Places where Global Warming doesn't exist..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
As a public service -- to belay the panic of some of our AGW believers, I've provided some clues as to geographical areas that have been SAVED from the effects of global warming. They are also safe -- as of the date of this site -- from the constant jingering of the surface temp numbers..

So please go choose a refuge for your next worry free decade of living on the cooler side.
I'd suggest maybe .....


What the Stations Say

Listed here are a set of historical temperature graphs from a large selection of mostly non-urban weather stations in both hemispheres. This data originated with the NASA Goddard Institute (GISS) in the USA and the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, Norwich, England. (The graphs have been generated from that data using the Microsoft Works spreadsheet module). With a few exceptions, large cities have been excluded because of Urban Heat Island Effect distortions to long-term data. Stations with data up to 2000 or beyond are indicated in red (e.g. `Data to 2001').

Since all the models indicate the high latitudes and polar regions should warm the most, it is clear that these regions should show strong positive signs by now of a greenhouse-induced warming. To test the model's hypotheses of enhanced high latitude warming, take particular note of those graphs from polar and sub-polar regions which should show, by now, very large overall warmings. For this reason, many such polar stations have been included.

OR -- you could move the deserts where multiple studies have failed to confirm Global Warming due to CO2 increases at night without the presence of the sun or water vapor. Another safe hedge for you future security.. Maybe then to be doubly safe...


Where any Warming trend may be JUST barely detectable over 7 decades of data...
As a public service -- to belay the panic of some of our AGW believers, I've provided some clues as to geographical areas that have been SAVED from the effects of global warming. They are also safe -- as of the date of this site -- from the constant jingering of the surface temp numbers..


What the Stations Say


Where any Warming trend may be JUST barely detectable over 7 decades of data...

The actual trend is quite obvious in even these crude visualizations, with about a full degree C of temperature rise in all three graphs. BTW why does the last graph claim to be temps readings from 1989-1998 and then display readings from 1890 - 1998? If that is the rigor of the graph maker, I have to wonder about any other mistakes that might be present in this representation.
Those darn political glaciers!!!!!!

I think Flat has become infected with Walleyes inability to read a simple graph.

Now OleRocks -- I'll give you .75degC per CENTURY for the Tombstone graph (feeling generous) -- but you're gonna haveto twist my arm REAL HARD to get even .20degC for those wonderful GW-free zones in New York.. What's the naked Temperature rise just from the CO2 forcing supposed to be over that period? Did you look at the other 50 or so at that link?

Wonderful thing about this is -- now I'm not denying that the earth is warming over the past millenium, but I'm finding that reading a thermometer in certain places, which should be an easy task -- isn't detecting NEAR as much warming as the "man is destroying the planet" people want you to believe. When you take away the data doping, the fraud and the hype, reading the raw thermometer data tells you a lot. There are HUNDREDS of stations that don't show more than the NY plots.. And that's not complicated..

Funny thing is -- when you produce data that doesn't fit the theory -- you're automatically REQUIRED to defend the theories or buy a new thermometer -- or mangle the data like the high priests are doing after about 1998...
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Those darn political glaciers!!!!!!

I think Flat has become infected with Walleyes inability to read a simple graph.

Now OleRocks -- I'll give you .75degC per CENTURY for the Tombstone graph (feeling generous) -- but you're gonna haveto twist my arm REAL HARD to get even .20degC for those wonderful GW-free zones in New York.. What's the naked Temperature rise just from the CO2 forcing supposed to be over that period? Did you look at the other 50 or so at that link?

Wonderful thing about this is -- now I'm not denying that the earth is warming over the past millenium, but I'm finding that reading a thermometer in certain places, which should be an easy task -- isn't detecting NEAR as much warming as the "man is destroying the planet" people want you to believe. When you take away the data doping, the fraud and the hype, reading the raw thermometer data tells you a lot. There are HUNDREDS of stations that don't show more than the NY plots.. And that's not complicated..

