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Plagiarism... What is it and do you believe it's wrong?

Oh I hear ya... and were I you, trying to prop up your twisted little ideology

What is my ideology?

Fill me in.

So you want me to tell you what your ideology is; where you've otherwise come to deny the assertion that your ideology is twisted.

Seems that an honest broker would have come to layout their ideology; comparing that which they've presented against the implication.

Last time I checked you were a Progressive... Ya found pride in resting your beliefs in that which is half-right and half-wrong; you proudly spoke in centrist hues, expressing that truth is alwys found in the middle somewhere... Ya were never too right and nearly always wrong; oka; A fascist... You were leading up the the November election; a hoper for change... a chronic advocate of a 'mixed economy'... where government rightfully confiscates the profits of industry, throug regulatory fees and taxation; to fund the social contract as is required to sustain the absurd notions inherent in the abstract known as: Social Justice... which further provides that the product of the labor from a producing individual and used it to subsidize the existence; in any number of illicit ways; of a non, or substandard-producer... advancing that the non-producer is, by virtue of their very existence, rightfully entited to that product produced through the labor or efforts of another... As I recall you were a humanist; an anti-thiest; clinging to the unfounded elements advanced in the evidential thread posted above.

Now Xot, are ya here to report that you've experienced an epiphany in my absence; having come to recognize that such is immoral; and that such is unsustainable; and that such stands wholly antithetical to the principles on which America was founded; thus such is anti-American?

If so, let me be amongst the last to congratulate ya... if not, then let me just note how cool it was that you sought to imply otherwise and that perhaps that's a fair clue that you need to re-examine your thinkin' so ya aren't forced to dance around your most closely held feelin's... in the future.
There is no excuse for plagiarism intended to deceive--it is dishonest, disrespectful, and wrong, and sometimes also a violation of another's rights when used dishonestly or in a way that infringes on another's reputation or livelihood.

At the same time, on a message board like this, it will happen both innocuously and without intent of deception. How many times are you trying to remember a name or a specific point made or whatever, go look it up, come back to USMB and drop a copied phrase into your post. Most of us then include it as we would have written it from memory, but there may be a line or a phrase or a short description or whatever that came from another source. I will always cut folks some slack in this case because no deception or passing off another's work as our own is intended.

I think most of us are pretty good to acknowledge the source when we know it or give credit where credit is due. But who among us knows the exact source of every thought, phrase, concept, fact, or belief in our heads? Just the other day I couldn't recall the source of the phrase "A billion here and a billion there and pretty soon you're talking about real money." I wasn't dishonest using it though. I didn't pretend it originated with me, but if I had failed to actually say that, I imagine most would forgive me. It is a phrase that has worked its way into the stash of common metaphors. (Some would say cliches. :))

Probably most of us do a pretty good job of not stealing the words and ideas of others.
There is no excuse for plagiarism intended to deceive--it is dishonest, disrespectful, and wrong, and sometimes also a violation of another's rights when used dishonestly or in a way that infringes on another's reputation or livelihood.

At the same time, on a message board like this, it will happen both innocuously and without intent of deception. How many times are you trying to remember a name or a specific point made or whatever, go look it up, come back to USMB and drop a copied phrase into your post. Most of us then include it as we would have written it from memory, but there may be a line or a phrase or a short description or whatever that came from another source. I will always cut folks some slack in this case because no deception or passing off another's work as our own is intended.

I think most of us are pretty good to acknowledge the source when we know it or give credit where credit is due. But who among us knows the exact source of every thought, phrase, concept, fact, or belief in our heads? Just the other day I couldn't recall the source of the phrase "A billion here and a billion there and pretty soon you're talking about real money." I wasn't dishonest using it though. I didn't pretend it originated with me, but if I had failed to actually say that, I imagine most would forgive me. It is a phrase that has worked its way into the stash of common metaphors. (Some would say cliches. :))

Probably most of us do a pretty good job of not stealing the words and ideas of others.

Indeed... and I couldn't agree more. Plagiarism is not distinct from any other fraud... the key element is intent...

And where someone lifts antire paragraphs from another's work and intentionally melts it into their own argument; the intent is to use the product of another's labor to subsdize their own difficiency; to project a mastery of the subject which they do not possess; and this for the purpose of establishing the authority which they except that others will perceive from such.

