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Plagiarism... What is it and do you believe it's wrong?

Would it be plagiarism if I were to copy the OP, correct the spelling and grammar, and then post it as my own...?

Yes... It would...

Which begs the questions:

First; Would your response represent an impotent advocacy for plagiarism, through omission?

And second; is there any more pathetic example of diversion, than those who run to point out spelling and grammar issues in text debate?

Yes. Those who believe that spelling and grammar don't count in text debate. This is how we see each other, this is how we get an impression of one another. We make *judgements of others based on what we read here. If you spell and construct sentences in a fashion in line with a third grader, it's hard to take you seriously.

*Emphasis: mine.

Fascinating... I suppose this would be as good a time as any to note that had you not raised the point; such would not have returned to pierce your own grammatical integrity… at least in my judgment.

This member; having come now for the second time to place an opinion in this thread; the subject of which is fraud... deceit and the theft of intellectual property... we find that she has yet to find the any means to criticize such.

So the conclusion must be; that where the subject is such, that she found sufficient interest to compel her to respond; yet her responses have served no end but diversion, distraction and now dissemblance... Thus it follows that she finds nothing in the practice of it, sufficient to warrant so much as an expression of lament; ergo, her position with regard to the relevant issue of plagiarism, must be one that rises at the very least to disinterest; which invokes, quite by default; an advocacy for such expressed through the omission of any discernible criticism.

With regard to the subject inherent in her distraction; the implication being that such represented such an egregious violation of spelling and grammar; that it interrupts the necessary continuity of the expressed reasoning; casting a shadow not only upon the argument, but upon the author; to the degree that it serves to discredit both.

Yet... despite the lofty intellectual perch; which seeks to admonish it's inferior... it couldn't find the strength of character to cite these glaring rhetorical calamities... so as to offer advance the art for which she so proudly touts through her implication; instead opting to leave the issue resting on the authority of her implication.

Meaning that she's basically full of crap; she knows it and didn't want to lift the lid sufficiently high to give everyone a look...

Cute.. and as fails go... it was adorable.

This is especially true of spelling when you consider that almost every browser or tool bar has a spell checker.

Point of clarification, my use of the pronoun "you" is not meant to imply that I am referring to you specifically.

Hmm... then perhaps the better choice would been the pronoun "one"; which inherently implies the unspecified third party; which sets aside the need for further explanation.
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You is a pronoun?

Second-person personal pronoun.

Oh my... while I am loathe to continue this... it is your issue and I wouldn't want you to continue riding along on this little misnomer... but specific to your stated usage; and the relevant clarification; 'you'< second person<< did clarify that your intention was tilted towards the third, unspecified person(s)...

Personally... while I love discussions on this topic and would very much be interested in participating in a thread which focuses on such; I would really like to return this discussion back to the point expressed in the OP... and allow for the unavoidable typos and raw errors associated with the available time and the inherent pace of these forums...

To be sure, I'm an advocate of proper grammar and spelling and strive to provide perfection in both the reasoning and grammatical constructs... but readily admit that I am prone to fall short of that high standard, more often than not... so if you can find it within your means to forgive my relevant frailties... I'll respond on kind.

Now then; with that said...

The issue is Plagiarism and the Leftists who advocate for the lowering of this essential cultural standard; as a result of their unbridled sense of entitlement.
You're right, back on topic...

Plagiarism is a tool of the lazy.

If a person cannot take the time to rewrite that which they've stolen, the ensuing ridicule and condemnation is deserved.

Just ask Joe Biden.
You're right, back on topic...

Plagiarism is a tool of the lazy.

If a person cannot take the time to rewrite that which they've stolen, the ensuing ridicule and condemnation is deserved.

Just ask Joe Biden.

Well, sure... it's laziness. But that laziness is a result of moral depravity...

Plagiarism is theft; it is deceit; it is fraud... It is intellectual bankruptcy.

Now in the case of those on that other forum; it goes beyond that... it is systemic to the ideology.

They are claiming A RIGHT to steal the work of others and deceitfully advance such as their own.

The Liberals on that site believe that they are ENTITLED to the intellectual work produced by other people. Just as they are entitled to healthcare; a Job, a house; and of course FOOD...

They are the Hopers of CHANGE; and they are part and parcel of those EXCEEDINGLY DISAPPOINTED THAT THE BOY KING HAS NOT DONE MORE TO "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE" America...

They're the one's who will be the most likely, in the wake of the November elections; where America kicks the ideological Left to the electorial curb... to seek out a means to strike back at America; to align themselves with Americas war enemies...

All the result of their feeling that something to which they have no claim... has been; or is being taken from them.
Given your repeated mischaracterizations of posters here why on earth do you expect anyone to believe what you claim about people on another forum?:eusa_eh:
I dislike plagiarists as much as anybody.

But does it really deserve this much whining about it, based on posts from another board?

Given your repeated mischaracterizations of posters here why on earth do you expect anyone to believe what you claim about people on another forum?:eusa_eh:

I don't give a damn what you believe... My only concern is your response to the argument; which in your case; as usual is dissemblence...

All you've done is to posit a doubt... come clean... state a position. If your position is that you know that there is no way that Leftists would take such a position; state it.

That you want to feign doubt is of no interest to me; and it serves the exercise, not at all.
I dislike plagiarists as much as anybody.

But does it really deserve this much whining about it, based on posts from another board?