Funny thing is -- when you produce data that doesn't fit the theory -- you're automatically REQUIRED to defend the theories or buy a new thermometer -- or mangle the data like the high priests are doing after about 1998...

indeed..........the warmers are like people who go to the doctors office and refuse tests just because they'd just rather not know or the woman who knows her husband is cheating but will do nothing to try and catch him in the act. Some people just prefer to navigate life in that manner. Obtaining too much information can sometimes be devastating to people because then they would be forced to acknowledge a reality they prefer not to recognize............a bubble burster if you will!!! Hell.......all the Utopian writers never wrote on the economics of their societies. What are the chances that was just an oversight?:D:D
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Those darn political glaciers!!!!!!

I think Flat has become infected with Walleyes inability to read a simple graph.

Now OleRocks -- I'll give you .75degC per CENTURY for the Tombstone graph (feeling generous) -- but you're gonna haveto twist my arm REAL HARD to get even .20degC for those wonderful GW-free zones in New York.. What's the naked Temperature rise just from the CO2 forcing supposed to be over that period? Did you look at the other 50 or so at that link?

Wonderful thing about this is -- now I'm not denying that the earth is warming over the past millenium, but I'm finding that reading a thermometer in certain places, which should be an easy task -- isn't detecting NEAR as much warming as the "man is destroying the planet" people want you to believe. When you take away the data doping, the fraud and the hype, reading the raw thermometer data tells you a lot. There are HUNDREDS of stations that don't show more than the NY plots.. And that's not complicated..

Funny thing is -- when you produce data that doesn't fit the theory -- you're automatically REQUIRED to defend the theories or buy a new thermometer -- or mangle the data like the high priests are doing after about 1998...

indeed..........the warmers are like people who go to the doctors office and refuse tests just because they'd just rather not know or the woman who knows her husband is cheating but will do nothing to try and catch him in the act. Some people just prefer to navigate life in that manner. Obtaining too much information can sometimes be devastating to people because then they would be forced to acknowledge a reality they prefer not to recognize............a bubble burster if you will!!! Hell.......all the Utopian writers never wrote on the economics of their societies. What are the chances that was just an oversight?:D:D

sometimes you can be pretty astute.

keep it up
Republicans don't have an excuse to pretend, anymore, since the Koch Brothers funded a study, which found global warming is happening, and the science is valid.

Don't you wingnuts like Dave and Charley? Black Obamney is rumored, to be prioritizing climate change, for his "next" administration, if that happens. White Obamney has CRS.
Republicans don't have an excuse to pretend, anymore, since the Koch Brothers funded a study, which found global warming is happening, and the science is valid.

Don't you wingnuts like Dave and Charley? Black Obamney is rumored, to be prioritizing climate change, for his "next" administration, if that happens. White Obamney has CRS.

No one is arguing about the world warming.. That's not the point. It comes down to theory that MAN is causing the warming..

Besides -- have you studied the BEST study to see if they were talking about the MANIPULATED temp data OR the raw data with REASONABLE corrections.. I also question the use of a SINGLE GLOBAL surface temp average to describe what's going on.. Hence the title of this thread..

Did that hurt your head bob?
As a public service -- to belay the panic of some of our AGW believers, I've provided some clues as to geographical areas that have been SAVED from the effects of global warming. They are also safe -- as of the date of this site -- from the constant jingering of the surface temp numbers..


What the Stations Say


Where any Warming trend may be JUST barely detectable over 7 decades of data...

The actual trend is quite obvious in even these crude visualizations, with about a full degree C of temperature rise in all three graphs. BTW why does the last graph claim to be temps readings from 1989-1998 and then display readings from 1890 - 1998? If that is the rigor of the graph maker, I have to wonder about any other mistakes that might be present in this representation.

Clearly the data needs to be adjusted to match Mann's tree rings
Republicans don't have an excuse to pretend, anymore, since the Koch Brothers funded a study, which found global warming is happening, and the science is valid.

Don't you wingnuts like Dave and Charley? Black Obamney is rumored, to be prioritizing climate change, for his "next" administration, if that happens. White Obamney has CRS.

No one is arguing about the world warming.. That's not the point. It comes down to theory that MAN is causing the warming..