So the issue here is not the casual failure to attribute credit where such is due; it is the plagiarism which rests in the growing sense that because information exists, and is not locked away or otherwise protected; that the individual is entitled to it; and that entitlement provides that once they're entitled to reproduce such and claim it as their own.

And further; that this sense of entitlement; resting as a core element of the Ideological Left... which has long been said by it's opposition to be a a dangerous, craven, virulent notion which can never be satisified... and that because of this such is unsustainable; and as such, the idea of entitlement... as a function of Social Justice is unacceptable as a fundamental element of any viable culture.

I believe that what I've noted, on the measure of the evidence I've provided is sufficient to demonstrate that the sense of entitlement has now pervaded the foundation of intellectual integrity; and that if I am right... that what this represents is that the product of that infection is a group of people who are demonstrating sociopathy...

They have, at least it would seem, completely detached themselves from any sense... of personal responsibility.
This is a pretty funny thread.

Not as funny as PI's Epic Meltdown Thread, but still pretty funny.

I mean, not that I've read much of it.
I'm not defending anyone, merely pointing out that you are as guilty as the other party of plagiarism. Your wall of words does not excuse you.

Yes, I was there; I saw what ya did...

But here's the thing... The wall of words actually does excuse me; because the wall of words was the evidence which demonstrated what I actually did; proving in finality that I didn't plagiarize anything...

And I believe that this is your 3rd or 4th post on this thread and thus far... Let's take a look at the record:

You is a pronoun?
One would think.

Given your repeated mischaracterizations of posters here why on earth do you expect anyone to believe what you claim about people on another forum?:eusa_eh:

There are about five threads on it at the forum in question. Quite comical in a meltdown sort of way. Apparently someone did post something and pass it off as their own...and so did Pubic. I guess now he's a liberal, too.

Huh... So fourth... Which means that this is the fourth oppurtunity wherein you chose to comment in this thread; and in NOT ONE OF THOSE POSTS... did you manage to find the moral clarity to so much as criticize... the subject: plagiarism; instead each of your posts serves, at best; as a diversion; or distraction FROM the subject.

You're clearly not familiar with the ramifications that omission brings; where the assertion is innocence.
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I forgot, you are one of those anal types that demands someone say the Pledge else they are unAmerican.

And no matter how you protest, you are just as guilty as the poster you accuse.
Plagiarism is an academic fraud, and intent has nothing to do with it. Whether intentional or not, misrepresentation of somebody else's work or ideas as one's own is fraudulent. The way to avoid it is to quote directly and or paraphrase and make sure the citation/documentation is clear enough that the reader can find the original work.

Universities and colleges, I believe, have policies that penalize it. The first offense results normally in a zero for the assignment, and make up work without credit is required of the offender to assure the professor that the offender (1) understands what s/he did, (2) how to cite and document correctly, and (3) any further behavior results in being dropped with a F for the class. Texas state law permits the offender's transcript to reflect exactly why the student received a F.

A friend of mine who teaches in higher education set me a link about plagiarism that Rutgers uses to teach students how to avoid plagiarism. Very short, simple, effective, and funny at times. http://library.camden.rutgers.edu/EducationalModule/Plagiarism/reallifeexamples.html
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Plagiarism is an academic fraud, and intent has nothing to do with it. Whether intentional or not, misrepresentation of somebody else's work or ideas as one's own is fraudulent. The way to avoid it is to quote directly and or paraphrase and make sure the citation/documentation is clear enough that the reader can find the original work.

Universities and colleges, I believe, have policies that penalize it. The first offense results normally in a zero for the assignment, and make up work without credit is required of the offender to assure the professor that offender (1) understands what s/he did, (2) how to cite and document correctly, and (3) any further behavior results in being dropped with a F for the class. Texas state law permits the offender's transcript to reflect with the student received a F.

A friend of mine who teaches in higher education set me a link about plagiarism that Rutgers uses to teach students how to avoid plagiarism. Very short, simple, effective, and funny at times. Paul Robeson Library:: Real Life Examples!


Didn't you know that all teachers and professors are left wing leftists? Since this is true (according to so many on here) then HOW can they be against plagiarism, since it's all the leftists know how to do?

It boggles the mind, and makes what Pubes is saying invalid! Imagine that! All those $3 words for nothing!

