what the other has history doing.

THAT is the problem. RUSSIA is just an offshoot of that problem.
The time has come," the Walrus said,

"To talk of many things:

Of shoes--and ships--and sealing wax--

Of cabbages--and kings--

And why the sea is boiling hot--

And whether pigs have wings."

(Apologies to Lewis Carroll)

The Trump clan has now admitted that they did, in fact, collude with the Russians to influence the election. What's next?

The time has come to state how many days will pass before Mr. Trump no longer resides in the White House. Place your bets.

It's still not an easy guess because there is clearly a lot more information to be discovered, either by Gowdy's drips, or Mueller's investigations. And Trump is not going to leave easily.

So, my initial guess is 365 days, but I reserve the right to change it!! ;)

LOL, you're a dumbass. Nothing has been admitted to. You like looking stupid?

Democrats have to find something to tantrum about. They can't let Trump winning the Olympics for Los Angeles see the light of day.
yea, kinda like being told i'm using a moral equiv. and when i use it in return i get yelled at for that one also. which is it? safe to use when it fits your discussion but i can't use it in return in talking to you?

i agree it's a mess. i agree the burden is on me to provide some of the details of what i'm talking about. however, i'm at work and don't have the luxury of putting aside time to do dig right now and do all that and was going to when i got home tonight.

gonna take a pass on that now and take my unmitigated gall with me for now.
It's the same tired tactics over and and over. Demand a link or an explanation and when provided, spin and lie like crazy! It never differs.
Oh, no, you don't. I asked for the link and he didn't know enough about it to even give me bare bones facts without looking it up. He says he's busy. I'll wait.
But I didn't spin or lie about anything because he didn't give me one.
This guy tries to act all reasonable and puts on the poor little me act, but he's not being as honest as he pretends.

what did i just say in the post above this? did i or did i NOT say this was on me for not following through? seemed pretty honest to me, even in understanding your jumping my ass with the "unmitigated gall" crap. i have never lied to you nor dogged on you and up until this point had a lot of respect for you.

guess i can stop doing that now. at this point i'm done. have a great day.
Go suck an egg, little Matilda. Don't give me all that self righteous indignation when you play harder than that and just don't want anyone talking back.
If you ask me, this is a very convenient way to weasel out of your "word" to give me information on the Hillary / dossier connection. Actually, I looked it up and the dossier was compiled for one of the Republicans running against Trump, who dropped out. The company then offered it for sale to Hillary's campaign. But it seems they never got it--they never used it anyway. It ended up in the hands of the FBI and then got leaked to several major news outlets, who sat on it because they couldn't confirm anything. At least as far as I can make out, she neither hired nor paid for the dossier. But tomorrow if you can clarify that, fine.
Like I said, it's still not about Trump's culpability/ethical standing. But I guess we should know by now what Trump's ethical standing is like.
you can call it what you want, and i'm sure you will. i told you and took ownership of yes, i didn't follow through as i should have and said so the very next response.

why ignore that one? Hmmmm???

Place your bets

you bypass that and accuse me of all kinds of shit. if you read back up you will plainly see me DEFEND YOU in your response to me and take ownership of my bad communication simply cause i'm slammed at work and didn't have a lot of time to dive into it. MY BAD - I SAID IT ALREADY yet you dogpile on.

in a world where 1/2 of what you read is speculation i was wanting to dive in and understand more to give you a better response as well as educate myself more on this. that's it. you want to call it weaseling out so fine.

now you want to stand there and call me names and get all insulting and fine. have a day.

my apathy has kicked in.

Golly, you're sensitive. I think it's fair, since I'm not psychic, to respond to your totally silly reply that you don't trust anything you read, etc. etc. and go on about it for a whole post instead of just saying, I'm busy I'll get back to you on that. Once you did, I said I'd be interested, and I still would, because the article I read was pretty foggy on who got the dossier where. McCain gave it to Comey, but the article I read said McCain got it from "other sources." And there were obviously multiple copies floating around out there. I'd still like to know if Hillary's campaign EVER had it. Lots of interesting stuff there. I wouldn't put much past Hillary--she was a lizard.
However, like you I'm not anxious to read through a bunch of Breitbart and MSNBC hype to try and find the basic facts.
I STILL don't think you have any right to claim moral superiority when you're willing to use accusations like that without knowing what the facts are.
Make accusations, claim conservative theories as fact, but don't make claims of being all morally superior on top of it.
The time has come," the Walrus said,

"To talk of many things:

Of shoes--and ships--and sealing wax--

Of cabbages--and kings--

And why the sea is boiling hot--

And whether pigs have wings."