Besides -- have you studied the BEST study to see if they were talking about the MANIPULATED temp data OR the raw data with REASONABLE corrections.. I also question the use of a SINGLE GLOBAL surface temp average to describe what's going on.. Hence the title of this thread..

Did that hurt your head bob?

The theory of AGW is as well proven as evolution.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Nobody has yet posted an article from a peer reviewed source that in any way falsifies the premises of AGW.

Yes, I have studied the BEST data. You can too, and will look less the fool is you do so.

Republicans don't have an excuse to pretend, anymore, since the Koch Brothers funded a study, which found global warming is happening, and the science is valid.

Don't you wingnuts like Dave and Charley? Black Obamney is rumored, to be prioritizing climate change, for his "next" administration, if that happens. White Obamney has CRS.

No one is arguing about the world warming.. That's not the point. It comes down to theory that MAN is causing the warming..

Besides -- have you studied the BEST study to see if they were talking about the MANIPULATED temp data OR the raw data with REASONABLE corrections.. I also question the use of a SINGLE GLOBAL surface temp average to describe what's going on.. Hence the title of this thread..

Did that hurt your head bob?

The theory of AGW is as well proven as evolution.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Nobody has yet posted an article from a peer reviewed source that in any way falsifies the premises of AGW.

Yes, I have studied the BEST data. You can too, and will look less the fool is you do so.


Don't know what to do here OldRocks.. I've shown you multiple studies that fail to confirm CO2 causation in the DESERT at NIGHT without the presence of WATER VAPOR.. Yet you insist that there is nothing left to study on CO2 as the primary driver.. CLEARLY you have work to do to refute those studies.. Have at it.. And while you're at it, explain the proxy record events where CO2 follows temp and not the other way.

And what part of your handicap caused you to miss my confession above that I believe in the general warming trend. Thus to me -- the BEST study doesn't matter.. I'm not denying the general warming.. Just the accuracy of judging it by GLOBAL AVERAGES, the matching of it to poor proxy records, and the blatantly biased juggling that's been done to the Surface temp records over the years.

And FWIW -- I (we) are also extremely skeptical of our ability to EXTRAPOLATE future temps from models that are constructed from the biased assumption of CO2 being the primary driver and the kiddy science that follows on assumptions of various feedbacks and what man will pour into the atmos in next 100 years..

So good for the Koch Bros.. They funded real science. Just like they fund the onlly REAL science shows on cable thru NOVA on NPT..

Maybe you should move to StillWater NY -- a truely AGW-Free zone... you might not get as many panic attacks..
No one is arguing about the world warming.. That's not the point. It comes down to theory that MAN is causing the warming..

Besides -- have you studied the BEST study to see if they were talking about the MANIPULATED temp data OR the raw data with REASONABLE corrections.. I also question the use of a SINGLE GLOBAL surface temp average to describe what's going on.. Hence the title of this thread..

Did that hurt your head bob?
:eusa_whistle:Don't know what to do here OldRocks.. I've shown you multiple studies that fail to confirm CO2 causation in the DESERT at NIGHT without the presence of WATER VAPOR.. Yet you insist that there is nothing left to study on CO2 as the primary driver.. CLEARLY you have work to do to refute those studies.. Have at it.. And while you're at it, explain the proxy record events where CO2 follows temp and not the other way.

And what part of your handicap caused you to miss my confession above that I believe in the general warming trend. Thus to me -- the BEST study doesn't matter.. I'm not denying the general warming.. Just the accuracy of judging it by GLOBAL AVERAGES, the matching of it to poor proxy records, and the blatantly biased juggling that's been done to the Surface temp records over the years.

And FWIW -- I (we) are also extremely skeptical of our ability to EXTRAPOLATE future temps from models that are constructed from the biased assumption of CO2 being the primary driver and the kiddy science that follows on assumptions of various feedbacks and what man will pour into the atmos in next 100 years..

So good for the Koch Bros.. They funded real science. Just like they fund the onlly REAL science shows on cable thru NOVA on NPT..