Poor, poor, misguided, misled, misunderstood, miserable Pubes...................... :(

Didn't you know that all teachers and professors are left wing leftists? Since this is true (according to so many on here) then HOW can they be against plagiarism, since it's all the leftists know how to do?

It boggles the mind, and makes what Pubes is saying invalid! Imagine that! All those $3 words for nothing!

Poor, poor, misguided, misled, misunderstood, miserable Pubes...................... :(

I thought that Pubes was removed today (link).
This is a pretty funny thread.

Not as funny as PI's Epic Meltdown Thread, but still pretty funny.

I mean, not that I've read much of it.

I've read this entire thread...except for what Pubes has written.

I forgot, you are one of those anal types that demands someone say the Pledge else they are unAmerican.

And no matter how you protest, you are just as guilty as the poster you accuse.

Probably because he is using his brain for more than just a hat rack.

PLEDGE, n. [L. plico.]
1. Something put in pawn; that which is deposited with another as security for the repayment of money borrowed, or for the performance of some agreement or obligation; a pawn. A borrows ten pounds of B, and deposits his watch as a pledge that the money shall be repaid; and by repayment of the money, A redeems the pledge.
2. Any thing given or considered as a security for the performance of an act. Thus a man gives a word or makes a promise to another, which is received as a pledge for fulfillment. The mutual affection of husband and wife is a pledge for the faithful performance of the marriage covenant. Mutual interest is the best pledge for the performance of treaties.
3. A surety; a hostage.
4. In law, a gage or security real or personal, given for the repayment of money. It is of two kinds; vadium vivum, a living pledge, as when a man borrows money and grants an estate to be held by the pledgee, till the rents and profits shall refund the money, in which case the land or pledge is said to be living; or it is vadium mortuum, a dead pledge, called a mortgage. [See Mortgage.]
5. In law, bail; surety given for the prosecution of a suit, or for the appearance of a defendant, or for restoring goods taken in distress and replevied. The distress itself is also called a pledge, and the glove formerly thrown down by a champion in trial by battel, was a pledge by which the champion stipulated to encounter his antagonist in that trial.
6. A warrant to secure a person from injury in drinking.
To put in pledge, to pawn.
To hold in pledge, to keep as security.
PLEDGE, v.t.
1. To deposit in pawn; to deposit or leave in possession of a person something which is to secure the repayment of money borrowed, or the performance of some act. [This word is applied chiefly to the depositing of goods or personal property. When real estate is given as security we usually apply the word mortgage.]
2. To give as a warrant or security; as, to pledge one's word or honor; to pledge one's veracity.
3. To secure by a pledge.

ALLE'GIANCE, n. [L. alligo, of ad and ligo, to bind. See Liege and League.]
The tie or obligation of a subject to his Prince or government; the duty of fidelity to a king, government or state. Every native or citizen owes allegiance to the government under which he is born. This is called natural or implied allegiance, which arises from the connection of a person with the society in which he is born, and his duty to be a faithful subject, independent of any express promise. Express allegiance, is that obligation which proceeds from an express promise, or oath of fidelity.
Local or temporary allegiance is due from an alien to the government or state in which he resides.

Plagiarism is an academic fraud, and intent has nothing to do with it. Whether intentional or not, misrepresentation of somebody else's work or ideas as one's own is fraudulent. The way to avoid it is to quote directly and or paraphrase and make sure the citation/documentation is clear enough that the reader can find the original work.

Universities and colleges, I believe, have policies that penalize it. The first offense results normally in a zero for the assignment, and make up work without credit is required of the offender to assure the professor that offender (1) understands what s/he did, (2) how to cite and document correctly, and (3) any further behavior results in being dropped with a F for the class. Texas state law permits the offender's transcript to reflect with the student received a F.

A friend of mine who teaches in higher education set me a link about plagiarism that Rutgers uses to teach students how to avoid plagiarism. Very short, simple, effective, and funny at times. Paul Robeson Library:: Real Life Examples!


Didn't you know that all teachers and professors are left wing leftists? Since this is true (according to so many on here) then HOW can they be against plagiarism, since it's all the leftists know how to do?

It boggles the mind, and makes what Pubes is saying invalid! Imagine that! All those $3 words for nothing!

Poor, poor, misguided, misled, misunderstood, miserable Pubes...................... :(

What PI is saying is invalid. We all can move on beyond that.

I forgot, you are one of those anal types that demands someone say the Pledge else they are unAmerican.