(Apologies to Lewis Carroll)

The Trump clan has now admitted that they did, in fact, collude with the Russians to influence the election. What's next?

The time has come to state how many days will pass before Mr. Trump no longer resides in the White House. Place your bets.

It's still not an easy guess because there is clearly a lot more information to be discovered, either by Gowdy's drips, or Mueller's investigations. And Trump is not going to leave easily.

So, my initial guess is 365 days, but I reserve the right to change it!! ;)

LOL, you're a dumbass. Nothing has been admitted to. You like looking stupid?

You'll love Trump being in office for 8 years, I don't even like him but you're an idiot.
I'm predicting the earliest he leaves office is Jan 20, 2021
I don't like it but I tend to agree and imho he'll go down in history as the worst pos ever ,,,to enter our WH

No, we'll always have obama (lower case intended)
That breeze is blowing between your ears if you think dump is even half the person half the president Obama was

He's just warming up special Ed.
The time has come," the Walrus said,

"To talk of many things:

Of shoes--and ships--and sealing wax--

Of cabbages--and kings--

And why the sea is boiling hot--

And whether pigs have wings."

(Apologies to Lewis Carroll)

The Trump clan has now admitted that they did, in fact, collude with the Russians to influence the election. What's next?

The time has come to state how many days will pass before Mr. Trump no longer resides in the White House. Place your bets.

It's still not an easy guess because there is clearly a lot more information to be discovered, either by Gowdy's drips, or Mueller's investigations. And Trump is not going to leave easily.

So, my initial guess is 365 days, but I reserve the right to change it!! ;)

LOL, you're a dumbass. Nothing has been admitted to. You like looking stupid?

You'll love Trump being in office for 8 years, I don't even like him but you're an idiot.
Coming from you I take no offense
I'm predicting the earliest he leaves office is Jan 20, 2021
I don't like it but I tend to agree and imho he'll go down in history as the worst pos ever ,,,to enter our WH

No, we'll always have obama (lower case intended)
That breeze is blowing between your ears if you think dump is even half the person half the president Obama was

He's just warming up special Ed.
Breeze you've seen his best Down hill from here and yes I am special lol
It's the same tired tactics over and and over. Demand a link or an explanation and when provided, spin and lie like crazy! It never differs.
Oh, no, you don't. I asked for the link and he didn't know enough about it to even give me bare bones facts without looking it up. He says he's busy. I'll wait.
But I didn't spin or lie about anything because he didn't give me one.
This guy tries to act all reasonable and puts on the poor little me act, but he's not being as honest as he pretends.

what did i just say in the post above this? did i or did i NOT say this was on me for not following through? seemed pretty honest to me, even in understanding your jumping my ass with the "unmitigated gall" crap. i have never lied to you nor dogged on you and up until this point had a lot of respect for you.

guess i can stop doing that now. at this point i'm done. have a great day.
Go suck an egg, little Matilda. Don't give me all that self righteous indignation when you play harder than that and just don't want anyone talking back.
If you ask me, this is a very convenient way to weasel out of your "word" to give me information on the Hillary / dossier connection. Actually, I looked it up and the dossier was compiled for one of the Republicans running against Trump, who dropped out. The company then offered it for sale to Hillary's campaign. But it seems they never got it--they never used it anyway. It ended up in the hands of the FBI and then got leaked to several major news outlets, who sat on it because they couldn't confirm anything. At least as far as I can make out, she neither hired nor paid for the dossier. But tomorrow if you can clarify that, fine.
Like I said, it's still not about Trump's culpability/ethical standing. But I guess we should know by now what Trump's ethical standing is like.
you can call it what you want, and i'm sure you will. i told you and took ownership of yes, i didn't follow through as i should have and said so the very next response.

why ignore that one? Hmmmm???

Place your bets

you bypass that and accuse me of all kinds of shit. if you read back up you will plainly see me DEFEND YOU in your response to me and take ownership of my bad communication simply cause i'm slammed at work and didn't have a lot of time to dive into it. MY BAD - I SAID IT ALREADY yet you dogpile on.

in a world where 1/2 of what you read is speculation i was wanting to dive in and understand more to give you a better response as well as educate myself more on this. that's it. you want to call it weaseling out so fine.

now you want to stand there and call me names and get all insulting and fine. have a day.

my apathy has kicked in.