Maybe you should move to StillWater NY -- a truely AGW-Free zone... you might not get as many panic attacks..

You didn't link any studies of CO2, H2O, at night, in deserts, when I have been at USMB, in the past two months. I guess your Fatass-study-shit happened, some time ago.

Since I started reading and posting, at environment, you posted a graph, with a CO2 plot, which went way up, concurrent with human defoliation and fossil fuel consumption. Since you are not denying warming, I guess the only thing wrong with your brain is that fat ass, you have your head stuck in.

Pull your head out of your fat ass, and you can see humans have to steward the planet, through warming, toward cooling, away from catastrophe, whether humans cut and cleared and drilled and mined and burned, or not. Ready, set, PULL! Not out, yet? I'm surprised it isn't too warm, in there. Pull out, throw some shit into the fan.

Pull your head out of your ass, and it's a lot easier, to see how other pubs are doing really well, such as the Kochs and Trakar, with their eyes on the road, ahead.
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Republicans don't have an excuse to pretend, anymore, since the Koch Brothers funded a study, which found global warming is happening, and the science is valid.

Don't you wingnuts like Dave and Charley? Black Obamney is rumored, to be prioritizing climate change, for his "next" administration, if that happens. White Obamney has CRS.

No one is arguing about the world warming.. That's not the point. It comes down to theory that MAN is causing the warming..

Besides -- have you studied the BEST study to see if they were talking about the MANIPULATED temp data OR the raw data with REASONABLE corrections.. I also question the use of a SINGLE GLOBAL surface temp average to describe what's going on.. Hence the title of this thread..

Did that hurt your head bob?

The theory of AGW is as well proven as evolution.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Nobody has yet posted an article from a peer reviewed source that in any way falsifies the premises of AGW.

Yes, I have studied the BEST data. You can too, and will look less the fool is you do so.


The theory of Global Cooling was as well proven as the theory of AGW too
Republicans don't have an excuse to pretend, anymore, since the Koch Brothers funded a study, which found global warming is happening, and the science is valid.

Don't you wingnuts like Dave and Charley? Black Obamney is rumored, to be prioritizing climate change, for his "next" administration, if that happens. White Obamney has CRS.

No one is arguing about the world warming.. That's not the point. It comes down to theory that MAN is causing the warming..

Besides -- have you studied the BEST study to see if they were talking about the MANIPULATED temp data OR the raw data with REASONABLE corrections.. I also question the use of a SINGLE GLOBAL surface temp average to describe what's going on.. Hence the title of this thread..

Did that hurt your head bob?

The theory of AGW is as well proven as evolution.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Nobody has yet posted an article from a peer reviewed source that in any way falsifies the premises of AGW.

Yes, I have studied the BEST data. You can too, and will look less the fool is you do so.


How do you explain the flat charts? Do they need to be altered to fit the hockey stick?
No one is arguing about the world warming.. That's not the point. It comes down to theory that MAN is causing the warming..

Besides -- have you studied the BEST study to see if they were talking about the MANIPULATED temp data OR the raw data with REASONABLE corrections.. I also question the use of a SINGLE GLOBAL surface temp average to describe what's going on.. Hence the title of this thread..

Did that hurt your head bob?
:eusa_whistle:Don't know what to do here OldRocks.. I've shown you multiple studies that fail to confirm CO2 causation in the DESERT at NIGHT without the presence of WATER VAPOR.. Yet you insist that there is nothing left to study on CO2 as the primary driver.. CLEARLY you have work to do to refute those studies.. Have at it.. And while you're at it, explain the proxy record events where CO2 follows temp and not the other way.

And what part of your handicap caused you to miss my confession above that I believe in the general warming trend. Thus to me -- the BEST study doesn't matter.. I'm not denying the general warming.. Just the accuracy of judging it by GLOBAL AVERAGES, the matching of it to poor proxy records, and the blatantly biased juggling that's been done to the Surface temp records over the years.