And no matter how you protest, you are just as guilty as the poster you accuse.

Ok... So you've now come five times to contribute to a discussion on Plagiarism and found no means to so much as criticize such; choosing instead to divert attention from such... and obtusely cling to a throroughly discredited assertion; representing quite by default your own tendency towards fraud...

Suit yourself...

And I'd be remiss if I didn't warn ya to be careful here Ravi; word is that the site frowns on contests that spill over from other boards... and you seem to be trying very hard to maintain such spillage. This debate is about the Progressive sense of entitlement and how that pervasive notion has krept into every cultural crevice...

Now I know how ya like to play Palestinian... claiming you're a victim in the wake of your own abusive actions... So I'll ask ya to refrain from such on this thread. And I'll thank you in advance for your failure to cooperate.

I personaly do not appreciate your billigerent attitude in failing to heed the admonishment recently advanced against you by the site administrator... we run a clean thread here; and we'll ask you to respect the rules of civility... and the guidance of da-boss. (We don't want no trouble, see... :eusa_hand: )

Didn't you know that all teachers and professors are left wing leftists? Since this is true (according to so many on here) then HOW can they be against plagiarism, since it's all the leftists know how to do?

Simple, one word....


Do as we say not as we do. Plagierism is okay for teachers to do, but not for students.:eusa_shhh:
The discussion is about plagiarism, what it is, and why it is wrong. The discussion is not about far leftist of far right reactionary entitlement here based on citation and documentation. That is a red herring.

This discussion is not hard to understand. One either quotes or paraphrases or does both and gives credit to where intellectual property credit is due.
I thought that Pubes was removed today (link).


Didn't you know that all teachers and professors are left wing leftists? Since this is true (according to so many on here) then HOW can they be against plagiarism, since it's all the leftists know how to do?

Simple, one word....


Do as we say not as we do. Plagierism is okay for teachers to do, but not for students.:eusa_shhh:

Where is the jent? Don't you 3 stay in a pack? She'll be on soon I'm sure talking about the evil ways of public school teachers too.

Yes Light, all teachers plagiarize because they are all


Hasn't Pubes taught you anything in his Plagiarism 101 Thread?

*PS-You may want to learn how to SPELL Plagiarism if you're going to hang on Pubes coattails!

I've recently run across a group of people who are prone to copy and paste paragraphs of information from various web sources; and while that's hardly unusual in a web forum; this crowd believes that doing so with absolutely NO DISCERNIBLE attribution; and representing such as one's OWN work... using such to fraudulently imply that such represents one's OWN command of the subject; towards establishing one's self as an authority on that subject is perfectly fine.

I'm just wondering what the member's of the USMB think about this....

Do you think that you understand plagiarism; and if so, what is that understanding; and if you feel that it's no big deal; please tell me why; and likewise for those who DO feel that plagiarism is a big deal.

Looking forward to you input.

Just trying to gauge the current conventional wisdom on the subject.


I have too much self respect to even contemplate plagiarism.

what others do is what they feel they need to do. weak men/women with weak minds.
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Didn't you know that all teachers and professors are left wing leftists? Since this is true (according to so many on here) then HOW can they be against plagiarism, since it's all the leftists know how to do?

Simple, one word....


Do as we say not as we do. Plagierism is okay for teachers to do, but not for students.:eusa_shhh:

Where is the jent? Don't you 3 stay in a pack? She'll be on soon I'm sure talking about the evil ways of public school teachers too.

Yes Light, all teachers plagiarize because they are all


Hasn't Pubes taught you anything in his Plagiarism 101 Thread?

*PS-You may want to learn how to SPELL Plagiarism if you're going to hang on Pubes coattails!

I did, didn't I...Silly me:lol:

Good catch.:eusa_angel:
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Simple, one word....


Do as we say not as we do. Plagierism is okay for teachers to do, but not for students.:eusa_shhh:

Where is the jent? Don't you 3 stay in a pack? She'll be on soon I'm sure talking about the evil ways of public school teachers too.

Yes Light, all teachers plagiarize because they are all


Hasn't Pubes taught you anything in his Plagiarism 101 Thread?

*PS-You may want to learn how to SPELL Plagiarism if you're going to hang on Pubes coattails!

I did didn't I. Good catch.:eusa_angel:

Blame the evil leftist public school systems for your bad spelling! :lol:

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