Well I don't see what the post from other boards has to do with anything...

The fact is that the subjects are professed Leftists, of the erudite, plastic bannana intellectual variety... just like the Leftist here and everywhere else.

There however, they do not have much in the way of ideological competition; with the norm for what stands as such being soft-core fascists... and odds are, that the bulk of those are Socks... which they use to set up what stands for their argument...

Suffice it to say that not ONE person of 40 or so 'regulars'... came to lament the multiple counts of unadulterated plagiarism. Not one... In a forum which is supposedly dedicated to the purely intellectual pursuit of debate. That doesn't strike you as odd? It doesn't induce even a little "huh...?"

Now why is it worth making a big deal?

The answer lies in the what one can expect from an ideology, which is that of the current power structure in the US; from the Executive, through the Leadership and a fair majority of the Legislature.

Plagiarism is the intellectual equivilent of Pedophilia... Ya don't have to be a front pew, three day a week southern Baptist to recognize that it's just wrong. There's no upside to it... Where one is so depraved, that they have no regard for the innocents of a child... where one so little respect for the rights of others, that their own sexual gratification is supreme to even the common decency of just leaving the children alone....

YOU ARE ONE SCREWED UP HUMAN BEING... That is so far down the rabbit-hole, that there is no coming back.

Point being that where one's ideology provides such a delusion that one places one's self on such a pedestal that one feels entitled to paint ANY deception to get what one wants... You are one SERIOUS cultural menace...

And that is where I think we're at; and that is who I think is running the country; and that is why I think it's such a big deal.

Again... the site was created by one very loud Leftist Mouth... It was created By Liberals, FOR LIBERALS... and that is the mindset I found in my extensive observation of them.

And it's systemic; certainly not limited to the illicit use of intellectual property... Its the same mentality that is driving the cries for "FREE-HEALTHCARE", Rights to murder one's unborn children... RIGHTS TO HOUSING; which, if you need a really strong recent example of the downside of such a species of reasoning... THAT MINDSET just managed to bankrupt the financial markets...

The entire "SOCIAL JUSTICE" scheme PROMOTES THE CORE ELEMENTS OF PLAGIARISM... THE SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT; and the deceit, theft and fraud... which is and has always been used to sell it.

And since the present US Policy course is rolling in that direction... it just seems like a remarkably potent symptom which bears some discussion.

Does the light which such a discussion reflect a complimentary picture of the Left? Not from where I'm standing...

Now it occurs to me, that perhaps this is the source of your angst... is it?
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I will give you $1,000 if you can point out every instance of plagiarism on this board.

I will give you $1,000 if you can point out every instance of plagiarism on this board.

Well shoot me $20 for EZs plagiarism of this OP... over in flame last night. Sure, it was for comedy relief... but it's a classic... and as such worth the premium.

I'll stipulate to plagiarism existing on this board... It exists... the issue is not its existence, the issue is the systemic acceptance of such as an ENTITLEMENT.

And Xot... I'm not talking about the ignoramus that plops a selection down and omits attribution; be it out of haste, or as noted above; ignorance... Most people on these forums are not well educated, nor well practiced in the art; most will; when faced with exposure; having been recognized as committing such; will upon admonishment from their peers turn from the practice.

What I am speaking of is where the peer group finds insufficient reason to admonish the behavior; where personal, intellectual integrity is something in which plagiarism has absolutely NO RELEVANCE; it’s a foreign concept; and literally seen as archaic; a function of antiquated religious principle to which they've absolutely allegiance; do not recognize and for which they’ve no respect.

People who proudly proclaim anarchy as a function of their liberal philosophy; and by anarchy, I mean "SCREW YOU PAL! IT'S MINE NOW!" People who believe with every fiber of their being, that popular consensus is directly bolted to validity and truth.

You know... true believing Hopers for Change.

Come on big guy... You're not that far gone... are ya?

I will give you $1,000 if you can point out every instance of plagiarism on this board.

Well shoot me $20 for EZs plagiarism of this OP... over in flame last night. Sure, it was for comedy relief... but it's a classic... and as such worth the premium.

I'll stipulate to plagiarism existing on this board... It exists... the issue is not its existence, the issue is the systemic acceptance of such as an ENTITLEMENT.

And Xot... I'm not talking about the ignoramus that plops a selection down and omits attribution; be it out of haste, or as noted above; ignorance... Most people on these forums are not well educated, nor well practiced in the art; most will; when faced with exposure; having been recognized as committing such; will upon admonishment from their peers turn from the practice.

What I am speaking of is where the peer group finds insufficient reason to admonish the behavior; where personal, intellectual integrity is something in which plagiarism has absolutely NO RELEVANCE; it’s a foreign concept; and literally seen as archaic; a function of antiquated religious principle to which they've absolutely allegiance; do not recognize and for which they’ve no respect.

People who proudly proclaim anarchy as a function of their liberal philosophy; and by anarchy, I mean "SCREW YOU PAL! IT'S MINE NOW!" People who believe with every fiber of their being, that popular consensus is directly bolted to validity and truth.

You know... true believing Hopers for Change.

Come on big guy... You're not that far gone... are ya?

I'm not denying it exists...I'm just asking you to find every instance of plagiarism on this board. How about in the last month? You don't need to go back to 2003.

Once we have some specifics to discuss, rather than just hypotheticals, then we will discuss it.

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