And FWIW -- I (we) are also extremely skeptical of our ability to EXTRAPOLATE future temps from models that are constructed from the biased assumption of CO2 being the primary driver and the kiddy science that follows on assumptions of various feedbacks and what man will pour into the atmos in next 100 years..

So good for the Koch Bros.. They funded real science. Just like they fund the onlly REAL science shows on cable thru NOVA on NPT..

Maybe you should move to StillWater NY -- a truely AGW-Free zone... you might not get as many panic attacks..

You didn't link any studies of CO2, H2O, at night, in deserts, when I have been at USMB, in the past two months. I guess your Fatass-study-shit happened, some time ago.

Since I started reading and posting, at environment, you posted a graph, with a CO2 plot, which went way up, concurrent with human defoliation and fossil fuel consumption. Since you are not denying warming, I guess the only thing wrong with your brain is that fat ass, you have your head stuck in.

Pull your head out of your fat ass, and you can see humans have to steward the planet, through warming, toward cooling, away from catastrophe, whether humans cut and cleared and drilled and mined and burned, or not. Ready, set, PULL! Not out, yet? I'm surprised it isn't too warm, in there. Pull out, throw some shit into the fan.

Pull your head out of your ass, and it's a lot easier, to see how other pubs are doing really well, such as the Kochs and Trakar, with their eyes on the road, ahead.

Nope bob, definately produced those desert nighttime studies since you've graced us with your wonderful presence.. Went right the hell over your head...
No one is arguing about the world warming.. That's not the point. It comes down to theory that MAN is causing the warming..

Besides -- have you studied the BEST study to see if they were talking about the MANIPULATED temp data OR the raw data with REASONABLE corrections.. I also question the use of a SINGLE GLOBAL surface temp average to describe what's going on.. Hence the title of this thread..

Did that hurt your head bob?

The theory of AGW is as well proven as evolution.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Nobody has yet posted an article from a peer reviewed source that in any way falsifies the premises of AGW.

Yes, I have studied the BEST data. You can too, and will look less the fool is you do so.


Don't know what to do here OldRocks.. I've shown you multiple studies that fail to confirm CO2 causation in the DESERT at NIGHT without the presence of WATER VAPOR.. Yet you insist that there is nothing left to study on CO2 as the primary driver.. CLEARLY you have work to do to refute those studies.. Have at it.. And while you're at it, explain the proxy record events where CO2 follows temp and not the other way.

And what part of your handicap caused you to miss my confession above that I believe in the general warming trend. Thus to me -- the BEST study doesn't matter.. I'm not denying the general warming.. Just the accuracy of judging it by GLOBAL AVERAGES, the matching of it to poor proxy records, and the blatantly biased juggling that's been done to the Surface temp records over the years.

And FWIW -- I (we) are also extremely skeptical of our ability to EXTRAPOLATE future temps from models that are constructed from the biased assumption of CO2 being the primary driver and the kiddy science that follows on assumptions of various feedbacks and what man will pour into the atmos in next 100 years..

So good for the Koch Bros.. They funded real science. Just like they fund the onlly REAL science shows on cable thru NOVA on NPT..

Maybe you should move to StillWater NY -- a truely AGW-Free zone... you might not get as many panic attacks..

The people who make up the American Institute of Physics are hardly into kiddy science. That organization includes the American Geophysical Union. Their statement on global warming is as unequivocal as it gets. Another group, the Geological Society of America, have a statement just as unequivocal.

Now my travels have been rather limited, unlike Trakar whose stomping grounds have been the whole world, mostly in Canada, as far north as Yellowknife, and the mountain ranges west of the Missippi and Missouri, I have personally observed the decreases in glacies, and the increased heat and dryout of the forests in the American West.

Yes, the Koch Bros do fund many science programs. Then turn around and deny what the scientists state in these programs. That is their right.

While we are slightly below the extrapolated temperatures, primarily due to the aerosols from India and China, we are well above extrapolated effects of those temperatures. The Arctic Ice is where it should be in 2050 by the extrapolations. The melting of the West Antarctic Shelf is ahead of the extrapolations. And the amount of extreme weather and the cost of that weather is also well ahead of the extrapolations.

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