Golly, you're sensitive. I think it's fair, since I'm not psychic, to respond to your totally silly reply that you don't trust anything you read, etc. etc. and go on about it for a whole post instead of just saying, I'm busy I'll get back to you on that. Once you did, I said I'd be interested, and I still would, because the article I read was pretty foggy on who got the dossier where. McCain gave it to Comey, but the article I read said McCain got it from "other sources." And there were obviously multiple copies floating around out there. I'd still like to know if Hillary's campaign EVER had it. Lots of interesting stuff there. I wouldn't put much past Hillary--she was a lizard.
However, like you I'm not anxious to read through a bunch of Breitbart and MSNBC hype to try and find the basic facts.
I STILL don't think you have any right to claim moral superiority when you're willing to use accusations like that without knowing what the facts are.
Make accusations, claim conservative theories as fact, but don't make claims of being all morally superior on top of it.
im sensitive? whos the one DOING the name calling?

and i think its fair once i said you were right i owe you a better response when i have time to dive into it, you allow,me that time. you say ok then dog my ass to the very next poster who i just took your side on in yes,i owed you more.

to say id take a morally superior side is presumptious now isnt it? if i am wrong i say so.

yiu should know that cause i did,in this very thread. yet you still want to talk shit.

if shit talk is where you want this fine.

im DAMN good at it. just remember you took it here.
Give it up. Prepare yourself for seven and a half more years of great leadership in the form of President Donald Trump.

Do you want us to believe the Clinton cabal did NOT hire firms to do opposition research?

Do you happen to recall when Craig Livingstone "improperly" ordered 900 FBI files delivered to the White House where they were for all of 1993 and 1994?
How many times did investigative bodies investigate Hillary over 6,7 years?? Nine?? 10?? What did they get her on???? NOTHING ..Now it's dumps turn in the barrel
and in a year of RUSSIA - how much has been found to be true vs. made up hysterics from the left?

the point is all this bashing needs to stop but we seem to have smelled blood in the water and can't live or move on with our lives w/o some jacked up form of payback.
do we know 5 or 6 trump people conveniently forgot they spoke with Russians ??If you can't smell the smoke get a check up These scum in our WH don't even trust themselves
People in Washington routinely talk to Russians. Fail.
And then forget it??
Iceberg the size of Delaware, among biggest ever recorded, snaps off Antarctica
Published: July 12, 2017 2:14 p.m. ET

The 2,200 square-mile, trillion metric-ton section of the Larsen C ice shelf ‘calved’ away early this week, NASA imaging shows

An aerial view from NASA of the rift in the Larsen C on the Antarctica Peninsula in November 2016.


A giant iceberg about the size of Delaware that had been under scientists’ watch has broken off from an ice shelf on the Antarctica Peninsula and is now adrift in the Weddell Sea.

The 2,200 square-mile, trillion metric-ton section of the Larsen C ice shelf “calved” off sometime between Monday and Wednesday, a team of researchers at Swansea University’s Project MIDAS has reported, citing imaging from NASA’s Aqua MODIS satellite instrument.
Trump Impeachment Is More Likely Than Ever, According to Gambling Sites
Rob Wile
May 17, 2017
Ladbrokes, one of the largest betting sites in the world, announced today that it has tweaked the odds that Trump leaves office early via impeachment or resignation to 4/5, or 55 percent. That means that if you were to bet $100, you would get just an $80 profit.Previously, the odds were 11/10, meaning that a $100 bet would yield $110 if it paid off.

“Political punters are wondering how many more scandals can Trump overcome," Jessica Bridge of Ladbrokes said in a statement released on Wednesday, as controversy has reached a fevered pitch for the Trump administration. “And despite the short price on offer, money has poured in for the President to be impeached, leaving us with little option but to cut the odds.”

Ladbrokes says it's now even money that Trump serves his full first term, and the payout is even worse for odds that Trump is not reelected, at 2/7. (Overseas gambling sites like Ladbrokes are off-limits to Americans; sports books and gambling sites in the U.S. do not accept bets on political matters.)

On the odds-making site, the chances of Trump still being president at the end of the year have fallen from 87 percent to 69 percent just in the past week.

Lewis Davey, a spokesman for the Ireland-based gambling site Paddy Power, described the early days of the Trump administration as a "roller coaster," and told Politico last week that interest in betting on Trump's demise has surged recently: “Paddy Power customers have been lumping on Trump to come undone, with thousands staked on him not completing his first term in office and to be impeached.”

Across most betting sites, a Democratic candidate now has the upper hand for the 2020 election. Gambling Bovada puts the odds at 61 percent that a Democrat will be in the White House after the next presidential election, while the odds are 54 percent at PredictIt at and 60 percent on Ladbrokes.

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